The purpose of a Final Plat is to assure that:
The proposed subdivision and development of the land to which the Plat applies is consistent with all standards of this GDC pertaining to the adequacy of public facilities;
Public improvements to serve the subdivision or development have been installed and accepted by the City, or that provision for such installation has been made; and
All other requirements and conditions have been satisfied or provided for to allow the Final Plat to be recorded.
A Final Plat is not required when a Minor Plat is submitted (see Section 3.22 of this Chapter 3).
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Application Submission and Processing.
A complete application for Final Plat approval shall be submitted and will be processed in accordance with Section 3.06 of this Chapter 3 and the City’s Development Application Packet, as amended.
Review Process.
A Final Plat application shall be reviewed by the DRC and the Planning Director, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the City’s Development Application Packet, as amended. The Planning Director shall schedule the Final Plat application for Plan Commission consideration in accordance with Section 3.04 of this Chapter 3.
Accompanying Documents.
Before filing an application for a Final Plat, an applicant must submit required Site Engineering Drawings and a Working Plat. The Working Plat shall be reviewed and must have achieved acceptable status in accordance with the procedures set forth in the City’s Development Application Packet, as amended. Approval of the Final Plat application and approval of the Site Engineering Drawings are separate approvals. The approvals are governed by Division 3 of Article 2 of this Chapter 3 for the Final Plat, and by Division 1 and Division 3 of Article 6 of this Chapter 3 for the Site Engineering Drawings and Subdivision Improvement Agreements, respectively.
Prior Approved Preliminary Plat.
The Final Plat and all accompanying data shall conform to the Preliminary Plat (if one was required) as approved, incorporating all conditions imposed or required by the Planning Director (or by the Plan Commission on appeal), if applicable.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 8, adopted 5/7/19)
Review and Determination.
The Plan Commission shall review the Final Plat application, findings of the DRC, and any other information submitted with the application or supplied by City staff. From all such information, the Commission shall determine whether the Final Plat application complies with this GDC and the City’s Development Application Packet, as amended.
Action by Plan Commission.
The Plan Commission shall either approve the Final Plat as submitted by the applicant or deny the Final Plat, using the standards set forth in Section 3.17 of this Chapter 3.
The applicant may appeal a decision of the Plan Commission to deny a Final Plat to the City Council. The appeal shall be processed and decided in accordance with applicable provisions of Article 1, Division 1 of Chapter 5 of this GDC.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7107, sec. 40, adopted 12/3/19)
The following criteria shall be used to determine whether the application for a Final Plat shall be approved or denied:
Final Plat with Prior Approved Preliminary Plat:
The Final Plat conforms to the approved Preliminary Plat (as may have been amended);
The Site Engineering Drawings conform to the requirements of Article 6, Division 1 of this Chapter 3, specifically, and Articles 3, 4 and 5 [Articles 4, 5 and 6] of this Chapter 3, generally, and have been approved by the Director of Engineering;
Where public improvements have been installed, the improvements conform to the approved Site Engineering Drawings and have been approved for acceptance by the Director of Engineering;
Where public improvements have been deferred, a Subdivision Improvement Agreement has been executed in conformity with Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter 3;
The final layout of the development meets all standards for adequacy of public facilities contained in this GDC;
All required easements, the design of all lots, and the provision of required monumentation are in accordance with Article 5, Division 12 of this Chapter 3;
The Final Plat meets all applicable county standards, when the proposed development is located in whole or in part in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City and in the county;
The Final Plat conforms to design requirements and construction standards as set forth in the Technical Standards, as amended;
The Final Plat conforms with applicable criteria and checklist(s) in the City’s Development Application Packet, as amended, and as may have been provided to the applicant through the Planning Department; and
The first phase, and each subsequent phase, of a phased development is capable of being developed and fully functional independent of any other phase and in full conformance with the City’s Technical Standards.
Final Plat with no Prior Approved Preliminary Plat:
The Final Plat conforms to all criteria for approval of a Preliminary Plat (as if one had been required, see Section 3.10 of this Chapter 3); and
The Subdivision Improvement Agreement, if applicable, has been approved by the Director of Engineering and executed in conformity with Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7107, sec. 41, adopted 12/3/19)
For Single- and Two-Family Residential Projects.
The approval of a Final Plat:
Supersedes any prior approved Preliminary Plat for the same land.
Authorizes the applicant to seek approval and issuance of Building Permits for individual lots (refer to Article 1, Division 4 in Chapter 4 of this GDC).
Authorizes the applicant to sell individual lots when all required public improvements have been constructed, inspected and accepted by the City, and when the Final Plat has been filed for record at the applicable county.
For Other Types of Development Projects.
The approval of a Final Plat:
Supersedes any prior approved Preliminary Plat for the same land (if applicable).
Authorizes the applicant to seek approval and issuance of a Site Permit (refer to Article 1, Division 3 in Chapter 4 of this GDC) and Building Permit (refer to Article 1, Division 4 in Chapter 4 of this GDC).
Authorizes the applicant to install improvements in public rights-of-way in conformance with approved Site Engineering Drawings and under a Subdivision Improvement Agreement (refer to Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter 3), if applicable.
Authorizes the applicant to sell individual lots when all required public improvements have been constructed, inspected and accepted by the City, and when the Final Plat has been filed for record at the applicable county.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The applicant shall supply to the Planning Department the required number of signed and executed copies of the approved Final Plat that will be needed to file the Plat, upon approval, at the applicable county (in the county’s required format) within six months (that is, 180 calendar days) following the approval date. The Final Plat shall bear the notarized signatures of the property owner(s) and the notarized seal of the Registered Professional Land Surveyor who prepared the Plat.
Following approval of the Final Plat and the submission of copies for signatures, the Planning Director shall obtain the final two signatures from the chairperson of the Plan Commission and the City Secretary for execution of the Final Plat.
The Final Plat shall then be returned to the applicant for recording at the applicable county. Failure to properly record the Final Plat with the applicable county within six months (that is, 180 calendar days) following approval will cause the Final Plat to become null and void, and the applicant shall be required to re-initiate the platting process.
Submittal of Final Plat Where Improvements Have Been Installed.
Where all required public improvements have been installed prior to recording of the Final Plat, the applicant shall meet all requirements in accordance with Articles 4, 5 and 6 of this Chapter 3.
Submittal of Final Plat Where Improvements Have Not Been Installed.
Where only a portion (or none) of the required public improvements have been completed in connection with an approved Final Plat, with prior approved Preliminary Plat prior to its filing for record at the applicable county, the applicant shall submit and execute a Subdivision Improvement Agreement in conformance with Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter 3, and only if such Subdivision Improvement Agreement is approved by the City may the applicant then submit the Final Plat for filing at the applicable county.
For a Final Plat with no prior approved Preliminary Plat, the Final Plat recordation shall be done in accordance with Subsection 3.19(A) above. Improvements must be installed and accepted to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy unless improvements are deferred per Section 3.102 of this Chapter 3.
No Building Permit shall be issued until the Final Plat for the property is approved by the City and filed for record at the applicable county (see Article 1, Division 4 in Chapter 4 of this GDC).
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7107, sec. 42, adopted 12/3/19)
No Expiration After Recordation.
There is no expiration of a Final Plat after it is approved by the City and recorded with the applicable county.
Expiration if Not Recorded.
If an approved Final Plat is not timely recorded pursuant to Section 3.19 above then it shall become null and void.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Replat or Amending Plat. Revisions may only be approved as a Replat (Section 3.39 of this Chapter 3) or Amending Plat (Section 3.40 of this Chapter 3).
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)