In this section, “utility system” means a water, stormwater, sewer, gas, or electric system.
The City may purchase, construct, or operate a utility system inside or outside the municipal boundaries and may regulate the system in a manner that protects the interests of the City. The City may own land inside or outside its boundaries for these purposes.
The City may extend the lines of its utility systems outside the municipal boundaries and may sell water, sewer, gas, or electric service to any person outside its boundaries. The City may contract with persons outside its boundaries to permit them to connect with those utility systems on terms the City considers to be in its best interest.
The City may prescribe the kind of water or gas mains, sewer pipes, and electric appliances that may be used inside or outside the City. The City may inspect those facilities and appliances, require that they be kept in good condition at all times, and prescribe the necessary rules, which may include penalties, concerning them.
(Ordinance 6991, prop. EE, adopted 5/15/18)
Each public utility using the public rights-of-way or public property within the City shall be required to reasonably compensate the City for the use thereof. Except as otherwise controlled by state law, the Council shall in its discretion determine by ordinance or by contract the franchise fees associated with the use of public rights-of-way or public property by a public utility.
(Ordinance 6991, prop. FF, adopted 5/15/18)
The Council may sell, convey, assign or transfer the water or sewer system or electrical system owned by the City of Garland pursuant to Texas Government Code 1502.055, as currently provided or hereafter amended, and this Charter.
The securing of adequate transportation facilities within the City and to and from the City of Dallas and a transportation service to meet the public convenience of residents of this City is declared to be a public purpose. To that end the Council may grant franchises and the City may acquire, maintain and operate a transportation service and issue warrants, assignments of revenue and bonds and use public funds for such purpose.
The Council shall regulate by ordinance the rates and compensation to be charged by all persons, companies or corporations using the streets and public grounds of the City and engaged in furnishing transportation, water, gas, telephone, light, power, cable television and sewerage service to the public, and may prescribe rules and regulations.
The Council may by ordinance grant franchises to public utilities upon charges, terms and conditions fixed by the Council, unless otherwise controlled by state law, but not to exceed twenty-five (25) years’ duration. Such ordinance and franchise shall be subject to referendum as herein provided for legislative ordinances and the City Secretary shall cause a notice of the passage of each franchise ordinance fairly stating the substance thereof to be published once each week for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation in both Dallas and Collin County, or as otherwise allowed by state law. The grantee of any franchise shall pay the costs of all publication thereof required by this Charter.
(Ordinance 6991, prop. GG, adopted 5/15/18)