Office established; qualifications; compensation.
There is hereby created the office of electrical inspector, who shall be appointed by the city manager and confirmed by the city council. The building official may serve as the electrical inspector. The electrical inspector shall be of good moral character, and shall be versed in the approved methods of electrical construction for safety of life and property and the National Electrical Code. He shall receive such compensation as the council may decide.
The electrical inspector shall enforce safety requirements generally and especially those set out in this section and the National Electrical Code and the state safety regulations applying to electrical work. There shall be no definite experience requirements for the electrical inspector. However, said electrical inspector is authorized and instructed, where any matter pertaining to this article and his duties hereunder are beyond his knowledge or where said electrical inspector has any doubt about his ability to properly perform his duties hereunder, to use a consultant retained by the city to perform the work of the electrical inspector and be compensated accordingly.
The electrical inspector, who for the purpose of this article shall be known as the city electrician and hereinafter referred to as such, shall have the duty and is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to regulate and determine the placing of electric wires or other appliances for electric lights, heat or power in the city and to cause all such wires, appliances or apparatus to be placed, constructed and guarded as not to cause fires or accidents endangering life or property and to be constructed as to keep to a minimum the loss or waste of electric current.
It shall be the duty of the city electrician to enforce all provisions of this article, and he is hereby granted the authority to enter all buildings in the city in the performance of his duties between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. daily, except that, in emergency and within the limits of reason, the city electrician may enter buildings for such purposes at other than the designated hours.
It shall be the duty of the city electrician to inspect and/or test all electrical work and equipment or apparatus for compliance with the code, and whenever electric wiring, appliances or apparatus shall be defective or hazardous through improper manufacture or improper or insufficient insulation or for any other reason, he shall at once cause the removal of such defect or defects, at the expense of the owners of such wiring, appliance or apparatus.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 4:B; 1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 4:B, C; Ordinance adopting Code)
Upon failure to comply with this article, the city electrician shall have authority, after due notice, to cut out electric current in the locality concerned.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 4:K)