Application of Requirements.
Unless otherwise stated within this Chapter 3 of the GDC, all standards, specifications, and regulations shall apply to development within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).
Extension of Services.
Given that land proposed for development in the City’s ETJ shall be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including water facilities, wastewater facilities, roadway and pedestrian facilities, drainage facilities and park facilities, the following policies for the provision of infrastructure services into the ETJ shall apply.
It is in the City’s best interest to encourage development in areas adjacent to compatible development already receiving City services where those services have excess capacity.
It is in the City’s best interest to discourage development in remote areas as well as those areas that exhibit environmental hazards.
It is in the City’s best interest to annex areas that:
Need to be protected in order to prevent or reduce flood damage in existing urban areas;
Possess unique physical characteristics;
Have requested City services; and
Minimize fiscal liability;
It is in the City’s best interest to withhold all water and sewer extensions outside City limits except in instances where the extension will serve a large volume user who has agreed to annexation at a predetermined date; and who has demonstrated that a significant community benefit will accrue to the City if it provides such service outside City limits; and where no significant fiscal liabilities will be incurred by the City of Garland.
It is in the City’s best interest to provide services other than water and sewer to individual users beyond City limits:
Upon request and under contracts or cost-sharing arrangements that minimize future fiscal liability;
Upon request and under contracts or cost-sharing arrangements that encourage compact development;
Upon request and under contracts or cost-sharing arrangements that ensure compliance with City subdivision, building, electrical, plumbing and fire codes; and
When it is not in the City’s best interest to annex the areas to be served.
The City shall therefore provide for extension of public facilities and services under the following circumstances:
Such extension is part of an agreement that provides for development consistent with established City policies, such as the Comprehensive Plan;
Such extension allows the City to retain its right under state law to annex the property in the future;
The quality of the development that is occurring is consistent with City standards; and
The use or development offers significant public benefits to the City.
County Regulations.
In any case whereby the subdivision rules and regulations of the applicable county provide a more stringent standard, the more stringent standard shall apply.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The City is not required to participate in the cost of any improvements where such improvements required by this Chapter 3 are outside the corporate limits of the City, but within the City’s ETJ.
Certificates of Occupancy/Utility Connections.
A Certificate of Occupancy for nonresidential and multifamily projects shall not be issued until a Letter of Final Acceptance has been issued in accordance with Section 3.111 of this Chapter 3.
Utility connections for residential subdivisions in the ETJ shall not be issued until a Letter of Final Acceptance has been issued in accordance with Section 3.111 of this Chapter 3.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)