It shall be the duty of the traffic engineer to conduct analysis of traffic accidents to devise remedial measures, to conduct investigations of traffic conditions, and to cooperate with other city officials in the development of ways and means to improve traffic conditions and to carry out the additional powers and duties imposed by this chapter and other traffic ordinances.
Whenever and wherever the congestion of traffic, the frequency of passage of vehicles or pedestrians, or both, the direction and volume of the flow of traffic, the dimensions and conditions of the streets and sidewalks, and the use of property abutting the streets are such that the traffic engineer finds it to be necessary for the free flow and the expeditious handling of traffic and the safety of persons and property, the traffic engineer in compliance with this chapter is authorized as follows:
To place and maintain traffic-control signs, signals, and devices and to mark curbs when and as required under this chapter to make effective the provisions of this chapter, and may place and maintain such additional traffic-control devices as he may deem necessary to regulate traffic under this chapter or under state law, or to guide or warn traffic.
To designate intersections at which traffic shall be controlled by traffic-control signals or lights and shall cause such signals or lights to be installed and maintained at such intersections and supervise the installation and proper timing and maintenance of traffic-control devices.
To conduct studies and investigations of the public streets and highways within the city and shall study the needs of the public for parking vehicles on public streets, the width and length of public streets where parking is desired, the availability of parking space and frequency of parking on the public streets, the needs of business and commercial establishments to have regulated parking on the public streets and, after making such studies, the traffic engineer or his designated representative shall determine when parking, stopping, or standing motor vehicles should be prohibited on public streets and highways in the city, and shall install appropriate signs or by curb markings giving notice that parking, stopping, or standing is prohibited. The traffic engineer shall make changes in the parking, stopping, or standing prohibitions and regulations from time to time as required by the studies and investigations. The traffic engineer shall also keep accurate records of all parking designations, prohibitions and sign installations.
To determine and designate intersections, streets, highways, and alleys with exits from commercial or apartment property where particular hazards exist, and to determine whether motor vehicles shall stop at one or more exits from any such commercial or apartment property, and to erect a stop sign at every such exit where a stop is required.
To conduct studies and investigations of the public streets and highways within the city and shall study the needs of the public for areas on the public streets for the exclusive use of bicycles during certain hours of the day, the width and length of areas on public streets where bicycle lanes are desired and after making such studies, the traffic engineer shall designate those areas on public streets and highways of the city where areas for the exclusive use of bicycles are required and should be in effect by means of appropriate signs and street markings, giving notice that only bicycles may use an area of public street or highway during certain hours of the day. The traffic engineer may change areas designated for the exclusive use of bicycles from time to time as required by studies and investigations. The traffic engineer shall also keep accurate records of all bicycle lane designations, sign installations and street markings.
To designate and maintain crosswalks.
To establish safety zones on any of the streets of the city.
To designate and mark lanes for traffic, parking stalls, angle parking, no parking zones and restricted parking on the streets of the city.
To designate the locations at which the making of right turns, left turns, U-turns, or complete turns at any intersection of streets, or at median openings on divided streets in the city is prohibited.
To designate the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at or near certain intersections.
To designate routes directing traffic near public or private schools, parks and public buildings.
To determine the location of passenger zones, freight loading zones, industrial permit parking and disabled zones.
To designate locations on the streets of the city for use as public cab stands.
To designate locations on the streets of the city for use as bus stops.
To designate intersections of streets at which drivers operating vehicles approaching the intersection on one or more of the intersecting streets must bring such vehicle to a complete stop before proceeding into such intersection.
To make such changes as changing conditions may require in any designation, determination, or regulation that the traffic engineer is authorized to make under this chapter.
To designate one-way streets, alleys or highways.
To install temporary traffic-control devices for special events or studies.
To designate intersections of streets at which drivers operating vehicles on one or more of the intersecting streets shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian legally crossing the designated roadway and to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching the intersection on another intersecting street so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard.
To designate streets on which the operation of bicycles shall be prohibited.
To designate and mark appropriately those traffic lanes on multi-laned streets, drives or driveways to be used by vehicles engaging in left-turn movements.
To determine locations for the prohibition of right turns on red signals at intersections controlled by traffic-control devices; and also the prohibition of left turns on red signals at intersections which are of two one-way streets and are controlled by traffic-control devices where such left turns would be otherwise permissible by direction of the traffic flow upon the streets.
To designate lawful speed limits with appropriate street makings or signs, which street markings or signs shall be placed by the traffic engineer or designee and which street markings or signs shall be in conformity with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
To designate school traffic zones with appropriate street makings or signs, which street markings or signs shall be placed by the traffic engineer or his designated representative and which street markings or signs shall be in conformity with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
To designate lawful temporary speed limits with appropriate street makings or signs, which street markings or signs shall be placed by the traffic engineer or his designated representative and which street markings or signs shall be in conformity with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
To conduct studies and investigations of the public streets and highways within the city and shall study the quantity and frequency of truck travel on the public streets, the needs of the public to have regulated truck travel on the public streets and, after making such studies, the traffic engineer or designee shall establish no through truck zones in the city, and shall regulate such prohibition by installing appropriate signs.
To make changes in the no through truck zone designations from time to time as required by the studies and investigations. The traffic engineer or designee shall keep accurate records of all no through truck zone designations and sign installations. The traffic engineer shall erect appropriate signs to designate the no through truck zones.
To remove or cause to be removed any trees, plants or other vegetative matter constituting a violation of this chapter or to be so trimmed, pruned or removed as to eliminate the prohibited condition.
To determine time periods when routine street and utility maintenance may close a roadway or lane or prevent parking.
To erect appropriate signs at the entrances to town center parking lot giving notice of prohibited parking at certain times.
To designate industrial parking permit zones within areas zoned industrial park.
(Ordinance 1422-01 adopted 6/5/01)
The driver of any vehicle shall obey the instructions of any official traffic-control device applicable thereto and placed in accordance with the traffic ordinances of the city, unless otherwise directed by a police officer, subject to the exemptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle in this chapter.
All pedestrians or persons propelling any pushcart shall obey the directions of any traffic control device.
(Ordinance 1422-01 adopted 6/5/01)
All traffic-control signs, signals, devices, and markings heretofore placed or erected by the police department or traffic-control department and now in use for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic are hereby affirmed, ratified, and declared to be the official traffic-control devices; provided, such traffic-control devices are not inconsistent with the provisions of state law or of this chapter.
(Ordinance 1422-01 adopted 6/5/01)
The traffic engineer is authorized to prescribe a traffic barricade manual, conforming to the "Manual and Specifications" approved by the State Highway Commission, for providing barricades, warning signs, and other traffic control devices that alert the public to hazards caused by construction, repair, pavement excavation or cuts, or other uses requiring closure of any portion of a public street or public right-of-way.
A person commits an offense if the person fails to comply with any provision of the traffic barricade manual while occupying a public street or public right-of-way for the purpose of construction, repair, pavement excavation or cuts, or other uses requiring closure of any portion of the public street or public right-of-way.
(Ordinance 1422-01 adopted 6/5/01)