The intent of this Section is to:
Provide flexibility for changes in land uses that have different parking requirements, and facilitate the leasing of vacant space;
Manage parking so that it is convenient, efficient and supports an active and vibrant mixed-use retail, office, and residential environment;
Ensure ease of access to parking;
Avoid adverse parking impacts on residential neighborhoods; and
Ensure that parking structures do not dominate the public environment by encouraging the lining of the edges of such structures with residential or commercial uses adjacent to public roads and public open space.
Parking Requirements.
The construction of any new building or the expansion of the gross leasable square footage of an existing building requires parking for that additional square footage in accordance with other provisions in this GDC.
Achieving Automobile Parking.
Parking requirements may be met on-site, on-street, or by lease from the City or its designated authority. On-street parking and loading may not be reserved for private use.
On-Site At-Grade Parking.
All off-street surface parking should be located behind the building; however, when it is necessary to locate parking beside a building and adjacent to the sidewalk, then it shall be located at least eight feet behind the front of the build-to zone on a street or public open space, except in the SC sub-district where it may be at least one foot behind the front building line.
Parking shall be accessed by an alley or a driveway between buildings. Every effort shall be made to minimize the number of driveways along block faces, including the use of shared drives between developments. The setback and surface parking lot shall be landscaped as set out in Subsection 7.20 of this Chapter 7.
Parking Garages.
Parking garages that are adjacent to a street shall be set back a minimum of thirty feet from the front build-to line, and shall be lined with buildings containing allowed uses other than parking. The entry to the parking garage shall be architecturally integrated into the design of the building it serves.
Where a parking garage must be located adjacent to a street:
Parking garages shall be landscaped as set out in Article 6 of this Chapter 7.
The parking structure facades shall be designed to be compatible with the Downtown district’s character. Architectural screens may be used to articulate the facade, hide parked vehicles, and shield lighting.
Parking structures and adjacent sidewalks shall be designed so pedestrians are clearly visible to entering and exiting automobiles.
Off-street below-grade parking may be built to the lot lines, but shall be designed to allow landscape planting at-grade as defined in Article 6 of this Chapter 7. No below-grade parking beneath a building shall be visible from the sidewalk.
For parking structures located within the boundaries of the Garland Downtown Historic District, as recognized by the United States Department of the Interior, the structure must comply with this Chapter’s masonry materials requirement.
Reduction of Total Parking Requirement.
On-street parking that is immediately adjacent and directly in front of the development site may be counted toward meeting the parking requirement for the development.
Properties that provide at least eighty percent of on-site parking as publicly shared parking may use the reduced requirement for nonresidential uses by twenty-five percent on-site.
In mixed-use buildings, the total required parking may be reduced using the shared parking provisions in Section 4.20 of this GDC.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7079, sec. 46, adopted 8/20/19)
The intent of this Subsection is to encourage the use of bicycles by requiring safe and convenient bicycle parking.
Required Bicycle Parking.
Bicycle parking shall be provided at a rate of at least one space for every ten automobile parking spaces required (or portion thereof) as part of the base parking requirement, unless otherwise approved by Minor Waiver.
Bicycle Parking Standards.
Required bicycle parking shall be located within fifty feet of an entrance to the building. With approval of a Minor Waiver, some bicycle parking may be located in the public right-of-way.
Any bicycle parking in the public right-of-way should be located within the amenity zone; however, it shall be placed in a manner that avoids conflicts with pedestrian and vehicular paths.
Bicycle parking may also be provided within a building, but the location shall be easily accessible to bicycles.
If bicycle parking is not visible from the building entry area, then a sign shall be posted indicating the location of the bicycle parking facilities.
Standards for Bicycle Rack Types and Dimensions.
Rack Type.
Bicycle rack types and dimensions are subject to the approval of the City.
Parking Space Dimensions.
Bicycle parking spaces shall be at least six feet long and two feet wide. Bicycle racks shall be spaced thirty inches apart. In covered situations, the overhead clearance shall be at least seven feet.
An aisle for bicycle maneuvering shall be provided and maintained beside or between each row of bicycle parking. This aisle shall be at least four feet wide.
Each bicycle parking space shall be accessible without requiring another bicycle to be moved.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)