Purpose and Intent.
The City has adopted a stormwater program as part of its Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) permit. The intent of the program is to proactively promote integrated site design principles and stormwater controls that will minimize the hydrologic impact of development and redevelopment on stormwater quantity and quality. Storm drainage facilities must comply with the City’s Technical Standards.
This Division 1 is applicable to all new developments and significant redevelopment projects that consist of land disturbance greater than or equal to one acre, and to a land disturbance area of less than one acre if the activity is part of a common plan of development that is one acre or larger. The developer of a project submitted to the City for approval on or after the effective date of this GDC shall comply with the provisions of this Division 1.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
A Schematic Stormwater Plan (SSP) shall be submitted to the City for review prior to submission of a site permit that involves construction pursuant to Section 3.61(B) above (whichever occurs first). Schematic Drainage Plan requirements are in the Technical Standards, and basic information regarding the site shall be provided including, but not limited to, the following:
An engineer-scaled drawing showing the topography of the property on and within fifty feet of the development.
An estimate of the proposed increase/decrease in pervious area.
Existing and proposed drainage patterns, storm sewer layout, sizes, inlets and retaining walls on the site.
One-hundred-year runoff entering and leaving the site and disposition of the stormwater runoff before and after development.
Existing stormwater controls on the site.
A brief description of any proposed stormwater controls that will be designed for the site (such as whether runoff will be conveyed through a storm sewer system, whether there be a detention pond(s), or whether runoff will be conveyed to an existing system). The description must show the location and preliminary sizing of off-site improvements required to connect to the public drainage system, including any easement needs where applicable.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 20, adopted 5/7/19; Ordinance 7107, sec. 46, adopted 12/3/19)
If a development will contain excess parking as a feature of stormwater control, the development must comply with the provisions of this Section. If a development is subject to the detention requirements under Section 3.89 of this Article 5, then meeting the detention requirements of that Section will fulfill the requirements of this Section.
Excess Parking Requirements.
For some types of developments, this GDC specifies a maximum allowable number of parking spaces. Parking areas in excess of the maximum number allowable for the particular type of development shall be graded toward the perimeter landscaping buffer or islands, and shall drain across pervious areas to provide water quality treatment before being routed to a conveyance system. Pervious areas may include naturally occurring buffers or undisturbed areas, lawns, landscaping, filter strips, parking lot islands, bioretention areas, and enhanced swales, or excess parking areas may be drained toward an approved stormwater control as listed in the Technical Standards.
Alternative Requirements.
A development shall be required to double the minimum required landscaping, in landscape area square footage and shrubs/trees, on the site of the development if Subsection (B) above is not at least partially fulfilled. If Subsection (B) above is at least partially fulfilled, the additional landscaping requirement of this Subsection will be prorated based upon the amount of parking and rooftop areas that do meet the requirements of Subsection (B). Landscaping requirements are found in Article 3 in Chapter 4 of this GDC.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)