Regulatory Reference. The development-related variances referred to in this portion of the GDC are limited to design variation and relief sought from requirements in Chapter 3, and from certain specific requirements cited in Chapter 2 and Chapter 4, of this GDC and which are reflected in Table 5-1, and as may be authorized by Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended. Special exceptions and zoning variances within the jurisdiction of the Board of Adjustment are governed by the provisions of Chapter 2 of this GDC.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The purpose of a request for a development variance under this portion of the GDC is to determine whether one or more standards of Chapter 3, and certain specific requirements cited in Chapter 2 and Chapter 4, of this GDC, and which are reflected in Table 5-1, that are applicable to a particular plat or development application should be varied or should not be applied due to a site-related limitation or an operation of State law.
An applicant must file a written petition in order to obtain a development variance from one or more of the standards applicable to platting and development as such are imposed by Chapter 3, and certain specific requirements cited in Chapter 2 and Chapter 4, of this GDC and reflected in Table 5-1.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Action on Related Applications. The development variance petition shall be decided by the Plan Commission at the same time as the Plan Commission considers the approval of the associated plat application. A plat or development application that is presented for administrative approval must not seek approval of a development variance, as any such variance request must be resolved prior to administrative consideration and approval.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The following considerations shall be made when reviewing a requested development variance:
The existence of special circumstances or conditions arising from the physical surroundings, shape, topography, or other features affecting the land, which are intrinsic to the land parcel itself and which are not self-imposed by the applicant, owner or user of the subject land parcel, such that the strict application of the requirements of Chapter 3, or the certain specific requirements cited in Chapter 2 and Chapter 4, of this GDC and reflected in Table 5-1, that may be varied under this Division 4, to the proposed use would create an unnecessary hardship or inequity upon or for the applicant, or would deprive the applicant of the reasonable and beneficial use of the land. Any unnecessary hardship or inequity must be distinguishable from a mere inconvenience or a mere financial burden in developing the land, and does not include a legitimate cost-benefit proportionality inequity which shall be submitted, processed and considered in accordance with Article 1, Division 2 of this Chapter 5;
The circumstances causing the special conditions described in Section 5.12(A)(1) above do not similarly affect all or most similarly situated properties in the vicinity of the applicant’s/petitioner’s land;
The development variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant/petitioner;
Granting the development variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, and will not be injurious to other property within the area;
Granting the development variance will not have the effect of preventing the orderly use and enjoyment of other land within the area in accordance with the provisions of this GDC, and will not be adversely affect the rights of owners or residents of surrounding property;
The special circumstances intrinsic to the subject land parcel and the resultant inequity thereof as described in Section 5.12(A)(1) above, is not caused wholly or in substantial part by the applicant/petitioner;
The request for a development variance is not based exclusively on the applicant’s/petitioner’s desire for increased financial gain from the property, or to reduce an existing financial hardship; and
The degree of variation requested by the development variance is the minimum amount and extent necessary to satisfactorily meet the needs of the applicant/petitioner, and to also satisfy the general spirit and intent of the minimum development standards in this GDC.
Burden of Proof.
The applicant/petitioner bears the burden of proof to demonstrate that the application of a requirement that may be varied under this Division 4 and that is normally uniformly applied imposes a disproportionate burden on the applicant/petitioner.
The Plan Commission shall consider the development variance petition contemporaneously with its consideration of the applicable application and, based upon the criteria set forth in Subsection (A) above, shall take one of the following actions:
Deny the development variance petition, and impose the applicable standard or requirement provided for in this GDC; or
Grant the development variance petition, and waive in whole or in part the applicable standard or requirement provided for in this GDC.
Notification of Decision on Petition.
The applicant/petitioner shall be notified of the decision on the development variance petition by adoption of the official minutes of said action by the Plan Commission.
The applicant may appeal a decision of the Plan Commission to deny a development variance petition to the City Council. Such appeal shall be processed and decided in accordance with applicable provisions of Division 1 of this Chapter 5.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Effect. Following the granting of a development variance from a requirement(s) in this GDC, the applicant may submit or continue the processing of a development application in accordance with the terms or conditions of the development variance which was granted. The development variance granted shall remain in effect for the same period that the related application is in effect, and shall expire upon expiration of the application. Any extension of the related application shall also result in the extension of the relief granted on the development variance petition.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)