The purpose of Site Engineering Drawings is to assure that public improvements required to be installed in order to serve a subdivision or a development are designed by a professional engineer that is in good standing and licensed in the State of Texas, and are constructed in accordance with all standards of this GDC. Site Engineering Drawings are generally required for any of the following: connection to a City water, wastewater or storm sewer system, street paving, when land grading operations exceeds 5,000 square feet or as indicated in this GDC and the Technical Standards. The term Site Engineering Drawings includes associated plat (such as, the applicable Preliminary Plat or Final Plat for that type of development) and engineering/construction plans for grading and drainage, paving, water and wastewater utilities, stormwater management (including those related to integrated stormwater management designs, erosion control, and pollution prevention), tree preservation and mitigation, landscaping, and irrigation, and if required, site plans, screening and retaining walls, and special construction details for items not covered by the City’s standard construction details (reference the City’s Development Application Packet and Technical Standards for requirements).
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
General Site Engineering Drawings Review & Approval Process.
The Engineering Department maintains requirements, checklists and procedures for review and approval of Site Engineering Drawings (also reference the City’s Development Application Packet and Technical Standards for further information and submittal requirements).
Application Completeness.
Incomplete plans shall not be accepted for review and shall not be considered officially submitted; such plans shall be returned to the applicant.
Engineering Review and Inspection Fee.
A fee shall be required for engineering review and inspection, in accordance with Division 2 of Article 3 of Chapter 1 of this GDC.
Director of Engineering Review.
The Director of Engineering shall be the responsible official for review and approval of Site Engineering Drawings.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 32, adopted 5/7/19)
Director of Engineering Action.
The Director of Engineering, as the final decision maker, shall determine the adequacy and completeness for Site Engineering Drawings. In this capacity, therefore, the Director of Engineering shall:
Approve the Site Engineering Drawings,
Approve the Site Engineering Drawings subject to modifications, or
Deny the Site Engineering Drawings.
Approval Required & Timing of Construction.
Prior to issuance of a Site Permit or a Building Permit, Site Engineering Drawings must be approved. Construction of improvements as shown on Site Engineering Drawings may occur:
Prior to approval of the Final Plat and prior to plat recordation; or
Following approval of the Final Plat and plat recordation if a Subdivision Improvement Agreement has been provided in accordance with Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter 3.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The Director of Engineering shall render a decision on the Site Engineering Drawings in accordance with the following criteria:
The plans are consistent with the approved Preliminary Plat, or the proposed Final Plat, as applicable;
The plans conform to the development standards and to standards for adequate public facilities contained within this Chapter 3, and contained generally within this GDC and any other City codes;
The plans conform to the specifications contained in the Technical Standards; and
All necessary on-site and off-site easements are secured, in accordance with Section 3.90 of this Chapter 3.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Approval Letter.
Upon completion of the plan review process, the Director of Engineering shall notify the applicant of approval of the Site Engineering Drawings.
When the Site Engineering Drawings are approved:
The City shall stamp “Release for Construction” on one full reproducible set of the Site Engineering Drawings and issue it to the applicant (refer to Technical Standards for further information).
A full set (copy) of the City-approved and stamped Site Engineering Drawings shall be available for inspection on the job site at all times.
Approval of Site Engineering Drawings along with the City’s “Release for Construction” stamped plans authorizes the applicant to schedule a Pre-Construction Meeting in accordance with Section 1.22 in Chapter 1 of this GDC, and subsequent issuance of a Site Permit in accordance with Article 1, Division 3 in Chapter 4 of this GDC. A Site Permit shall only be issued following the mandatory Pre-Construction Meeting and after all relevant fees have been paid. Upon issuance of a Site Permit, the applicant may proceed with construction of all items reflected on the Site Engineering Drawings.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
One-Year Validity.
Approval of the Site Engineering Drawings shall remain in effect for one year (that is, 365 calendar days) following the date of approval, provided that progress toward completion of the project continues to be demonstrated as provided by law. During this time period, the applicant shall submit application for, and shall acquire approval of, a Final Plat or a Site Permit. Subject to extension as provided by law, if a Site Permit has not been issued or a Final Plat has not been approved within the one-year period, the Site Engineering Drawings shall expire and shall be null and void.
Void If Not Extended.
If the validity of the Site Engineering Drawings is not extended in accordance with Subsection (B) below, the Site Engineering Drawings shall expire and shall be null and void.
Approval of the Site Engineering Drawings may be extended for one year (that is, 365 calendar days). A request for extension shall be made in writing to the Engineering Director at least thirty calendar days prior to expiration of the Drawings, and shall include reasons why the Drawings should be extended.
Decision by the Director of Engineering.
The Director of Engineering will review the application and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the extension within thirty calendar days following receipt of the extension request.
In considering an extension, the Director of Engineering shall consider the following:
Whether a Final Plat has been submitted and approved for any portion of the property shown in the Site Engineering Drawings;
Whether a Site Permit has been issued for any portion of the property shown in the Site Engineering Drawings;
Whether the Site Engineering Drawings comply with new regulations that impact the health, safety and general welfare of the community.
Whether the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter 3), if applicable, is still valid and in full effect.
If the Subdivision Improvement Agreement has been extended, whether additional security has been provided to cover the extended period of time.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)