The purpose of an application for a change of zoning is to achieve the following:
Establish the initial zoning district classification of land;
Change the zoning district classification of land;
Authorize a use of land; or
In the case of any overlay zoning districts, to authorize uses or certain zoning standards for the land which are not presently authorized under the regulations for the zoning district in which the land is located.
Where a property owner seeks to rezone land, to establish zoning on newly annexed land, or to establish a Specific Use Provision (SUP) or Planned Development (PD) zoning classification on land, the property owner must submit an application for a change of zoning before seeking approval of any development application for the land.
The requirements of this Chapter 2 apply to all land located within the City’s corporate limits upon the effective date of this GDC, and also to all land parcels that are subsequently annexed into the City upon the effective date of the annexation.
Enactment of an ordinance approving an application for a change of zoning results in an initial or a change in zoning district classification for the land, and the use of the land thereafter is subject to the requirements of the new zoning district.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Responsible Official.
The Planning Director is the responsible official for processing an application for a change of zoning.
Following are definitions, general terms, and special terms used in this GDC that are related to the approval process for land development applications.
means a subdivision development plan, including a subdivision plan, subdivision construction plan, site plan, concept plan, detail plan, land development application, and site development plan.
includes a preliminary plat, general plan, final plat, and replat.
Initiation of Change of Zoning.
Only the property owner or the owner’s authorized representative, the Plan Commission on its own motion, or the City Council on its own motion, may initiate an application for a change of zoning on a land parcel.
In the event the ownership stated on an application is different from that shown in City or appraisal district records, or if the applicant is a representative of the property owner, the applicant must submit written evidence of ownership (such as a certified copy of a deed, will, or other conveyance instrument) or a verification signed and notarized by the property owner that the applicant is acting as an authorized representative for the property owner, as applicable.
A landowner or representative seeking approval of an application for a change of zoning must pay or otherwise satisfy all delinquent taxes, paving assessments, impact fees, or any other delinquent debts or obligations for the land to be rezoned before the application is submitted, in accordance with Section 1.09 in Chapter 1 of this GDC. It is the applicant’s burden to provide evidence that all taxes and obligations have been paid.
Contents of Application for Change of Zoning.
Detailed requirements for the format and contents of an application for change of zoning must be in accordance with requirements in the Development Application Packet, as may be amended from time to time.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7079, sec. 18, adopted 8/20/19; Ordinance 7524 adopted 4/16/2024)
Planning Director Report.
For all change of zoning requests (including a PD or SUP) or applications of a plan or plat, the Planning Director must review the application and prepare a written report providing a planning analysis on the merits of the zoning application, plan, or plat.
The report shall include the proposed development’s impacts, if any, on planning, engineering, transportation, building inspection, fire protection, and neighborhood enhancement and protection, depending on the issues and complexity of the development. In the event an applicant files both an application for a change in zoning and a plat or plan (including zoning applications that require a plan or plat), the Planning Director shall determine whether the plan or plat meets the requirements of state law and the GDC, and provide a separate planning analysis on the merits of the zoning case.
For applications including a plan or plat, as applicable, the report must include a recommendation approving, approving with conditions, or denial of the plan or plat. In the event the recommendation of the Planning Director is approving with conditions or a denial of the application, the Planning Director shall include in the report, in the form of a proposed order, a statement of the conditions for the conditional approval, or reasons for disapproval, that clearly articulate each specific condition for the conditional approval or reason for disapproval. Each condition or reason specified in the proposed order must:
be directly related to the requirements under Chapter 212, Subchapter A of the Texas Local Government Code; and
include a citation to the law, including a statute or municipal ordinance, that is the basis for the conditional approval or disapproval.
The report must be submitted to the Plan Commission prior to the Commission making a recommendation to the Council, and must be submitted to the Council prior to its decision.
Published and Personal Notice.
For a public hearing on a change of zoning application, the Planning Director shall publish notice as set forth below:
For a public hearing before the Plan Commission: personal notice in accordance with Section 1.24(B) in Chapter 1 of this GDC;
For a public hearing before the City Council, or joint public hearing before the Plan Commission and the City Council: published and personal notice in accordance with Sections 1.24(A) and 1.24(B) in Chapter 1 of this GDC.
Posted Notice.
For any requested change of zoning on a specific parcel, a sign must be posted on the property, in accordance with procedures set forth in the Development Application Packet, as may be amended from time to time.
Joint Public Hearing.
The City Council and Plan Commission may convene a joint public hearing on a change of zoning request at the time and place designated in the public hearing notice(s). The hearing must be conducted in accordance with the City Council’s normal rules and procedures that are applicable to public hearings. The Mayor, or his designee, shall be the presiding officer at a joint public hearing where an application for a change of zoning is heard.
Applicant Representation.
The applicant, or an authorized representative for the applicant, must attend the public hearing held by the Plan Commission and, separately or jointly, by the City Council for the requested change of zoning. If an applicant (or duly authorized representative) does not appear at such public hearing, then such absence may constitute sufficient grounds for the change of zoning application to be postponed or denied.
Plan Commission - Public Hearing & Recommendation.
The Plan Commission shall hold a public hearing to consider a proposed change of zoning. Following the public hearing, the Plan Commission shall provide its recommendation on the requested change of zoning, and shall forward its recommendation to the City Council. The Plan Commission may recommend approval or denial of the change of zoning application.
In cases where the applicant is requesting both a change of zoning and an approval of a plan or plat, the Plan Commission shall
determine whether the plan or plat meets the requirements of state law and the GDC,
provide a separate planning analysis on the merits of the zoning and land use, and
make separate recommendations for the zoning request and the plan in the form of a proposed order to City Council.
Mandatory Approval.
The Plan Commission shall recommend approval of a plat that is required to be prepared under this GDC or state law and that satisfies all applicable regulations.
Underlying Zoning.
A plan does not meet technical requirements if the intended use is not consistent with the underlying zoning. In cases where the applicant is requesting both a change of zoning and an approval of a plan, the Plan Commission shall recommend denial of the plan if the Plan Commission also recommends a denial for the request for a zoning change and the intended use is inconsistent with the current zoning designation.
Recommendation on a Plan.
The Plan Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of a plan.
Decision Deadline on a Plat.
The Plan Commission shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove a plat within 30 days after date the plat is filed. A plat shall be considered approved by the Plan Commission unless it is disapproved within the 30 day period.
Postponement of Decision.
The Plan Commission may, by written request of the applicant, postpone making a decision on the application of a plan or plat. Upon approval of the Plan Commission, the postponement may be for a period not to exceed 30 calendar days, and does not require additional public notice if such postponement is to a date certain. An applicant may request multiple 30-day postponements, but each must be approved by the Plan Commission. The Plan Commission may not request or require an applicant to request postponement, waive a deadline or other approval procedure under this GDC or chapter 212, subchapter A of the Texas Local Government Code.
The Plan Commission may recommend approval of a zoning designation of lesser intensity within the same general zoning category (such as residential, nonresidential, or mixed-use, see Table 2-1) without additional public notice provided that the impact on adjacent properties would be lessened or not affected (that is, the lesser intensity would have no anticipated harmful effect on adjacent properties).
The Plan Commission may recommend approval of a modified version of the requested zoning district (or of a less intense district) in the form of a Planned Development (PD) District (refer to Article 2, Division 2 of this Chapter 2).
City Council - Public Hearing & Decision.
Following receipt of the Plan Commission’s recommendation, the Planning Director Report, and a public hearing on the change of zoning request, the City Council shall consider the request for a change of zoning, and render a decision on the request. The City Council may approve or deny the request. The Council’s decision on a change of zoning request is final.
The City Council may decide the change of zoning request based upon the Plan Commission’s recommendation, or:
It may approve a zoning designation of lesser intensity within the same general zoning category (such as residential, nonresidential, mixed-use, etc. - see Table 2-1) provided that the impact on adjacent properties would be lessened or not affected (that is, the zoning designation of lesser intensity would have no anticipated harmful effect on adjacent properties).
It may approve a modified version of the requested zoning change (or of a less intense district) in the form of a Planned Development (PD) District (refer to Article 2, Division 2 of this Chapter 2).
In cases where the applicant is requesting both a change of zoning and an approval of a plan, the City Council shall:
determine whether the plan meets the requirements of state law and the GDC,
conduct a separate planning analysis on the merits of the zoning and land use, and
make separate findings for the zoning request and the plan in the form of a final order.
Underlying Zoning.
A plan does not meet technical requirements if the intended use is not consistent with the underlying zoning. In cases where the applicant is requesting both a change of zoning and an approval of a plan, the City Council shall deny the plan if the request for a zoning change is denied and the intended use is inconsistent with the current zoning designation.
Decision on a Plan.
The City Council shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove a plan.
Final Order.
The City Council shall issue a final order indicating whether the plan was approved, approved with conditions, or denied. The final order must be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Secretary, or a majority of the members of City Council. A written copy of the final order shall be sent to the applicant. In cases where the applicant is requesting a zoning change, the final order shall provide a separate decision of the zoning and land use request.
Postponement of Decision.
The City Council may, by written request of the applicant, postpone making a decision on the application of a plan or plat and may defer its final decision. The City Council may not request or require an applicant to request postponement, waive a deadline or other approval procedure under this GDC or chapter 212, subchapter A of the Texas Local Government Code. Upon approval of the City Council, the postponement may be for a period not to exceed 30 calendar days, and does not require additional public notice if such postponement is to a date certain. An applicant may request multiple 30-day postponements, but each must be approved by the City Council.
Approval by the Council of the change of zoning application shall be in the form of an ordinance that amends the City’s official Zoning Map. The Planning Director shall identify each change of zoning on the Zoning Map in accordance with the change approved by the Council.
Table 2-1 - Zoning Intensity Hierarchy
Super-Majority Vote (Twenty-Percent Rule).
Where a written protest against the change of zoning application is filed in accordance with Section 211.006(d) of the Texas Local Government Code (as amended), a change of zoning does not become effective except by the favorable vote of three-fourths of all members of the full City Council. For the purposes of this Subsection, the following apply:
The written protest of any one owner of land owned by two or more persons is presumed to be the protest of all such owners.
The written protest must be submitted to the Planning Director, or submitted directly to the Commission or Council prior to the close of the public hearing at which the proposed change of zoning is to be considered.
A person who wishes to withdraw a written protest must submit a signed, written request, or a request by email with an electronic signature, for the withdrawal to the Planning Director by the deadline for submitting a written protest. A protest may not be otherwise withdrawn.
Public Hearing and Approval Process for Text Amendment.
The public hearing and approval process for any text amendment to the zoning regulations in this Chapter 2 shall be in accordance with the procedures outlined within Chapter 1, Article 2, Division 3 (Text Amendments).
Consideration of Previously Denied Amendments.
In the event a person desires to submit an application for a change of zoning on a tract of land, or any portion thereof, to which City Council has denied a zoning change within the previous 12 months, the following process shall apply:
The applicant must clearly indicate whether the request is a reconsideration of a previously denied application, or an application to consider a substantially different proposed land use and plan on the subject property.
Consideration of a Different Proposed Land Use and Plan.
To be eligible to file an application to consider a different proposed land use and plan on a tract of land, or any portion thereof, to which Council has denied a zoning change within the previous 12 months, the applicant must first provide sufficient evidence demonstrating the new proposed land use and plan are substantially different than the initial application.
The application for a change of zoning shall not be considered by the Plan Commission or the City Council, unless the City Council first determines in a public hearing that:
the proposed land use and plan are substantially different than that of the initial application; and
the motion to grant a new application is approved by no less than three-fourths votes of the members of the Council then present and voting (but no less than five).
In the event Council determines the proposed land use and plan are substantially different by the requisite number of votes, the applicant will then be eligible to file a new application with the Planning Department to change the zoning on the subject tract of land.
Reconsideration of a Zoning Application.
If an applicant desires for Council to reconsider a previously denied application, then the following provisions shall apply:
The applicant must file the request for reconsideration (and it must be actually received by the Planning Department) within 5 business days following the date on which the initial application was denied.
The request for reconsideration shall be scheduled for the next available Regular Meeting of the City Council, after all statutory posting and publication requirements have been satisfied.
At the public hearing for reconsideration, the Applicant may only present new evidence that was not presented to the City Council during the original public hearing related to the Applicant’s request.
A motion to grant reconsideration may only be made by a member of the City Council who voted to deny the initial application. A motion to grant reconsideration may be seconded by any member of the City Council.
A motion to grant reconsideration must be approved by no less than three-fourths of the members of the City Council then present and voting (but not less than five).
If the Council’s initial decision on the original request to change the zoning was made “without prejudice,” then the motion to grant reconsideration may be made by any member of the City Council and approved with a simple majority vote (but not less than five).
In the event the motion for reconsideration passes by the requisite number of votes, the City Council shall then immediately hold a public hearing to determine the applicant’s zoning case on its merits.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7079, sec. 19, adopted 8/20/19; Ordinance 7259 adopted 10/12/21; Ordinance 7524 adopted 4/16/2024)
In making a determination regarding a requested change of zoning, the Plan Commission, and the City Council may consider the following factors:
Whether the proposed change of zoning implements the policies of the adopted Comprehensive Plan;
Whether the uses allowed by the proposed change will be appropriate in the immediate area concerned and their relationship to the general area and the City as a whole;
Whether the proposed change is in accordance with any existing or proposed plans for providing public schools, streets, water supply, sanitary sewers, and other utilities to the area;
The amount of and development absorption (or redevelopment) rate of vacant or underutilized land currently classified for similar development in the vicinity and elsewhere in the City, and any special circumstances which may make a substantial part of such vacant land unavailable for development;
How other areas designated for similar development will be, or are unlikely to be, affected if the proposed amendment is approved, and whether such designation for other areas should be modified also; and
Any other factors which substantially affect the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)