Lot Required.
Every building or property use (excluding temporary amusements or similar uses) hereafter erected, altered, expanded, placed, or otherwise located must be on a lot or lots of record, except when situated on a farm or ranch.
Multiple Structures on Lot.
Where a lot of record is used for other than single-family or duplex dwelling uses, more than one main building may be located upon the lot, provided that all other provisions of this GDC are met.
Nonconforming Lots.
Where a lot of record has less area, width, or depth than required by this GDC on its effective date, the lot is considered a conforming lot for the purposes of area, width, and depth requirements.
Frontage on Street.
Every building hereafter erected must be on a lot which has been platted and filed for record in accordance with the procedures of this GDC (specifically Chapter 3), as amended. Every lot must have a frontage on a public or improved private street, and all structures must be located on lots as to provide safe and convenient access for servicing, fire protection, and required off-street parking. The public or private street must have a minimum right-of-way as provided in the approved current Major Thoroughfare Plan.
Whenever more than one main building is located upon a lot (as allowed in Subsection 2.71(B) above), each building must conform to the yard, parking, density requirements applicable to the uses and districts, and the front of each main building must face a public street. However, upon approval of the appropriate development application by the City, the requirement that the front of each main building must face a public street may be waived.
Residential Uses.
All residential uses in existence at the effective date of this GDC in which minimum lot square footage requirements were in compliance with Ordinance 4647, as amended, or requirements of an applicable Planned Development (PD) Ordinance are conforming for the purposes of square footage requirements.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7107, sec. 32, adopted 12/3/19)
Measuring Setbacks & Lot Dimensions.
All setback measurements must be made in accordance with Illustration 2-13.
Building Lines & Setbacks.
Building lines established on a recorded plat may only be changed through amending or replatting proceedings or by modifying a building line through the Plan Commission. If there is a conflict between platted building line and a building line set by this GDC or by special ordinance the most restrictive requirement shall apply.
Where a building line has been established by a special ordinance adopted prior to the passage of this GDC, and the building line requires a greater or lesser yard setback than is prescribed by this GDC for the district in which the property is located, the required yard must comply with the building line established by that ordinance.
Yard Depth & Width Adjacent to Streets.
Depth and width of required yards adjacent to streets must be measured in accordance with Illustration 2-14.
Yards in Relation to Future Rights-of-Way.
Where a future right-of-way line has been established for future widening or opening of an abutting street or thoroughfare, the front, side, or rear yard must be measured from the future abutting right-of-way line.
Front Yards.
Corner Lots.
On all corner lots, only one lot line may be designated as the front lot line, and the front yard setback must be the required distance from the designated lot line.
Measuring Front Yards.
The front yard must be measured from the property line to the front face of the building, to the nearest supporting member of a covered porch or terrace.
Double-Frontage Lots.
Required front yard setbacks must be provided on both frontages of double-frontage lots, as depicted in Illustration 2-15.
Illustration of Lots.
Illustration 2-16 shows the various types of “typical” lots that are regulated by this GDC, and Illustration 2-17 shows a “key corner” lot. Key corner lots must observe the same front yard setback on both sides so that the front yard setbacks of the key corner lot, and its two neighboring lots, are the same on each respective street frontage.
Illustration 2-13 Required Yards (Setbacks)
Illustration 2-14 Measuring Lot Depth and Width
Illustration 2-15 Double Frontage Lots & Front Yards
Illustration 2-16 Types of Lots
Illustration 2-17 Key Corner Lot
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7107, sec. 33, adopted 12/3/19)