Plans for the development of land within the scope of this Ordinance shall be drawn and submitted to the Commission and Council for their approval or disapproval, as provided in herein.
Notwithstanding any provision of this Ordinance to the contrary, a developer shall not commence construction activities within the City’s jurisdiction, including clearing and/or rough grading, before first obtaining all the City approvals required by this Ordinance.
Generally, the subdivision process is comprised of four (4) individual steps, including the Concept Plan, the Preliminary Plat, Construction Plans, and the Final Plat. Each step of the development process has established deadlines and expirations that must be met in order for the application and any approval(s) granted to remain valid, in effect and eligible to continue to the next step of, or to complete, the development process. Compliance with each such established deadline constitutes a separate required performance and approval.
(Ordinance 2003-06-16-007 adopted 6/16/03)
The purpose of the Concept Plan is to demonstrate conformance with the Master Plan, compatibility of the proposed development with this and other applicable City ordinances, and the coordination of improvements within and among individually platted parcels, sections, or phases of a development, prior to the consideration of a Preliminary Plat.
A Concept Plan shall be required for all subdivisions of land, except as otherwise provided for in this Ordinance for Short Form Final Plats.
The Concept Plan shall include all adjacent and contiguous land, owned or controlled by the developer or the person, firm or corporation that sold the tract being developed.
It shall not be necessary to submit a Concept Plan on any land more than once, unless the concept substantially or materially changes, or approval of the precedent Concept Plan has expired, as defined in this Ordinance.
It is recommended that a Concept Plan be drawn on twenty-four by thirty-six inch (24" x 36") sheet(s) at a scale of one (1) inch equals one (1) hundred feet (1" = 100') or one (1) inch equals two (2) hundred feet (1" = 200') with all dimensions measured accurately to the nearest foot.
The Concept Plan shall contain or have attached thereto:
Name, address and phone numbers of the developer, record owner, and authorized agents (engineer, surveyor, land planner, etc.).
Proposed name of the development; date revised and/or prepared; north indicator; scale.
Location map drawn at a scale of two thousand (2,000) feet per inch showing the area within a one (1) mile radius of the proposed subdivision. Use of the latest USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map is recommended.
A layout of the entire tract and its relationship to adjacent property, existing development and recorded plats.
The owner’s name, deed or plat reference and property lines of property within three hundred (300) feet of the development boundaries, as determined by current tax rolls.
Topographic contours at ten (10) foot intervals, or less, unless otherwise approved by the City.
Proposed major categories of land use by acreage showing compatibility of land use with, or proposed variance from, the Master Plan.
Proposed number of residential and non-residential lots, tracts or parcels of together with the estimated:
number of LUEs required for each category of lots; and
traffic volume to be generated by all proposed development other than single family residential.
Proposed and existing arterial and collector streets to serve the general area.
Location of sites for parks, schools and other public uses, and all areas of common ownership.
Significant drainage features and structures including any regulatory one hundred (100) year flood plains.
Significant existing features on or within 200 feet of the property, such as railroads, roads, buildings, utilities and drainage structures.
Approximate boundaries and anticipated timing of proposed phases of development.
Identification of known exceptional topographical, cultural, historical, archaeological, hydrological and other physical conditions of the property to be developed, or existing within two hundred (200) feet of the property, which will require the establishment of reasonable design standards in excess of the established minimum standards or require a variance from those established minimum standards as defined in this Ordinance.
Location of City limit lines and/or outer border of the City’s extra-territorial jurisdiction, as depicted on the City’s most recent base map, if either such line traverses the development or is contiguous to the development’s boundary.
A proposed phasing plan for the development of future sections.
A Concept Plan shall be submitted to the City for approval by both the Commission and the Council.
Legible prints, as indicated on the application form, shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the regular meeting of the Commission along with the completed application forms, and payment of all applicable fees and any attendant documents needed to supplement the information provided on the plan.
City staff shall review all Concept Plan submittals for completeness at the time of application. If in the judgment of City staff, the Concept Plan submittal substantially fails to meet the minimal informational requirements as outlined above, it will not be accepted for review.
Prior to the Commission meeting at which the Concept Plan is to be heard, City staff shall review the plan for consistency with City codes, policies and plans.
City staff shall prepare a report analyzing the Concept Plan submittal, as well as any comments received concerning the Concept Plan, and recommending either approval or disapproval of the Concept Plan. This report shall be available at least five (5) working days prior to the Commission meeting.
If the developer chooses to withdraw the Concept Plan, he/she may do so in writing delivered by noon of the third working day preceding the Commission meeting. A withdrawn Concept Plan may be resubmitted and appear on the next Commission agenda after repayment of the applicable fees.
All owners of property (as determined by the most recent tax rolls from the County Appraisal District), any part of which is located within three hundred (300) feet of the perimeter of the land to be developed, shall be notified by mail.
The developer shall post signs along contiguous rights-of-way at each corner of the development and at intervals that do not exceed three hundred (300) feet between said corners. Signs must be in accordance with the City Standard Details and Specifications.
The City shall publish a public notice at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City not fewer than fifteen (15) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to said public hearing.
The City shall mail public notification forms, postmarked no fewer than fifteen (15) days prior to the appropriate Commission hearing, to the owners of all property, any part of which is located within three hundred (300) feet of the perimeter of the property included within the Concept Plan.
The Commission and Council, after holding public hearings in accordance with City ordinances and codes, shall approve or disapprove the Concept Plan.
The failure of either the Commission or the Council to act within thirty (30) days of the Concept Plan’s respective filing date with the Commission or Council shall be deemed an approval of the plan by the respective body, except as otherwise agreed to by the developer.
The Council, within thirty (30) days of the filing date, shall either confirm the action of the Commission, disapprove the Concept Plan or request that the Commission consider the Council’s recommendation at the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting. Plans that are disapproved as submitted may be resubmitted without charge within sixty (60) days of disapproval with correction.
The Council may delete or amend conditions established by the Commission and may attach additional conditions; provided that pursuant to its authority, the Council may, as to any subdivision, grant variances to, or waive any term or provision of this ordinance.
If the Concept Plan is resubmitted to the Commission for consideration of the Council’s recommendation, then the subsequent action of the Commission shall be returned to the Council promptly for final action by Council.
If applicable, zoning of the tract shall permit the uses proposed by the Concept Plan, or a zoning amendment necessary to permit the proposed uses shall be required prior to approval of the Concept Plan.
Approval of a Concept Plan constitutes acceptance of the general development and arrangement of lots indicated on the plan; the classification and arrangement of streets indicated; the proposed phasing plan; and the nature of utility service proposed. Subsequent zoning approvals cannot be guaranteed.
Concept Plan approval does not ensure approval of a Preliminary Plat failing to meet specific requirements of this Ordinance, and approval does not comprise any vesting of development rights or any assurance that permits of any kind will be issued.
Upon approval of the Concept Plan, the developer shall submit one (1) mylar copy of the approved Concept Plan to be kept on file as a public record in the office of the City.
The approval of a Concept Plan shall expire one (1) year after the filing date unless:
a Preliminary Plat on all, or a portion of, the land is filed prior to such expiration date, or
an extension is granted by the City Council in accordance with this Ordinance; or
the development proceeds in accordance with an approved phasing plan. At such time as the development lags one (1) year behind the approved phasing plan, the approval shall expire if the developer does not, prior to the expiration date, submit and obtain approval of a written request for the extension and continuance of the Concept Plan prior to expiration.
If a Concept Plan expires, it may be reinstated only upon resubmittal of the unaltered, approved plan to the Council and if it receives reinstatement from the Council. All fees shall be repaid as if the plan were initially being submitted.
The developer may apply for an extension, in writing, prior to the end of the initial twelve (12) month period, stating reasons for needing the extension and demonstrating subsequent development activity in accordance with this Ordinance. Upon receipt of this written request, the Commission may, at its discretion, grant an additional six (6) month extension so long as the Concept Plan remains consistent with the Master Plan and/or ordinances of the City.
If a revision to a previously approved Concept Plan is required, all changes must be completed on the one (1) mylar copy on file in the office of the City, and resubmitted to the Commission and Council for approval. All fees shall be repaid as if the Concept Plan was initially being submitted.
(Ordinance 2003-06-16-007 adopted 6/16/03)
The Preliminary Plat provides detailed graphic information and associated text indicating property boundaries, easements, land use, streets, utilities, drainage, and other information required to evaluate proposed subdivisions of land. A Preliminary Plat shall be required for any subdivision of land, except as otherwise provided for in this Ordinance, subsequent to Concept Plan approval.
It is recommended that the Preliminary Plat be drawn on twenty-four by thirty six inch (24" x 36") sheet(s) at a scale of one (1) inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') with all dimensions labeled accurately to the nearest foot. When more than one (1) sheet is necessary to accommodate the entire area, an index sheet showing the entire subdivision at a scale of one (1) inch equals four hundred feet (1" = 400') shall be attached to the plat.
The Preliminary Plat shall include all of the tract intended to be developed at one (1) time, and any off-site improvements required to accommodate the project. The Preliminary Plat shall contain or have attached thereto:
General Information.
Name, address and phone numbers of the developer, record owner, and authorized agents (engineer, land planner, etc.).
The proposed name of the subdivision, which shall not have the same spelling or be pronounced similarly to the name of any other subdivision located within the City or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, provided however that use of the same base names for different sections or phases is required when the units are contiguous with their namesakes and individually identified by a section or phase number.
The date, scale, and north indicator.
A location map showing the relation of the subdivision to streets and other prominent features in all directions for a radius of at least one (1) mile using a scale of one (1) inch equals two thousand feet (1" = 2,000'). The latest edition of the USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map is recommended.
The owner’s name, deed or plat reference and property lines of property within three hundred (300) feet of the subdivision boundaries as determined by the most recent tax rolls.
Certification and signature blocks as required by the City and the County.
The total acreage of the property to be subdivided and the subtotals by land use.
Existing Conditions.
The existing property lines, including bearings and distances, of the land being subdivided. Property lines shall be drawn sufficiently wide to provide easy identification.
The location of existing water courses, dry creek beds, wells, sinkholes and other similar topographic features.
Significant Trees, within the boundaries of the subdivision and of 8-inch caliper and larger, shall be shown accurately to the nearest one (1) foot, Critical Root Zones of these trees shall also be shown.
Centerline of water courses, creeks, existing drainage structures and other pertinent data shall be shown.
Areas subject to flooding shall be shown, delineating the regulatory one hundred (100) year floodplain, and any other floodplains identified in the City’s Master Drainage Plan.
Topographic data indicating one (1) foot contour intervals for slopes less than 5%, two (2) foot contour intervals for slopes between 5% and 10%, and five (5) foot contour intervals for slopes exceeding 10%. The contoured area shall extend outward from the property boundary for a distance equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the distance across the tract, but not fewer than fifty (50) feet nor more than two hundred (200) feet.
The locations, sizes and descriptions of all existing utilities, including but not limited to wastewater lines, lift stations, wastewater and storm sewer manholes, water lines, water storage tanks, and wells within the subdivision, and/or adjacent thereto.
The location, dimensions, names and descriptions of all existing or recorded streets, alleys, reservations, railroads, easements or other public rights-of-way within the subdivision, intersecting or contiguous with its boundaries or forming such boundaries, as determined from existing deed and plat records. The existing right-of-way width of any boundary street to the proposed subdivision shall also be shown.
The location of City limit lines and/or outer border of the City’s extra-territorial jurisdiction, as depicted on the City’s most recent base map, if either traverses the subdivision or is contiguous to the subdivision boundary.
The location, size and description of any proposed drainage appurtenances, including storm sewers, detention ponds and other drainage structures proposed to be constructed on and off the site, and designed in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance.
The developer shall include a copy of the complete application for flood plain map amendment or revision, as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), if applicable.
The location, dimensions, names and descriptions of all proposed streets, alleys, parks, open spaces, blocks, lots, reservations, easements and rights-of-way; and areas within the subdivision indicating the connection to or continuation of other improvements in adjacent subdivisions.
The location of building setback lines indicated by dashed lines on the plat
Numbers to identify each lot and letters or numbers to identify each block.
The lengths of each proposed property line of all lots. The area of each non-rectangular lot shall be provided.
Significant Trees to remain during construction showing the Critical Root Zones as solid circles, and Significant Trees designated to be removed showing the Critical Root Zones as dashed circles.
Replacement Trees shall be shown on the Preliminary Plat based on a replacement ratio (inches removed to inches planted) of
1:2 for Significant Trees eighteen (18) inches in caliper and larger, and
1:1 for Significant Trees between eight (8) and eighteen (18) in caliper.
Replacement Trees shall not be required for the removal of trees smaller than eight (8) inches in caliper. The removal of Significant Trees larger than eighteen inches in caliper require Council approval.
Support Documents.
A drainage study, consisting of a Drainage Area Map with contours, location and capacities of existing and proposed drainage features, and calculations in accordance with this Ordinance and good engineering practices, shall be provided to ensure the property will be developed in accordance with City drainage policies.
Utility demand data, consistent with the proposed uses indicated on the Preliminary Plat, to determine the adequacy and the consistency of proposed utility improvements.
A letter of certification, when applicable, that the plat has been submitted to the County Health District for review (applicable to all projects proposing septic systems and/or containing any portion of the regulatory one hundred (100) year floodplain outside of the City limits).
Accuracy of Data. The applicant shall be responsible for verifying the accuracy of all data submitted, including that which might be obtained from the City, excepting that data which can only be obtained from the City.
A Preliminary Plat for any proposed subdivision of land, shall be submitted to the City for Commission and Council review and approval.
Legible prints, as indicated on the application form, shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the regular meeting of the Commission at which the Preliminary Plat is to be heard, along with the following:
Completed application forms and the payment of all applicable fees.
A summary letter stating briefly the type of street surfacing, drainage, water and wastewater facilities proposed, and declaring the intent to either dedicate park land or pay fees-in-lieu of said dedication if such dedication or fees apply.
A petition requesting annexation, if applicable.
A letter requesting any variances from the provisions of this Ordinance.
Any attendant documents needed to supplement the information provided on the Preliminary Plat.
For projects located within the City’s extra-territorial jurisdiction, one (1) extra copy of the above referenced items must be provided to the County for review and approval. The applicant shall be responsible for any additional information required by the County for Preliminary Plan approval.
City staff shall review all Preliminary Plat submittals for completeness at the time of application. If, in the judgment of City staff, the Preliminary Plat submittal substantially fails to meet the minimal informational requirements as outlined above, it will not be accepted for review.
Prior to the Commission meeting at which the Preliminary Plat is presented, City staff shall review the plat for consistency with City ordinances, codes, policies and plans.
City staff shall prepare a report analyzing the Preliminary Plat submittal, as well as any comments received concerning the Concept Plan, and recommending either the approval or disapproval of the Preliminary Plat. This report shall be available at least five (5) working days prior to the Commission meeting.
If the developer chooses to withdraw the Preliminary Plat, in writing, by noon of the third working day preceding the meeting [of the] Commission, the submittal may appear on the next Commission agenda after repayment of the applicable fees.
Public notification for a Preliminary Plat shall be the same as the notification procedures for the Concept Plan.
The Commission, after holding public hearings in accordance with City ordinances and codes, shall act on the request for Preliminary Plat approval and forward its recommendations to the City Council.
The failure of the Commission to act within thirty (30) days of the Preliminary Plat filing date for which the City staff has reported compliance with this ordinance shall be deemed a recommendation of approval of the plat, except as otherwise agreed to by the developer.
Zoning of the tract, if applicable, that shall permit the uses proposed by the Preliminary Plat, or any pending zoning amendment necessary to permit the proposed uses shall have been adopted by the Council prior to approval of the Preliminary Plat.
Approval of the Preliminary Plat by the Commission and Council shall not constitute approval of the Final Plat, but shall constitute a vesting of the right to develop under City ordinances, codes and policies in effect on the date of the approval provided that neither the Preliminary Plat nor any subsequent plat or permit has been, or is, allowed to expire.
The developer should be aware that specific approvals from other agencies may be required.
Upon approval of the Preliminary Plat, the developer shall furnish one (1) mylar reproducible copy of the approved Plat to be kept on file at the City as public record.
The approval of the Preliminary Plat shall expire twelve (12) months after the filing date, unless
a corresponding Final Plat on all, or a portion of, the land approved on the Preliminary Plat is filed, or
an extension is granted by the Commission in accordance with this Ordinance.
If a Preliminary Plat expires, it may be reinstated only upon resubmittal of the unaltered, approved plat to the Council and if it receives reinstatement from the Council. All fees shall be repaid as if the plat were initially being submitted.
The developer may apply for an extension, in writing, prior to the end of the initial twelve (12) month period, stating reasons for needing the extension and demonstrating pursuit of approvals for Construction Plans and/or Final Plat in accordance with this Ordinance. Upon receipt of this written request, the Council may, at its discretion, grant up to a two (2) year extension so long as the Preliminary Plat remains consistent with the Master Plan and/or ordinances of the City.
If a revision to a previously approved Preliminary Plat is required, then no application for Final Plat shall be accepted until the revised Preliminary Plat has been submitted and approved by the Commission and Council. This signed, approved document shall be kept on file as public record in the offices of the City.
Notwithstanding the approval of any Preliminary Plat by the Council, Commission or the City Engineer, the developer and the engineer that prepares and submits such plats shall be and remain responsible for the adequacy of the design and nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed or construed to relieve or waive the responsibility of the developer or his/her engineer for or with respect to any plat submitted.
(Ordinance 2003-06-16-007 adopted 6/16/03)
Construction plans, based upon the approved Preliminary Plat, and consisting of detailed specifications and diagrams illustrating the location, design, and composition of all improvements identified in the Preliminary Plat phase and required by this Ordinance and other applicable City ordinances, codes and policies, shall be submitted to the City for approval. In addition, any project that necessitates the construction, reconstruction or modification of existing City infrastructure shall also be submitted to the City for approval. The plans shall be kept by the City as a permanent record of required improvements in order to:
Provide better records that facilitate the operation and maintenance of, and any future modifications to existing City infrastructure.
Provide data for evaluation of materials, methods of construction and design.
Provide documentation of approved public improvements to ensure that all such improvements are built to City standards and specifications.
No Final Plat shall be certified by the City, and no construction activities shall commence, until such time as Construction Plans completely describing the on-site and off-site improvements required by this Ordinance and other applicable City ordinances and codes, have been approved by the City Engineer.
Drawings shall be on twenty-four inch by thirty-six inch (24" x 36") sheets at generally accepted horizontal and vertical engineering scales.
Construction plans shall include all on and off-site improvements required to serve the proposed development as indicated on the approved Preliminary Plat and in compliance with applicable ordinances, codes, standards and policies of the City, and other applicable governmental entities. All Construction Plans shall be signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer, licensed to practice in the State of Texas, and shall contain or have attached thereto:
Cover Sheet.
the appropriate project name, date, and the name, addresses and phone numbers of the developer, engineer and surveyor, etc.
a location map showing the relation of the subdivision to streets and other prominent features in all directions for a radius of at least one (1) mile using a scale of one inch equals two thousand feet (1" = 2,000'). The latest edition of the USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map is recommended.
Street and Roadway Systems:
The horizontal layouts and alignments showing geometric data and other pertinent design details. The horizontal layout shall also show the direction of storm water flow and the location of manholes, inlets and special structures;
Vertical layouts and alignments showing existing and proposed center line, right and left right-of-way line elevations along each proposed roadway.
Typical right-of-way cross sections showing pertinent design details and elevations as prescribed in the City Standard Details and Specifications;
Typical paving sections showing right-of-way width, lane widths, median widths, shoulder widths, and pavement recommendations;
Attendant documents containing any additional information required to evaluate the proposed roadway improvements, including geotechnical information; and
Drainage Improvements:
Detailed design of all drainage facilities as indicated in the Preliminary Plat phase, including typical channel or paving section, storm sewers and other storm water control facilities.
Typical channel cross-sections, plan and profile drawings of every conduit/channel shall be shown.
Existing and proposed topographic conditions indicating one (1) foot contour intervals for slopes less than 5%, two (2) foot contour intervals for slopes between 5% and 10%, and five (5) foot contour intervals for slopes exceeding 10%, and referenced to a United States Geological Survey or Coastal and Geodetic Survey bench mark or monument.
Attendant documents containing design computations in accordance with this Ordinance, and any additional information required to evaluate the proposed drainage improvements.
A copy of the complete application for flood plain map amendment or revision, as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), if applicable.
Erosion and Sedimentation Controls:
Proposed fill or other structure elevating techniques, levees, channel modifications and detention facilities.
Existing and proposed topographic conditions with vertical intervals not greater than one (1) foot referenced to a United States Geological Survey or Coastal and Geodetic Survey bench mark or monument.
The location, size, and character of all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control facilities with specifications detailing all on-site erosion control measures which will be established and maintained during all periods of development and construction.
Contractor staging areas, vehicle access areas, temporary and permanent spoils storage areas.
A plan for restoration for the mitigation of erosion in all areas disturbed during construction.
Water Distribution Systems:
The layout, size and specific location of the existing and proposed water mains, pump stations, storage tanks and other related structures sufficient to serve the proposed land uses and development as identified in the Preliminary Plat phase and in accordance with the City Standard Details and Specifications.
The existing and proposed location of fire hydrants, valves, meters and other fittings.
Design details showing the connection with the existing City water system.
The specific location and size of all water service connections for each individual lot.
Attendant documents containing any additional information required to evaluate the proposed water distribution system.
Wastewater Collection Systems:
The layout, size and specific location of the existing and proposed wastewater lines, manholes, lift stations, and other related structures sufficient to serve the land uses and development as identified in the Preliminary Plat phase, in accordance with all current City standards, specifications, and criteria for construction of wastewater systems.
Plan and profile drawings for each line in public right-of-ways or public utility easements, showing existing ground level elevation at center line of pipe, pipe size and flow line elevation at all bends, drops, turns, and station numbers at fifty (50) foot intervals.
Design details for manholes and special structures. Flow line elevations shall be shown at every point where the line enters or leaves the manholes.
Detailed design for lift stations, package plants or other special wastewater structures.
Attendant documents containing any additional information required to evaluate the proposed wastewater system, and complete an application for State Health Department approval.
Street Lighting. The location, size, type and description of street lights according to City Standard Details and Specifications.
Street Signs. The location, size, type and description of street signs according to City Standard Details and Specifications.
Sidewalks. The location, size and type of sidewalks and pedestrian ramps according to City Standard Details and Specification.
Improvements for Parks and other Public and Common Areas - as identified and/or approved on the Preliminary Plat.
The location, size and description of all Significant Trees (to remain and to be removed), and Replacement Trees to meet the requirements of this Ordinance.
Landscaping and Screening. The location, size and description of all landscaping and screening materials as required by this Ordinance.
Design Criteria. Final design criteria, reports, calculations, and all other related computations, if not previously submitted with the Preliminary Plat.
Cost Estimates. A cost estimate of each required improvement, prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas.
After all necessary approvals of the Preliminary Plat have been granted, Construction Plans, together with a completed application form and review fee, shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval.
Construction Plans may be submitted for review and approval simultaneously with a Final Plat, provided however that the Final Plat shall not be approved until the Construction Plans have been approved. If the Construction Plans and the Final Plat are to be reviewed simultaneously, a complete application for Construction Plans and a complete application for Final Plat must be submitted to the City simultaneously.
City staff shall review all Construction Plan submittals for completeness at the time of application. If in the judgment of the City, the Construction Plan submittal substantially fails to meet the minimal informational requirements as outlined above, it will not be accepted for review.
The City Engineer shall review the Construction Plans to insure compliance with this Ordinance, and other applicable City ordinances, codes, standards and specifications, and good engineering practices.
For projects located within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, the Construction Plans and attendant documents shall be provided to the County for review and approval. The applicant shall be responsible for any additional information required by the County for Construction Plan approval.
Within thirty (30) days of the date on which all required information has been accepted for review, the City Engineer shall either approve or disapprove the Construction Plans.
If the Construction Plans are disapproved, the City Engineer shall notify the applicant, in writing, of disapproval and indicate the requirements for bringing the Construction Plans into compliance.
If Construction Plans are approved, then the City Engineer shall sign the cover sheet of the Construction Plans, returning one (1) signed copy to the applicant and retaining the other signed copy for City records.
The developer should be aware that specific approvals from other agencies may be required.
All improvements shown in the approved Construction Plans shall be constructed pursuant to and in compliance with the approved plans, except as otherwise specifically approved.
Where it becomes necessary, due to unforeseen circumstances, for corrections to be made to Construction Plans for which approval has already been obtained, the City Engineer shall have the authority to approve such corrections when, in his/her opinion, such changes are warranted and also in conformance with City requirements. Approval of such changes agreed to between the developer and City Engineer shall be noted by initialing and dating by both parties on the two (2) original signed copies of the Construction Plans.
Notwithstanding the approval of any Construction Plans by the Council, Commission or the City Engineer, the developer and the engineer that prepares and submits such plans and specifications shall be and remain responsible for the adequacy of the design of all such improvements; and nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed or construed to relieve or waive the responsibility of the developer or his/her engineer for or with respect to any design, plans and specifications submitted.
(Ordinance 2003-06-16-007 adopted 6/16/03)
The Final Plat provides detailed graphic information and associated text indicating property boundaries, easements, streets, utilities, drainage, and other information required for the maintenance of public records of the subdivision of land.
A Final Plat shall be required for all subdivisions of land.
The Final Plat shall conform to the approved Construction Plans and approved Preliminary Plat.
The Final Plat shall be drawn on eighteen inch by twenty-four inch (18" x 24") mylar sheets at a scale of one (1) inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') with all dimensions labeled accurately to the nearest one tenth (1/10) of a foot. When more than one (1) sheet is necessary to accommodate the entire area, an index sheet showing the entire subdivision at a scale of one (1) inch equals four hundred feet (1" = 400') shall be attached to the plat.
The Final Plat shall include all of the tract intended to be developed at one (1) time, and shall contain or have attached thereto:
General Information.
The proposed name of the subdivision, which shall not have the same spelling or be pronounced similarly to the name of any other subdivision located within the City or within the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City; provided however, that use of the same base names for different sections or phases is required when the units are contiguous with their namesakes and individually identified by a section number.
The date, scale, north point, addresses of the owner of record, developer, registered public surveyor, and registered professional engineer if required, platting the tract. The engineer and surveyor shall affix their seals to the plat in conjunction with the signing of the certification requirements.
A location map showing the relation of the subdivision to streets and other prominent features in all directions for a radius of at least one (1) mile using a scale of one (1) inch equals two thousand feet (1" = 2,000'). The latest edition of the USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map is recommended.
Identification and location of proposed uses and reservations for all lots within the subdivision.
The owner’s names and the property lines of property within three hundred (300) feet of the subdivision boundary, together with the respective plat or deed references as determined by the most recent tax rolls.
Certification, signature and revision blocks as required by the City and County, including but not limited to the following:
Certification from a registered professional engineer and approval by the State Health Department (if applicable) that water satisfactory for human consumption is available in adequate supply at the time of submission, except that such certification is not required if the property will be served by the City water system.
Certification from the County Health District that a subdivision is located in an area which cannot reasonably be served by an organized wastewater collection system and that the use of septic tank or other means of disposal has been approved by the County Health District. Said certificate shall show the limitations, if any, of such approval.
Lot area, width and depth, public utility and drainage easements, and setbacks shall conform to the requirements as established for the designated land use as set forth in this Ordinance.
Existing Conditions.
The existing property lines, including bearings and distances, of the land being subdivided. Property lines shall be drawn sufficiently wide to provide easy identification.
Areas delineating the regulatory one hundred (100) year floodplain, if applicable. This information must be certified by a registered professional engineer.
The location, dimensions, names and descriptions of all existing and recorded streets, alleys, reservations, railroads, easements or other public rights-of-way within the subdivision, intersecting or contiguous with its boundaries or forming such boundaries, as determined from current deed and plat records. The existing right-of-way width of any boundary street to the proposed subdivision shall also be shown.
Location of City limit lines and/or outer border of the City’s extra-territorial jurisdiction, as depicted on the City’s most recent base map, if either such line traverses the subdivision or is contiguous to the subdivision boundary.
Survey Control Information.
True bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines, official monuments, or existing subdivision corner which shall be accurately described on the plat and rotated to the state plane coordinate system. Using said system, X and Y coordinates shall be identified for four (4) property corners.
The description and location of all permanent monuments or benchmarks, standard monuments, survey control points and lot pins.
Suitable primary control points to which all dimensions, bearings and similar data shall be referenced. At least one (1) corner of the subdivision shall be located with respect to a corner of the original survey of which it is a part.
Sufficient data shall be shown on the plat for each lot to prove mathematical closure.
The location, bearings, distances, widths, purposes and approved names of proposed streets, alleys, easements and rights-of-way to be dedicated to public use.
Streets. Provide complete curve data (delta, arc length, radius, tangent, point of curve, point of reverse curve, point of tangent, long chord with bearing) between all lot corner pins.
Water Courses and Easements. Provide distances to be provided along the side lot lines from the right-of-way line or the high bank of a stream. Traverse line to be provided along the edge of all major waterways in a convenient location, preferably along a utility easement if paralleling the drainage easement or stream.
The property lines and number designations of all proposed lots and blocks, with complete bearings, distances and dimensions for front, rear and side lot lines. The surveyor shall certify that all lots meet the City’s minimum requirements set forth herein.
The use, property dimensions, names and boundary lines of all special reservations to be dedicated for public use, including sites for schools, churches, parks and open spaces; common ownership; or subsequent development.
The location of building setback lines, as required by the City’s Zoning Ordinance and indicated by dashed lines on the plat, and the location, dimensions, and descriptions of all required easements within the subdivision, intersecting, or contiguous with its boundaries or forming such boundaries.
The proposed location of sidewalks for each street, to be shown as a dotted line inside the proposed right-of-way lines.
Support Documents. The following supporting documents must accompany the Final Plat:
Developer shall include a copy of the approved application for flood plain map amendment or revision, as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), if applicable.
If a subdivision is located in an area served by any utility other than the City, the developer shall furnish a letter from such utility certifying their approval of the location of the utility easements shown on the plat and indicating the utility’s intent to serve the property.
If the construction of all improvements needed to serve the subdivision is not completed prior to the filing of the plat for recordation then the developer must provide financial assurance for the completion of the remainder of those improvements in accordance with this Ordinance.
The applicant shall be responsible for verifying the accuracy of all data submitted.
After approval of the Preliminary Plat and Construction Plans for a proposed subdivision, a Final Plat for that subdivision shall be submitted to the Commission and City for Council approval before recordation.
A Final Plat may be submitted for review and approval simultaneously with Construction Plans, provided however that the Final Plat shall not be approved until the Construction Plans have been approved. If the Final Plat and Construction Plans are to be reviewed simultaneously, a complete application for Final Plat and a complete application for Construction Plans must be submitted to the City simultaneously.
Legible prints, as indicated on the application form, shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the regular meeting of the Commission at which the Final Plat is to be heard, along with the following:
Completed application forms and the payment of all applicable fees.
Any materials or documents required by the Commission and/or Council as a condition of Preliminary Plat approval.
A letter requesting any variances from the provisions of this Ordinance, if not previously approved as part of the Preliminary Plat, and posted pursuant to the requirements [of] this Ordinance.
Two (2) copies of the deed restrictions or covenants, if such documents are to be used. These shall be filed for record in conjunction with the filing of the Final Plat.
Certification from all applicable taxing authorities that all taxes due on the property have been paid.
Performance and maintenance guarantees as required by the City.
Any attendant documents needed to supplement the information provided on the Final Plat.
For projects located within the City’s extra-territorial jurisdiction, one (1) extra copy of the above referenced items must be provided to the County for review and approval. The applicant shall be responsible for any additional information required by the County for Final Plat approval.
City staff shall review all Final Plat submittals for completeness at the time of application. If, in the judgment of City staff, the Final Plat submittal substantially fails to meet the minimal informational requirements as outlined above, it will not be accepted for review.
Prior to the Commission meeting at which the Final Plat is presented, City staff shall review the plat for consistency with City codes, policies and plans.
City staff shall prepare a report analyzing the Final Plat submittal, as well as any comments received concerning the Preliminary Plat, and recommending the either approval or disapproval of the Final Plat. This report shall be available at least five (5) working days prior to the Commission meeting.
If the developer chooses to withdraw the Final Plat, in writing, by noon of the third working day preceding the meeting Commission, the submittal may appear on the next Commission agenda after repayment of the applicable fees.
Public notification of Final Plats filed as part of an approved Preliminary Plat shall not be required.
The Commission, after holding a public hearing, shall act on the request for Final Plat approval and forward its recommendations to the Council. Final approval shall be made only by the Council.
The failure of the Commission to act within thirty (30) days of the Final Plat filing date shall be deemed a recommendation of approval of the plat, if the plat is in full compliance with this ordinance, except as otherwise agreed to by the developer.
For fully compliant Final Plats submitted simultaneously with a Construction Plan, the failure of the Commission to act within thirty (30) days of the later of the filing date or the Construction Plan approval date shall be deemed a recommendation of approval of the Final Plat, except as otherwise agreed to by the developer.
The developer shall begin construction of the required public improvements or file a financial surety instrument for the improvements within six (6) months after Final Plat approval by the Commission and the City Council, or such approval of the Final Plat shall be void.
Unless the Final Plat is recorded in the Official County Records within twelve (12) months after approval by the Council, such approval of the Final Plat shall be void, except that the developer may apply in writing to allow extension of approval prior to the end of such twelve (12) month period, stating just cause therefor, and the Council may grant an extension not to exceed one (1) year.
Zoning of the tract, if applicable, that shall permit the proposed use, or any pending zoning amendment necessary to permit the proposed use shall, have been adopted by the Council prior to approval of the Final Plat.
The developer should be aware that specific approvals from other agencies may be required.
The City engineer and developer’s engineer must certify that the design standards of Article III have been complied with and that the development and improvements meet sound engineering practices.
If revision of the Final Plat is recommended by the Commission, then the Final Plat shall not be recorded until the revised Final Plat has been resubmitted and approved by the Council after review by the City staff for compliance with the Commission’s and Council’s requirements, if any, established by the Council during its consideration of the Concept Plan.
Prior to the recordation of the Final Plat, one (1) original copy of the Final Plat shall be submitted to the City for signatures, and
The Final Plat shall have been approved by the Council pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance.
All conditions of Final Plat approval established by the Council shall have been determined to be complete by City staff.
Construction plans for all required improvements shall have been approved by the City Engineer.
Fees-in-lieu of parkland dedication as required by this Ordinance, if applicable, shall have been paid.
Performance and maintenance guarantees for all required improvements shall have been established pursuant to this Ordinance.
Copies of any agreements required providing for the proper and continuous operation, maintenance, and supervision of any facilities that are of common use or benefit which cannot be satisfactorily maintained, or which have been rejected for operation and/or maintenance, by an existing public agency shall be executed.
Written acceptance of all improvements required by this Ordinance by the City Engineer or, in lieu of acceptance, assurance of completion of said improvements pursuant to this Ordinance, shall be received by the City.
Applicable fees pursuant to City ordinance shall be paid, including, but not limited to, all professional fees, engineer, and attorney fees incurred by the City for or with respect to the review, processing and approval of the application for the approval of the subdivision plat.
Notes shall be added to the plat describing any variances approved by the Council.
City staff shall, upon determination that all provisions of this Ordinance have been satisfied, and all the above conditions have been met, obtain signatures certifying Final Plat approval by the Chairperson of the Commission, and the Mayor, as attested to by the City Secretary.
Once the original Final Plat has been certified by the Chairperson of the Commission and the Mayor, City staff shall notify the developer that the original Final Plat is ready for reproduction.
The developer, at his/her own expense, shall make two (2) photographic mylar copies of the original, signed Final Plat, and return the photographic mylar copies and the original Final Plat to the City Engineer for recordation.
If the land area represented by the subdivision is located outside the corporate limits of the City on the date of its filing for recordation with the Official County Records, then it must be approved by the Commissioners Court of the County prior to recordation. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to be familiar with the process, procedures, and requirements necessary to secure County approval. Such approval shall be evidenced by the signature of the statement of certification by the County Judge.
City staff shall, after the photographic mylar copies and the original Final Plat have been duly recorded in the Official County Records, return the original Final Plat to the developer within five (5) working days by notifying the developer that the original Final Plat is available for pick-up at the office of the City Code Officer.
The City shall keep one (1) photographic mylar copy of the original approved Final Plat on file as public record.
Notwithstanding the approval of any Final Plat by the Council, Commission or the City Engineer, the developer and the engineer that prepares and submits such plats shall be and remain responsible for the adequacy of the design and nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed or construed to relieve or waive the responsibility of the developer or his/her engineer for or with respect to any plat submitted.
(Ordinance 2003-06-16-007 adopted 6/16/03)
An Amended Plat that meets all of the informational requirements set forth in this Ordinance may be approved and recorded by the City without vacation of the preceding plat, without a public hearing, and without approval of other lot owners within the platted subdivision provided that any persons with a vested interest affected by the plat amendment signs the plat and application; and that the purpose of the Amended Plat is:
To correct an error in any course or distance shown on the preceding plat; or
To add any course or distance that was omitted on the preceding plat; or
To correct an error in the description of the real property shown on the preceding plat; or
To indicate monuments set after death, disability, or retirement from practice of the engineer or surveyor charged with responsibilities for setting monuments; or
To show the proper location or character of any monument which has been changed in location, character, or shown incorrectly on the preceding plat; or
To correct any other type of scrivener or clerical error or omission as previously approved by the Commission and Council; such errors and omissions may include, but are not limited to: lot numbers, acreage, street names, and identification of adjacent recorded plats; or
To correct an error in courses and distances of lot lines between two (2) adjacent lots where lot owners join in the application for an Amended Plat and neither lot is abolished, provided that such amendment does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or restrictions and does not have a material adverse effect on the property rights of the other owners in the plat; or
To relocate a lot line in order to cure an inadvertent encroachment of a building or improvement on a lot line or on an easement; or
To relocate one (1) or more lot lines between one (1) or more adjacent lots where the owner or owners of all such lots join in the application for the Amended Plat, provided that such amendment does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or restrictions, or Increase the number of lots.
The format of an Amended Plat shall be the same as the format for a Final Plat.
The content of a Amended Plat shall be the same as the content requirements for a Short Form Final Plat.
The Amended Plat may be submitted without re-approval of a Preliminary Plat or Construction Plans. The Amended Plat, prepared by a surveyor, and engineer if required, and bearing their seals shall be submitted to the City for approval before recordation of the plat.
Legible prints, as indicated on the application form shall be submitted to the City along with the following:
Completed application forms and the payment of all applicable fees.
Certification from all applicable taxing authorities that all taxes due on the property have been paid.
Any attendant documents needed to supplement the information provided on the plat.
The City shall require the following note on the Amended Plat: This subdivision is subject to all general notes and restrictions appearing on the plat of __________, Lot(s) _____, recorded at Cabinet _____, Slide _____ of the Plat Records of __________ County, Texas.
Public notification and public hearings shall not be required for an Amended Plat.
The City Engineer shall approve any Amended Plat meeting the requirements of this Ordinance within thirty (30) days of receipt of a complete submittal. However, if in the City Engineer’s determination, the Amended Plat does not satisfy this Ordinance, the City Engineer may require the plat to be processed in accordance with the Final Plat procedures of this Ordinance.
Approval of an Amended Plat shall expire if said plat is not recorded in the plat records of the County within six (6) months of City approval.
Recordation of an Amended Plat shall follow the same recordation provisions of a Final Plat.
Notwithstanding the approval of any Amended Plat by the City Engineer, the developer and the engineer that prepares and submits such plats shall be and remain responsible for the adequacy of the design and nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed or construed to relieve or waive the responsibility of the developer or his/her engineer for or with respect to any plat submitted.
(Ordinance 2003-06-16-007 adopted 6/16/03)
The provision of adequate data concerning land use, utility requirements, traffic impact, streets, easements and dedications is vital to ensure the continued health, safety and welfare of the City’s residents. Recognizing that the significance of this data is reduced for the small scale projects that are most heavily impacted by the burden of producing this data, the City allows alternate procedures for simple resubdivisions, lot splits, and the platting of existing development and of land proposed for site development where public improvements are not required.
Applicants for subdivisions or resubdivisions creating no more than four (4) new lots may follow the procedure set forth below provided that the subdivision meets all of the following criteria:
The City shall certify that the proposed subdivision meets all the requirements of the Short Form Final Plat.
No new public street shall be necessary for each lot to access a public street.
Each of the lots is contiguous with at least one (1) of the other lots in the subdivision for a distance of at least fifty (50) feet.
No off-site improvements to the City’s infrastructure are determined to be necessary by the City Engineer.
No off-site drainage improvements are determined to be necessary by the City Engineer.
The Commission may require the standard Final Plat procedures outlined [in] this Ordinance, if the City determines that the plat is inconsistent with any element of the Master Plan, or any established City ordinances, codes or policies.
The format of the Short Form Final Plat shall correspond with the format for Final Plats as required by this Ordinance.
The content of the Short Form Final Plat shall correspond with the content for Final Plats as required by this Ordinance, except that:
Construction plans may not be required.
The City may permit omission of any informational requirements that are determined by the City to place an excessive burden on the applicant, including, but not limited to contours, centerlines of existing watercourses, etc.
The City shall require the following note on the Final Plat: This subdivision is subject to all general notes and restrictions appearing on the plat of __________, Lot(s) _____ recorded at Cabinet _____, Slide _____ of Plat Records of _____ County, Texas.
The procedure for review and approval of a Short Form Final Plat shall follow the procedure for Final Plats, except that:
The Short Form Final Plat may be submitted without approval of a Preliminary Plat or Construction Plans. The plat, prepared by a surveyor, and engineer if required, and bearing their seals shall be submitted to the Council for approval before recordation of the plat.
Legible prints, as indicated on the application form shall be submitted at least fifteen (15) days prior to the regular meeting of the Commission along with the following:
Completed application forms and the payment of all required fees.
Two (2) copies of the deed restrictions or covenants, if such documents are to be used. These shall be filed for record in conjunction with the filing of the plat.
Certification from all applicable taxing authorities that all taxes due on the property have been paid.
Notification materials as required herein.
A petition requesting annexation, if applicable.
Any attendant documents needed to supplement the information provided on the plat.
For projects located within the City’s extra-territorial jurisdiction, one (1) extra copy of the above referenced items must be provided to the County for review and approval. The applicant shall be responsible for any additional information required by the County for Short Form Final Plat approval.
Notification procedures for a Short Form Final Plat shall be the same as those identified for Concept Plan.
The approval process of a Short Form Final Plat shall be the same as the approval of a Final Plat.
The revision process of a Short Form Final Plat shall be the same as the revision process described for a Final Plat.
The recordation procedures of a Short Form Final Plat shall be the same as the procedures for a Final Plat.
Notwithstanding the approval of any Short Form Final Plat by the Commission, Council or City Engineer, the developer and the engineer that prepares and submits such plats shall be and remain responsible for the adequacy of the design and nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed or construed to relieve or waive the responsibility of the developer or his/her engineer for or with respect to any plat submitted.
(Ordinance 2003-06-16-007 adopted 6/16/03)
When no lots on a plat of subdivision have been sold, the developer may request the vacation of the plat prior to the time that the improvements covered by the guarantees are installed, and when such plat is vacated, all fiscal sureties shall be returned to the developer.
(Ordinance 2003-06-16-007 adopted 6/16/03)