Water System.
The developer of a subdivision shall furnish and install the complete water system, including the mains, valves, fire hydrants, service lines and appurtenances from the water main to the property line.
The developer shall provide all water taps and locate and raise to grade all water services. The developer shall also furnish and install the meter box, the curb stop, the approved connector pipe and the meter nipple to the location, grade and detail as shown on the Site Engineering Drawings of the development.
It shall be the responsibility of the developer and the developer’s contractor to protect, adjust and replace any and all service lines and meter boxes as deemed necessary by the Director of Engineering prior to the installation of the water meter.
The developer and the developer’s contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the service line and meter box and any expense for repair until all paving, drainage and utilities are accepted by the City. If the service line or meter box is damaged after the acceptance of paving and utilities, it shall become the responsibility and expense of the building contractor or owner of the structure to be served, to repair and replace the service line and meter box prior to the use of any construction water or the placement of the meter.
Wastewater System.
The developer shall furnish and install the complete wastewater system, including the mains, manholes, cleanouts, and wye branches with laterals from main to property line for all lots, lift stations and appurtenances.
Existing Facilities.
If existing facilities are affected by the proposed system, the developer shall be responsible for making appropriate adjustments to existing facilities including, but not limited to, off-site improvements and easement acquisitions. Existing facility adjustments shall be subject to Engineering and Water Department review and approval.
Water and wastewater systems shall be designed and incorporated into required Site Engineering Drawings (refer to Article 6, Division 1 of this Chapter 3). After City approval of Site Engineering Drawings, the developer shall construct the water and wastewater systems in accordance with the approved Site Engineering Drawings and Site Permit.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Water Facilities.
The design and construction of water system improvements shall also comply with the following standards:
Design and construction of a water source on the site shall be in accordance with applicable regulations of the TCEQ.
Design and construction of water service from the City shall be in accordance with the City’s master plan for water provision, with the standards in the City’s Technical Standards, and with the TCEQ.
Design and construction of a fire protection and suppression system shall be in accordance with the required standards in the State Board of Insurance Commissioners, Fire Insurance Division, and in accordance with the City’s Fire Department and Fire Code.
Wastewater Facilities.
All wastewater facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City’s master plan for wastewater provision, with the standards in the Technical Standards, and with the TCEQ.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The location of all fire hydrants, and all water mains and other supply improvements shall be shown on the Site Engineering Drawings, in accordance with the Engineering Technical Standards.
Water lines shall be located within a public right-of-way or dedicated easement.
The water mains shall not be less than eight inches (8") in diameter and shall be installed per the Technical Standards and manufactured in accordance with and the latest federal, TCEQ, and American Water Works Association (AWWA) specifications.
Fire Hydrants.
Fire hydrants shall be located in a development in accordance with the City’s Technical Standards, or as determined by the Fire Department. In instances where access between the fire hydrant and buildings may be blocked, additional fire hydrants shall be provided to provide adequate fire protection, as recommended and approved by the Fire Department.
Sufficient valves shall be installed in accordance with good engineering practice and in accordance with the Technical Standards.
Service Lines.
Service lines shall be installed from the water main to the property line in accordance with the Technical Standards.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Site Engineering Drawings & Details.
The location of all wastewater improvements shall be shown on the Site Engineering Drawings.
Wastewater System Layout.
The layout shall be designed in such a manner that the sewers may not be laid on less than the minimum grade specified by the TCEQ, and in accordance with the Technical Standards.
Profiles of sewers showing the grades and depths shall be submitted to the City as part of Preliminary Plat and Final Plat approval requirements, and shall be subject to review and approval by the Director of Engineering.
Manholes shall be located according to the City’s Technical Standards.
Branch sewer services, one for each lot and not less than four inches in inside diameter (or per the Technical Standards, as applicable), shall be installed.
Lift Stations.
All lift stations shall be designed and constructed in conformance with the latest TCEQ regulations. Detailed design data and plans and specifications of lift stations shall be submitted to the City as part of Preliminary Plat and Final Plat approval requirements, and shall be subject to review and approval by the Director of Engineering and by the Water Department.
On-Site Wastewater Facilities.
For those areas where the City determines that a connection to the central sewer system is not available, then the City may approve an on-site treatment system that complies with local, county, state and federal regulations.
Approval by County.
Plans for an on-site wastewater facility, as well as actual installation of such, shall be subject to approval by the applicable county’s health department prior to Preliminary Plat approval.
On-site wastewater facilities shall be provided in accordance with the applicable county’s health department standards and controlling local, state and federal regulations.
Soil Considerations.
Wastewater disposal facilities requiring soil absorption systems may be prohibited where such systems will not function properly due to high groundwater, flooding, or unsuitable soil characteristics.
Water Service & Lot Size.
Platted subdivisions served by a public water supply, having lots using individual subsurface methods for wastewater disposal shall have a surface area of at least one acre. Platted subdivisions served by an individual water supply well and an individual wastewater disposal system shall maintain a minimum of a one hundred and fifty foot radius around the well in which no subsurface wastewater system may be constructed, and each lot shall contain not less than one acre.
Existing & Future Systems.
Existing on-site sewerage facilities shall be upgraded by the owner, at the owner’s expense, if the operation of the facility does not comply with current government regulations or results in objectionable odors, unsanitary conditions or groundwater pollution. All new development and construction, either in the City or its ETJ, shall conform to these requirements.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 21, adopted 5/7/19)
Extension Construction.
Water and wastewater main extensions to serve a subdivision to the City, a plat of which has been finally approved by the Plan Commission, may be accomplished in the following manner:
By Private Contract.
The installation of water and sewer mains may be awarded on a private contract in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Chapter 3. Any such installations, when made, shall become the property of the City free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. The City specifically reserves the option to advertise for bids and install any or all portions of extensions of water and sewer lines over eight inches in size.
By City Contract.
Upon approval of the City, the developer of a subdivision may design and prepare construction plans of water and wastewater facilities or either of them to serve the subdivision, including any access or off-site facility that may be required. The developer of a subdivision shall deposit with the City the total cost of such extensions required to serve the subdivision, including the cost of approach or off-site mains fronting property not owned by the developer if required by the provisions of this Article covering off-site mains. The City will construct such mains and, upon determination of final completion cost, will refund any excess amount deposited or require of such developer additional funds due to defray the entire cost of the project on-site and of off-site facilities for which the developer is responsible.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Property Subject to Flooding.
If, in the opinion of the Director of Engineering and the Director of Water Utilities, property to which water and wastewater main extensions are requested is subject to flooding or the wastewater discharge, if the main is extended, may be subject to surcharge due to the infiltration of flood or stormwaters, or if the land to be served by the extension is subject to flooding due to its elevation in relation to a proposed sewer line, then no extension of water or sewer mains shall be made to the land until and unless the owner or developer of the land agrees to install check or backflow valves and the owner or developer shall execute and file in the deed records of the applicable county a written indemnification of the City holding the City, its employees, agents and officials harmless from any and all damages, costs or expenses of any kind due to or arising from the surcharge of the extended lines(s). The indemnification shall be in a form provided by the City and shall constitute a covenant running with the land binding upon the owner and the successors and assigns of the owner.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)