There are hereby adopted by the city those certain health and housing standards known as the International Housing Code, 2000 edition, with appendixes and amendments thereto, save and except such portions as are hereinafter amended, deleted, or modified, of which one copy with all amendments noted therein shall be on file in the office of the city secretary, available to all persons for inspection, and the same are hereby adopted as the building code(s) of the city as fully as if set out at length herein, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all dwellings and premises within the corporate limits of the city. Wherever there may be a conflict between the housing code and the Code of Ordinances, the Code of Ordinances shall prevail.
(Ordinance adopted 12/17/01; Ordinance adopting Code)
Office established.
The office of housing enforcing official is hereby created.
The housing enforcing official shall be responsible for the enforcement of this article.
The housing enforcing official shall be appointed by the city manager, with confirmation by the city council. His appointment shall continue during good behavior and satisfactory service. He shall not be removed from office except for cause after full opportunity has been given him to be heard on specific charges.
It shall be the duty of the housing enforcing official to enforce all laws and provisions specified in the housing code.
Right of entry.
The housing enforcing official, in the discharge of his official duties, and upon proper identification, shall have authority to enter any buildings, structures or premises at any reasonable hour.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2:B; 1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2:B, D, E; Ordinance adopting Code)
The city council shall hear and decide all appeals where it is alleged there is an error in law or fact in any order or decision of the housing enforcing official in the enforcement of this article.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2:C)
Minimum housing standards are defined to mean:
Every dwelling unit roof shall be structurally sound and maintained in a safe manner and have no defects which might admit rain or cause dampness in the walls or interior portion of the building.
Every dwelling unit must contain not less than a kitchen sink, lavatory, tub or shower and a water closet, all in good working order and properly connected to an approved water and sewer system. Every kitchen sink, lavatory, tub or shower must be served by both hot and cold water. Water heating facilities must be properly installed and maintained in a safe and good working condition.
Every window and exterior door shall be substantially weathertight, watertight and rodent-proof and shall be kept in sound working condition and good repair, with all required hardware in place.
Where a central heating system is not provided, each dwelling unit shall be provided with facilities whereby heating appliances may be connected.
Dwelling units which do not have a central air conditioning system shall have screens on exterior openable windows and doors used or required for ventilation, which shall be stretched, fitted and maintained without rips or tears.
Every hall, water closet compartment, bathroom, kitchen, and other living or sleeping room shall contain at least one ceiling-mounted or wall-mounted outlet and at least one receptacle outlet, all with fixtures or covers intact and in good working order.
Every dwelling unit shall be provided with an approved listed smoke detector, installed and in working condition.
Every dwelling unit shall contain at least 300 square feet of floor space for the first occupant and at least 200 square feet of floor area per additional occupant. The floor area shall be calculated on the basis of the total area of habitable rooms.
Garages, storage buildings and all other accessory structures shall be maintained and kept in good repair and sound structural condition.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2:F)