It is the policy of the City to promote the provision of adequate and efficient taxicab service in the City. To this end, this article provides for the regulation of taxicab rates and services.
In this article:
Vehicle for hire service
shall mean and include every manner of providing or offering a motor vehicle, together with a driver of the motor vehicle, for the use of another in exchange for a consideration.
Taxicab service
shall mean a vehicle for hire service having a fare based upon the time used or the distance traveled, or other combination of time and distance charge, and which is rendered within two hours after a request for such service has been made.
Limousine service
shall mean a vehicle for hire service with a fare based solely upon the time used and not upon distance transported and rendered not less than two hours after a request for such service.
Shuttle service
shall mean a vehicle for hire service with a fare based upon a standard distance of travel and not upon a per-mile fee or similar charge per unit of measure or provided without a direct fare.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to the following, and the following shall constitute an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this article:
Ambulance services.
Funeral homes.
Automobile or truck leasing operations in which the leased or rented vehicle is driven by the customer or an agent or employee of the customer.
Vehicles operating under a permit or certificate of the railroad commission of the state or the interstate commerce commission.
Vehicles operated by or under contract with Dallas Area Rapid Transit Authority (DART) or other buses operated within the City under a written franchise from the City over a fixed or defined route.
Vehicles operated by or under contract with Dallas Area Rapid Transit Authority (DART) while providing DART-subsidized curb-to-curb transportation. Unless otherwise licensed under this article, however, such vehicles shall not pick up passengers within the City for non-DART-subsidized trips.
Vehicles licensed by another governmental entity transporting persons outside the City limits to a destination inside the City limits if the vehicle leaves without receiving a passenger inside the City.
Limousine service except as provided by section 33.81.
Shuttle service.
Car pools and other personal, noncommercial transportation not generally available to the public.
No person shall offer, provide, or cause to be offered or provided a vehicle for hire service within the City except under a license issued as provided in this article.
Before the Director of Transportation shall issue a taxicab license under the provisions of this article, a certificate declaring that the public convenience and necessity require the issuance of such license shall first be obtained from the City Council.
An application for a taxicab license shall be made to the Director of Transportation or other person designated by the City Manager. The application shall be made on the form prescribed by the director and shall include:
Name, address and form of business under which the taxicab will be operated.
Number of vehicles to be used in service to City.
Vehicle inventory showing model, type and ownership of vehicle to be put into operation.
The nature and character of the service that the applicant proposes to render, the facts showing the demand for such service, the experience that the applicant has had in rendering such services, and the period of time that he has rendered such service.
A financial statement showing assets, properties and capital of the applicant.
The City Council shall make or cause to be made investigations, including any hearings deemed desirable as to any application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity and shall determine whether or not the public convenience and necessity require the application to be granted and a certificate of service to be issued. In determining whether or not a certificate should be issued, the City Council may consider, among other things, the probable permanence and apparent quality of the service offered by the applicant; the financial ability and responsibility of the applicant; the character of the vehicle or vehicles to be used; the character and location of any depot or terminus proposed to be used; the experience of the applicant in the transportation of passengers; and the history and record of service of the applicant in providing a vehicle for hire service if any. If the City Council grants the applicant a certificate of public convenience and necessity, the Director of Transportation shall promptly issue a license to the applicant upon the furnishing, by the applicant, of proof of insurance as required by section 33.88.
A taxicab license shall not be transferable without the consent and approval of the City Council, but the holder of a license may, by appropriate endorsement made thereon and under direction of the City Council, substitute another vehicle in place of that for which the license was required.
Prior to issuance of a taxicab license, the applicant shall furnish evidence of liability insurance currently in effect. Evidence shall be in the form of a properly executed certificate of insurance (or certified copy of the insurance policy) and shall be written through an insurance company approved by the board of insurance. The insurance shall clearly evidence coverage for each and every vehicle to be operated by the holder of the taxicab license and shall provide coverage for personal injury and property damage. The policy shall include a requirement that thirty (30) days advance written notice of cancellation or material change be provided to the Director of Transportation. The minimum required amount of such insurance shall not be less than that specified by the state railroad commission for vehicle of comparable size. The licensee shall continuously maintain insurance coverage during the term of the license granted as provided in this section.
Each taxicab license issued under this article shall be subject to revocation by City Council for any of the following reasons:
The license was obtained by an application of which any material fact was omitted or stated falsely.
The licensee has on more than two (2) occasions knowingly permitted or allowed a vehicle to be operated in violation of any law.
The licensee has failed to pay City ad valorem taxes on any property the licensee uses in connection with taxicab service.
The licensee has failed to comply with any of the provisions of this article.
Prior to the revocation of a taxicab license, the licensee shall be notified of the proposed revocation, in writing, by certified mail, which notice shall contain a statement of the reasons for the proposed revocation and a statement that the licensee has a right to be heard before the City Council on the proposed revocation. The revocation shall become final ten (10) days after receipt of notification unless the licensee files a written notice of appeal within ten (10) days after receipt of notification.
The term of a taxicab license shall be three (3) years unless sooner revoked pursuant to this article.
Within sixty days after commencing operation and each year thereafter during the month of January, each taxicab licensee shall submit to the Director of Transportation a report providing the following information:
A current roster of vehicles giving the make, model, model year, state license plate number and vehicle identification number.
A current roster of all drivers operating vehicles for the licensee together with a current address and state driver’s license number for each driver.
A statement as to the average number of vehicles that are actually being operated in revenue service during various time periods of the day as specified by the director.
Taxicab drivers shall:
Be at least nineteen (19) years of age.
Be a legal resident of the United States.
Be able to communicate in the English language.
Possess a current and valid state driver’s license of the appropriate classification.
Not been convicted of, or discharged by probation or deferred adjudication for, driving while intoxicated:
Within the preceding twelve (12) months; or
More than one (1) time within the preceding seven (7) years.
Not have been convicted of more than four (4) moving violations arising out of separate transactions, or involved in more than two (2) automobile accidents in which it could be reasonably determined that the driver was at fault, within any twelve-month period during the preceding thirty-six (36) months.
Not be afflicted with any physical or mental disease or disability which would prevent the driver from exercising ordinary and reasonable control over a motor vehicle or that is likely to otherwise endanger the public health or safety.
It shall be the duty of the taxicab licensee to screen the qualifications of all driver applicants and to insure that all drivers operating vehicles for the licensee meet the qualifications set forth in section 33.93. It shall be unlawful for a taxicab licensee to employ or contract with a driver who does not meet all of the qualifications set forth in section 33.93.
The following shall be the only lawful and applicable rates for taxicab service:
No. of passengers
Beginning rate
Rate for each additional mile
Waiting time per hour
Each additional passenger:
Trips within the City and 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.: $0.50.
Trips outside of the City or 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.: $1.00.
The fare for trips made by taxicab shall be determined by an approved taximeter which shall automatically compute and display the fare for the first passenger based upon distance traveled and, optionally, the length of waiting time.
Whenever the vehicle is in motion with the meter on, the fare shall be computed on mileage rates only; however, when the vehicle is stationary at traffic signals, waiting for trains or other mandatory delays, the meter may switch to waiting time rates. If used, waiting time rates shall be automatically activated and deactivated as the vehicle stops and starts.
The meter shall be accurate to the extent that no indicated fare is more than five percent (5%) inaccurate to the prejudice of the passenger. The City may make periodic tests of the accuracy of any taximeter.
A copy of the lawful rates shall be posted in each taxicab in view of the passenger at any time the taxicab is in service.
Limousine service is not regulated by this article except to the following extent:
The operator of the limousine service shall maintain insurance of the same type and in the same minimum amounts as that required of taxicab licenses; and
All limousine drivers shall meet the minimum qualifications set forth in section 33.93.