Reference: § 320-214B(2)(c); § 320-508B(2)(k); Diagram 320-214-1. (Editor's Note: Diagram 320-214-1 is included immediately following § 320-214F.)
Except as provided below, every building housing a principal use or special exception hereafter erected or moved shall be on a lot which fronts or abuts a public street and has direct vehicular access to that public street and be so located as to provide safe and convenient access for servicing and off-street parking; see Table 320-505-1 for minimum lot frontage width.[1] Direct access does not include the use of easements. Fee simple title to the access to a public roadway must be the same as the building title.
Amended 3-28-2022 by Ord. No. 3-22]
Combined/shared access for agricultural and single-family and two-family residential zoning districts. Where a lot abuts a state or county road that has access restrictions, combined/shared access may be granted as a special exception in compliance with the requirements for granting special exceptions in § 320-205 in addition to the following requirements and conditions:
An access easement and maintenance agreement shall be required.
Standards for access drives and driveways may be imposed as a condition of approval (i.e., length, width, design of driveways for fire-safety purposes).
Conditions for access, use and improvements of adjacent parcels may be imposed.
Combined/shared access for attached single-family and multifamily zoning districts. Where a lot abuts an arterial or collector road, provision for combined access with adjacent parcels by easement or dedicated frontage road is permitted and may be required for new development; if infill development is proposed, all efforts shall be made to obtain adequate access.
Combined/shared access for nonresidential zoning districts. Where a lot abuts an arterial or collector road, provision for combined access with adjacent parcels by easement or dedicated frontage road shall be required for new development; if infill development is proposed, all efforts shall be made to obtain adequate access.
Editor's Note: Table 320-505-1 is included in § 320-505A.
Multiple frontages. Where a residential parcel abuts two streets, access shall be limited to the street with the lowest functional classification; if both streets are considered collectors or arterials, only one street shall be granted access as approved by the Greenville Engineer. Where a nonresidential parcel abuts two streets, access may be limited to the street with the lowest functional classification. Reference Chapter 204, Article II.[2]
[Amended 4-26-2021 by Ord. No. 01-21; 4-26-2021 by Ord. No. 05-21]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C, Combined access/frontage road, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-28-2022 by Ord. No. 3-22. This ordinance also provided for the redesignation of Subsections D through K as Subsections C through J.
Number of accesses and locations. No parcel abutting a public street for less than 100 feet shall have more than one driveway access to that street. No parcel abutting on a public street for over 100 feet shall have more than two driveway accesses to that street. No residentially shall have more than two driveway accesses.
[Amended 10-9-2023 by Ord. No. 11-23]
Location to intersections. No driveway access shall be located with its closest edge closer than 50 feet to a local street intersection or closer than 100 feet to a collector or arterial street intersection; this shall be measured at the property corner of such lots along the right-of-way lines. To the extent practical, driveways shall be located to maximize distances to an intersection.
Access design standards. Access shall comply with the Greenville Standard Specifications and Details. (Contact Engineer for details.)
Coordination of access. Driveway access shall be located to minimize potential interference and conflicts with the use of buildings and driveways on the opposite side of the street and should align with driveways on the opposite side of the street as much as possible.
Configuration. Driveway access shall intersect with public streets as nearly as possible at right angles; provided, however, for high-intensity uses (average daily traffic of 500 or more vehicles per day), or for parcels with access to streets with posted speeds of 45 miles per hour or greater, a channelized T-intersection may be required and acceleration and deceleration lanes may be required.
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Bicycle and pedestrian facilities shall be provided on-site and shall connect to existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the public right-of-way and adjacent sites for both transportation and recreational purposes. Facilities shall be provided in and around parking lots, entrances to buildings, stormwater features, landscape features, and other site amenities where appropriate. If pedestrian and bicycle facilities are not available within the public right-of-way, they shall be provided within the right-of-way and be consistent with the Greenville Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan unless there is justification from the Village Engineer determining bicycle and pedestrian facilities are not feasible based on physical or environmental circumstances.
Traffic impact analysis. Depending on the volume and type of traffic, a traffic impact analysis shall be submitted to determine if the requests are warranted and shall be approved by the Public Works Director and Greenville Engineer.
Access shall also be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and 2020 Sub Area Plan.
[Amended 4-26-2021 by Ord. No. 01-21; 4-26-2021 by Ord. No. 05-21]
On any corner lot in all zoning districts, no fence, wall, hedge, planting, object, building or structure shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to obstruct vision from the ground up to the sky in the area bounded by the right-of-way lines of such corner lots and a line joining the point along said right-of-way line from the point of intersection for a distance based on Table 320-602-1. Reference Diagram 320-602-1.
If lot lines do not connect to form a traditional corner lot but rather create an additional lot line in place of a corner, the vision corner shall be measured from the point of intersection of the extension of imaginary lot lines that would have traditionally created the intersecting corner. Reference Diagram 320-602-2.
Table 320-602-1
Vision Triangle Distance
Posted Speed of Major Roadway
(miles per hour)
Distances are calculated based on FDM 11-10 Attachment 5.13 assuming a sixty-six-foot R/W urban local roadway typical section.
Diagram 320-602-1
Vision Triangle
Reference: § 320-508B; § 320-602.
320 Diag 320-602-1 Vision Triangle.tif
Diagram 320-602-2
Vision Triangle
Reference: § 320-508B; § 320-602B.
320 Vision Triangle.tiff