The purpose of a special exception is to authorize a modification of zoning standards applicable to particular types of development within any zoning district, which is consistent with the overall intent of the zoning regulations and for which express standards are prescribed, but that requires additional review to determine whether the development with the modification is compatible with adjoining land uses and the character of the neighborhood in which the development is proposed.
The Planning Director may make a determination as to whether a requested deviation from a GDC standard qualifies as a special exception, or if it constitutes a variance (see Section 2.25). An application for a special exception may be filed only for those modifications listed below:
To alter front, side or rear setbacks, provided that the special exception does not exceed ten percent of the minimum requirement;
To waive or reduce the parking and loading requirements in an amount not exceeding thirty-three percent (of the normal requirement in any zoning district) for one or more of the following situations, whenever the character or use of the building makes unnecessary the full provision of parking or loading facilities or where the regulations would impose an unreasonable hardship upon the use of the property for the following purposes:
Housing specifically designed and intended for use by the elderly, disabled, or other occupants typically having a lower expectation of automobile ownership;
Adaptive reuse or restoration of a historically or architecturally significant structure;
Expansion of a nonprofit, public, or social service use on an existing site; and
Conversion of a nonconforming use to a conforming use that will maintain some nonconforming aspects (such as too little parking).
To correct an inadvertent building, fence, accessory building, or other structural encroachment into a required front, side, or rear yard setback.
Approval of an application for a special exception entitles the property owner to undertake the activity authorized under the exception.
Application Requirements.
The Building Official is the responsible official for processing a special exception application. Requirements for the format and contents of an application for a Special Exception must be in accordance with the requirements specified in the Development Application Packet, as may be amended from time to time.
Processing of Application and Decision.
The Board of Adjustment must conduct a public hearing on the application in accordance with normal rules and procedures that are applicable to public hearings, and personal notice must be provided in accordance with Section 1.24 of Chapter 1 of this GDC.
The Board of Adjustment must approve, conditionally approve, or deny the special exception application as it deems appropriate.
The minutes of the Board of Adjustment meeting at which a special exception is decided are the official record and documentation of the special exception.
Criteria for Approval.
In deciding whether to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application for a special exception, the Board must apply the standards in Article 7 of this Chapter 2 governing special exceptions. In addition, the Board must consider whether the special exception will substantially and adversely affect the use of adjacent or neighboring property.
The Board may impose conditions on the granting of a special exception as are necessary to prevent harm to adjacent or neighboring property.
The special exception expires on the date established as a condition of approval or one year (that is, 365 calendar days) after the Board approves or conditionally approves the application (not including the approval date), unless the applicant performs all the terms, conditions, and obligations of the approved special exception prior to the expiration date.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The purpose of a reasonable accommodation is to authorize a modification of certain zoning standards so that a person with disabilities may have equal access to housing within the City of Garland.
A person requesting a reasonable accommodation from a zoning regulation(s) in Chapter 2 of this GDC on the basis of a disability must file a written application for a reasonable accommodation with the Planning Director. The applicant shall not be charged a fee for the application. The application must expressly state the accommodation from the zoning regulation(s) requested and the basis for the request.
If an applicant requests assistance to file a written application for reasonable accommodation due to a disability, the Planning Director shall provide assistance including, but not limited to, transcribing a verbal request into a written request.
The Planning Director shall review the application, confer with the Office of the City Attorney, and issue a written decision on the request no later than 30 calendar days from the date the request is received. The written decision shall state the basis of the decision.
If the Planning Director fails to render a written decision within 30 calendar days, the application shall be deemed granted.
After receiving an application for a reasonable accommodation, the Planning Director may request additional information from the applicant consistent with the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act and the American with Disabilities Act. The request shall specify the additional information that is needed from the applicant for the Planning Director to render a decision. In the event additional information is requested by the Planning Director, the 30 calendar day period to issue a decision is stayed until the applicant’s response is received by the Planning Director.
The applicant (or the person on whose behalf the applicant is requesting the accommodation) has the burden to present sufficient facts in the application that demonstrate:
The applicant (or the person on whose behalf the applicant is requesting the accommodation) suffers from a handicap as defined by the Fair Housing Amendments Act; and
The applicant (or the person on whose behalf the applicant is requesting the accommodation) demonstrates that the accommodation is both reasonable and necessary. An accommodation under this subsection section is “necessary” if without the accommodation the applicant (or the person on whose behalf the applicant is requesting the accommodation) will be denied an equal opportunity to obtain the housing of his or her choice;
If the applicant demonstrates the matters set out in subsection (6) above, the request for reasonable accommodation shall be granted by the Planning Director, unless the Planning Director demonstrates that the accommodation requested would fundamentally alter the City’s zoning regulations, or would pose an undue negative impact on the public health, safety or welfare.
If the Planning Director finds that the requested accommodation would fundamentally alter the City’s zoning regulations, or would pose an undue negative impact on the public health, safety, or welfare, the Planning Director shall determine whether an alternative reasonable accommodation exists that would effectively meet the disability-related need.
An applicant may appeal the written decision to deny or to grant an alternative reasonable accommodation to the City Manager no later than 30 calendar days from the date the decision is mailed.
If an applicant needs assistance appealing a written decision, the Planning Director shall provide assistance including, but not limited to, transcribing a verbal appeal into a written appeal.
An appeal must be in writing and include the grounds for the appeal.
An applicant is not required to pay a fee to appeal a written decision.
The City Manager, or a person designated by the City Manager (other than the Planning Director or an official of the Planning Department), shall review the appeal and issue a written decision no later than 30 calendar days from the date the appeal is received. The written decision shall expressly state the basis of the decision.
If the City Manager, or a person designated by the City Manager (other than the Planning Director or an official of the Planning Department), fails to render a written decision on the appeal within 30 calendar days from the date the appeal is received, the requested accommodation shall be deemed granted.
Consideration of an appeal is subject to the same criteria set forth in subsection (B)(6) above.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 6881 adopted 2/7/17)
Purpose & Applicability.
The purpose of a variance is to vary one or more zoning standards applicable to a use authorized under this Chapter 2. A variance application cannot be used as a means of amending the text of the City’s zoning regulations or of changing a zoning district classification of the property for which the variance is sought. A variance application also cannot be used as a means to contest the applicability of a standard to a development application, an exemption determination, or a decision on a development application.
The granting of a variance petition, in whole or in part, authorizes the decision-maker to evaluate a variance application using the varied standard, for the duration of the variance.
Application Requirements.
A variance application must contain a detailed written statement of the reasons why the standards to be varied should not be applied to the use identified in the application, and must be accompanied by the fee established by the City Council. The application also must be accompanied by illustrations or other documents showing the effect of the requested variance on the proposed development.
A variance application must be filed with the Building Official. No development application that is dependent upon approval of the pending variance application may be approved until a final decision has been reached on the variance application.
Processing of Petitions and Decision.
The Board of Adjustment shall conduct a public hearing on the variance application in accordance with normal rules and procedures that are applicable to public hearings, and personal notice must be provided in accordance with Section 1.24 of this GDC.
The Board of Adjustment must approve, conditionally approve, or deny the variance application as it deems appropriate.
The applicant bears the burden of proof in establishing the facts to justify a variance.
Criteria for Approval.
In deciding the variance application, the Board shall apply the following criteria:
There are special circumstances or conditions arising from the physical surroundings, shape, topography or other feature affecting the land such that the strict application of the provisions of this GDC to the proposed use would create an unnecessary hardship or inequity upon or for the applicant, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, in developing the land, or would deprive the applicant of the reasonable and beneficial use of the land;
The circumstances causing the hardship do not similarly affect all or most properties in the vicinity of the applicant’s land;
The variance is necessary for the preservation of a substantial property right of the applicant;
Granting the variance application will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to other property within the area;
Granting the variance application will not have the effect of preventing the orderly use and enjoyment of other land within the area subject to the provisions of this GDC, or adversely affect the rights of owners or residents of surrounding property;
The hardship or inequity suffered by petitioner is not caused wholly or in substantial part by the applicant;
The request for a variance is not based solely on the applicant’s desire for increased financial gain from the property, or to reduce an existing financial hardship; and
The degree of variance granted must be the minimum amount necessary to meet the needs of the applicant and to satisfy the standards in this Section 2.25.
Expiration and Extension.
A variance that results in the authorization to issue a Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy will expire one year from the date the variance is granted, unless the applicant files a complete application for a Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy with the City within one year of the date the variance was granted. The Building Official may extend the time for filing the Building Permit application for good cause.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
A property owner may apply to the Board of Adjustment for a change in the status of a nonconforming use or structure for the following matters:
Expansion of the land area or the building area of a nonconforming use;
Reconstruction or repair of a nonconforming structure that has been destroyed (refer to Article 7 in this Chapter 2);
Resumption of a nonconforming use previously abandoned;
The enlargement, expansion or repair of a nonconforming structure if such enlargement, expansion or repair does not increase the use’s nonconformity; or
Encroachment on a zoning setback line.
If the Board grants the application for a change in nonconforming status, any modifications made in the nonconforming use, structure, or lot that are consistent with the approved application will be of the same status, and subject to the same limitations, as the original nonconformity under this GDC.
The Board must process and decide the petition for a change in nonconforming status as a special exception in accordance with Section 2.23 of this Chapter 2.
Criteria for Approval.
In deciding the application, the Board must apply the following criteria:
The proposed change in nonconforming status meets the criteria in Article 7 of this Chapter 2; and
Granting the application must not result in greater harm to adjacent land uses than the original nonconformity.
Petition for Termination.
The Building Official is the responsible official for processing a petition seeking termination of nonconforming status.
A City official may petition the Board of Adjustment for termination in nonconforming status of a nonconforming use, nonconforming structure, or nonconforming lot.
If the Board grants the petition for termination of nonconforming status, the nonconforming use, nonconforming structure, or nonconforming lot will be in violation of this GDC and subject to any remedy for enforcement, as provided herein.
The application must include a concise statement of the reasons why the nonconforming status should be terminated, with specific reference to the rule(s) governing the nonconformity that the petitioner seeks to enforce, and a detailed explanation of how granting the petition will enforce the rule(s) governing nonconforming status.
The Board must process and decide the petition for termination in nonconforming status as a revocation proceeding under Section 5.25 of this GDC.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)