Comprehensive Plan & Amendments.
Zoning shall be in accordance with the City’s adopted Comprehensive Plan, as amended and updated.
Zoning regulations shall be kept current and consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and must be designed to:
lessen congestion in the streets;
secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers;
promote health and the general welfare;
provide adequate light and air;
prevent the overcrowding of land;
avoid undue concentration of population; or
facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewers, schools, parks, and other public requirements.
As an ongoing implementation measure following periodic review of the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning on all undeveloped or other parcels of land should be reviewed to determine if the zoning in effect on such parcels at the time remains appropriate.
If there are undeveloped or other parcels with zoning that, in the opinion of City staff, the Plan Commission, or City Council, is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, a recommendation may be made that a public hearing be called to review and to possibly amend the zoning on that parcel(s) according to proceedings specified in Article 2, Division 1 of this Chapter 2.
Application Consistency.
In determining whether a zoning application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the City shall take into consideration the applicable policies in the Comprehensive Plan and the policies that govern interpretation of the Future Land Use Map, as well as location or property-specific designations on the Map.
The Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map shall not be construed as defining zoning district boundaries. A combination of the Future Land Use Map and all applicable Comprehensive Plan policies will be used as a guide in making decisions regarding zoning on individual land parcels.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Plans, Policies & Maps. All development related plans, policies and maps (such as, but not limited to, the Comprehensive Plan, Major Thoroughfare Plan, utility and storm drainage master plans, and other public facility master plans), as amended, adopted or utilized by the City in the review and approval of development projects and rezoning requests shall apply to legislative, quasi-judicial, and administrative development applications, and consistency and conformance with such is required.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)