A request for a variance to one or more of the sign-related regulations cited in Subsection (D) below may be submitted to the Planning Department in the format specified by the Department, and will be processed and scheduled for consideration for approval by the Plan Commission using the processing procedures set forth in Article 1, Division 4 of Chapter 5 of this GDC, and using the notification and public hearing procedures set forth in Article 2, Division 2 and Division 3 of Chapter 1 of this GDC.
The Plan Commission may, in specific cases and subject to appropriate conditions, authorize variances and exceptions to the regulations established in this Article 5 when the Commission has made a finding from the evidence presented that strict compliance with a requirement will result in a hardship or inequity to the applicant in accomplishing the objectives of this article, provided that economic or self-created hardship alone is not a sufficient basis for the granting of a variance or exception. A three-quarters (3/4) vote of the Plan Commission members present and voting is required to approve a sign variance. Upon appeal (if any), a three-quarters (3/4) vote of the City Council members present and voting is required to overrule a sign variance denial by the Plan Commission.
The Plan Commission, in considering an application for a sign variance, shall apply the criteria for approval set forth in Section 5.12, Division 4 of Chapter 5, including, but not limited to, the extent to which the site for which the applicant seeks a variance differs from adjoining sites, the extent that the hardship or inequity claimed by the applicant is self-created or based upon financial need of the applicant, and the adverse effects that the granting of a variance may or would create.
Allowed Variances.
The following sign-related regulations may be varied in accordance with the provisions of the above Subsection (C):
Increase the maximum sign area up to an additional 25 percent; and
Encroachment into a required sign setback.
Administrative Approval for Increased Sign Area.
An increase in sign area for attached signs and freestanding signs up to 10 percent of the allowable sign area may be approved by the Planning Director provided that the request meets the criteria outlined for development variances in Section 5.12, Division 4 of Chapter 5.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7040 adopted 2/19/19; Ordinance 7107, sec. 77, adopted 12/3/19)