Request for Approval of Alternative Compliance.
A request for alternative compliance may be submitted in accordance with Article 1 of this Chapter 4. The Planning Director may approve the following types of requests only upon a finding that the proposed alternative is: (i) consistent with the purpose and intent of this Article 2, as applicable; and (ii) promotes the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare.
A parking ratio which differs from that specified within the Land Use Matrix (GDC Chapter 2, Section 2.51) based on a parking study conducted by a certified traffic planner or licensed transportation engineer which sets forth an acceptable alternative ratio.
Off-site parking based upon the following criteria:
Where it can be demonstrated that the parking is accessible and the way in which access is provided to the off-site location does not create a safety hazard for pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
Where it can be demonstrated (that is, through proof of ownership or executed agreement with the owner) that the site will be used for parking only as long as the requirement exists or until another approved parking site is provided;
Each off-site parking space is within a radius of six hundred feet of the use it serves; and
The parking site is compatible with surrounding land uses and will not adversely impact neighboring uses, including generating vehicular traffic which might create a hazard in the neighborhood.
The location of parking in front of a building for a site that has frontage along State Highway 190, Interstate Highway 30 or Interstate Highway 635 (see Section 4.25(A)(3) of this Article 2).
The allowance for heavy load vehicle loading areas located:
On the street side of any building where two or more sides of the building face dedicated streets; or
Within a required setback or landscape buffer strip when part of a common loading area designed to serve more than one building.
Granting or denying request for alternative compliance.
All requests for a deviation from required parking must be accompanied by a parking study prepared and conducted by a licensed transportation engineer.
Any request for deviation seeking to exceed the required parking, regardless of degree, must be mitigated. Mitigation can be achieved by the use of pervious parking, increased landscaping (see Section 4.35 of this GDC), increased stormwater controls (see Section 3.63 of this GDC), or other method to reduce the impact, if any, of the change in parking.
A request for a deviation shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review. The request must be accompanied by the parking study and, if required, a mitigation plan.
The Planning Director shall review the submission and required materials, then decide whether to approve the request.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7107, sec. 60, adopted 12/3/19)