No health certificate for use in the city shall be issued by any physician to any person required by law to have or exhibit a health certificate certifying the holder’s freedom from contagious, infectious or communicable diseases until the blood and sputum of the applicant for such certificate shall have been first tested and examined in a recognized manner by such physician or a reputable pathologist from specimens personally secured by the physician or pathologist and found to contain no indication that the applicant for such certificate had on the date of the same any contagious or communicable diseases.
(1950 Code, ch. 11, sec. 1; 1957 Code, sec. 8-1)
All physicians who shall issue any health certificates shall keep permanent records of the tests required by section 6-2-1, which records shall be subject to the inspection of duly authorized agents of the city.
(1950 Code, ch. 11, sec. 2; 1957 Code, sec. 8-2)
No person shall have or exhibit a health certificate for the purpose of complying with any law requiring such certificate until the requirements set forth in this article have been complied with.
(1950 Code, ch. 11, sec. 3; 1957 Code, sec. 8-3)
All persons required by the laws of the state, or regulations made pursuant thereto, to have in their possession certificates of the kind mentioned above shall have in their possession in addition to such certificate an uncancelled and valid registration and identification certificate signed by any licensed physician of the city, which shall state in effect that evidence of the holder’s freedom from contagious or infectious diseases has been submitted to and approved by such physician.
If at any time the city health officer has reasonable cause to believe that the holder of any such registration and identification certificate issued by him, or any other licensed physician, has contracted or is suffering from any contagious, infectious or communicable disease, he shall forthwith notify such holder in writing to appear before him for a reexamination, and if such holder shall not appear before the city health officer for examination within two (2) days after receipt of such notice, or if, upon such examination, such holder is found to be infected with or affected by any contagious or communicable disease, then his registration and identification certificate shall be cancelled by marking upon the original, or the duplicate kept in the office of the licensed physician, in indelible pencil or ink, the word “canceled” with the date of cancellation and the city health officer’s signature, and such certificate shall thereafter be null and void and of no force and effect.
(1950 Code, ch. 11, sec. 4; 1957 Code, sec. 8-4)