Off-street parking in nonresidential districts must comply with the following parking requirements:
Off-Street Parking Location.
Required off-street parking is required on the same site as the use it serves, or as an off-site or a shared parking arrangement upon approval of the Planning Director in accordance with Section 4.20(G) of this Article 2.
Parking areas are prohibited within any landscape buffer strip.
For any land parcel having frontage along State Highway 190, Interstate Highway 30 or Interstate Highway 635, only one single- or double-loaded row of parking is permitted between the front or face of the building and the highway right-of-way line provided that at least two times the amount of parking area landscaping (as required in Section 4.35 of this GDC) is provided in these portions of the parking area. All other parking areas must be located to the side or behind the building unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director during the alternative compliance process, as outlined in Division 6 of this Article 2.
Off-Street Parking for Motor Vehicle, Transportation and Related Uses.
For all types of motor vehicle, transportation and related uses, all vehicles that are parked, stored, displayed, or utilized by the establishment must be parked in a striped, clearly designated parking space, on an all-weather surface that is constructed in accordance with the City’s Technical Standards.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Off-Street Parking Ratios. Off-street parking in the Downtown District must comply with the Downtown zoning district requirements (see Chapter 7 of this GDC).
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)