No construction or installation of improvements shall commence in a proposed subdivision until the preliminary plat or certified survey map has been approved and the Town Board has given written authorization for such commencement. Inspection fees shall be required as specified in this chapter.
No building, zoning, or sanitary permits shall be issued for erection of a structure on any lot not of record until all the requirements of this chapter have been met.
No occupancy permit shall be issued until all requirements of this chapter are met to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector.
The following plans and accompanying construction specifications may be required by the Town Engineer before authorization of construction or installation of improvements:
Street plans and profiles showing existing and proposed grades, elevations, and cross-sections of required improvements.
Sanitary sewer plans and profiles showing the locations, grades, sizes, cross-sections, elevations, and materials of required facilities.
Stormwater plans and profiles showing the locations, grades, sizes, cross-sections, elevations and materials of required facilities.
Water main plans and profiles showing the locations, sizes, elevations, and materials of required facilities.
Erosion and sedimentation control plans showing those structures required to retard the rate of runoff water, those grading and excavating practices that will prevent erosion and sedimentation, the time span that soil will be exposed, and plans to protect existing vegetation, such as fences or tree wells, shall be prepared. Such plans shall follow the guidelines and standards set forth in the publication, U.S. Soil Conservation Service Technical Guide adopted by the Washington County Planning, Conservation, and Parks Committee, as amended.
Planting plans showing the locations, age, caliper, and species of any required grasses, vines, shrubs, and trees.
Additional special plans or information as required.
The subdivider shall cause all grading, excavations, open cuts, side slopes, and other land disturbances to be mulched, seeded, sodded, or otherwise protected so that erosion, siltation, sedimentation, and washing are prevented in accordance with the plans and specifications and at such times as approved by the Town Engineer. Such erosion control may include but is not limited to the following measures:
All erosion control plans shall incorporate best management practices to reduce soil loss during construction to 10% of the gross soil loss as estimated by the universal soil loss equation.
Sod laid in strips at those intervals necessary to prevent erosion and at right angles to the direction of drainage.
Temporary vegetation and mulching provided to protect critical areas, with permanent vegetation installed as soon as practical.
Construction at any given time being confined to the smallest practical area and for the shortest practical period of time.
Sediment basins installed and maintained at all drainageways to trap, remove, and prevent sediment and debris from being washed outside the area being developed.
The subdivider shall make every effort to protect and retain all existing trees, shrubbery, vines, and grasses not actually lying in public roadways, drainageways, building foundation sites, private driveways, soil absorption waste disposal areas, paths, and trails. Any such trees are to be protected and preserved during construction in accordance with sound conservation practices, including the preservation of trees by use of wells or islands or retaining walls whenever abutting grades are altered.
The subdivider, prior to commencing any work within the subdivision, shall make arrangements with the Town Engineer to provide for adequate inspection. The Town Engineer shall inspect and approve all completed work prior to approval of the final plat or release of the sureties.