The City Council acting for and on behalf of the City, shall enter into all necessary agreements with the state department of public welfare for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of applicable state and federal laws relative to Federal Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance benefits for employees of the City.
The Mayor is hereby appointed as agent of the City Council to execute all necessary agreements and instruments for and in behalf of the City Council and City.
The Assistant City Manager is hereby directed to be the person responsible for making assessments, collections, payments, and reports, as required by the state department of public welfare in connection with the Federal Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance Program.
A sufficient sum of money shall be allocated and set aside from available funds for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Federal Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance Law, under applicable state and federal laws, such money so allocated and set aside to be known as the “City Social Security Fund,” which fund shall be set aside and maintained in the regular City depository.