It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to commence the construction of any building or the construction of any alterations or repairs to any existing building within the city, or to move any building into or within the corporate limits of the city to any destination within said corporate limits, without first having procured a permit authorizing such construction or moving from the city secretary.
Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to construct any building or to construct any alterations or repairs to any existing building within the city, or to move any building into or within the corporate limits of the city to any destination within said corporate limits, shall file an application with the city secretary, such application to contain plans and specifications and estimates of cost of the contemplated construction. The city secretary shall forward a copy of the same to the building official.
(Ordinance 1-87-2, sec. I, adopted 1/26/87; Ordinance adopting Code)
For the purposes of this article, the word “building” is defined to include, but is not limited to the inclusion thereof, mobile trailers intended for residential, commercial, industrial, storage, or any other such use, while positioned for use anywhere within the corporate limits of the city.
(Ordinance 1-87-2, sec. II, adopted 1/26/87)
The city secretary shall issue permits authorizing the construction of any building or the construction of any alterations or repairs to any existing building, provided that the building permit [application] is properly completed, including certification by the property owner that all construction, remodeling, or repairs meet the requirements of applicable city codes and ordinances, and deed restrictions.
No permit shall be issued authorizing the construction of any building or the construction of any alterations or repairs to any existing building within the city, or the moving of any building into or within the corporate limits of the city to any destination within said corporate limits, until the application, including the plans, specifications and estimates of cost provided for herein, shall have been on file in the office of the city secretary for five (5) full days.
The building official shall, on or before five (5) days after the filing of any such application with the city secretary, authorize or reject the permit. Failure to authorize or reject the requested permit within the five-day period provided for herein shall automatically constitute a rejection of the application.
No permit authorizing the construction of any building within the city, except alteration or repair of an existing building or the moving of any building into or within the corporate limits of the city to any destination within said corporate limits, shall be issued until the applicant has paid a fee to the city secretary.
(Ordinance 1-87-2, sec. III, adopted 1/26/87; Ordinance adopting Code)
Any person, firm, or corporation which has been granted a permit to construct any alterations or repairs to any existing building within the city, or to move any building into or within the corporate limits of the city to any destination within said corporate limits, pursuant to and under the terms of this article, shall prosecute such action in strict conformity with all applicable ordinances in effect within the city at the time of said construction or moving, and with the permit issued hereunder, and with the plans and specifications submitted and filed with the application for said permit. Upon being notified in writing by the official designated by the city of a failure to prosecute such construction or moving in strict conformity with said requirements, any such person, firm, or corporation shall have fifteen (15) days in which to make such building, construction or moving conform to said requirements. Failure to make such correction shall constitute a violation under the terms of this article. A reinspection fee will be charged for each rejection by the city building official, and a fee will be charged for each subsequent reinspection of rejection(s).
Any building permit may be voided for cause at any time after ninety (90) days from date of issue, at the discretion of the designated official of the city, if in his judgment no significant portion of the work authorized under the building permit has been accomplished, or in the event actual progress toward completion of said authorized work appears to have ceased. In administering the provisions of this section, consider that its intent is to avoid the unnecessary continuation of hazardous conditions which frequently surround construction sites; the intent is not that of placing a burden on the person, firm, or corporation involved in performing the work authorized under the building permit and intending in good faith to complete it in a matter not abnormal for the type of construction involved.
(Ordinance 1-87-2, sec. IV, adopted 1/26/87; Ordinance adopting Code)
The designated building official of the city shall have the authority, after proper identification, to enter any building or structure, and to traverse such property as may be required to secure access to said building or structure, during reasonable hours and while in the actual performance of his duty, to inspect any construction, alterations, or repairs being performed or having been performed, or to inspect any building being moved or which is thought to have been moved, within the city, for the purpose of determining whether the construction, alteration, repair or move is being or has been prosecuted in accordance with this article and all other applicable ordinances of the city.
(Ordinance 1-87-2, sec. V, adopted 1/26/87)
The city secretary shall maintain a record of all applications, permits and notices described within this article, and shall furnish such information, if requested, as is contained therein to any person, firm, or corporation, or their agent, having a proprietary, occupancy, or tenancy interest in the building, structure or premises concerned.
(Ordinance 1-87-2, sec. VI, adopted 1/26/87)
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article or who shall fail to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall construct, alter, repair, or move any building, or who shall commence to construct, alter, repair, or move any building, in violation of any detailed statement of plan submitted or approved thereunder, or of the permit issued, or of any requirement of this article, shall for each and every violation or noncompliance be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined as provided in section 1.01.009 of this code, and each day such violation shall be permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. The owner of that building or premises or part thereof where anything in violation of this article shall be placed or shall exist, and any permit holder, architect, builder, contractor, agent or corporation employed in connection therewith who has assisted in the commission of any such violation, and any other person, firm, corporation, or agent thereof which has committed or has contributed to the commission of any such violation, shall each be guilty of a separate offense and upon conviction shall be subject to the penalties herein provided.
(Ordinance 1-87-2, sec. VII, adopted 1/26/87)