It is the purpose of this article to regulate sexually oriented businesses to promote the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the citizens of the City, and to establish reasonable and uniform regulations to prevent the continued concentration of sexually oriented businesses within the City. The provisions of this article have neither the purpose nor effect of imposing a limitation or restriction on the content of any communicative materials, including sexually oriented materials. Similarly, it is not the intent nor effect of this article to restrict or deny access by adults to sexually oriented materials protected by the First Amendment or to deny access by the distributors and exhibitors of sexually oriented entertainment to their intended market.
(Ordinance 4480, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 4448, sec. 1, adopted 9/18/90; Ordinance 5799, sec. 1, adopted 1/20/04)
Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purposes of this article, have the meanings indicated in this section:
Adult arcade.
Any commercial establishment to which the public is permitted or invited where, by deposit of money, coin, tokens, or credit an electronically, electrically or mechanically controlled still or motion picture machine, projector or other image-producing device shows images to five (5) or fewer persons per machine at any one time, and where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by the depicting or describing of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.”
Adult bookstore or adult video store.
A commercial establishment to which the public is permitted or invited which, as its principal business purpose, offers for sale or rental for any form of consideration any one or more of the following:
Books, magazines, periodicals or other printed matter, or photographs, films, motion pictures, video cassettes or video reproductions, slides or other visual representations which depict or describe specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; or
Instruments, devices, or paraphernalia designed for use in connection with specified sexual activities (but not including items used for birth control or for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases).
Adult cabaret.
A nightclub, bar, restaurant or similar commercial establishment that regularly has:
Persons who appear in a state of nudity;
Live performances which are characterized by the exposure of specified anatomical areas or by specified sexual activities; or
Films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or other photographic reproductions, closed-circuit television transmissions, cable television transmissions, satellite television transmissions, subscriber programming, any disk, diskette, or other physical medium that allows an image to be displayed on a computer or other video screen and any image transmitted to a computer or other video screen by telephone line, cable, satellite transmission or other method, which are characterized by the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
Adult motel.
A hotel, motel or similar commercial establishment that:
Offers accommodations to the public for any form of consideration; provides customers with closed-circuit television transmissions, cable television transmissions, satellite television transmissions, subscriber programming, any disk, diskette, or other physical medium that allows an image to be displayed on a computer or other video screen and any image transmitted to a computer or other video screen by telephone line, cable, satellite transmission or other method, films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides or other photographic reproductions which are characterized by the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; and has a sign visible from a public right-of-way that advertises the availability of this type of material;
Offers a sleeping room for rent for a period of time that is less than ten (10) hours; or
Allows a tenant or occupant of a sleeping room to subrent the room for a period of time that is less than ten (10) hours.
Evidence that a sleeping room in a hotel, motel or similar commercial establishment has been rented and vacated two (2) or more times in a period of time that is less than ten (10) hours creates a rebuttable presumption that the business is an adult motel.
Adult motion picture theater.
A commercial establishment to which the public is permitted or invited where, for any form of consideration, films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides or similar photographic reproductions, any disk, diskette, or other physical medium that allows an image to be displayed on a computer or other video screen and any image transmitted to a computer or other video screen by telephone line, cable, satellite transmission or other method, are regularly shown which are characterized by the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
Adult theater.
A theater, concert hall, auditorium or similar commercial establishment to which the public is permitted or invited that regularly features persons who appear in a state of nudity or live performances which are characterized by the exposure of specified anatomical areas or by specified sexual activities.
A person or persons listed as such on an application for a permit as a sexually oriented business.
Building Official.
The Building Official and such employees of the Building Inspection Department as the Building Official may designate to perform the duties of the Building Official under this article.
Conviction or convicted.
A finding of guilty by a court of record, regardless of whether an appeal is pending.
Conduct any business in a sexually oriented business.
Any person who does any one or more of the following shall be deemed to be conducting business in a sexually oriented business:
Operates a cash register, cash drawer or other depository on the premises of the sexually oriented business where cash funds or records of credit card or other credit transactions generated in any manner by the operation of the sexually oriented business or the activities of the premises of the sexually oriented business;
Displays or takes orders from any customer for any merchandise, goods, entertainment or other services offered on the premises of the sexually oriented business;
Delivers or provides to any customer any merchandise, goods, entertainment or other services offered on the premises of the sexually oriented business;
Acts as a door attendant to regulate entry of customers or other persons into the premises of the sexually oriented business; or
Supervises or manages other persons in the performance of any of the foregoing activities on the premises of the sexually oriented business.
Any person who:
Is allowed to enter a sexually oriented business or any portion of a sexually oriented business in return for the payment of an admission fee, membership fee or any other form of consideration or gratuity;
Enters a sexually oriented business or any portion of a sexually oriented business and purchases, rents or otherwise uses or partakes of any merchandise, goods, entertainment or other services offered therein; or
Is a member of and on the premises of a sexually oriented business operating as a private or membership club or a sexually oriented business that reserves any portion of the premises of the sexually oriented business as a private or membership club.
Any person who renders any service whatsoever to the customers of a sexually oriented business, works in or about a sexually oriented business or who conducts any business in a sexually oriented business and who receives or has the expectation of receiving any compensation from the operator, or customers of the sexually oriented business. By way of example, rather than limitation, the term includes the operator and other management personnel, clerks, dancers, models and other entertainers, food and beverage preparation and service personnel, door persons, bouncers, and cashiers. It is expressly intended that this definition cover not only conventional employer-employee relationships but also independent contractor relationships, agency relationships, and any other scheme or system whereby the “employee” has an expectation of receiving compensation, tips, or other benefits from the sexually oriented business or its customers in exchange for services performed.
Any employee of a sexually oriented business who performs or engages in entertainment.
Any act or performance, such as a play, skit, reading, revue, fashion show, modeling performance, pantomime, role playing, encounter session, scene, song, dance, musical rendition or striptease that involves the display or exposure of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. The term “entertainment” shall include any employee or entertainer exposing any specified anatomical areas or engaging in any specified sexual activities whatever in the presence of customers.
A person who, for consideration, agrees or offers to act as a companion or date for another person, or who agrees or offers to privately model lingerie or to privately perform a striptease for another person.
Escort agency.
A person or business association who or which furnishes, offers to furnish or advertises to furnish escorts as its principal business purpose, for a fee, tip or other consideration.
Licensed day-care center.
A facility licensed by the state, whether situated within the City or not, that provides care, training, education, custody treatment or supervision for more than six (6) children under fourteen (14) years of age, where such children are not related by blood, marriage or adoption to the owner or operator of the facility, for less than twenty-four (24) hours a day, regardless of whether or not the facility is operated for a profit or charges for the services it offers.
Any person who supervises, directs or manages any employee of a sexually oriented business or any other person who conducts any business in a sexually oriented business with respect to any activity conducted on the premises of the sexually oriented business, including any “on-site manager.”
Nude model business.
Any place where a person who appears in a state of nudity or displays specified anatomical areas is provided or allowed to be observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed or similarly depicted by other persons who pay money or any form of consideration. Nude model business shall not include those activities excepted from the definition of sexually oriented business.
Nudity or a state of nudity.
The appearance of a human bare buttock, anus, male genitals, female genitals or female breast; or
A state of dress which fails to opaquely cover a human buttock, anus, male genitals, female genitals or female breast from below a point immediately above the top of the areola.
On-site manager.
A person charged by an owner or operator of a sexually oriented business with the responsibility for direct supervision of the operation of the sexually oriented business and with monitoring and observing all areas of the sexually oriented business to which customers are admitted at all times during which the sexually oriented business is open for business or customers are on the premises of the sexually oriented business.
The manager or other natural person principally in charge of a sexually oriented business.
Operates or causes to be operated.
To cause to function or to put or keep in operation. A person may be found to be operating or causing to be operated a sexually oriented business whether or not that person is an owner, part owner, permittee or manager of the establishment.
Owner or owners.
The proprietor if a sole proprietorship, all general partners if a partnership, or the corporation if a corporation.
A current, valid permit issued by the Building Official pursuant to the terms of this article.
Place of worship.
A building, whether situated within the City or not, in which persons regularly assemble for religious worship and which building is intended primarily for purposes connected with worship or for propagating a particular form of religious belief.
The grounds and all building, vehicles, and appurtenances pertaining to the grounds, including any adjacent premises if they are directly or indirectly under the control of the same person.
Featuring, promoting, permitting to occur or advertising a happening or occurrence on a recurring basis.
Residential district.
A residentially zoned district as defined in the zoning ordinance.
Residential use.
A single-family, townhouse, duplex, mobile home or multiple family use as defined in the zoning ordinance.
A building, whether situated within the City or not, where persons regularly assemble for the purpose of instruction or education together with the playgrounds, stadia and other structures or grounds used in conjunction therewith. The term is limited to:
Public and private schools used for primary or secondary education, in which any regular kindergarten or grades one through twelve classes are taught; and
Charter schools and special educational facilities in which students receive specialized education in lieu of attending regular classes in kindergarten or any of grades one through twelve.
Any display, design, pictorial, or other representation, which shall be so constructed, placed, attached, painted, erected, fastened or manufactured in any manner whatsoever so that the same is visible from the outside of a sexually oriented business and that is used to seek the attraction of the public to any goods, services or merchandise available at the sexually oriented business. The term “sign” shall also include representations painted on or otherwise affixed to any exterior portion of a sexually oriented business as well as representations painted on or otherwise affixed to any part of the premises upon which the sexually oriented business is situated.
Separate area.
Any portion of the interior of a sexually oriented business separated from any other portion of a sexually oriented business by any wall, partition or other divider.
Sexual encounter center.
A commercial establishment to which the public is permitted or invited, which as its principal business purpose, offers for any form of consideration:
Physical contact in the form of specified sexual activities between persons of the same or opposite sex; or
Activities between male and female persons or persons of the same sex when one (1) or more of the persons is in a state of nudity.
Sexually oriented business.
An adult arcade, adult bookstore or adult video store, adult cabaret, adult motel, adult theater, adult motion picture theater, escort agency, nude model business or sexual encounter center; or
Any establishment the principal business of which is the offering of a service or the selling, renting or exhibiting of devices or any other items intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to its customers, and which is distinguished by or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; or whose employees or customers appear in a state of nudity.
The term “sexually oriented business” shall not be construed to include:
Any business operated by or employing a licensed psychologist, licensed physical therapist, licensed masseuse, licensed vocational nurse, registered nurse, licensed athletic trainer, licensed cosmetologist, or licensed barber engaged in performing functions authorized under the license held;
Any business operated by or employing a licensed physician or licensed chiropractor engaged in practicing the healing arts;
Any retail establishment whose principal business is the offering of wearing apparel for sale to customers and does not exhibit merchandise on live models; or
An activity conducted or sponsored:
By a proprietary school licensed by the state or a college, junior college or university supported entirely or partly by taxation; or
By a private college or university that maintains or operates educational programs in which credits are transferable to a college, junior college, or university supported entirely or partly by taxation;
And in a structure:
Which has no sign or other advertising visible from the exterior of the structure indicating a nude person is available for viewing;
Where in order to participate in a class, a student must enroll at least three (3) days in advance of the class; and
Where no more than one (1) nude model is on the premises at any one time.
Specified anatomical areas.
Less than completely and opaquely covered:
Human genitals, pubic region or pubic hair;
Female breast or breasts or any portion thereof that is situated below a point immediately above the top of the areola; or
Any combination of the foregoing; or
Human male genitals in a discernibly erect state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
Specified sexual activities.
Human genitals in a discernible state of sexual stimulation or arousal;
Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy;
Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region or pubic hair, buttock or female breast or breasts; or
Any combination of the foregoing.
Zoning ordinance.:
The comprehensive zoning ordinance, Ordinance 4647, as amended, of the City.
(Ordinance 4480, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 4448, sec. 1, adopted 9/18/90; Ordinance 5799, sec. 1, adopted 1/20/04)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this article or elsewhere in this Code, a sexually oriented business may be operated only in a zoning district in which the use is allowed as provided by the zoning ordinance.
A person commits an offense if the person establishes, operates or causes to be operated or expanded a sexually oriented business within 1,000 feet of:
A place of worship;
A school;
A boundary of a residential district;
A licensed day-care center;
A public park; or
The property line of a lot devoted to a residential use as defined in this article.
However, if there is a controlled access highway between the district boundary/property line and the sexually oriented business, the sexually oriented business must be at least five hundred (500) feet from such district boundary/property line.
A person commits an offense if the person establishes, operates or causes to be operated or expanded a sexually oriented business within 1,000 feet of any other sexually oriented business.
A person commits an offense if the person establishes, operates or causes to be operated or expanded a sexually oriented business in any building, structure or portion thereof containing another sexually oriented business.
For the purposes of subsection (B) of this section, measurement shall be made in a straight line, without regard to intervening buildings, structures or objects, from the nearest portion of the building or structure in which a sexually oriented business, or any portion thereof, is located to the nearest property line of the premises of a place of worship, school, licensed day-care center, or to the nearest boundary of an affected public park, residential district or residential lot.
For the purposes of subsection (C) of this section, the distance between any two sexually oriented businesses shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening buildings, structures or objects, from the closest exterior wall of the building or structure in which each business is located. If the sexually oriented business is located within a building or structure with multiple spaces available for occupancy, the measurement will be from the wall of the tenant space occupied by the sexually oriented business.
(Ordinance 4480, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 5799, sec. 1, adopted 1/20/04; Ordinance 5821, sec. 4, adopted 5/4/04; Ordinance 5965, secs. 1, 2, adopted 1/10/06)
A person commits an offense if the person operates or causes to be operated a sexually oriented business without a valid permit issued by the City under this article for the particular type of business.
A person commits an offense if the person operates or causes to be operated a sexually oriented business unless the permit is posted at or near the principal public entrance to the sexually oriented business in such a manner that it will be conspicuous to customers who enter the premises.
In any prosecution under subsection (A)(1), above, it shall be presumed that there was no permit at the time of the alleged offense, unless a permit was then posted as provided in subsection (A)(2), above.
Applications for a permit, whether original or renewal, must be made to the Building Official by the intended operator of the sexually oriented business. Applications must be submitted by hand delivery by the applicant to the office of the Building Inspection Department during regular working hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, City holidays excepted). Application forms shall be provided by the Building Official. The applicant shall submit the original of the completed application form to the Building Official; a copy shall not be acceptable. The application shall require, and the applicant shall provide, the following information:
The full name of the intended operator, the operator’s residence street address and mailing address (if different), and the operator’s driver’s license or state department of public safety personal identification number.
The name under which the sexually oriented business is to be operated and a general description of the services to be provided.
The telephone number of the sexually oriented business.
The address, and legal description of the tract of land on which the sexually oriented business is to be located.
If the sexually oriented business is in operation, the date on which the owner(s) acquired the sexually oriented business for which the permit is sought, and the date on which the sexually oriented business began operations as a sexually oriented business at the location for which the permit is sought.
If the sexually oriented business is not in operation, the expected startup date (which shall be expressed in number of days from the date of issuance of the permit). If the expected startup date is to be more than ten days following the date of issuance of the permit, then a detailed explanation of the construction, repair or remodeling work or other cause of the expected delay and a statement of the owner’s time schedule and plan for accomplishing the same.
The names, residence street addresses, and mailing addresses (if different) of the owners of the sexually oriented business and the type of business entity (proprietorship, partnership or corporation). If the owner is a natural person, the applicant shall provide the full name of the owner, the owner’s residence street address and mailing address (if different), and the owner’s operator’s driver’s license or state department of public safety personal identification number.
The name, mailing address and telephone number of a person who will act as the applicant’s liaison with the Building Official for purposes of the permit inspection(s) required under this article. Such person must be available to come to the sexually oriented business upon one hour’s notice given between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., on Monday through Friday (holidays excepted), upon request by the Building Official to the telephone number designated during the time that the permit application is pending hereunder and must be authorized to act for the applicant in matters relating to the inspection of the premises during the time that the permit application is pending hereunder.
The application shall be accompanied by the following:
Payment in full of a fee in the respective amount designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10, by certified check, cashier’s check or money order, which fee shall not be refundable.
A certified copy of the assumed name certificate filed in compliance with the Assumed Business or Professional Name Act (Texas Business and Commerce Code, chapter 36) if the sexually oriented business is to be operated under an assumed name;
If the sexually oriented business is a Texas corporation, a certified copy of the articles of incorporation, together with all amendments thereto;
If the sexually oriented business is a foreign corporation, a certified copy of the certificate of authority to transact business in this state, together with all amendments thereto;
If the sexually oriented business is a limited partnership formed under the laws of the state, a certified copy of the certificate of limited partnership, together with all amendments thereto, filed in the office of the secretary of state under the Texas Business Organizations Code;
If the sexually oriented business is a foreign limited partnership, a certified copy of the certificate of limited partnership and the qualification documents, together with all amendments thereto, filed in the office of the secretary of state under the Texas Business Organizations Code;
Proof of the current fee ownership of the tract of land on which the sexually oriented business is to be situated in the form of a copy of the recorded deed;
If the persons identified as the fee owner(s) of the tract of land in subsection (g) above are not also the owners of the sexually oriented business, then the lease, purchase contract, purchase option contract, lease option contract or other document(s) evidencing the legally enforceable right of the owner or intended operator of the sexually oriented business to have or obtain the use and possession of the tract or portion thereof that is to be used for the sexually oriented business for the purpose of the operation of the sexually oriented business;
If the application is for a sexually oriented business that will display or offer to display sexually explicit films or videos regulated by section 26.95, the application shall be accompanied by the plans required by section 26.95.
Any of subsections (b) through (h), above shall not be required for a renewal application if the applicant states that the documents previously furnished the director with the original application or previous renewals thereof remain correct and current.
The application shall contain a statement under oath that:
The applicant has personal knowledge of the information contained in the application and that the information contained therein and furnished therewith is true and correct; and
On behalf of the owner, the applicant has read, and the owner has actual notice of, the provisions of this article.
The application shall be sworn to be true and correct by the applicant as witnessed by a duly authorized notary public.
A separate application and permit shall be required for each sexually oriented business.
Each applicant shall, within three (3) days following the filing of the application and payment of the filing fee, place signs that provide notification and information specifically stating “SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESS PERMIT APPLICATION PENDING” and the date on which the application was filed along with the notation: “For further information, contact the Building Official of the City of Garland, Texas.” Immediately upon posting the signs, the applicant shall notify the Building Official that the signs have been posted. The signs shall measure at least 24 inches by 36 inches in size and shall be printed on metal or other rigid, weather-resistant material. All lettering on the signs must be clearly legible and at least one and one-half inches by two inches in size for each letter on the sign. The applicant shall place at least one such sign along each of the public street frontages abutting the premises of the sexually oriented business so as to be clearly visible from the public streets. If a premises does not have a public street frontage, then signs shall be placed on the premises at a point visible from the nearest public right-of-way. The signs shall be checked daily by the applicant and reposted as required to ensure the signs remain posted until the application has been approved or denied.
Every applicant shall give notice of the application by publication at the applicant’s own expense in two consecutive issues of a newspaper published in Dallas County, Texas with a daily circulation of not less than 100,000 copies. The notice shall be printed in 10-point boldface type and shall include:
The fact that a sexually oriented business permit has been applied for;
The street address, including suite or unit number, if any, of the place of business for which the permit is sought;
The names of the business and, if the business is operated under an assumed name, the trade name; and
If the applicant is a corporation, the names and titles of all officers.
The notices shall be published within seven days after the application is filed with the Building Official. The applicant shall provide to the Building Official a legible copy of the publisher’s affidavit or similar proof of publication within twenty days of the date the application is filed.
Term; renewal.
Each permit shall be valid for a period of one year and shall expire on the anniversary of its date of issuance, unless sooner revoked, or surrendered. Each permit shall be subject to renewal as of its expiration date by the filing of a renewal application with the Building Official. Renewal applications must be filed at least 20 days prior to the expiration date of the permit that is to be renewed.
Issuance or denial.
Within 30 days of receipt of any application, either original or renewal, the Building Official shall grant or deny the requested permit and give written notice to the applicant as to the decision, unless such time period is extended at the request of the applicant as provided in subsection (2)(e), below.
The director shall issue a permit to the applicant unless one or more of the following conditions exist:
The applicant’s sexually oriented business is located within 1,000 feet of any place of worship, school, boundary of a residential district, licensed day-care center, public park or the property line of a lot devoted to a residential use, as measured in accordance with section 26.92(E);
The applicant’s sexually oriented business is located within 1,000 feet of any other sexually oriented business for which there is a permit issued under this article, as measured in accordance with section 26.92(F);
The applicant failed to supply all of the information requested on the application;
The applicant gave materially false, fraudulent or untruthful information on the application;
The applicant’s sexually oriented business is not in compliance with section 26.96 (relating to exteriors) or section 26.97 (relating to signs) of this article. The Building Official may allow any noncompliance with section 26.96 or section 26.97 to be cured during the Building Official’s review period established in subsection (5), below, provided that noncompliance must be cured before the notice of decision on the permit is issued;
The application or the sexually oriented business does not meet any other requirement of this article or would violate the zoning ordinance;
The applicant, an owner of the sexually oriented business, or the proposed operator has had a permit denied or revoked for the same sexually oriented business within the 180-day period next preceding the later of the date that the application was filed or a final decision on the denial or revocation was rendered;
The applicant has not demonstrated that the owner of the sexually oriented business owns or holds a lease for the property or the applicable portion thereof upon which the sexually oriented business will be situated or has a legally enforceable right to acquire the same;
An applicant or an applicant’s spouse has been convicted or placed on deferred adjudication, probation, or community supervision for:
Any offense under the laws of the United States of America, another state or the Uniform Code of Military Justice for an offense described in this subsection below; or
Any of the following offenses of the state or criminal attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to commit same;
Any of the following offenses as described in chapter 43 of the Texas Penal Code:
Promotion of prostitution;
Aggravated promotion of prostitution;
Compelling prostitution;
Sale, distribution or display of harmful material to a minor;
Sexual performance by a child;
Possession of child pornography;
Any of the following offenses as described in chapter 21 of the Texas Penal Code:
Public lewdness;
Indecent exposure;
Indecency with a child;
Sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault as described in chapter 22 of the Texas Penal Code; or
Incest, solicitation of a child or harboring a runaway child as described in chapter 25 of the Texas Penal Code;
For which:
Less than two (2) years have elapsed since the date of conviction, or the date of release from the terms of community supervision, probation, parole or deferred adjudication or the date of release from confinement imposed for the conviction, whichever is the later date, if the conviction is of a misdemeanor offense; or
Less than five (5) years have elapsed since the date of conviction, or the date of release from the terms of community supervision, probation, parole or deferred adjudication or the date of release from confinement for the conviction, whichever is the later date, if the conviction is of a felony offense; or
Less than five (5) years have elapsed since the date of the last conviction or the date of release from confinement for the last conviction, whichever is the later date, if the convictions are of two (2) or more misdemeanor offenses or combination of misdemeanor offenses occurring within any twenty-four-month period;
The applicant or the applicant’s spouse is required to register as a sex offender under the provisions of chapter 62 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure;
An applicant or an applicant’s spouse is overdue in payment to the City of taxes, fees, fines or penalties assessed against or imposed upon the applicant or the applicant’s spouse in relation to a sexually oriented business; or
An applicant is under eighteen (18) years of age.
Property uses and distances for original applications shall be determined as of the time that the application is filed. If a renewal application is timely filed as provided in subsection (C), the property uses and measurements for the renewal application shall be determined as of the time that the original application for the sexually oriented business was filed. If not timely filed, renewal applications shall be subject to the same fees and shall be treated in the same manner in all respects as original applications.
An applicant, or applicant’s spouse, who has been convicted of or placed on deferred adjudication, probation or community supervision for an offense listed in subsection (D)(2)(i) may qualify for permit only when the time period required by subsection (2)(i)(v) has elapsed.
In the event that the Building Official determines that an applicant is not eligible for a permit, the applicant shall be given notice in writing of the reasons for the denial within 30 days of the receipt of its application by the Building Official, provided that the applicant may request, in writing, that such period be extended for an additional period of not more than ten days at any time before the notice is issued in order to make modifications necessary to comply with section 26.96 or 26.97. An applicant may appeal the decision of the Building Official regarding such denial by filing a written request for a hearing with the Building Official within 30 days after the applicant is given notice of such denial. The Building Official’s decision on the application shall be final unless an appeal is timely filed. An appeal shall not stay the Building Official’s decision on the issuance of a permit. The applicant’s written request for a hearing shall set out the grounds on which the denial is challenged. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures contained in subsection (F)(3).
Failure of the Building Official to give timely notice of his action on an application, or failure of the hearing official to timely conduct or give notice of his decision on an appeal from the Building Official’s decision shall entitle the applicant to the issuance of a temporary permit upon written demand therefor filed by the applicant with the Building Official unless the delay resulted from a written request for a delay or deferral by the applicant. A temporary permit shall only be valid until the third day after the Building Official gives notice of his action on the application or the hearing official gives notice of his decision on the appeal, as applicable.
In any instance in which the applicant’s sexually oriented business is to be situated within 1,000 feet, as measured hereunder, from another proposed sexually oriented business for which a previously filed permit application has been denied, and the previously filed application is still subject to appeals, the Building Official may grant the permit on a conditional basis, subject to the outcome of the appeals on the previous application. A permit so issued may be withdrawn and denied effective upon the third day after notice thereof is given to the operator following the resolution of the appeals on the prior permit. In case of denial the applicant shall have the same rights of appeal hereunder as if the permit had been denied in the first instance.
The provisions of subsection (2)(b) shall not be construed to prohibit a sexually oriented business for which there is a permit from relocating to another location situated within 1,000 feet of its existing location, provided that the proposed location complies with all applicable requirements of this article other than its proximity to its own existing sexually oriented business location. An original permit application shall be required to be filed for the proposed relocation, and the Building Official shall conditionally grant the application, if granted, on the stipulation that the permit will not actually be issued until the applicant discontinues operation at its existing location and surrenders the permit for its existing location. Any such relocation must be completed within 180 days from the date that the permit is conditionally granted or the conditional grant of the application will become void. Pending the removal of the sexually oriented business to its new location, both the old and new locations shall be deemed to be operating under a permit for purpose of measurements to locations of other proposed sexually oriented businesses for which applications may be filed.
Permit transfers.
A permit is personal to the owner(s) and the operator designated in the application holds the permit on the owner(s)’ behalf as the owner(s)’ agent, provided it may be transferred pursuant to this section. A transfer application must be filed by the tenth day next following any change of the owner(s) or operator designated on the application. In the event that a transfer application is not timely filed, then the permit shall be invalid for any purpose relating to the operation of the sexually oriented business, and any transfer shall require the filing of an original permit application and shall be subject to the regulations applicable thereto. For purposes of measurements between sexually oriented businesses under section 26.92(C), an establishment for which the permit has become invalid by operation of this section shall be treated as though it had a permit until the permit is revoked.
The Building Official shall prescribe a form on which permit transfer applications shall be made. The form shall include a statement under oath that the original application remains correct as previously submitted in all respects except those that are amended hereby. The transfer application shall contain a statement under oath that the individual signing the transfer application has personal knowledge of the information contained therein and that the information is true and correct and shall not be complete unless accompanied by a nonrefundable transfer fee in the amount designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10. Transfer applications shall be filed in the same place, time, and manner as original applications and the fee shall be payable in the same manner as for original applications.
Transfers shall be reviewed, issued, and subject to appeal in the same manner as original applications, and they shall be issued for the remaining term of the permit to be transferred.
No change in ownership of a sexually oriented business or transfer of a permit for a sexually oriented business shall be allowed during the pendency of any administrative proceeding under subsection (F), from the time that any request for revocation or suspension has been filed with the hearing official until the hearing official’s order is final. Any such transfer or attempted transfer shall confer no rights whatever in the permit for the sexually oriented business to the putative transferee.
Suspension or revocation of permits.
The City Attorney shall have the authority to request the revocation of a permit for any one or more of the following reasons:
The owner or operator of the permitted sexually oriented business knowingly allowed a person under 18 years of age to enter a sexually oriented business;
The permitted sexually oriented business does not conform to the provisions of section 26.96 and section 26.97;
Three or more cumulative violations of any of the offenses contained in chapter 21, chapter 43, section 22.011, or section 22.021 of the Texas Penal Code or of the offenses contained in this article have occurred on the premises of the permitted sexually oriented business. These violations must have occurred in a consecutive period of 12 months, and the owner, operator or any manager:
Knowingly allowed such violations to occur;
Did not make a reasonable effort to prevent the occurrence of such violations; or
Should have known that such violations were occurring or did occur;
An owner, operator or manager has knowingly allowed possession, use or sale of controlled substances on the premises;
An owner, operator or manager has on three (3) or more occasions knowingly allowed any act of sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral copulation, masturbation or sexual contact (as that term is defined in section 21.01, Texas Penal Code) to occur in or on the premises, other than within a private sleeping room on the premises of an adult motel;
The owner or operator is delinquent in payment to the City for hotel occupancy taxes, ad valorem taxes or sales taxes related to the sexually oriented business;
The owner or operator is required to register as a sex offender under the provisions of chapter 62 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure;
The operator of the permitted sexually oriented business gave materially false, fraudulent or untruthful information on the original, renewal or transfer application form;
The sexually oriented business has not been open for business for a period of 30 consecutive days, unless due to circumstances beyond the control of the owner, and the owner is proceeding with due diligence, given all attendant circumstances, to open or reopen the establishment;
That there was a change of owner or operator for which a transfer application was not timely filed pursuant to subsection (E); or
That the permit was erroneously issued in contravention of the criteria of this article.
The City Attorney shall have sole authority to initiate any action for revocation of a permit; provided, that the Building Official may request that the City Attorney give priority to any such action based upon the number or nature of violations involving a particular sexually oriented business or sexually oriented businesses.
Prior to the revocation of a permit, the City Attorney, with the assistance of the Building Official, shall investigate the grounds alleged to determine whether probable cause for revocation may exist and, if so, shall notify the owner(s) and operator in writing of reasons for the proposed revocation and grant such owner(s) and operator the opportunity to appear before the Unified Building Standards Commission, at a time and place specified within such notice. No voting member of the Unified Building Standards Commission shall have participated in any investigation of the alleged grounds for the revocation. The hearing shall be held not less than 20 days after the notice is given. Hearings shall be conducted under rules issued by the Building Official. Such rules shall be consistent with the nature of the proceedings and shall ensure that each party may present evidence, cross-examine witnesses and be represented by legal counsel. If, after the hearing, the Unified Building Standards Commission finds that the permit should be revoked, it shall issue a written order revoking such permit. If the Unified Building Standards Commission determines, based upon the nature of the violation, that the ends of justice would be served by a suspension in lieu of a revocation, the board may suspend the operation of the permit for a period of time to be stated in the order of suspension, not to exceed two months.
Upon receipt of written notice of the denial, suspension or revocation, the applicant whose application for a permit has been denied or whose permit has been suspended or revoked shall have the right to appeal by filing suit in the appropriate court within thirty (30) days after the receipt of notice of the decision of the hearing official.
A sexually oriented business shall be treated as having a permit for purposes of measurements under subsection (D) pending the final disposition of any court action involving judicial review of a permit revocation or suspension.
Each day in which a violation is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate violation for purposes of suspension.
Other permit provisions.
A permit is valid only at the location for which it is issued.
It shall be unlawful for any person to counterfeit, forge, change, deface, or alter a permit.
A permit may be canceled upon written request of the owner(s) or operator and surrender of the permit itself to the Building Official. The surrender of a permit shall be effective immediately upon its filing in the office of Building Official.
Applications and other notices required or permitted to be given to the Building Official under this article must be submitted by hand delivery by the intended operator to the office of the Building Official during regular working hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (City holidays excepted).
The fees prescribed in this article shall only be payable by certified check, cashier’s check or money order. If payment thereon is not honored, the Building Official may suspend the permit, if issued, until payment is made by written notice to the operator.
Possession by the owner or operator of other state or City permits does not exempt that person from the requirement of obtaining a permit for a sexually oriented business.
(Ordinance 4480, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 5799, sec. 1, adopted 1/20/04; Ordinance 5965, secs. 3–7, adopted 1/10/06; Ordinance 6952, sec. 3, adopted 1/16/18; Ordinance 7363 adopted 9/6/2022)
Prohibited contact, proximity, and certain displays of nudity.
It shall be unlawful:
For any entertainer to touch a customer or the clothing of a customer while engaging in entertainment or while exposing any specified anatomical areas or engaging in any specified sexual activities;
For any entertainer to approach closer than three feet to any customer while engaging in entertainment or while exposing any specified anatomical areas or engaging in any specified sexual activities;
For any employee to engage in entertainment or to expose any specified anatomical areas or engage in any specified sexual activities in the presence of a customer in any separate area within a sexually oriented business to which entry or access is blocked or obscured by any door, curtain or other barrier separating entry to such area from any other area of the sexually oriented business; or
For an owner, operator or manager to knowingly allow an employee to appear in a state of nudity in an area of a sexually oriented business premises that can be viewed from a public street.
Age restrictions.
It shall be unlawful to allow a person who is younger than 18 years of age to enter or be on the premises of a sexually oriented business at any time that the sexually oriented business is open for business.
It shall be the duty of the operator of each sexually oriented business to ensure that an attendant is stationed at each public entrance to the sexually oriented business at all times during such sexually oriented business’s regular business hours. It shall be the duty of the attendant to not allow any person under the age of 18 years to enter the sexually oriented business. It shall be presumed that an attendant knew a person was under the age of 18 unless such attendant asked for and was furnished:
A valid operator’s, commercial operator’s, or chauffeur’s driver’s license; or
A valid personal identification certificate issued by the state department of public safety reflecting that such person is 18 years of age or older.
It shall be unlawful to:
Employ at an escort agency any person under the age of eighteen (18) years; or
Act as an escort or agree to act as an escort for any person under the age of eighteen (18) years.
Hours of operation.
No sexually oriented business, other than an adult motel, may operate or remain open between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on weekdays and Saturdays, and 2:00 a.m. and noon (12:00 p.m.) on Sundays.
Opaque coverings.
The owner or operator of an adult book store or adult video store shall place any item of merchandise purchased or rented by a customer into an opaque bag or other opaque covering before the customer removes the merchandise from the premises.
Permits for managers, employees, and entertainers.
It shall be unlawful for any person who does not hold a valid permit to act as an entertainer or employee in or as a manager of a sexually oriented business.
It shall be the duty of the operator and owners of a sexually oriented business to ensure that no person acts as an entertainer or employee in or as manager of a sexually oriented business owned or operated by such owner or operator unless the entertainer, employee or manager holds a valid permit.
A person who desires to obtain an original or renewal permit under the provisions of this subsection shall make application in person at the offices of the City Attorney between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., Monday, Wednesday or Friday, City-observed holidays excepted. The application shall be made under oath upon a form provided by the City Attorney and shall include:
The name, home street address, and mailing address (if different) of the applicant;
Proof of the date of birth of the applicant and the identity of the applicant, including at least one photographic identity card issued by a governmental agency within the United States;
A list of any criminal charges for which the applicant is currently under indictment, for which an information or complaint has been filed, or for which the applicant has been convicted, placed on deferred adjudication, probation or community supervision, for any applicable offense as specified in section 26.93(D)(2)(i) of this Code; and
Two passport-type photographs of the applicant of a size specified by the director, which shall become part of the photographic identity cards if a permit is issued.
Each application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable processing fee in the amount designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10. The applicant shall provide fingerprints to be used to verify the applicant’s identity and criminal history information. Each applicant shall sign a waiver and authorization form authorizing the Police Department to request on behalf of the applicant criminal history reports from the state department of public safety and any appropriate federal agency.
The City Attorney shall issue the permit within ten days from the date of filing of the application unless the City Attorney determines that the applicant has been convicted, placed on deferred adjudication, probation or community supervision for any applicable offense as specified in section 26.93(D)(2)(i) of this Code and within the time specified therein. No permit application shall be accepted nor shall a permit be issued to any person who does not provide proof that he or she is at least 18 years old. Any permit issued by virtue of any misrepresentation or error to any person under age 18 shall be void. If the application is not granted or is refused, then the applicant shall be mailed notice of the grounds for denial or refusal, of the applicant’s right to contest the denial or refusal, and of the manner and time within which a denial or refusal may be contested.
An applicant whose application is denied, refused or revoked may request a hearing on the denial, refusal or revocation by giving written notice of the request for a hearing to the City Attorney within ten days following the issuance of the notice of denial, refusal or revocation by the City Attorney. The hearing shall be held within ten days following the receipt of the request. The hearing shall be conducted before a hearing officer appointed under the provisions of section 24.25 of this Code, and shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of section 24.26 of this Code to the extent applicable to a hearing of this nature. The hearing officer shall issue a ruling immediately upon the completion of the hearing unless the parties to the proceeding agree otherwise. If the hearing officer rules against the applicant, then the applicant shall be given notice of the right to seek an injunction or judicial review of the decision as provided in section 26.93(F)(4) of this Code.
In the event that the City Attorney fails to issue, deny or refuse a permit application within the time specified, or the hearing officer fails to issue a ruling after a hearing as provided in this section, the applicant shall, upon written request, unless the applicant has been found to be underage, be immediately issued a temporary permit which shall be valid until the third day after the applicant is given notice of the decision of the City Attorney or the hearing officer, as applicable.
In the event that the City Attorney has reasonable grounds to believe that any permit holder has been convicted, placed on deferred adjudication, probation or community supervision for any applicable offense as specified in section 26.93(D)(2)(i) of this Code and within the time specified therein, or that the permit holder is under the age of 18, then the City Attorney may revoke the permit by sending notice of the revocation to the permit holder at the address provided by the permit holder on the permit holder’s application. The notice shall state the grounds for revocation, shall advise the permit holder of the permit holder’s right to contest the revocation, and shall advise the permit holder of the manner and time within which a revocation may be contested.
Each permit issued by the City Attorney shall consist of two photographic identification cards, a personal card and an on-site card. If a personal card or on-site card is lost or stolen, the permit holder shall immediately notify the office of the City Attorney and request a replacement, which shall be issued for a fee in the amount designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10, within three days following verification of the identity of the holder. A permit is valid for two years from the date of its issuance. A permit is personal to the named permit holder and is not valid for use by any other person. Each permit holder shall notify the office of the City Attorney of his or her new address within ten days following any change of his or her address.
Display of permits.
Each manager, employee or entertainer shall conspicuously carry and display his or her personal card upon his or her person at a point above his or her waist at all times while acting as an entertainer, employee or manager on the premises of a sexually oriented business. A manager, employee or entertainer may not display an on-site card in lieu of a personal card. A manager, employee or entertainer who has lost or misplaced his or her personal card shall not act as an entertainer, employee or manager until a replacement for the personal card is obtained. A manager, employee or entertainer shall provide his or her on-site card to the on-site manager in charge of the sexually oriented business to retain while the permit holder is on the premises. In any prosecution under subsection (E)(1), it shall be presumed that the actor did not have a permit unless the permit was in display as required by this subsection.
No customer shall pay a gratuity directly to an entertainer, and no entertainer shall take a gratuity directly from a customer. Instead, any gratuity to be paid by a customer to an entertainer shall be given to the on-site manager for the account of the entertainers on duty at the time or included on the credit card account of the customer for the account of the entertainers on duty at the time, if the customer pays by credit card. “Gratuity,” as used herein, includes any form of or representation of payment, including cash, tokens, “chits” or other facsimile or substitute for money.
(Ordinance 4480, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 5799, sec. 1, adopted 1/20/04; Ordinance 5965, sec. 8, adopted 1/10/06; Ordinance 6136, secs. 1–3, adopted 6/19/07; Ordinance 7363 adopted 9/6/2022)
A person who operates or causes to be operated a sexually oriented business (including, without limitation, an adult arcade and an adult motion picture theatre, but excluding an adult motel) which exhibits on the premises in a viewing room a film, video cassette or other video reproduction that depicts specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, shall comply with the additional requirements of this section.
Upon application for a sexually oriented business permit, the application shall be accompanied by a diagram of the premises showing a plan thereof that specifies the location of one (1) or more manager’s stations, the location of all overhead lighting fixtures, and that designates any portion of the premises in which customers will not be permitted. A manager’s station may not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet of floor area. The diagram shall also designate the place at which the permit will be conspicuously posted, if granted. A professionally prepared diagram in the nature of an engineer’s or architect’s blueprint shall not be required; however each diagram should be oriented to the north, or to some designated street or object, and shall be drawn to a designated scale or with marked dimensions sufficient to show the various internal dimensions of all areas of the interior of the premises to an accuracy of plus or minus six inches (6"). The Building Official may waive the foregoing diagram for renewal applications if the applicant adopts a diagram that was previously submitted and certifies that the configuration of the premises has not been altered since it was prepared.
The interior of the premises shall be configured in such a manner that there is an unobstructed view from a manager’s station of every area of the premises to which any customer is permitted access for any purpose, excluding restrooms. Restrooms may not contain video reproduction or transmission equipment. If the premises has two (2) or more manager’s stations designated, then the interior of the premises shall be configured in such a manner that there is an unobstructed view of each area of the premises to which any customer is permitted access for any purpose from at least one (1) of the manager’s stations. The view required in this subsection must be by direct line of human sight from the manager’s station.
It shall be the duty of the owner and operator, and it shall also be the duty of any manager and employees present in a sexually oriented business regulated by this section 26.95, to ensure that the view area specified in subsection (C) remains unobstructed by any doors, walls, merchandise, display racks or other materials at all times that any customer is present on the premises and to ensure that no customer is permitted access to any area of the premises that has been designated as an area in which customers will not be permitted in the plan filed pursuant to subsection (B).
Each manager’s station shall be attended by an employee at any time a customer is present on the premises.
No viewing area or booth of less than 155 square feet of floor space shall be occupied by more than one person at any time.
An owner or operator commits an offense if the owner or operator permits access to a customer of any area of the premises that is not visible from the manager’s station for any purpose, excluding restrooms.
A sexually oriented business regulated by this section 26.95 shall be equipped with lighting fixtures of sufficient intensity to illuminate every place to which customers are permitted access at an illumination of not less than one (1.0) footcandle as measured at four feet above the floor level. It shall be the duty of the owners and the operator, and it shall also be the duty of any manager or employee present on the premises to ensure that the illumination required by this subsection is maintained at all times that any customer is present on the premises.
No sexually oriented business regulated by this section 26.95 shall be configured in such a manner as to have any opening in any partition, screen, wall or other barrier that separates a viewing area from other viewing areas. This provision shall not apply to conduits for plumbing, heating, air conditioning, ventilation or electrical service, provided that such conduits shall be so screened or otherwise configured as to prevent their use as openings that would permit any portion of a human body to penetrate the wall or barrier separating viewing areas. It shall be the duty of the owners and the operator, and it shall also be the duty of any manager or employee present on the premises of a sexually oriented business regulated by this section 26.95, to assure that no openings are allowed to exist in violation of this subsection and to ensure that no customer is allowed access to any portion of the premises where any opening exists in violation of this subsection until the opening has been brought into compliance with this subsection.
It shall be unlawful for an operator or an owner, and it shall also be unlawful for any manager or employee present in a sexually oriented business regulated by this section 26.95, to knowingly allow or permit any act of sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral copulation, indecent exposure, lewd conduct or masturbation to occur on the premises or to knowingly allow or permit the premises to be used as a place in which solicitation for sexual intercourse, sodomy or oral copulation occurs.
A permit issued under this article for a sexually oriented business regulated by this section 26.95 shall only extend to the premises in the configuration described in the application and the plans submitted with or adopted therein. If the premises remains open during alterations or expansions, then it shall be the duty of the operator to ensure that no customer is permitted to use a viewing area within any portion of the premises that has been altered or added by any alteration or expansion until a new permit has been obtained on the basis of the premises as reconfigured by the work.
(Ordinance 4480, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 5799, sec. 1, adopted 1/20/04; Ordinance 5965, secs. 9–11, adopted 1/10/06)
It shall be unlawful for an owner or operator of a sexually oriented business to allow the merchandise or activities of the sexually oriented business to be visible from any point outside such sexually oriented business.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of a sexually oriented business to allow the exterior portions of the sexually oriented business to have flashing lights, or any words, lettering, photographs, silhouettes, drawings, or pictorial representations of any manner except to the extent permitted by the provisions of this article.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of a sexually oriented business to allow exterior portions of the sexually oriented business to be painted any color other than a single achromatic color. As used in this section, “achromatic” means colorless, lacking in saturation or hue. Without limitation, grays, tans and light earth tones shall be included, but white and black and any bold coloration that attracts attention shall be excluded from the definition of achromatic.
This provision shall not apply to a sexually oriented business if the following conditions are met:
The sexually oriented business is a part of a commercial multiunit center; and
The exterior portions of each individual unit in the commercial multiunit center, including the exterior portions of the sexually oriented business, are painted the same color as one another or are painted in such a way so as to be a component of the overall architectural style or pattern of the commercial multiunit center.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require the painting of an otherwise unpainted exterior portion of a sexually oriented business.
(Ordinance 4480, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 5799, sec. 1, adopted 1/20/04)
Notwithstanding chapter 30 of this Code or any other City ordinance, Code, or regulation to the contrary, it shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any sexually oriented business or any other person to erect, construct, or maintain any sign for the sexually oriented business other than one primary sign and one secondary sign, as provided herein.
Primary signs shall have no more than two display surfaces. Each such display surface shall:
Not contain any flashing lights;
Be a flat plane, rectangular in shape;
Not exceed 75 square feet in area; and
Not exceed ten feet in height or ten feet in length.
Primary signs shall contain no photographs, silhouettes, drawings or pictorial representations of any manner, and may contain only:
The name of the sexually oriented business; and
One or more of the following phrases:
“Adult bookstore.”
“Adult movie theatre.”
“Adult encounter parlor.”
“Adult cabaret.”
“Adult lounge.”
“Adult novelties.”
“Adult entertainment.”
“Adult modeling studio.”
Primary signs for adult movie theaters may contain the additional phrase, “Movie Titles Posted on Premises.”
Each letter forming a word on a primary sign shall be of a solid color, and each such letter shall be the same print type, size and color. The background behind such lettering on the display surface of a primary sign shall be of a uniform and solid color.
Secondary signs shall have only one display surface. Such display surface shall:
Be a flat plane, rectangular in shape;
Not exceed 20 square feet in area;
Not exceed five feet in height and four feet in width; and
Be affixed or attached to any wall or door of the sexually oriented business.
The provisions of subsection (1) of subsection (B) and subsections (C) and (D) shall also apply to secondary signs.
Any sign located on the premises of a commercial multiunit center containing a sexually oriented business that displays the name, or any portion of the name of the sexually oriented business, any name under which any sexually oriented business was formerly operated on the premises, or that contains any of the terms set forth in subsection (2) of subsection (C) or any other terminology that is commonly used to identify, or is associated with the presence of a sexually oriented business, shall comply with all restrictions of this section. The intent of this subsection is to prevent the use of signage identifying the commercial multitenant center itself from being used as a subterfuge to evade the restrictions on sexually oriented business signs set forth in this section.
Except as expressly provided herein, nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to grant or allow for any sign, additional sign (whether attached or freestanding), or additional sign area not otherwise allowed in general under chapter 30 of this Code, nor to in any manner exempt a sexually oriented business from any generally applicable City ordinance, Code, or regulation relating to signs.
(Ordinance 4480, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 5799, sec. 1, adopted 1/20/04)
Whenever a person does an act that is forbidden, fails to perform an act that is required, or commits an act that is made unlawful by any provision of this article, the violation is punishable as provided by section 243.010(b) of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended. A person violating a provision of this article is guilty of separate offense for each day or part of a day during which the violation is committed, continued, or permitted.
Except as otherwise provided by law, a person commits an offense under this article if the person intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence engages in conduct prohibited by this article.
A person who operates or cause to be operated a sexually oriented business in violation of this article is subject to a suit for injunction and civil penalties as provided by law, in addition to prosecution for criminal violations. The City Attorney is hereby authorized to file suit for such purposes.
(Ordinance 4480, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/91; Ordinance 5799, sec. 1, adopted 1/20/04; Ordinance 5965, sec. 12, adopted 1/10/06)