Assessments for street improvements shall be made pursuant to article XVI of the Charter and chapter 313, V.T.C.A., Transportation Code, as amended, and may be initiated by either of the following methods:
Initiation by property owner.
Upon the application of one or more property owners, the Director of Engineering shall provide the applicant with a petition form to be circulated by the applicant among the other owners of property abutting the proposed improvements. If the petition is returned to the Director of Engineering and signed by either at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the abutting property owners or the owners of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the abutting frontage, then the Director of Engineering may approach the City Council with an estimate of the cost of such improvements and request the initiation of a street or alley improvement project. The City Council may then determine the necessity for, and order, the proposed improvements. Improvement projects consisting of streets and alleys may be initiated by petition only in block-length segments. Improvement projects consisting of sidewalks or curbs and gutters separate from an improvement project to a street may be initiated by petition in smaller segments.
Initiation by City.
Upon the presentation of a proposed improvement project, including an estimate of the cost of such improvements, by the Director of Engineering, the City Council may determine the necessity for, and order, the proposed improvements.
(Ordinance 4389, sec. 1, adopted 12/19/89; Ordinance 7052, sec. 13, adopted 5/7/19)
The City shall share in the costs of the improvements with the owners of the abutting property as provided in subsection (B) below. In this section, “developed residential a property” shall mean any abutting residential property, including duplexes and townhomes, but excluding other developments, including but not limited to, any otherwise qualifying residential property being used primarily as a house of worship, a school, or a commercial business.
Abutting property and the owners thereof shall be assessed the following share of the cost of the improvements as follows:
Street improvements (type of improvement/share of costs (per linear foot of improvements)):
Developed residential property:
Improvements initiated by petition under section 31.75(1):
Front: 33%.
Side: 16%.
Rear: 7%.
Improvements initiated by city under section 31.75(2): No assessment.
Property other than developed residential property: 33%.
Alley improvements (share of costs (per linear foot of improvements)): 33%.
(Ordinance 4389, sec. 1, adopted 12/19/89; Ordinance 7052, sec. 14, adopted 5/7/19)
Assessments shall be due and payable upon final inspection and acceptance of the improvements by the City. Assessments may be paid in whole or in installment payments in accordance with the schedule set forth in Section 31.78. Installment payments shall include both principle and interest at an interest rate not to exceed the maximum rate allowed by state law.
(Ordinance 4389, sec. 1, adopted 12/19/89; Ordinance 7052, sec. 15, adopted 5/7/19)
Property owners opting to pay the assessments described in this Article V in installments shall make said payments in accordance with the following schedule (property owner’s share/monthly payments):
$2,000.00–$2.999.99: 36 equal monthly payments.
$3,000.00–$3,999.99: 48 equal monthly payments.
$4,000.00 or more: 60 equal monthly payments.
(Ordinance 7052, sec. 16, adopted 5/7/19)