The word “structure,” as used in this article, shall include buildings and houses of every nature and design and it is the intent to give the broadest interpretation and not to limit its meaning to houses and buildings only.
It shall be unlawful for any person to move or cause to be moved a structure from one location to another within the City, or to move a structure from without the City to a location within the City, or to move a structure within the City to a point outside the City, without first securing a permit to do so.
Before any structure of any nature is moved over any street in the City, the person desiring the permit shall obtain an application from the office of the Building Official and place on the application the date that the move is requested to be made, a description of the structure to be moved and any additional information required by the Building Official. A tentative route shall be designated by the chief of police and the applicant shall inform the City utilities, state utilities and the telephone companies, or their successors or assigns, of the tentative routes, date, time and loaded height of the structure to be moved. The utility company shall, by its authorized agent, indicate on the application if the tentative route is satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Upon consideration of the approval or disapproval of the tentative route by the utility companies, the chief of police shall designate the route to be used.
Prior to the issuance of any permit for the moving of any structure to be located on any lot or parcel of ground in the City, the owner of the property on which the structure is to be located shall obtain a building permit in compliance with the Building Code and the zoning ordinance of the City.
The Building Official will issue the moving permit as required in this article after all requirements of this article have been met satisfactorily, as determined by the Building Official, and upon the payment of a permit fee as provided by section 30.301 of this chapter.
(Ordinance 4847, sec. 3, adopted 3/7/95; Ordinance 5628, sec. 13, adopted 2/19/02)
Any person desiring to move a structure as provided in section 30.126 shall file a surety bond or other bond as may be approved by the City Attorney in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), and such bond shall enure to the benefit of any person damaged by the moving and all such damages as may accrue to him by reason of such moving.
From and after the effective date of sections 30.13130.134, a specific use permit must be presented to the Plan Commission and approved by the City Council, in order to move in a dwelling not of new construction from a point within or outside of the City limits to a location within the City limits for the purpose of establishing a residential dwelling unit within the City.
(Ordinance 4847, sec. 3, adopted 3/7/95)
Any move-in residential structure of whatever material constructed shall be completed within one hundred eighty (180) days from the issuance of any permit for said structure. Completion shall mean completion by final inspection and issuance of such certificates of occupancy as may be required under the Building Codes of the City and must meet all other ordinances previously set forth by the City.
In the event this time limit is exceeded, a new application must be made to the Building Official stating the reasons for the excessive construction period, and the Building Official is authorized to extend the time limit for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days and, if at the expiration of said extended period of time the construction is not completed, a further request for extension must be made to and approved by the City Manager.
On application for permission to move in a house, the applicant shall state the location of the structure and shall authorize the Building Official to inspect the structure prior to the issuance of a permit.
No move-in residential structures shall be permitted to be stored or stockpiled within the City. Any move-in shall be permitted only for destination from a specific location to the permitted location.
The violation of sections 30.131 through 30.134 is a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as provided in section 10.05 of this Code. This article shall be severable, and the invalidity of any part of this article shall not affect the remainder of this article. This article shall become effective on publication.