A permit, issued pursuant to this Code, shall be required for:
Connections with, or openings into, the water mains of the City.
Excavations in the street, alley, or other public property and cuts of curb, pavement or sidewalks on public property.
Work done under permits issued for subsections (1) or (2) above will be performed under the authority of, and in the method prescribed by the Director of Engineering.
Prohibited; responsibility for removal.
No person shall deposit or permit the deposit of mud, dirt or similar matter upon any public street or alley in the City. It shall be the duty of the owner of the property from whence the matter has washed to clean the street of the deposited matter.
Notice to remove.
Upon discovery of such deposit upon a public street, the Director of Public Works or his delegated representative shall notify the owner of the property. The inability of the director to contact the owner shall not affect the provisions of subsection (C) of this section.
Abatement by City.
Since any such matter left uncleaned for more than forty-eight (48) hours on a City street or alley might cause clogging of the City’s sewer system, such matter shall be deemed to be abandoned. The City Street Department is hereby empowered to clean such streets and alleys, and the cost shall be paid by the owner of the property from whence the matter has washed. Such cost shall be based upon time consumed by the cleanup crew. Should the owner fail to make voluntary payment of the cost, and upon filing in the [office of the] county clerk of Dallas County, Texas, a statement, signed by the Mayor or the street superintendent of the City, of the expenses actually incurred in cleaning such street or alley, the City shall have a lien against the abutting property requiring such expense to be incurred. Such lien shall be a privileged lien second only to tax and street improvement liens. Interest at a rate of ten (10) percent per annum shall accrue.
The Director of Engineering may grant a license for minor or temporary encroachments into a street, alley, easement or other property of the City. The license shall be in a form prescribed by the City’s Technical Standards Manual. For the purposes of this section, a “minor or temporary encroachment” means a use that will not:
Significantly affect the public interest;
Unreasonably interfere with the paramount and primary purposes for which the street, alley, easement or other property interest exists; or
Unreasonably interfere with existing uses within the area of the proposed license.
The Director of Engineering may, even if a proposed encroachment otherwise constitutes a minor or temporary encroachment within the meaning of this section, refer the granting of a license to the City Council for formal action.
(Ordinance 4917, sec. 1, adopted 11/21/95; Ordinance 7052, sec. 28, adopted 5/7/19)