[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of West Bend by Ord. No. 90-05 (Ch. 5, Secs. 5.01 to 5.04, of the 1990 Code of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
As authorized in § 60.55, Wis. Stats., fire protection for the Town is provided pursuant to agreements between the Town and the City of West Bend, the Allenton Volunteer Fire Department and the Slinger Volunteer Fire Department.
The Fire Chiefs, within their respective jurisdictions, shall direct the operation of their respective fire departments at fires, subject to the rules and regulations which may be adopted by the Town Board; issue and enforce such orders as in their judgment may be best calculated for the protection of property and the extinguishing of fires; enforce all applicable ordinances and rules and regulations of the Town Board; report annually to the Town Board all fires occurring in their respective jurisdictions within the Town, the origin thereof if possible, together with the amounts and value of property destroyed and the amount of insurance, if any; and make further reports when requested to do so by the Town Board.
Appointment. The said Fire Chiefs or their designees shall be the Town Fire Inspectors for their respective jurisdictions.
Powers and duties. The Fire Inspector shall make such inspections as may be necessary to ascertain the compliance of the owners or occupants of private premises with the provisions of the applicable state law and the administrative rules of the Department of Safety and Professional Services and this chapter, and he or she may enter any building or upon any premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of such inspection. Should the Fire Inspector find a fire hazard within the Town, he or she may serve a notice in writing on the owner of the property, giving the owner 48 hours in which to remove the hazard. If the fire hazard is not removed within that time, it is deemed a nuisance, and the Fire Inspector may have the same removed by the Town and the cost of removal shall be recovered by the Town as a special charge pursuant to § 66.0627, Wis. Stats.
Investigation and record of fires. The Fire Inspectors shall investigate the cause of all fires occurring within the Town as soon as possible after their occurrence and shall keep a record thereof, and of the evidence in each case, on file in their offices as public record.
The respective Chiefs or their designated agents may prescribe certain limits in the vicinity of any fire within the Town within which any persons, excepting firefighters and police officers and those admitted by order of any officer of the Fire Department, shall not be permitted. They may cause the removal of any property whenever it shall become necessary for the preservation of such property from fire, or to prevent the spreading of fire, or to protect adjoining property. They may likewise cause the shut off of electrical and natural gas services where the same creates a dangerous hazard or interferes with the work of the Fire Department during the progress of the fire.