The National Electrical Code, 2014 edition, is hereby adopted by reference. One (1) copy is to remain on file in the City Secretary’s office. Unless deleted, amended, expanded or otherwise changed herein, all provisions of this Code shall be fully applicable, binding, and of full force and effect.
These regulations shall be known as the “Electrical Code,” may be cited as such, and will be referred to herein as “this Code.”
Amendments, modifications and deletion.
The following articles of the National Electrical Code adopted by subsection (A) of this section are amended, modified or deleted as follows.[1]
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06; Ordinance 6624, sec. 1, adopted 6/18/13; Ordinance 6850, sec. 5, adopted 8/16/16; Ordinance 6952, sec. 11, adopted 1/16/18; Ordinance 7079, sec. 3, adopted 8/20/19)
Additions, alterations or repairs.
Additions, alterations or repairs may be made to any electrical system and equipment without requiring the entire existing electrical system to be upgraded to meet this Code, provided that any addition, alteration or repair conforms to the requirements for a new electrical system and provided further that no hazard to life, health or safety will be created by such additions, alterations or repairs.
Minor additions, alterations and repairs to existing electrical systems and equipment may be made in accordance with the law in effect at the time the original installation was made, when approved by the Building Official.
Existing installations.
Electrical systems and equipment lawfully in existence at the time of the adoption of this Code may have their use, maintenance or repair continued if the use, maintenance or repair is in accordance with the original design and no hazard to life, health or property has been created by such electrical system and equipment.
Change in building occupancy.
Electrical systems and equipment which are a part of any building or structure undergoing a change in use or occupancy, as defined in the Building Code, shall comply with the requirements of this Code which are applicable to the new use or occupancy.
All electrical systems and equipment, both existing and new, and all parts thereof shall be maintained in a proper operating condition in accordance with the original design and in a safe and hazard-free condition. All devices or safeguards which are required by this Code shall be maintained in conformance with this Code. The owner or his designated agent shall be responsible for the maintenance of the electrical system. To determine compliance with this subsection, the Building Official may cause any electrical system to be reinspected.
Moved building.
Electrical systems and equipment which are a part of buildings or structures moved into or within the City shall comply with the provisions of this Code for new installations.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)
For the purpose of these provisions, certain terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this section. Where terms are not defined, they shall have their ordinarily accepted meanings within the context with which they are used. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged, 1986, shall be considered as providing ordinarily accepted meanings. Words used in the singular include the plural and the plural the singular. Words used in the masculine gender include feminine and the feminine the masculine.
as to materials, equipment and method of construction, refers to approval by the Building Official as the result of investigation and tests conducted by him, or by reason of accepted principles or tests by recognized authorities, technical or scientific organizations.
Approved agency
is an established and recognized agency regularly engaged in conducting tests or furnishing inspection services, when such agency has been approved by the Building Official.
Building Code
is the Building Code as adopted by the City.
Building Official
is the officer charged with the administration and enforcement of this Code, or his duly authorized representative, and is the authority having jurisdiction for this Code.
Electrical Code
is the National Electrical Code promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association, as adopted by the City.
Electrical system.
In this article, any reference to electrical system shall mean electrical conductors, equipment, and raceways; signaling and communications conductors, equipment, and raceways; and optical fiber cables and raceways.
Multiple occupancy building
is a building having more than one tenant and may be of single or mixed use groups as classified by the Building Code.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)
Where, in any specific case, different sections of this Code specify different materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)
The provisions of this Code are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of construction not specifically prescribed in this Code, provided any alternate has been approved and its use authorized by the Building Official.
The Building Official may approve any alternate material or method of construction, provided he finds that the proposed design is satisfactory, complies with the provisions of this Code, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this Code in suitability, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety.
The Building Official shall require any person seeking approval of an alternate material or method of construction to provide sufficient evidence or proof that the alternate material or method of construction satisfies the requirement of subsection (B) above. Provided, however, that the approval or authorization of any alternate shall not be construed as warranting or representing the safety of any approved alternate.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)
The electrical regulations of this article may be modified or waived in writing by the Building Official pursuant to section 90.4 of the Electrical Code provided he shall first find that:
A special individual reason makes the strict letter of this Code impractical;
The modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code; and
That such modification does not lessen health, life and fire safety requirements.
Any waiver or modification shall be obtained from the Building Official prior to starting the work, and a copy of the modification or waiver shall be filed in the office of the Building Official by the applicant.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)
Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with any of the provisions of this Code, or evidence that materials or construction do not conform to the requirements of this Code, the Building Official may require tests as evidence of compliance to be made at the sole expense of the person providing such materials or performing such construction.
Test methods shall be as specified by this Code or by other recognized test standards. In the absence of recognized and accepted test methods for the proposed alternate, the Building Official may determine test procedures.
All tests shall be made by an approved agency and a report indicating the results of such tests filed with the Building Official. Reports of such tests shall be retained by the Building Official for a period deemed appropriate by the Building Official.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)
The Building Official is hereby authorized to enforce all the provisions of this Code, which authority includes, but is not limited to the authority to issue a citation to any person who violates any of its provisions. He shall cause a record to be kept of all permits issued and inspections made.
In accordance with prescribed procedures and with the approval of the appointing authority, the Building Official may appoint technical officers and inspectors and other employees as shall be authorized from time to time. Such employees shall have powers as delegated by the Building Official.
Conflict of interest.
It shall be unlawful for an employee of the Building Inspection Department to engage in the business of selling, installing, or maintenance of electrical fixtures, devices, equipment or materials, and they shall have no financial interest in any concern engaged in such business at any time while employed by the City.
Right of entry.
Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of this Code, or whenever the Building Official or his authorized representative has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in any building or upon any premises any condition or violation which makes such building or premises unsafe, dangerous or hazardous, the Building Official or his authorized representative, in accordance with applicable law, may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect the same or to perform any duty imposed upon the Building Official by such Codes, provided that if such building or premises be occupied, he shall first present proper credentials and request entry. If such building or premises is unoccupied, he shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the building or premises and request entry. If entry be refused, the Building Official or his authorized representative shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry.
When the Building Official or his authorized representative shall have first obtained a proper inspection warrant or other remedy provided by law to secure entry, no owner or occupant or any other persons having charge, care or control of any building or premises shall fail or neglect, after proper request is made as herein provided, to promptly permit entry therein by the Building Official or his authorized representative for the purpose of inspection and examination pursuant to this Code.
When any order or notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of this Code to any person who cannot be found after a reasonable search, such order or notice may be served by posting it in a conspicuous place upon the premises occupied by him or upon the premises where the defects are alleged to exist. Such posting of the notice shall be considered equivalent to personal service of such order or notice. An order sent by mail in a sealed envelope with postage prepaid and directed to the address of the electrical contractor, owner, lessee, or occupant of the premises shall be equivalent to personal service of such order.
Inspectors are hereby empowered to attach to the nearest electrical cabinet or equipment feeding defective or hazardous wiring, any official notice or seal to prevent use of electricity in that area, and it shall be unlawful for any other person to place or attach such seal, or to break, change, destroy, tear, mutilate, cover or otherwise deface or injure any such official notice or seal posted by an inspector.
Stop orders.
Whenever any work is being done contrary to the provisions of this Code, the Building Official may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on any persons engaged in the doing or causing such work to be done, and any such persons shall forthwith stop such work until authorized by the Building Official to proceed with the work.
Authority to disconnect utilities in emergencies.
The Building Official or his authorized representative shall have the authority to disconnect any electric power or energy service supplied to the building, structure or building service equipment therein regulated by this Code in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property. The Building Official shall whenever possible notify the serving utility, the owner and occupant of the building, structure or building service equipment, in writing, of such disconnection immediately thereafter.
Authority to condemn electrical system and equipment.
Whenever the Building Official ascertains that any electrical system or equipment regulated in this Code has become hazardous to life, health or property, he may order in writing that such electrical system or equipment either be removed or restored to a safe condition, whichever is appropriate. The written notice itself shall fix a time limit for compliance with such order. No person shall use or maintain defective electrical system or equipment after receiving such notice.
When such equipment or installation is to be disconnected, a written notice of such disconnection and causes therefor shall be given within 24 hours of the order to disconnect to the serving utility, the owner and occupant of such building, structure or premises.
When any electrical system or equipment is maintained in violation of this Code and in violation of any notice issued pursuant to the provisions of this section, the Building Official shall institute any appropriate action to prevent, restrain, correct or abate the violation.
Connection after order to disconnect.
No person shall make connections from any energy or power supply nor supply power to any electrical system or equipment which has been disconnected or ordered to be disconnected by the Building Official or the use of which has been ordered to be discontinued by the Building Official until the Building Official authorizes the reconnection and use of such electrical system or equipment.
The Building Official, or his authorized representative charged with the enforcement of this Code, acting in good faith and without malice in the discharge of his duties, shall not thereby render himself personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act or by reason of any act or omission in the discharge of his duties. Any suit brought against the Building Official or employee because of such act or omission performed by him in the enforcement of any provision of this Code shall be defended by legal counsel provided by this jurisdiction until final termination of such proceedings.
This Code shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person owning, operating or controlling any building, structure or building service equipment therein for any damages to persons or property caused by defects, nor shall the code enforcement agency or its parent jurisdiction be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspections authorized by the Code or approvals issued under this Code.
Cooperation of other officials and officers.
The Building Official may request, and shall receive so far as is required in the discharge of his duties, the assistance and cooperation of other officials of this jurisdiction.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)
All electrical systems or equipment regulated by this Code which constitute a fire hazard or are otherwise dangerous to human life are, for the purpose of this section, unsafe. Any use of electrical systems or equipment regulated by this Code constituting a hazard to safety, health or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster, damage or abandonment is, for the purpose of this section, an unsafe use.
All such unsafe electrical systems or equipment are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal in accordance with the procedures set forth in article II of chapter 30 or article I of chapter 32 of this Code, as applicable, or such alternate procedure as may be adopted by this jurisdiction. As an alternative, the Building Official or other employee or official of the City as designated by the governing body may institute any other appropriate action to prevent, restrain, correct or abate the violation.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish, equip, use or maintain any electrical system or equipment or cause or permit the same to be done in violation of this Code. Any violation of this Code is a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as provided by section 10.05 of this Code. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications or the completion or approval of an inspection shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this Code. No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code shall be valid, except insofar as the work or use which is authorized is lawful.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)
Any person aggrieved by any decision or ruling made by the Building Official under the provisions of this Article III, “Electrical Code,” may appeal to the Unified Building Standards Commission.
Appeal Procedures.
The provisions, procedures, rules, and deadlines of Section 30.02 shall apply to all appeals made under this Article III.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06; Ordinance 6952, sec. 12, adopted 1/16/18)
Any person providing services as an electrical contractor in the City must register with the Building Inspection Department as a contractor. To register with the City as a contractor, application shall be made in writing on forms furnished for that purpose and filed with the Building Official. The application shall show the contractor’s name, local address and telephone number, a copy of the applicant’s state electrical contractor’s license, and such other information as may reasonably be required to properly identify the contractor. Such application shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in the fee schedule located in section 30.301 of this Code.
Except as provided in subsections (C) and (D), all provisions of the Texas Electrical Safety and Licensing Act, found in the State Occupations Code, title 8, chapter 1305 and the Administrative Rules of the state department of licensing and regulation, 16 Texas Administrative Code, chapter 73 shall be in full force within the City.
Any electrical license or registration issued by the City which has not expired by the adoption date of the ordinance codified in this article shall remain valid and in full effect until the expiration date of said license. Upon the expiration date of said license, the City will not renew or honor the rights previously granted by the license. When all such licenses are expired, the electrical licensing program of the City shall cease.
Municipal Electrical Maintenance License.
Pursuant to subchapter E, "Regulation of Electricians by Local Governments," section 1305.201, "Municipal or Regional Regulation," of the Texas Occupations Code, an electrical maintenance technician license may be issued by the City to allow a governmental entity located within the City to employ persons as electrical maintenance technicians, which are qualified and authorized by this Code to maintain and make minor repairs to electrical systems on property that is owned or controlled by the governmental entity.
Persons performing electrical work under this section in their capacity as an employee of a governmental entity may apply for a license as an electrical maintenance technician with the City. Applicants applying for a municipal electrical maintenance technician license must complete eight (8) hours of training approved by the Building Official.
Limitations of work.
Work that may be performed under this license by an electrical maintenance technician shall be limited to the maintenance of, repair or replacement of devices or lighting fixtures, having the same characteristics as the existing devices or fixtures, in or on existing outlets and shall include, but not be limited to the following:
120-volt receptacles of all types;
240-volt 3-wire and 4-wire appliance receptacles. Replacement of these receptacles shall be limited to like configuration and amperage receptacles;
Resetting or replacement of overcurrent devices and safety switches of only the same voltage, current, ampere interrupting capacity (AIC) including:
One, two, or three pole circuit breakers not exceeding 200-amps at 480-volts;
One, two, or three pole safety switches (fused or non-fused) not to exceed 200-amps at 480-volts; and
Fuses not to exceed 200-amps at 480-volts;
Photocells and time clocks not to exceed 480-volts nominal;
Range hoods, ranges, ovens, disposals, dryers, ice machines, water heaters, walk in coolers, chilled water fountains, chilled bottle fillers, and dishwasher motors;
Lighted exit signs, emergency lights, interior, exterior lighting and switches not to exceed 480-volts nominal;
Ceiling fans on approved boxes with proper bracing;
Wiring to low voltage devices with 120-volt connections;
Bathroom-type exhaust vents;
Card access systems, electronic door strikes, security system control boards and wiring, electric gates, overhead doors, and automatic door operator repair or replacement;
Thoroughfare lighting, traffic signals, intelligent transportation systems, parking lot lighting and telecommunications controlled by a governmental entity;
Electrical connections supplying heating, ventilation, replacing three phase 480 volt motors, and cooling and refrigeration equipment, including Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) and any required disconnect for the equipment;
Maintenance, alteration, or repair of elevators, escalators, or related equipment, excluding any required power source, regulated under chapter 754, Health and Safety Code;
Operating, maintaining, repairing, and replacing back-up power systems such as uninterrupted power systems and backup generators up to 480 volt 1750 KVA;
Landscape irrigation installers, as necessary to perform the installation and maintenance of irrigation control systems, and landscapers, as necessary to perform the installation and maintenance of low-voltage exterior lighting and holiday lighting excluding any required power source;
The maintenance, alteration, or repair of a pool-related electrical device by, or pool-related electrical maintenance performed by, an employee of a governmental entity on a pool owned or operated by the governmental entity; and
Installation, erection, repair, or alteration of Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3 remote control, signaling, or power-limited circuits, fire alarm circuits, optical fiber cables, or communications circuits, including raceways, as defined by the National Electrical Code.
A municipal electrical maintenance license issued under this section, shall remain valid until such time the permitted individual is no longer employed by the governmental agency for which the license was issued.
There shall be no application fee for a municipal electrical maintenance license. Applicants, or their employers, shall be responsible for paying any fees associated with the mandated 8-hour training.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06; Ordinance 6624, sec. 2, adopted 6/18/13; Ordinance 7533 adopted 6/4/2024)
Permits required.
Except as specified in subsection (C) of this section, no electrical system regulated by this Code shall be installed, altered, repaired, replaced or remodeled unless a separate electrical permit for each building or structure has first been obtained from the Building Official, or without first submitting a subcontractor’s affidavit form for work authorized under a combined building permit.
It shall be unlawful for any person to lend, rent, or transfer an electrical permit or subcontractor’s affidavit, or permit a person without proper license or registration to do the work, or for any person to make use of any such permit or affidavit which is not actually his own, and any such permit obtained or affidavit submitted under these conditions shall be null and void.
Exempt work.
An electrical permit shall not be required for the following:
Portable motors or other portable appliances energized by means of a cord or cable having an attachment plug end to be connected to an approved receptacle when that cord or cable is permitted by this Code.
Repair or replacement of fixed motors, transformers or fixed approved appliances of the same type and rating in the same location.
Temporary decorative lighting.
Repair or replacement of current-carrying parts of any switch, contactor or control device.
Reinstallation of attachment plug receptacles, but not the outlets therefor.
Repair or replacement of any overcurrent device of the required capacity in the same location.
Repair or replacement of electrodes or transformers of the same size and capacity for signs or gas tube systems.
Taping joints.
Removal of electrical wiring.
Temporary wiring for experimental purposes in suitable commercial and industrial experimental laboratories.
The wiring for temporary theater, motion picture or television stage sets.
Electrical wiring, devices, appliances, apparatus or equipment operating at less than 25 volts and not capable of supplying more than 50 watts of energy.
Low-energy power, control and signal circuits of classes II and III as defined in this Code.
A permit shall not be required for the installation, alteration or repair of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment or the generation, transmission, distribution or metering of electrical energy or in the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence by a public or private utility in the exercise of its function as a serving utility.
Exemption from the permit requirements of this Code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in violation of the provisions of this Code or any other laws or ordinances.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06; Ordinance 6624, sec. 3, adopted 6/18/13)
To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file an application therefor in writing on a form furnished by the code enforcement agency for that purpose. Every such application shall:
Identify and describe the work to be covered by the permit for which application is made.
Describe the land on which the proposed work is to be done by legal description, street address or similar description that will readily identify and definitely locate the proposed building or work.
Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed work is intended.
Be accompanied by plans, diagrams, computations and specifications and other data as required in subsection (B) of this section.
Be signed by permittee, or his authorized agent.
Give such other data and information as may be required by the Building Official.
Plans and specifications.
With each application for a permit, and where required by the Building Official for enforcement of any provision of this Code, plans, specifications and calculations shall be submitted in the quantity deemed necessary by the Building Official. When deemed necessary by the Building Official to ensure code compliance, the Building Official may require plans and specifications to be prepared and designed by an engineer licensed by the state. All drawings, specifications and accompanying data involved with the practice of engineering, such as structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling, energy, fire, life and safety systems, shall comply with state and local laws governing the practice of engineering as required by article 3271a, Vernon’s Annotated Texas Statutes.
Information on plans and specifications.
Plans and specifications shall be drawn to scale upon substantial paper and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this Code and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06; Ordinance 6624, sec. 4, adopted 6/18/13)
The applications, plans and specifications, and other data, filed by an applicant for permit may be reviewed by other departments of the City to determine compliance with any applicable laws under their jurisdiction. If the work described in an application for a permit and the plans, specifications and other data filed therewith conforms to the requirements of this Code and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and the fees prescribed in the fee schedule (section 30.301 of this Code) have been paid, the Building Official may issue a permit therefor to the applicant.
When the Building Official issues the permit where plans are required, he shall endorse in writing or stamp the plans and specifications “APPROVED.” Such approved plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified or altered without authorizations from the Building Official, and all work shall be done in accordance with the approved plans.
The Building Official may issue a permit for the construction of part of an electrical system before the entire plans and specifications for the whole system have been submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent requirements of this Code. The holder of such permit shall proceed at his own risk with assurance that the permit for the entire building, structure or building service will be granted.
Retention of plans.
One set of approved plans and specifications shall be returned to the applicant and shall be kept on the site of the building or work at all times during which the work authorized thereby is in progress. One set of approved plans, specifications and computations shall be retained by the Building Official until final approval of the work.
Validity of permit.
The issuance of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this Code, or of any other ordinance of the City, nor shall the issuance of a permit or approval of plans be construed as representing or warranting the safety or lack of defects of any electrical work described therein. No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of these Codes shall be valid.
The issuance of a permit based upon plans, specifications and other data shall not prevent the Building Official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans, specifications and other data, or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of these Codes or of any other ordinances of the City.
An individual permit issued by the Building Official shall expire by limitation and become null and void on the expiration of two (2) years after its issuance if no progress has been made toward the completion of the project, or upon expiration of the project. (A project shall expire immediately after the fifth anniversary of the date the first permit application was filed for the project if no progress had been made towards completion of the project.) Once a permit for particular work has expired, a new permit must be applied for and obtained before the work can be commenced. The permit fee shall be the full amount required for a new permit for such work. The Building Official or his designee shall determine the extent to which the work must comply with any new regulations that were not in effect at the time the original permit was issued.
Suspension or revocation.
The Building Official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this Code whenever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation of the City.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06; Ordinance 6624, sec. 5, adopted 6/18/13)
All electrical systems and equipment for which a permit is required by this Code shall be subject to inspection by the Building Official. No portion of any electrical system intended to be concealed shall be concealed until inspected and approved. Neither the Building Official nor the City shall be liable for expense entailed in the removal or replacement of any material necessary to allow inspection. When the installation of an electrical system and equipment is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Electrical systems and equipment regulated by this Code shall not be connected to the energy source until authorized by the Building Official.
Inspection requests.
It shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by a permit to notify the Building Official that such work is ready for inspection. The Building Official may require that every request for inspection be filed at least one working day before such inspection is desired. Such request may be in writing or by telephone at the option of the Building Official.
It shall be the duty of the person requesting inspections required by this Code to provide access to and means for proper inspection of such work.
Operation of electrical equipment.
The requirements of this section shall not be construed to prohibit the operation of any electrical system or equipment installed to replace existing equipment. The request for inspection of such equipment must have been filed with the Building Official not more than 48 hours after such replacement work is completed and before any portion of such electrical system is concealed by any permanent portion of the building.
Other inspections.
In addition to the called inspections required by this Code, the Building Official may make or require other inspections of any work to ascertain compliance with the provisions of this Code and other laws which are enforced by the code enforcement agency.
A reinspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or reinspection when such portion of work for which inspection is called is not complete or when required corrections are not made.
This provision is not to be interpreted as requiring reinspection fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of this Code, but as controlling the practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for such inspection or reinspection or when required corrections are not made.
Reinspection fees may be assessed when the approved plans are not readily available to the inspector, for failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is requested, or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the Building Official.
The applicant shall pay the reinspection fee prior to requesting a reinspection.
In instances where reinspection fees have been assessed, no additional inspection of the work will be performed until the required fees have been paid.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)
Energy connections.
An electrical system or equipment regulated by this Code for which a permit is required shall not be connected to a source of energy or power until approved by the Building Official.
Temporary connections.
The Building Official may authorize the temporary connection of the electrical system or equipment to the source of energy or power for the purpose of testing the equipment, or for the use under a temporary certificate of occupancy. The temporary wiring shall not be left energized while unattended.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06; Ordinance 6624, sec. 6, adopted 6/18/13)
Hours established.
Any outside work being done adjacent to an occupied residential subdivision or adjacent to an occupied residential use, including multifamily uses, shall be allowed only between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. each day of the week. Any outside work being done adjacent to an occupied residential subdivision or adjacent to an occupied residential use, including multifamily uses, shall be prohibited between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. each day of the week.
Other regulations unaffected.
This section does not authorize violation of any other legally established regulation, either public or private, regulating noise nuisance to residents.
These regulations do not affect emergency work being done to secure a structure or to reestablish utility service to a structure.
The Director of Health, in accordance with section 22.76 of this Code, may issue a permit of variance to these regulations.
(Ordinance 5977, sec. 4, adopted 3/7/06)