Purposes and Findings.
New development shall be supported by an adequate network of thoroughfares.
Thoroughfares are an essential component of the City’s street network and are necessary to accommodate the continuing growth and development of the City.
It is necessary and desirable to obtain rights-of-way for off-site, abutting, and internal thoroughfares to support new development at the time of platting or development.
The City desires to assure both that development impacts are mitigated through contributions of thoroughfare rights-of-way and improvements and that a development project is not required to contribute more than its fair share of thoroughfare costs.
It is the City’s intent to assure that dedications of thoroughfare rights-of-way and thoroughfare construction requirements are proportional to the traffic demands created by a new development.
It is the intent of the City that a road adequacy determination be made concurrent with approval of development applications.
A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) may be required whenever it is determined by the Director of Transportation that the proposed development has the potential to generate a high number of vehicle trips per day that may adversely affect the City’s transportation network.
The method of preparing the TIA shall be determined by the Director of Transportation.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
TIA and Update Required. When required by the Director of Transportation, a TIA shall be submitted with an application for a change in zoning, a Preliminary Plat, a Final Plat or review and approval of Site Engineering Drawings, whichever occurs first in the development or redevelopment of a land parcel. An updated TIA shall also be submitted with the Final Plat, and shall be generally consistent with the TIA submitted with the Preliminary Plat, if applicable. The initial TIA shall be also be updated whenever the plan for the proposed development is modified to authorize more intensive development, such as through a request for a change in zoning.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The Director of Transportation shall evaluate the adequacy of the TIA and shall make recommendations concerning:
Whether the application may be approved in the absence of dedication of rights-of-way or construction of improvements to each affected thoroughfare; and
The extent of the applicant’s obligations to make such dedications or improvements.
The Director of Transportation may withhold issuance of a Site Permit where the surrounding roadway network is determined to not be adequate for the proposed development, and may impose one or more of the following remedies:
Delay or phasing of development until thoroughfares with adequate capacity or intersection improvements are constructed;
The dedication or construction of thoroughfares or traffic-control improvements needed to mitigate the traffic impacts generated by the proposed development; or
Any combination of any of the above.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)