Editor's note–Former section 1.03.031 pertaining to types of meetings; time and place and deriving from Ordinance 2013-10 adopted 6/11/13, was repealed and deleted in its entirety by Ordinance 2024-37 adopted 7/9/2024.
The following procedures relate to the agenda for meetings of the council:
The mayor, working with the city administrator, will determine what items of business should come before the council.
Any councilmember may ask the mayor to place an item on the agenda for discussion.
An item may be placed on the agenda at the request of two or more councilmembers. The councilmembers requesting the agenda item will be responsible for the presentation of the item at the meeting. Any staff assistance should be requested through the city administrator’s office. Agenda items must reach the city secretary’s office at city hall by 12:00 p.m., Tuesday, of the week preceding regular council meetings.
Any member of the city staff wishing to have an item placed on the agenda shall submit that item to the city administrator’s office for approval. The city administrator may establish procedures for submission of routine items without his or her approval.
The agenda packets for all regular meetings will be delivered by staff on the Friday afternoon preceding the meetings. Councilmembers or staff shall not disclose to any third party material that is referenced as being protected by the attorney-client privilege. At the conclusion of the meeting, all material so marked should be returned to the city administrator.
The city secretary’s office is responsible for seeing that notices for all meetings of the council comply with the Open Meetings Law.
(2004 Code, sec. 30.31)
The mayor shall be the presiding officer at all meetings. The mayor pro-tem shall preside in his or her absence. In the absence of the mayor and mayor pro-tem, the council shall elect a presiding officer.
When an item is presented to the council, the mayor (or presiding officer) shall recognize the appropriate individual to present the item. When two or more members are presenting an item, the mayor shall choose which member to speak first.
The mayor shall preserve order and shall require councilmembers engaged in debate to limit discussion to the question under consideration.
The mayor will encourage all councilmembers to participate in discussion by giving each member an equal opportunity to speak on an item.
Should a conflict arise between councilmembers, the mayor shall serve as mediator.
The mayor is spokesperson for the council on all matters. If absent, the mayor pro-tem shall serve as spokesperson.
Councilmembers shall confine their remarks to the item under consideration and shall avoid references to personality, integrity, or motives to [of] any other councilmembers or staff members.
Any councilmember may ask the mayor to enforce the procedures established by the council. Should the mayor fail to do so, a majority vote of the council shall require him or her to enforce the procedures.
(2004 Code, sec. 30.32)
During council meetings, councilmembers shall preserve order and decorum, shall not interrupt or delay proceedings, and shall not refuse to obey the orders of the mayor or the rules of the council. Councilmembers shall demonstrate respect and courtesy to each other, city staff members, and citizens appearing before the council. Councilmembers shall refrain from rude and derogatory remarks.
The mayor and councilmembers should not use their position to secure special privileges, and should avoid situations that could cause them to have any bias or partiality on a question before the council.
The mayor and councilmembers may abstain from voting on items on which they feel they have a conflict of interest. If the mayor or a councilmember has a conflict which qualifies under the state statute for conflict of interest, he or she shall file a conflict of interest affidavit with the city secretary’s office. Upon introduction of the agenda item, the mayor or councilmember should announce that he or she has a conflict of interest, and should refrain from discussion of the agenda item and from voting, but shall not be required to leave the meeting room.
(2004 Code, sec. 30.33)
During an open forum section of a meeting, all speakers shall complete a public comment card and submit it to the city secretary prior to speaking. All speakers are limited to a maximum of three minutes each, except as may be extended by the mayor. A speaker who wishes to present comments on behalf of another absent person, whether present or absent, will not be granted additional time for the other person.
For action items listed on the agenda:
The applicant for the item requested, if applicable, shall have the opportunity to present comments, testimony, or arguments. The applicant shall have a total of ten minutes for a presentation when recognized by the mayor or presiding officer.
Any person wishing to speak about an action item on the agenda shall complete a public comment card prior to the matter being reached and present it to the city secretary. Upon being recognized by the mayor, the person may speak or present evidence relevant to the matter being heard. Such person shall come to the podium and announce their name and address for the record. No person may speak without first being recognized by the mayor. All persons wishing to speak on the matter, who are not the applicant, shall be limited to three minutes each, except as may be extended by the mayor. A person who wishes to present comments on behalf of another person, whether present or absent, will not be granted additional time for the other person.
Generally, citizens may not participate in the discussions of the council at workshop sessions on items for which no action will be taken.
(2004 Code, sec. 30.34; Ordinance 2024-37 adopted 7/9/2024)
Councilmembers should attempt to ask questions about the agenda packet to the city administrator prior to the meeting. This will allow the staff time to respond to the councilmember’s concern and, if necessary, provide additional information to all councilmembers.
The city administrator shall designate the appropriate staff member to address each agenda item and shall see that each presentation informs the council on the issues which require council action. The presentations should be professional and timely, and should list options available for resolving the issue.
The city administrator is directly responsible for providing information to all councilmembers concerning any inquiries by a specific councilmember. Should the city administrator find his or her staff’s time being dominated by a specific member, he or she should inform the mayor of the concern.
Any conflicts between the staff and council will be addressed by the mayor and the city administrator.
The city administrator will be held responsible for the professional and ethical behavior of himself or herself and his or her staff. He or she is also responsible for seeing that his or her staff remains educated and informed on the issues facing municipal government.
All councilmembers and staff members shall show respect and courtesy to each other and citizens at all times.
The city administrator is responsible for seeing that all newly elected councilmembers are provided with a thorough orientation on staff procedures, municipal facilities, and other information of interest to municipal officials.
(2004 Code, sec. 30.35)
An agenda packet shall be provided upon request to all interested news media in advance of the council meetings. The city administrator shall not release any material protected by the attorney-client privilege and may elect to withhold other material at his or her discretion.
The city administrator, or his or her designated representative, is the spokesman for any staff presentation on the agenda. The mayor or mayor pro-tem is the spokesman for any council information pertaining to issues on the agenda.
(2004 Code, sec. 30.36)