No Building Permit shall be issued for any building or structure on a property until a plat has been approved and filed for record, unless specifically exempted herein.
The provisions of this Chapter 3 shall apply to the following forms of land subdivision and development activity within the City’s limits and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ):
Any non-exempt (see Section 3.03 of this Chapter 3) division of land into two or more tracts, lots, sites or parcels;
Any combination or re-subdivision of separate land parcels;
Any construction of, addition to, or relocation of any structure for which a Building Permit is required, if the property is not already platted (replatting a property may be necessary to add or modify easements, to shift or change lot lines, or other similar changes to the property’s recorded plat);
Any development or use of land that does not involve construction or use of a permanent building (one that only uses a temporary building or no building at all), except when the only change to the use of the land or buildings is a change of user, a change of Certificate of Occupancy, or an interior-only remodel; and
Any development or use of land that will require the construction, or the reconstruction, of any required public improvement(s).
The subdivision of a property, or the sale of a portion of a property, by metes and bounds rather than as a platted lot of record is a violation of this GDC and state law unless specifically exempted in Section 3.03 of this Chapter 3. An unauthorized subdivision of land may be grounds for the City to withhold or deny connection to utilities, construction and Building Permits, and Certificates of Occupancy until the property is properly platted in accordance with this GDC.
Subdivision Rules.
The provisions of this Chapter 3, the standards governing constructed facilities applicable to plats in other portions of this GDC and the City Code, and the City’s Technical Standards, as adopted by the City Council, as may be amended and approved by the Director of Engineering, constitute the City’s rules for the subdivision and development of land that lies within the City’s corporate limits and within its ETJ.
Technical Standards.
The City’s Technical Standards are those as defined in Chapter 6 of this GDC.
Conflict Among Technical Standards.
The City’s Technical Standards shall control and prevail to the extent of any conflict with the provisions of the NCTCOG’s Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction in North Central Texas, latest edition.”
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 4, adopted 5/7/19)