An application for special use permit for individual WECS shall
comply with all aspects and requirements of Article 10 of the New
York State Laws of 2011 and shall also include the following:
A. Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant, owner, contractors
and project sponsor. If the applicant is represented by an agent,
the application shall include the name, address and telephone number
of the agent as well as an original signature of the applicant authorizing
the representation.
B. Name and address of the property owner. If the property owner is
not the applicant, the application shall include a letter or other
written permission signed by the property owner i) confirming that
the property owner is familiar with the proposed applications and
ii) authorizing the submission of the application.
C. Address, or other property identification, of each proposed tower
location, including Tax Map section, block and lot number, and latitude
and longitude coordinates.
D. A description of the project, including the number and maximum rated
power output capacity of each WECS.
E. For each WECS proposed, a plot plan prepared by a licensed surveyor
or engineer drawn in sufficient detail to clearly describe the following:
(1) Property lines and physical dimensions of the site.
(2) Location, approximate dimensions and types of existing structures
and uses on the site, public roads, and adjoining properties within
2,500 feet of the site.
(3) Location and ground elevation of each proposed WECS.
(4) Location of all aboveground utility lines on the site, and all related
transformers, power lines, interconnection points with transmission
lines, and other ancillary facilities or structures.
(5) Location, height and size of all structures within a 500-foot radius
of the proposed WECS.
(6) The zoning designation of the subject and adjacent properties as
set forth in the Town Land Use and Development Code Local Law.
(7) Boundaries of the Wind Overlay Zone, to demonstrate that each proposed
WECS is located within said overlay zones.
(8) To demonstrate compliance with the setback requirements of this article,
circles drawn around each proposed tower location equal to:
A radius equal to 1 1/2 times the tower height.
A radius five times the proposed tower height.
Information shall be provided concerning ownership and land
uses within the above mentioned perimeters.
(9) Location of the nearest residential structure on the site and located
off site, and within a distance of 2,500 feet from the proposed WECS.
All proposed facilities, including access roads, electrical
lines, substations, points of interconnection, storage or maintenance
units, and fencing.
F. Elevation drawing of the WECS showing total height, turbine dimensions,
tower and turbine ladders, distance between ground and lowest point
of any blade, location of climbing pegs, and access doors. One drawing
may be submitted for each WECS of the same type and total height.
Elevation drawings showing any proposed overhead transmission line
poles, structures and conductor clearance from the ground.
G. Landscaping plan depicting vegetation describing the area to be cleared
of vegetation and areas where vegetation shall be added, identified
by species and size of specimens at installation, and their locations
including the operations building and all other built structures.
H. Lighting plan showing any FAA-required lighting and other proposed
lighting for staging areas, parking lots and any structures, such
as the operations building. The lighting plan should demonstrate downcast
and minimum lighting to minimize glare and off-site light pollution.
The application should include a copy of the determination by the
Federal Aviation Administration to establish required markings and/or
lights for the structure, but if such determination is not available
at the time of the application, no building permit for any lighted
facility may be issued until such determination is submitted.
I. Decommissioning plan. The applicant shall submit a decommissioning plan as specified in Article
II, §
160-18, of this chapter which shall include:
(1) The anticipated life of the WECS;
(2) The estimated decommissioning cost, in current dollars, and adjusted
to account for inflation at the time of decommissioning;
(3) How said estimate was determined not including salvage value;
(4) The method of ensuring that funds will be available for decommissioning
and restoration either by standing letter of credit to the benefit
of the Town or by creation of an escrow account;
(5) The method, such by biannual reestimates by a licensed engineer,
that the decommissioning cost will be kept current and the timetable
and procedure which will include review of the estimate by consultants
to the Town; and
(6) The manner in which the WECS will be decommissioned and the site
restored, which shall include removal of all roads, structures and
debris to a depth required by NYSDAM, restoration of the soil, and
restoration of vegetation (consistent and compatible with surrounding
vegetation), less any fencing or residual minor improvements requested
by the landowner.
J. Complaint resolution. The application will include a complaint resolution
process to address complaints from nearby residents during construction
and operation of the WECS. The process shall use an independent mediator
or arbitrator and include a time limit for acting on a complaint.
The applicant shall make every reasonable effort to resolve any complaint.
All reasonable costs incurred by the Town for the conduct of an independent
review by consultants to the Town or legal fees incurred by the Town
will be reimbursed by the permittee.
K. An application shall include information relating to the construction/installation
of the wind energy conversion facility as follows:
(1) A construction schedule describing commencement and completion dates
and hours of construction;
(2) A description of the routes to be used by construction and delivery
vehicles, the gross weights and heights of those loaded vehicle trips
per turbine site; and
(3) A plan for public notice to school district officials, Town officials
and emergency services during periods in which roads may be temporarily
obstructed or closed by the transport of components or construction
L. Completed Part 1 of the full environmental assessment form (EAF).
M. Applications for wind energy permits for wind measurement towers
subject to this chapter may be jointly submitted with the WECS.
N. For each proposed WECS, include the make, model, picture, tower and
turbine colors and manufacturer's specifications, including noise
decibels data. Include manufacturer's material safety data sheet
documentation for the type and quantity of all materials used in the
operation of all equipment, including, but not limited to, all lubricants
and coolants.
O. If a positive declaration of environmental significance is determined
by the SEQRA lead agency, the following information shall be included
in the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) prepared for a
wind energy facility. Otherwise, the following studies shall be submitted
with the application:
(1) Shadow flicker: The applicant shall conduct a study on potential
shadow flicker. The study shall identify locations where shadow flicker
may be caused by the WECSs and the expected duration of the flicker
at these locations. The study shall identify areas where shadow flicker
may interfere with residences and describe measures that shall be
taken to eliminate or mitigate the problems to a maximum annual exposure
of 30 hours per year of shadow flicker at any residence.
(2) Visual impact: Applications shall include a visual impact study of
the proposed WECS as installed, which shall include a computerized
photographic simulation, demonstrating any visual impacts from strategic
vantage points. Color photographs of the proposed site from at least
10 locations accurately depicting the existing conditions shall be
included. The Town shall have input into the locations of the simulations.
The visual analysis shall also indicate the color treatment of the
system's components and any visual screening incorporated into
the project that is intended to lessen the system's visual prominence.
(3) Fire protection: A fire protection and emergency response plan, which
includes a list of equipment needed to readily respond to an emergency
at a facility, created in consultation with the fire department(s)
having jurisdiction over the proposed zone.
(4) Noise analysis: A noise analysis by an INCE board certified acoustical
consultant documenting the noise levels associated with the proposed
WECS. The study shall document noise levels at property lines and
at the nearest nonparticipating residence not on the site. (If access
to the nearest residence is not available, the Town Board may modify
this requirement.) The noise analysis shall include low frequency
(5) Property value analysis: A property value analysis shall be prepared
by a licensed appraiser in accordance with industry standards, regarding
the potential impact of values of properties neighboring WECS sites.
(6) Electromagnetic interference: An assessment of potential electromagnetic
interference with microwave, radio, television, personal communication
systems and other wireless communication.
(7) Transportation impacts: An analysis of impacts on local transportation
shall be prepared regarding impacts anticipated during construction,
reconstruction, decommissioning, modification or operation of WECS.
Transportation impacts to be considered shall include, at a minimum,
potential damage to local road surfaces, roadbeds and associated structures;
potential traffic tie-ups by haulers of WECS materials; impacts on
school bus routes; and impacts of visitors to the WECS facilities.
(8) Groundwater impacts: An analysis of impacts on local groundwater
resources shall be prepared regarding impacts anticipated during construction,
reconstruction, modification or operation of WECS. Provide a response
plan during construction to replace or supplement any on-site wells
impacted by or during construction activities.
(9) Cultural resources: An analysis of impacts on cultural resources
shall be prepared regarding impacts anticipated during construction,
reconstruction, modification or operation of WECS.
Wildlife impacts: An analysis of impacts on local wildlife shall
be prepared regarding impacts anticipated during construction, reconstruction,
modification or operation of WECS. Wildlife impacts to be considered
shall include, at a minimum, anticipated impacts on flying creatures
(birds, bats, insects), as well as wild creatures existing at ground
P. The applicant shall, prior to the receipt of a building permit, provide
proof that it has executed an interconnection agreement with the New
York Independent System Operator and the applicable transmission owner.
Q. A statement, signed under penalty of perjury, that the information
contained in the application is true and accurate.
R. A list of property owners (whether or not within the Town) with their
mailing addresses within 2,500 feet of the project. The applicant
may delay submission of this list until the Town Planning Board and/or
Zoning Board of Appeals calls for a public hearing on the application.
The following standards shall apply to all WECS.
A. All power collection and transmission lines from the tower to any
substation, point of interconnection, building or other structure
shall be located underground to the extent practicable. The applicant
shall include the basis for any requested variance from this requirement.
In the event a variance is granted, all utility poles shall be tall
enough to provide 18 feet of clearance as measured from the shortest
distance between the transmission lines and finished grade.
B. No television, radio or other communication antennas may be affixed
or otherwise made part of any WECS, except pursuant to the Town Zoning
Law. Applications may be jointly submitted for WECS and telecommunications
C. No advertising signs are allowed on any part of the wind energy facility,
including fencing and support structures.
D. Lighting of a tower. No tower shall be lit except to comply with
FAA requirements. Minimum security lighting that is downcast with
recessed bulbs and cutoff shields for ground-level facilities shall
be allowed as approved on the site plan.
E. All applicants shall use measures to reduce the visual impact of
WECSs to the maximum extent practicable.
F. All structures in a project shall be finished in a single, nonreflective
matte finished color or a camouflage scheme. Individual WECSs within
a Wind Overlay Zone shall be constructed using wind turbines whose
appearance, with respect to one another, is similar within and throughout
the zone, to provide reasonable uniformity in overall size, geometry,
and rotational speeds. No lettering, company insignia, advertising,
or graphics shall be on any part of the tower, hub, or blades.
G. The use of guy wires is disfavored. A WECS using guy wires for tower
support shall incorporate appropriate measures to protect the guy
wires from damage which could cause tower failure.
H. No WECS shall be installed in any location where its proximity with
existing fixed broadcast, retransmission, or reception antenna for
radio, television, wireless phone, or other personal or emergency
communication systems would produce electromagnetic interference with
signal transmission or reception. No WECS shall be installed in any
location along the major axis of an existing microwave communications
link where its operation is likely to produce electromagnetic interference
in the link's operation. If it is determined that a WECS is causing
electromagnetic interference, the operator shall take the necessary
corrective action to eliminate this interference, including relocation
or removal of the facilities, or resolution of the issue with the
impacted parties. Failure to remedy electromagnetic interference is
grounds for revocation of the wind energy permit for the specific
WECS or WECSs causing the interference.
I. All solid waste and hazardous waste and construction debris shall
be removed from the site and managed in a manner consistent with all
appropriate rules and regulations.
J. WECSs shall be designed to minimize the impacts of land clearing
and the loss of open space areas. Land protected by conservation easements
shall be avoided when feasible. The use of previously developed areas
will be given priority wherever possible. All topsoil disturbed during
construction, reconstruction or modification of WECS shall be stockpiled
and returned to the site upon completion of the activity which disturbed
the soil, except where the underlying fee owner of the land requests
K. WECSs shall be located in a manner that minimizes significant negative
impacts on animal species in the vicinity, particularly bird and bat
species, including those that may be listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service as threatened or endangered.
L. Wind energy conversion facilities shall be located in a manner consistent
with all applicable state and federal wetlands laws and regulations.
M. Stormwater runoff and erosion control shall be managed in a manner
consistent with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
N. The most current version of the New York State Department of Agriculture
and Markets guidelines for agricultural mitigation for wind power
projects (as now existing or hereafter amended) shall be adhered to,
both inside and outside of agricultural districts. The applicant/project
sponsor shall be responsible to provide financial funding to the Town
in order for the Town to retain the services of an Environmental Monitor
to oversee the construction and restoration in agricultural fields
and to ensure that the applicant/project sponsor adheres to these
aforementioned guidelines to the extent reasonably practicable. The
Environmental Monitor will also be responsible for monitoring compliance
with permit conditions in the field, including but not limited to
wetland protection, erosion control, surface water runoff, oil and
hazardous waste controls, and sound construction practices. The Environmental
Monitor will be responsible for ensuring sound environmental practices
by all contractors and subcontractors. The Environmental Monitor shall
have "stop-work authority" where necessary to protect public health
and safety.
O. Construction of the WECS shall generally be limited to the hours
of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, except for certain
activities which may require work outside of that period, but which
shall be limited to work at project component sites and may only occur
with notice to and approval of the Town's Code Enforcement Officer.
P. If it is determined that a WECS is causing stray voltage issues,
the operator shall take the necessary corrective action to eliminate
these problems, including relocation or removal of the facilities,
or resolution of the issue with the impacted parties. Failure to remedy
stray voltage issues is grounds for revocation of the wind energy
permit for the specific WECS or WECSs causing the problems.
Q. There shall be, in all respects, compliance with and adherence to
the New York State Historic Preservation Office guidelines for wind
farm development cultural resource survey work, as now existing and
as hereafter amended.
R. No WECS shall make abnormal noises caused by mechanical malfunction or maintenance deficiencies within the required 1 1/2 times the height of the WECS distance from the residences above the level allowed in §
160-14 of this herein chapter. The WECS must be taken offline within eight hours of notification by the Town Code Enforcement Officer, Town Supervisor, or other person designated by the Town Board. The WECS shall not be reactivated until the problem has been resolved.
S. Insurance requirement. Prior to commencement of construction and
throughout the operation of the wind energy facility, the applicant
shall have the Town of Colton included as additional insured under
all insurance policies acquired and maintained to fulfill the requirements
of this chapter. The applicant shall maintain in force, at its own
expense, comprehensive general liability insurance with the minimum
of at least $5,000,000 per occurrence with a total policy minimum
of $20,000,000 per year indicating coverage for potential damages
or injury to landowners. The applicant will immediately provide the
Town of Colton, in writing, any notice of cancellation or change to
any of the insurances referred to herein.
The Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby granted the power to vary
or modify the strict application of the requirements contained in
this chapter as they relate to area or dimensions upon the application
of the criteria hereafter listed. In no event shall the Zoning Board
of Appeals issue a use variance to permit the location of WECS in
an area outside of the Wind Overlay District as established under
this chapter that is contrary to the public purpose of the Wind Overlay
District, which is to protect the public health and safety.
A. Upon specific request from the applicant, the Zoning Board of Appeals
shall have the power to grant an area variance after taking into consideration
the benefit to the applicant if the variance is granted as weighed
against the detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood
or community by such grant. In making such determination, the Zoning
Board of Appeals may consider:
(1) Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of
the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties would be created
by the granting of the area variance.
(2) Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some
method feasible for the applicant to pursue other than an area variance.
(3) Whether the requested area variance is substantial.
(4) Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact
on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or
(5) Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created, which consideration
shall be relevant to the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals,
but shall not necessarily preclude the granting of the area variance.
B. The Zoning Board of Appeals, in granting an area variance, shall
grant the minimum variance that shall be necessary and adequate and
at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood
and the health, safety and welfare of the community.
C. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall, in granting an area variance,
have the authority to impose such reasonable conditions and restrictions
as are directly related to and incidental to the proposed use of the
property, and shall be imposed for the purpose of minimizing any adverse
impact such variance may have on the neighborhood or community.
D. All variances shall be considered as part of the overall permit review
conducted by the Zoning Board of Appeals in connection with the application.