The subdivider shall install survey monuments placed in accordance with the requirements of § 236.15, Wis. Stats., and as may be required by the Town Engineer.
After the installation of temporary block corner monuments by the subdivider and establishment of street grades by the Town Engineer, the subdivider shall grade the full width of the right-of-way of all streets proposed to be dedicated in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Engineer. The subdivider shall grade the roadbeds in the street right-of-way to subgrade.
Cut and filled lands outside of street right-of-way shall be graded to a maximum slope of one on four or the soil's angle of repose, whichever is the lesser. All graded lands with the exception of the roadbeds of streets should be treated for sediment and erosion control purposes as set forth in this chapter.
After the installation of all utility and stormwater drainage improvements, the subdivider shall surface all roadways in streets proposed to be dedicated to the widths prescribed by this chapter and the Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive Plan components of the Town.
All roadways shall be surfaced with a three-inch hot mix bituminous concrete pavement, made up of a two-inch binder course and a one-inch surface course, placed on a twelve-inch-thick base consisting of an eight-inch-deep layer of No. 2 stone with a four-inch-deep layer of one-inch crushed road gravel on top. The preceding roadway base specifications may be modified or waived if the Town Engineer certifies in writing that adequate surface base exists at the location of the proposed roadway.
Said surfacing shall be done in accordance with plans and standard specifications as illustrated in the Standard Cross Section for Town Roads, Town of West Bend, Washington County, dated January 2, 1990, or as updated from time to time.
The subdivider shall be responsible for any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship which appear within a period of one year from the date of acceptance by the Town and shall pay any damages resulting therefrom to Town property.
In all subdivisions as defined herein, the Town Board may require the subdivider to construct concrete curb and gutters in accordance with the plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Engineer. Wherever possible, provision shall be made at the time of construction for driveway access curb cuts.
When permanent rural street sections have been approved by the Town Board, the subdivider shall finish grade all shoulders and road ditches, install all necessary culverts at intersections and, if required, surface ditch inverts to prevent erosion and sedimentation in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Engineer and as set forth in this chapter.
In all subdivisions, the Town Board may require the subdivider to construct a concrete sidewalk on both sides of all streets within the subdivision. The construction of all sidewalks shall be in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Plan Commission, upon the recommendation of the Town Engineer.
In addition, wider than standard sidewalks may be required by the Town Board in the vicinity of schools, commercial areas, and other places of public assemblage, and the Town Board may require the construction of sidewalks in locations other than required under the preceding provisions of this chapter if such walks are necessary in their opinion for safe and adequate pedestrian circulation.
When public sanitary sewerage facilities are available to the subdivision, such facilities shall be designed and constructed in such a manner as to make adequate sanitary sewerage service available to each lot within the subdivision. In addition:
The Town Board may require the installation of sewer laterals to the street lot line.
The size, type and installation of all sanitary sewers and sanitary sewer laterals proposed to be constructed shall be in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Engineer.
Where a sanitary district has been created pursuant to Ch. 60, Subch. IX, Wis. Stats., for the purpose of providing and constructing sanitary sewers, such plans and standard specifications shall be further subject to approval by the Sanitary District Commission and the Town Board.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
The subdivider shall assume the cost of installing all sanitary sewers, sewer laterals, and sewer appurtenances within the proposed subdivision, except for the added cost of installing sewers greater than eight inches in diameter which are necessary to serve tributary drainage areas lying outside of the proposed subdivision. In addition, the subdivider shall pay to the Town or Sanitary District wherein the subdivision plat is located a sanitary sewer trunk line connection fee based on the added cost of installing larger sewers in the total tributary drainage area which shall be prorated in proportion to the ratio which the total area of the proposed plat is to the total drainage area to be served by such larger sewers.
The subdivider shall install sanitary sewers in accordance with this chapter and specifications of the Town Engineer when it is determined that the proposed subdivision lies within a public sanitary sewer service area and sanitary sewer facilities are programmed to be extended to the proposed subdivision within six years. Until such time as the public sewers within the subdivision can be connected to the community public sewer system, they shall be temporarily capped. No private or public use shall be connected to the sewers within the subdivision until such sewers are connected to the larger community system. The subdivider shall indicate on the face of the plat that the owner of private uses within the subdivision shall connect such uses to the sewers in the subdivision at the time such sewers are connected to the community sewer system, and that the Town and/or the Town Sanitary District is held harmless for any damages or costs incurred to disconnect and abandon any private on-site waste treatment system then in place, and any costs associated with connection to the public sewer mains.
The subdivider shall construct stormwater drainage facilities adequate to serve the subdivision which may include curbs and gutters, catch basins and inlets, storm sewers, road ditches, culverts, open channels, water retention structures and settling basins. All such facilities shall be of adequate size and grade to hydraulically accommodate the maximum potential volumes of flow through and from within the subdivision and shall be so designed as to prevent and control soil erosion and sedimentation and to present no hazards to life or property.
The following types of developments will be subject to on-site detention, runoff, and water quality control provisions.
All developments, other than residential, with a gross aggregate area of three acres or more.
Residential developments with a gross aggregate area of five acres or more.
Residential developments with a gross aggregate area of three acres or more, where 50% or more of the area is impervious surfaces, i.e., roads, building, parking facilities and other improvements.
Developments which, in the opinion of the Town Engineer, will exceed the safe capacity of the existing drainage facilities, or the receiving water body, or will cause erosion or water pollution, or will otherwise endanger downstream property owners of their property. "Safe capacity" is defined as the rate of flow that can be handled without the potential for flooding damages.
In the case of phased development, or where there is the potential for phased development, the gross aggregate area shall be defined as the entire developable parcel under the ownership of the developer.
Developments subject to on-site detention and runoff control provisions shall provide on-site storage to safely accommodate runoff from the site in its developed condition for a 100-year intensity rainfall event of any duration, while utilizing a peak discharge rate from the site which does not exceed the peak runoff rate from the site for the two-year and five-year intensity rainfall event which would have occurred with the site in its undeveloped condition.
Stormwater computations shall be submitted utilizing Technical Release No. 55, Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, prepared by USDA Soil Conservation Service, or other approved procedures. The analysis shall contain inflow and outflow hydrographs, basin routing and time/elevation graphs for both the ten-year and 100-year event. The analysis shall be submitted to and approved by the Town Engineer and Town Plan Commission prior to any construction activities. After construction is completed, an as-built topographical survey of the detention facility shall be submitted to the Town to confirm that the constructed facility matches the approved design.
Detention control provisions are not required in areas of the Town where downstream stormwater conveyance systems have been designed and installed to eliminate the potential for downstream flooding damages. In addition:
Unpaved road ditches and back slopes shall be shaped and seeded and/or sodded as grassed waterways. Where the velocity of flow is in excess of four feet per second on soils having a severe or very severe erosion hazard and in excess of six feet per second on soils having moderate, slight, or very slight erosion hazard, the subdivider shall install a paved invert or check dams, flumes, or other energy dissipating devices.
Drainage facilities shall, if required, include water retention structures and settling basins so as to prevent erosion and sedimentation where such facilities discharge into streams or lakes. The design criteria, the size, type, grades, and installation of all stormwater drains and sewers and other cross-section, invert and erosion control paving check dams, flumes, or other energy dissipating structures and seeding and/or sodding of open channels and unpaved road ditches proposed to be constructed shall be in accordance with the plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Engineer.
Where a sanitary district has been created pursuant to Ch. 60, Subch. IX, Wis. Stats., for the purpose of providing and constructing surface drainage facilities, storm sewers, or other drainage improvements, such plans and standard specifications shall be further subject to approval by the Sanitary District Commission.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
The subdivider shall assume the cost of installing all storm sewers within the proposed subdivision, except for the added cost of installing storm sewers greater than 24 inches in diameter which are necessary to serve tributary drainage areas lying outside of the proposed subdivision. In addition, the subdivider shall pay to the Town or sanitary district wherein the subdivision is located a storm sewer trunk line connection fee based on the added cost of installing larger sewers in the total tributary drainage area, which shall be prorated in proportion to the ratio which the total area of the proposed plat is to the total drainage area to be served by such larger sewers.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
When public water supply and distribution facilities are available to the subdivision plat or when it is proposed to establish a private water supply and distribution system to serve two or more lots, the subdivider shall cause such water supply and distribution facilities to be installed in such a manner as to make adequate water service available to each lot within the subdivision. The subdivider shall make provision for adequate private water systems as required by the Town in accordance with the standards of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. In addition:
The Town Board may require the installation of water laterals to the street lot line.
The size, type, and installation of all public water mains proposed to be constructed shall be in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Plan Commission, upon the recommendation of the Town Engineer.
The subdivider shall assume the cost of installing all water mains, water laterals, and water system appurtenances within the proposed subdivision except for the added cost of installing water mains greater than eight inches in diameter.
The subdivider shall cause electrical power and telephone facilities to be installed in such a manner as to make adequate service available to each lot in the subdivision. No electrical or telephone service shall be located on overhead poles unless otherwise allowed by the Plan Commission due to exceptional topography or other physical barrier. Plans indicating the proposed location of all electrical power, and telephone distribution and transmission lines required to service the plat shall be approved by the Town Engineer.
At the direction of the Town Board, the subdivider shall install at the intersection of all streets proposed to be dedicated a street sign of a design as approved by the Town Engineer.
The subdivider shall plant those grasses, trees, and vines, a species and size specified by the Town Board, necessary to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation. The Plan Commission may require the subdivider to provide or install certain protection and rehabilitation measures such as fencing, slopes, seeding, trees, shrubs, riprap, wells, revetments, jetties, clearing, dredging, snagging, drop structures, brush mats, willow poles, and grade stabilization structures. In addition:
Tree cutting and shrubbery clearing shall not exceed 30% of the lot or tract, and shall be so conducted as to prevent erosion and sedimentation, preserve and improve scenic qualities, and, during foliation, substantially screen any development from stream or lake users.
Paths and trails in wooded and wetland areas shall not exceed 10 feet in width unless otherwise approved by the Plan Commission and shall be so designed and constructed as to result in the least removal and disruption of trees and shrubs, and the minimum impairment of natural beauty.
Earth moving, such as grading, topsoil removal, mineral extraction, stream course changing, road cutting, waterway construction, or enlargement, removal of stream or lake bed materials, excavation, channel clearing, ditching, drain tile laying, dredging, and lagooning, shall be so conducted as to prevent erosion and sedimentation and to least disturb the natural fauna, flora, watercourse, water regiment, and topography.
Review of the conduct of all cutting, clearing, and moving shall be requested of the County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors and may be requested of the State District Fish and Game Managers, and the State District Forester by the Town Engineer or Plan Commission, as they deem appropriate.
If for any reason the subdivider fails to install public utilities or facilities as prescribed herein or as ordered by the Town Board pursuant to this chapter, the Town Board may install such improvements and assess the full cost of such installations against the subdivider or property owner as set forth in § 66.0703, Wis. Stats. Also, the Town and subdivider may agree to have public improvements installed by the Town pursuant to § 66.0703, Wis. Stats.