The purpose of the Downtown (DT) district is to establish a pedestrian-oriented district with an infrastructure of streets and buildings that are flexible in terms of use, and that will attract ongoing reinvestment.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The goals of this district are:
To make Downtown viable through:
Providing for integrated mixed-use;
Embodying LEED-ND (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - Neighborhood Development) and LEED building principles;
Providing focal open space amenities;
Assuring pedestrian and bicycle friendliness; and
Minimizing the “heat island” effect of large expanses of paving.
To provide a mixture of residential, retail, entertainment, office and government uses.
To encourage high-quality development by providing a balance of development standards and expedited administrative approvals for projects which meet the intent of this district.
To create standards that ensure an appropriate transition between existing neighborhoods and new development.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The intent of this district is:
To provide a comfortable and attractive environment for pedestrians that includes such elements as buildings that frame public space, windows on street walls, street trees, lighting and street furniture.
To construct a continuous building frontage along block faces, except where it is desirable to provide outdoor public plazas, courtyards or pocket parks.
To construct buildings close to the sidewalk and street so as to create a comfortable and attractive pedestrian environment, yet reinforce the street character of setbacks that is unique to Garland.
To provide parking at ratios that will adequately serve the variety of activities within the district, allow for fluctuations in market demand for a variety of uses, and reduce the overall amount of paving within the district.
To encourage the use of public parks and plazas as focal points for quality residential and mixed-use developments.
To design and build flexible buildings that can accommodate a range of uses over time.
To create a multi-modal, mixed-use environment.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
The provisions of this Chapter 7 control within the Downtown district. The other chapters of this GDC are applicable to, and supplement this Chapter 7 where this chapter is silent. However, if the provisions of this Chapter 7 are in conflict with other chapters, then the provisions of this Chapter 7 control.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)