All memoranda, reports, correspondence, accounts, files, papers, plans, maps, photographs, video and sound recordings, punched cards, magnetic or paper tape, microfilm, or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristic, which have been or shall be created, filed, received, or recorded by a City office or department or officials thereof in pursuance of law or in the conduct, transaction or performance of any business, duty, or function of public business, are hereby declared to be records of the City and shall be created, maintained, stored, and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this article, or procedures authorized by it, and in no other manner.
All City records, as defined above, are hereby declared to be the property of the City.
(Ordinance 4294, sec. 1, adopted 1/17/89)
A records management program shall be implemented to provide for the administration of the distribution, utilization, retention, storage, retrieval, protection, preservation, and final disposition or destruction of City records in an efficient and effective manner and in accordance with the legal, fiscal, administrative and archival requirements of the City.
A Records Manager shall be responsible for the implementation and administration of the records management program.
(Ordinance 4294, sec. 1, adopted 1/17/89)
The Records Manager shall establish and implement a records retention and disposition schedule, which shall constitute authority for the transfer, microfilming, storage, and destruction of all City records under the direction and supervision of the records manager. In accordance with the records retention program, the Records Manager shall establish policies and procedures for the preservation of historical, vital, and permanent records.
(Ordinance 4294, sec. 1, adopted 1/17/89)
In this article, “microfilm” includes microphotograph.
The Records Manager is authorized to provide, as a part of the records management program, for the accurate and permanent copying, reproduction or origination of City records by microfilm process.
The Records Manager may microfilm such City records as the Records Manager deems necessary, giving consideration to factors which indicate the necessity of microfilming; including, but not limited to, the costs of microfilming, the value of the record and the need to preserve the record by means of microfilm because of the historical or indispensable nature of the record, and the frequency of use of such records.
The Records Manager shall make and maintain an index to all microfilm records. Microfilm used in the microfilm process shall meet the requirements of the American National Standards Institute for archival quality, density, resolution and definition. The Records Manager shall check and certify that each microfilm record is an accurate duplication of the original.
A microfilm record created in accordance with this article shall constitute an original record.
Public access to microfilm records shall be as otherwise provided by law.
(Ordinance 4294, sec. 1, adopted 1/17/89)