Annual fee.
The permit fee for each kiosk or container for the collection of used goods or recycled materials shall be $500.00, to be tendered with the application. A permit fee of the same amount is due annually thereafter on or before January 1st.
Fee waiver.
The fee shall be waived for any kiosk or container owned by a nonprofit organization (as defined by 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3)) if the container or kiosk is located on the same tract of land upon which the nonprofit organization actively operates a used goods, retail sales (indoors) business. The nonprofit organization must still obtain and display the annual permit.
The permit fee shall be prorated for each month or portion of a month of any year the Recycled Materials/Used Goods Collection Point is not emplaced in a location within the City.
Forfeiture of fee.
Permit holders whose permit is revoked pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.52(A)(8)(d)(iv) of this GDC shall not be entitled to a proration or refund of any fees for the revoked permit.
(Ordinance 7107, sec. 12, adopted 12/3/19)