The Agricultural District is to be used to promote orderly, timely, economical growth and to recognize current land-use conditions. The district is a reserved area in which the future growth of the City might occur. It is the intent of this district that agricultural land be held in that use for as long as is practical and reasonable. This zoning is suitable for areas where development is premature because of a lack of utilities, capacity, or service, or where the ultimate land use has not been determined.
The zone is also to be used:
To protect those areas that are unsuitable for development because of physical problems or potential health or safety hazards such as flooding. The usage of the land would be permanently restricted to low intensity agricultural uses until such time as the property is proven to be suitable for development and is rezoned.
To provide a permanent greenbelt to preserve natural areas or open space buffer around uses that might otherwise be objectionable or pose environmental or health hazards.
Permitted Uses:
Farming, ranching, related activities, and accessory uses including the owner’s single-family dwelling on more than 10 acres.
Home occupations.
Municipally owned or controlled facilities, utilities and uses.
Temporary concrete batching plants limited to the period of construction, upon approval of location and operation by the Building Official.
One amateur radio antenna and tower per residential lot, accessory to a residential use not exceeding 40 feet in height and meeting all setbacks applicable to antennas.
Conditional Uses:
(Require Use Permits, See Article IV)
Facilities for the raising of animals, including kennels, in accordance with all applicable City of Saint Jo Ordinances, excluding feedlots.
Single-family dwelling and accessory uses on property of less than 10 acres that has not been subdivided or sold off in pieces since the effective date of this ordinance or the date of annexation, whichever is later.
A mobile home on an unsubdivided tract of five acres or more, subject to the conditions established in Article IV.
Outdoor commercial recreation and amusements, excluding drive-in theaters, but including golf courses, target ranges and skeet shoots, picnic groves, amusement parks, circus or carnival grounds, commercial amusement or recreational developments or tents, and other similar uses. Temporary outdoor uses not exceeding 14 days meeting all other requirements of the City may be permitted by the Building Official.
Wholesale nursery for the growing of plants not for retail sale on the premises.
Landing strips.
Extraction and drilling activities, including the removing, screening, crushing, washing and storage of ore, sand, clay, stone, gravel or other similar material.
Facilities for railroads or those utilities holding a franchise under the City of Saint Jo.
Broadcast towers for radio, television, or microwave.
Institutional uses including sanitary landfill, water treatment and supply facilities, wastewater treatment facilities.
Semi-public uses.
Other uses which, as determined by the City Council, are not contrary to the purposes established for this district.
One amateur radio antenna and tower per residential lot, as an accessory to a residential use exceeding 40 feet in height subject to the conditions established in Article IV.
Prohibited Uses:
Any building erected or land used for other than one or more of the preceding specified uses.
Any use of property that does not meet the required minimum lot size; front, side and rear yard dimension; and/or lot width; or exceeds the maximum height, building coverage or density per gross acre as required.
Area Requirements:
Minimum lot area - 43,560 square feet
Minimum lot frontage on a public street - 100 feet
Minimum lot depth - 200 feet
Minimum depth of front setback - 40 feet plus 1 foot for each foot in height over 25 feet
Minimum depth of rear setback - 10 feet
Minimum width of side setback
Internal lot - 6 feet
Side yard setback abutting street - 15 feet
Abutting an arterial - 20 feet
Minimum distance between buildings on the same lot or parcel of land - 12 feet
Minimum length of driveway pavement from the public right-of-way on a side or rear yard - 20 feet
Maximum building coverage as a percentage of lot area - N/A
Maximum height of structures - 36 feet
Minimum number of off-street parking spaces required for
One single dwelling unit - 2
An enclosed garage shall not be considered in meeting the off-street parking requirements.
All other uses - see (Off-Street Parking, Article V)
See Article VIII, Sections 8.1 to 8.4 for further clarification, and exceptions and modifications.
(Ordinance adopted 6/23/03; Ordinance 89-2021-12 adopted 12/8/21)
This district is considered to be the proper zoning classification for smaller lot developments for a single-family dwelling use. This district is intended to be composed of single-family dwellings together with public, denominational and private schools, churches and public parks essential to create basic neighborhood units.
Areas that are zoned for this use shall have or provide for water, wastewater, drainage and transportation capacities based on single-family usage required by the allowed density.
It is intended for areas that are properly buffered from non-residential uses, and protected from pollution and/or environmental hazards or from high volume of non-single-family traffic.
Developers wishing to restrict their subdivision to lot sizes in excess of what this ordinance requires shall use restrictive covenants.
Permitted Uses:
Agricultural uses on unplatted land, in accordance with all other adopted ordinances.
One detached single-family dwelling per lot.
Home occupations.
Day care centers with less than 7 children enrolled at any one time.
Paved automobile parking areas which are necessary to the uses permitted in this district.
Municipally owned or controlled facilities, utilities, and uses.
One portable building per lot not larger than one hundred twenty (120) square feet in floor area nor taller than ten (10) feet in height, as an accessory to a residential use on the same lot.
No more than two (2) accessory buildings not exceeding fifteen (15) feet in height not exceeding two hundred twenty-five (225) square feet each, as an accessory to a residential use on the same lot, provided the exterior covering contains only materials found on the main structure. Greenhouses are exempt from the materials requirements of this Section.
One detached garage not exceeding fifteen (15) feet in height nor exceeding nine hundred (900) square feet as an accessory to a residential use on the same lot, provided the exterior covering contains the same materials, excluding glass, as found on the main structure and generally in the same proportion[.]
Private residential swimming pools as an accessory to a residential use.
Private unlighted residential tennis courts on the same lot, as an accessory to a residential use.
Nurseries, greenhouses and gardens, as an accessory to a residential use of the same lot where the products are not to be sold.
An accessory use customarily related to a principal use authorized in this district.
Temporary real estate sales offices located on property being sold, limited to the period of sale of the lots with a two-year initial period and one-year extensions being authorized by the City Council, such offices to be maintained at all times.
Temporary on-site construction offices limited to the period of construction, with a two-year initial period and one-year extensions being authorized by the City Council, such offices to be maintained at all times.
Temporary concrete batching plants limited to the period of construction, upon approval of location and operation of the Building Official.
One amateur radio antenna and tower per residential lot as an accessory to a residential use not exceeding 40 feet in height and meeting all setbacks applicable to antennas.
Conditional Uses:
(Require Use Permits, See Article IV)
A mobile home on an unsubdivided tract of five acres or more or used as a temporary construction office, subject to the conditions established in Article IV.
Paved parking facilities for non-residential uses that are not allowed in this district if properly screened, buffered, and landscaped.
Facilities for railroads or those utilities holding a franchise under the City of Saint Jo.
Institutional uses, including day care centers with more than 6 children.
Semi-public uses.
A bed and breakfast operation as an accessory to a single-family dwelling unit subject to the conditions in Article IV.
Detached garages, accessory buildings, or portable buildings exceeding the maximum permitted height or size requirements, or garages or accessory buildings not meeting the required materials requirements, used as an accessory to a residential use on the same lot.
Private residential tennis court used as an accessory to a residential use if not located on the same lot or utilizing lights.
Associated recreation and/or community clubs.
Guest houses, or separate servant quarters.
One amateur radio antenna and tower per residential lot as an accessory to a residential use exceeding 40 feet in height subject to the conditions established in Article IV.
Prohibited Uses:
Any building erected or land used for other than one or more of the preceding specified uses.
The storage of equipment, material or vehicles, including abandoned vehicles which are not necessary to the uses permitted in this district.
A driveway or crosswalk way, as distinct from a dedicated street, to provide access to premises in a Commercial or Industrial District.
Any use of property that does not meet the required minimum lot size; front, side and rear yard dimension; and/or lot width; or exceeds the maximum height, building coverage or density per gross acre as required.
Area Requirements:
Minimum lot area - 9,000 square feet
Maximum number of single-family detached dwellings units per lot - 1
Minimum square footage per dwelling unit - 1100 square feet
Minimum lot frontage on a public street - 60 feet
Street frontage reductions for cul-de-sacs and knuckles. Lots fronting on cul-de-sac or knuckle streets may have 30 feet of frontage.
Minimum lot depth - 100 feet
Minimum depth of front setback - 20 feet plus 1 foot for each foot in height over 25 feet
Minimum depth of rear setback - 10 feet
Minimum width of side setback -
Internal lot - 6 feet
Abutting street - 15 feet
Abutting an arterial - 20 feet
Minimum distance between separate buildings on the same lot or parcel of land - 10 feet
Minimum length of driveway pavement from the public right-of-way for rear or side yards - 20 feet
Maximum building coverage as a percentage of lot area - 35 percent
Maximum height of structures - 32 feet
Minimum number of paved off-street parking spaces required for
One single-family dwelling unit - 2
An enclosed garage shall not be considered in meeting the off-street parking requirements.
All other uses (see Off-Street Parking, Article V)
See Article VIII, Sections 8.1 to 8.4 for further clarification, and exceptions and modifications.
(Ordinance adopted 6/23/03; Ordinance 89-2021-12 adopted 12/8/21)
The purpose listed in (SF-9) Single-Family Residential, Section 2.2(A), is the purpose for this district.
Permitted Uses:
The permitted uses listed in (SF-9) Single-Family Residential, Section 2.2(B) are permitted uses for this district.
Manufactured Homes as defined in Article 3.07, “Manufactured Homes,” of the Saint Jo Code of Ordinances.
Conditional Uses:
The conditional uses listed in (SF-9) Single-Family Residential, Section 2.2(C) are the conditional uses for this district.
Prohibited Uses:
The prohibited uses listed in (SF-9) Single-Family Residential, Section 2.2(D) are the prohibited uses for this district.
Area Requirements:
The area requirements listed in (SF-9) Single-Family Residential, Section 2.2(E) are the area requirements for this district.
(Ordinance 89-22-1-22 adopted 1/12/22)
The Duplex Residential District is established to provide adequate space and site diversification for medium-density, duplex type residential development with two dwelling units per lot, and almost twice the density of a typical single-family development, and to adjust the area requirements accordingly.
Duplex type development is a low to medium density use, and additional requirements for streets, water and fire protection, wastewater, drainage, and adequate open space shall be met before development to such use.
Duplex developments are not necessarily a buffer between single-family and commercial uses, and should be properly buffered from non-residential uses, and protected from high volumes of non-residential traffic, or from pollution and/or environmental hazards.
Permitted Uses:
Agricultural uses on unplatted land in accordance with all other adopted ordinances.
One detached single-family dwelling per lot.
One duplex on a lot with fire retardant walls, separate utility meters, and separate sewer lines.
One attached townhouse unit with fire walls on an individual lot with a maximum of two attached units on two separate lots which when combined meet the requirements of this District.
Home occupations.
Day Care centers with less than 7 full time children enrolled at any one time.
Paved automobile parking areas which are necessary to the uses permitted in this district.
Municipally owned or controlled facilities, utilities, and uses.
One portable building per dwelling unit not larger than one hundred (100) square feet of floor area nor taller than ten (10) feet in height, used as an accessory to a residential use on the same lot.
Accessory buildings not larger than one hundred (100) square feet of floor area nor taller than ten (10) feet in height, provided the exterior covering contains only the same materials as the main structure used as an accessory to a residential use on the same lot.
Private residential swimming pool as an accessory to a residential use.
Private unlighted tennis court on the same lot, as an accessory to a residential use.
Nurseries, greenhouses and gardens, accessory to a residential use on the same lot where the products are not to be sold.
An accessory use customarily related to a principal use authorized in this district.
Temporary real estate sales offices located on property being sold, limited to the period of sale with a two-year initial period and one-year extensions being authorized by the City Council, such offices to be maintained at all times.
Temporary on-site construction offices, limited to the period of construction, with a two-year initial period and one-year extensions being authorized by the City Council, such offices to be maintained at all times.
Temporary concrete batching plants limited to the period of construction, upon approval of location and operation of the Building Official.
One amateur radio antenna and tower per residential lot as an accessory to a residential use not exceeding 40 feet in height and meeting all setbacks applicable to antennas.
Conditional Uses:
(Require Use Permits, See Article IV)
A mobile home on an unsubdivided tract of five acres or more or used as a temporary construction office, subject to the conditions established in Article IV.
Paved parking facilities for non-residential uses that are not allowed in this district if properly screened, buffered, and landscaped.
Facilities for railroads or those utilities holding a franchise under the City.
Institutional uses, including day care centers with more than 6 children.
Semi-public uses.
Private residential tennis court used as an accessory to a residential use if not located on the same lot or utilizing lights.
Associated recreation and/or community clubs.
Guest houses, or separate servant quarters.
One amateur radio antenna and tower per residential lot as an accessory to a residential use exceeding 40 feet in height subject to the conditions established in Article IV.
Prohibited Uses:
Any building erected or land used for other than one or more of the preceding specified uses.
The storage of equipment, material or vehicles, including abandoned vehicles, which are not necessary to the uses permitted in this district.
A driveway or crosswalk way, as distinct from a dedicated street, to provide access to premises in a Commercial or Industrial District.
Any use of property that does not meet the required minimum lot size; front, side and rear yard dimension; and/or lot width; or exceeds the maximum height, building coverage, or density per gross acre as required.
Area Requirements:
Single-Family detached units shall meet the area requirements of the SF-9 district.
Minimum lot area - 9,000 square feet
Maximum number of single-family attached dwelling units per lots - 2
Minimum square footage per dwelling unit - 800 square feet
Minimum lot frontage on a public street - 60 feet
Minimum lot depth - 100 feet
Minimum depth of front setback - 20 feet plus 1 foot for each foot in height over 25 feet
Minimum depth of rear setback - 10 feet
Minimum width of side setback -
Abutting Structures - separated by fire retardant walls - 0 feet
Internal Lot - 6 feet*
*Townhouses separated by firewall meeting the requirements of the building code may build to the property line where such structures abut.
Abutting Street - 15 feet
Abutting An Arterial - 20 feet
Minimum distance between buildings on the same lot or parcel of land - 10 feet
Minimum length of driveway pavement from the public right-of-way on a side or rear yard - 20 feet
Maximum building coverage as a percentage of lot area - 45% of lot area.
Maximum height of structures - 32 feet
Minimum number of paved parking spaces required for
Each residential dwelling unit - 2 off-street spaces plus a one-car garage for each dwelling unit.
All other uses - See Off-Street Parking, Article V
See Article VIII, Sections 8.1 to 8.4 for further clarification, and exceptions and modifications.
(Ordinance adopted 6/23/03)
The (MF-15) Medium Density Multi-Family District is established to provide adequate space and site diversification for medium density areas.
This zone allows medium density developments, and should be located where additional requirements for streets, water and fire protection, wastewater, drainage, and adequate open spaces are met. MF-15 uses should not run traffic over long distances of single-family residential sized streets, or through single-family neighborhoods, and should be located close to arterial or collectors capable of carrying the additional traffic.
Multifamily developments are not necessarily a buffer between single-family and commercial uses, and should be property buffered from non-residential land uses and traffic, or from pollution and/or environmental hazards.
Permitted Uses:
Agricultural uses on unplatted land in accordance with all other adopted ordinances.
Triplexes, quadraplexes.
Condominiums providing evidence of meeting all state regime requirements.
Home occupations.
Day Care centers with less than 7 full time children enrolled at any one time except in condominiums and apartments.
Paved automobile parking areas which are necessary to the uses permitted in this district.
Municipally owned or controlled facilities, utilities, and uses.
Storage buildings used as an accessory to a residential use on the same lot.
Accessory recreational uses such as tennis courts, swimming pools, designed for use by residents of a specific project. Lighting for such uses shall be signed so as not to glare across property lines, nor glare into residential areas on the same property.
Nurseries, greenhouses and gardens, where the products are not to be sold.
An accessory use customarily related to a principal use authorized in this district.
Temporary real estate sales offices located on property being sold, limited to the period of sale of the lots with a two-year initial period and one-year extensions being authorized by the City Council, such office to be maintained at all times.
Temporary on-site construction offices limited to the period of construction, with a two-year initial period and one-year extension being authorized by the City Council, such office to be maintained at all times.
Temporary concrete batching plants limited to the period of construction, upon approval of location and operation of the Building Official.
Conditional Uses:
(Require Use Permits. See Article IV)
A mobile home on an unsubdivided tract of five acres or more or used as a temporary construction office, meeting the conditions established in Article IV.
Retail area to serve only the residents of a specific multifamily development in projects over 500 units.
Paved parking facilities for non-residential uses not allowed in this district, if properly screened, buffered, and landscaped.
Facilities for railroads or those utilities holding a franchise under the City of Saint Jo.
Institutional uses including Day Care centers with more than 6 full time children enrolled at one time, except in condominiums and apartments.
Semi-public uses.
Portable buildings on the same lot.
Associated recreation and/or community clubs. Such uses shall be included in calculating the coverage requirements of this district.
Prohibited Uses:
Any building erected or land used for other than one or more of the preceding specified uses.
The storage of equipment, material or vehicles, including abandoned vehicles, which are not necessary to the uses permitted in this district.
A driveway or crosswalk way, as distinct from a dedicated street, to provide access to premises in a Commercial or Industrial District.
Any use of property that does not meet the required minimum lot size; front, side and rear yard dimension; and/or lot width; or exceeds the maximum height, building coverage or density per gross acre as required.
Area Requirements:
Duplexes shall meet the requirements of the 2-F District, with only one duplex per lot.
Minimum site area - 10,000 square feet
Minimum lot area - 2,000 square feet of lot per unit
Maximum density per gross acre - 14 units/acre
Minimum lot frontage on a public street - 60 feet
Minimum lot depth - 100 feet
Minimum depth of front setback - 25 feet
Minimum depth of rear setback*
Abutting a single-family, townhouse, or duplex district
one story structure - 25 feet
two story structure - 50 feet
three story structure - 75 feet
Abutting any other district - 10 feet
*Unenclosed carports may be built up to within 5 feet of any property line that abuts an alley and no closer than 20 feet from any street intersection.
Minimum width of side setback -
Abutting a single-family, townhouse, or duplex district
one story structure - 25 feet
two story structure - 50 feet
three story structure - 75 feet
Internal lot - 10 feet for a one-story structure or 15 feet for structures two or more stories in height
Abutting street - 15 feet
Abutting an arterial - 20 feet
[1] Minimum distance between buildings on the same lot or parcel of land
-10 feet from main to accessory buildings
-20 feet for 2 main buildings with doors or windows in facing walls
-15 feet for 2 main buildings without doors or windows in facing walls.
Original has this as Subsection 9.
Maximum building coverage as a percentage of lot area - 45% Each development containing over 100 dwelling units shall provide 300 square feet of open space per 2 and 3 bedroom unit, with at least one open area with the minimum dimensions of 200 feet by 150 feet. Swimming pools, tennis courts and other recreational facilities can be counted toward the overall open space requirement, but not toward the required 200 feet by 150 feet area.
[2] Minimum amount of permanent, landscaped open space - 20% of total lot area, with 30% of total requirement located in front and alongside buildings along street frontages. Any parking lot with more than 2 rows of spaces shall have a minimum of 2% of the interior of the parking lot in landscaping. Such landscaping shall be counted toward the 20% total landscaping requirement. All required landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained and shall have an irrigation system installed meeting all applicable City codes, and approved by the Building Official.
Original has this subsection unnumbered.
Maximum height of structures - 36 feet
Minimum requirements for construction materials
exterior walls - a minimum of 75% of each building wall shall consist of masonry material as defined, excluding stucco.
Minimum number of paved, striped, off-street parking spaces required for
0 bedroom or efficiency dwelling unit - 1.5 spaces per unit
1 bedroom dwelling units - 1.5 spaces per unit
2 bedroom dwelling units - 2 spaces per unit
3 or more bedroom dwelling units - 2.5 spaces per unit
The average number of parking spaces for the total development shall not be less than 2 spaces per unit.
All other uses - See Off-Street Parking, Article V
Lots with more than 5 dwelling units that have a side or rear contiguous to a single-family, townhouse, or duplex district, must be separated by a buffer as established in Article VI.
See Article VIII, Sections 8.1 to 8.4 for clarifications, modifications and exceptions.
Required Conditions:
Any owner, builder, or developer of a multiple-family or condominium dwelling complex of eight (8) units or more on a single lot or parcel shall submit to the City Council for review and approval, the site and building plan for the proposed development at the time the zoning request is made. In any case, a site plan shall be submitted and approved prior to an application for a building permit. The contents of this site plan shall contain drawings to scale to indicate as needed:
Location of all structures proposed and existing on the subject property and within twenty (20) feet on adjoining property;
Landscaping and/or fencing of yards and setback areas and proposed changes;
Design of ingress and egress;
Location of adjacent zoning districts;
Off-street parking and loading facilities;
Height of all structures;
Proposed uses;
Location and types of all signs, including lighting and heights;
Location and type of lighting;
Fire lanes;
Solid waste facilities; and
Utility service locations
The purpose of the site plan review is:
To insure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, while allowing for design flexibility;
To assist in the orderly and harmonious development of the City;
To protect adjacent uses from obstructions to light, air, and visibility;
To provide protection from fire;
To avoid undue concentrations of population and overcrowding of land; and
To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage, drainage and other public requirements.
The City Council shall approve an application for a multiple-family dwelling complex if the proposed development meets all the minimum standards established in this ordinance and other applicable ordinances, and if the Commission finds that the proposed development will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, or be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property. It shall disapprove or conditionally approve any application which fails to meet the above criteria or is in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan or the adopted growth policies of the City.
The site plan shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or his duly authorized representative prior to the submission to the City Council for review as established by the City Council. The Zoning Administrator or his designee shall review these plans as quickly as possible, but in no case shall he delay submission beyond one (1) City Council meeting.
(Ordinance adopted 6/23/03)
The Commercial District is established to provide adequate space and site diversification for most types of commercial development in the City of Saint Jo. Larger shopping centers and most of the existing commercial strips along major arterial would be included in this district. The uses specified in this district include most types of retail activity and some wholesale with the exception of those uses which are not compatible with the retail shopping function. For example, lumber yards, contractor yards, and warehousing with high volumes of truck traffic and low volumes of retail type traffic are not included in this district.
This district will be the major retail district, with intensive commercial uses and large volumes of retail traffic. The noise, traffic, litter, late night hours, and other influences that could be harmful to residential areas require adequate buffering from residential areas, and the traffic from such uses should not pass through residential areas, except on arterial or major collectors.
Areas should not be zoned to this usage unless they are located on or close to arterial or major collectors capable of carrying the additional traffic they will generate, and in areas where there is increased water, fire protection, wastewater and drainage capacity.
Permitted Uses:
Agricultural use of unplatted land in accordance with all other adopted ordinances.
Any retail businesses, personal services, professional service, business services conducted within a completely enclosed building, except the following: Lumberyards or contractor yards, farm equipment or other heavy equipment sales or service, farm products warehousing and storage or stockyards, general warehousing or storage.
Planned shopping centers and neighborhood convenience centers.
Office buildings and accessory uses.
Restaurants, including accessory outdoor seating.
Hotel, motel.
Theaters and auditoriums.
Paved parking lots, not including commercial parking lots.
Funeral homes.
Gasoline service stations, or retail outlets where gasoline products are sold.
Car wash.
Drive-in businesses.
Printing, publishing, and allied products manufacturing accessory to such use.
Fabrication of jewelry for sale on premises.
Any wholesale trade, or wholesale trade accessory to any permitted retail operation except the following: raw cotton, grain, hide, skins and raw furs, tobacco, wool or mohair, livestock, commercial or industrial machinery or supplies, building supplies and lumberyards, metals and minerals, petroleum bulk stations and terminals, scrap or junk waste materials.
Other uses similar to the above.
Rail and motor vehicle transportation passenger terminals.
Telephone, telegraph, television, radio or similar media stations, centers, studios, but not including public microwave, radio, and television towers.
Institutional uses.
Municipally owned or controlled facilities, utilities, and uses.
Minor automotive repair, accessory to a permitted retail use, when the gross floor area of the auto repair and related storage does not exceed 30% of the retail sales floor area.
An accessory use customarily related to a principal use authorized in this district.
Temporary sale of Christmas trees with permit and approval of the Building Official.
Temporary indoor and outdoor fundraising events sponsored by nonprofit organizations with permit and approval of the Building Official.
Outdoor carnivals not exceeding 2 weeks sponsored by and on the same site as a permanent business with permit and approval of the Building Official.
Temporary on-site construction offices limited to the period of construction and approved by the Building Official.
Temporary concrete batching plant limited to the period of construction upon approval of location and operation by the Building Official.
Conditional Uses:
(Require Use Permits, See Article IV.)
A mobile home on an unsubdivided tract of five acres or more or used as a temporary construction office meeting the conditions of Article IV.
New car dealership.
Nursery, greenhouse, or garden center.
Microwave, radio and television towers.
Facilities for railroads or those utilities holding a franchise under the City of Saint Jo not allowed as permitted use.
Semi-public uses as defined herein.
Commercial amusements, as defined herein, including amusement parks, circus or carnival grounds, recreation developments, or tents for other amusements, in accordance with all other applicable ordinances, and more than 300 feet from residentially zoned land unless such setback is reduced or waived by the City Council. Temporary uses not exceeding 14 days meeting all other requirements of the City may be permitted by the Building Official.
Private club as an accessory to a general restaurant.
New buildings with over 5,000 square feet, or additions of over 40% of existing floor area or over 5,000 square feet with combustible structural construction materials.
Buildings with exterior walls with less than 90% masonry materials excluding overhead doors on walls without street frontage.
Any structure over 60 feet in height.
Veterinarian clinics for treatment of large or small animals without outside storage with no outdoor pens or runs.
Any use permitted in this zoning classification that meets the terms and definitions of the Saint Jo Code of Ordinances, as it is currently adopted or as it may hereafter be amended, subject to the conditions established in Article IV.
Minor automotive repair, meeting the conditions established in Section 4.1.
New boat dealership, meeting the conditions of Article 4.1.
Self-Storage Facilities, meeting the conditions of Article 4.1.
Required Conditions:
All business establishments other than those selling a service shall be retail or wholesale service establishments dealing directly with customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold on premises where produced.
All business operations including storage shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building unless specifically authorized for the use as listed (except for off-street parking and loading, and incidental display of retail items for sale) excluding retail outlets where gasoline products are sold and drive-in businesses.
Any owner, builder, or developer of a tract or parcel of land fronting on or adjacent to a roadway designated by the City Council as a principal roadway, shall submit, prior to issuance of a building permit, to the City Council for review and approval, a site and building plan for the proposed development. The contents of this site and building plan shall comply with the requirements as specified in Article III. Upon approval such development shall comply with approved site plan.
Prohibited Uses:
Any building erected or land used for other than one or more of the preceding specified uses.
Any use of property that does not meet the required minimum lot size; front, side and rear yard dimension; and/or lot width; or exceeds the maximum height, building coverage or density per gross acre as required.
Area Requirements:
Minimum site size - 10,000 square feet
Minimum site frontage on a public street - 60 feet
Minimum site depth - 100 feet
Minimum depth of front setback - 25 feet from the future right-of-way as shown on the adopted Thoroughfare Plan, or as actually exists, whichever is greater.
Minimum width of side setback -
Without fire retardant wall - 15 feet
With a fire retardant wall - 0 feet
Abutting residentially zoned property - 20 feet plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet
Abutting Interstate 30 or an arterial street - 25 feet from the future width of the right-of-way as shown on the adopted Thoroughfare Plan, or as actually exists, whichever is greater.
Abutting all other streets - 15 feet from the future width of the right-of-way as shown on the adopted Thoroughfare Plan, or as actually exists, whichever is greater.
In no case shall more than a 50 foot setback be required.
Minimum depth of rear setback -
Abutting non-residentially zoned property, with retardant wall and alley separating - 0 feet
Without fire retardant wall or alley - 20 feet
Abutting residentially zoned property - 20 feet plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet
In no case shall more than a 50 foot setback be required.
Minimum distance between detached buildings on the same lot or parcel of land -
Without fire retardant wall - 15 feet
With fire retardant wall - 0 feet
Minimum requirement for construction materials -
Structures -
All structural materials for new buildings greater than 5,000 square feet in floor area, or additions of more than 40% of the existing floor area or exceeding 5,000 square feet, shall consist of 100% non-combustible materials.
All structural materials for new buildings 5,000 square feet or less in floor area, and any additions to existing buildings 40% or less than the existing floor area and 5,000 square feet or less may consist of combustible materials rated a minimum of one-hour fire resistive on all walls, floors, and ceilings.
Exterior walls - Each exterior wall shall consist of 90% masonry materials as defined herein excluding overhead metal doors on walls not having street frontage.
Maximum building coverage as a percentage of lot area - 60%
Maximum amount of impervious coverage as a percentage of lot area - 95%
Minimum amount of landscaped areas - all development shall comply with the City’s Landscaping Regulations as currently adopted or as hereafter amended.
Maximum floor area ratio - 4:1
Maximum height of structures - 240 feet. Any structure exceeding 60 feet in height shall require a conditional use permit.
Minimum number of paved off-street parking spaces required - See Off-street Parking Article V.
Maximum number of entrances and/or exits -
Arterial streets - 1 per each 200 feet of street frontage per site, or as approved by the City Council.
Collector streets - 1 per each 100 feet of street frontage per site, or as approved by the City Council.
Local streets - 1 per each 50 feet of street frontage per site, or as approved by the City Council.
Lots with non-residential uses that have a side or rear contiguous to or separated only by an alley, easement or street, from any residential district must be separated from such district by a buffer as defined, or as approved by the City Council.
The building code may impose more restrictive area requirements, depending on the size, use and construction of the structures. See Article VIII for further clarification, exceptions and modifications.
(Ordinance adopted 6/23/03)
Industrial development represents a viable part of the economic base in Saint Jo, and more is desired. The rapidly changing variety of industry found in Saint Jo and the development of modern technology make it appropriate and desirable to provide for standards of industrial performance rather than to attempt to categorize by name. The purpose of this district is to create a limited industrial zone that provides for the modern type of industrial uses or industrial park. With the exception of hazardous materials manufacture, this zone allows the same uses as the HI, Heavy Industrial District. Limitations are placed on the uses in this district to significantly restrict the outside activities and storage of materials, noise, vibration, smoke, pollution, fire and explosive hazard, glare and any other potentially adverse influences. These limitations create a zone that could be considered the “highest and cleanest” industrial zone.
This zone is intended for industrial parks and larger, cleaner types of industries. The manufacturing uses should be conducted within a totally enclosed building. Any activities conducted outside should be screened and buffered, and no external effects such as excessive noise or odor should extend beyond the property lines. The sites for such uses are typically a minimum of two acres and average 5 to 10 acres, with a significant amount of land dedicated to landscaping.
Because this is a limited industrial zone with substantial screening and buffering requirements, limited industrial uses are suitable for high visibility locations such as along the freeway, or within a reasonable distance of residential areas. Residential uses should be discouraged from locating near the industrial district to protect the industries from residential complaints.
Areas should not be zoned to this usage unless they are located on or close to arterial capable of carrying commercial and truck traffic. They should be located close to major truck routes. Internal streets in such developments should be sized and strengthened to accommodate truck traffic. Each industry should work with the City to insure the water pressure and capacity is adequate to provide fire protection for that particular industry before such industry is developed. Industries should also work with the City to insure that the water, wastewater, and drainage capacity is adequate before the industry is developed.
Permitted Uses:
Agricultural uses of unplatted land in accordance with all other ordinances.
Any retail business, personal services, professional services, or business services.
Planned shopping centers and neighborhood convenience centers.
Office buildings and accessory uses.
Paved parking lots, including commercial parking lots.
Gasoline service stations, or retail outlets where gasoline products are sold.
Automotive and other repair services, excluding wrecking yards.
Drive-in businesses.
Printing, publishing, and allied products manufacturing.
Any of the following uses when the manufacturing, compounding, or processing of previously prepared materials is conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building. That portion of the land used for open storage facilities for materials or equipment used in the manufacturing, compounding or processing or for truck loading and unloading shall be totally obscured by a wall on those sides abutting a residentially zoned district, a C District or adjacent to a street.
The manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, plastics, toiletries, food products, hardware and cutlery;
The manufacturing, compounding, assembling or treatment of articles or merchandise from the following previously prepared materials: bone, canvas, cellophane, cloth, cork, feathers, felt, fiber, fur, glass, hair, horn, leather, paper, plastics, precious or semi-precious metals or stones, sheet metal (excluding saw and planning mills) and yarns;
The manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only by electricity or gas, or other fuels that do not pollute;
Manufacture of musical instruments, toys, novelties, and metal or rubber stamps, or other small molded rubber products;
Manufacture or assembly of electrical appliances, electronic instruments and devices, radios, and phonographs;
Laboratories-experimental, film or testing;
Manufacture and repair of electric or neon signs, sheet metal products, including heating and ventilating equipment, cornices, eaves and the like;
Tool, dye, gauge and machine shops.
Any wholesale trades conducted in an enclosed building.
Warehousing, mini-warehouses for storage purposes only, and storage.
All public utilities, including buildings, necessary structures, storage yards and other related uses with proper screening.
Telephone, telegraph, television, radio or similar media stations, studios, but not including public microwave, radio and television towers.
Institutional uses.
Municipally owned or controlled facilities, utilities and uses.
Other uses of a similar and no more objectionable character to those principal uses permitted subject to any and all provisions of ordinances relating to the use of property within the City of Saint Jo.
Accessory structures and uses customarily related to the above principal uses authorized in this district, including the residence for a night watchman or caretaker employed on the premises.
Temporary sale of Christmas trees with permit and approval of the Building Official.
Temporary indoor and outdoor fundraising events sponsored by nonprofit organizations with permit and approval by the Building Official.
Outdoor carnivals not to exceed 2 weeks sponsored by and on the same site as a permanent business with permit and approval of the Building Official.
Temporary on-site construction offices limited to the period of construction and approved by the Building Official.
Temporary concrete batching plants limited to the period of construction upon approval of the location and operation by the Building Official.
Conditional Uses:
(Require Use Permits, See Article IV)
A mobile home used as the residence of a watchman or caretaker employed on the premises.
A mobile home on an unsubdivided tract of five acres or more or used as an office, meeting the conditions of Article IV.
Commercial amusements, as defined herein, including amusement parks, circus or carnival grounds, recreation developments, or tents for other amusements, in accordance with all other applicable ordinances, and more than 300 feet from residentially zoned land unless such setback is reduced or waived by the City Council. Temporary uses not exceeding 14 days meeting all other requirements of the City may be permitted by the Building Official.
Car wash.
New car dealerships.
Concrete and mortar plants.
Facilities for railroads or those utilities holding a franchise under the City of Saint Jo not allowed as permitted use.
Radio, television and microwave towers.
Semi-public uses.
Any structure which exceeds 60 feet in height.
Any use permitted in this zoning classification that meets the terms and definitions of the Saint Jo Code of Ordinances, as it is currently adopted or as it may hereafter be amended, subject to the conditions established in Article IV.
Veterinary clinics for the treatment of small or large animals with or without accessory kennel facilities, and without outdoor pens or runs.
Kennels without outdoor pens or runs.
Metal plating and finishing facilities.
Required Conditions:
All business and manufacturing operations including storage shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building unless specifically authorized for the use as listed (except for off-street parking or loading, and incidental display of wares for sale), excluding retail outlets where gasoline products are sold.
Any owner, builder, or developer of a tract or parcel of land fronting on or adjacent to a roadway designated by the City Council as a principal roadway shall submit, prior to issuance of a building permit, to the City Council for review and approval, a site and building plan for the proposed development. The contents of this site and building plan shall comply with the requirements as specified in Article III. Upon approval, such development shall comply with approved site plan.
Prohibited Uses:
Any manufacturing use that involves the use and/or storage of substantial amounts of hazardous or flammable materials, such as petroleum products, that in the opinion of the Fire Marshal is a potential hazard based on current fire codes.
Any building erected or land used for other than one or more of the preceding specified uses.
Any use of property that does not meet the required minimum lot size; front, side and rear yard dimension; and/or lot width; or exceeds the maximum height, building coverage or density per gross acre as required.
Any use that exceeds the Performance Standards listed in Article IX, or whose external effects create excessive noise, vibration, odor, smoke, pollution, or glare extending beyond the property line.
Area Requirements:
Minimum site size - 12,500 feet
Minimum site frontage on a public street - 100 feet
Minimum site depth - 125 feet
Minimum depth of front setback - 25 feet from the future width of right-of-way shown on the adopted Thoroughfare Plan or as actually exists, whichever is greater, plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet, with a 50-foot maximum.
Minimum width of side setback -
With or without fire retardant wall - 15 feet plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet.
Abutting residentially zoned property - 30 feet plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet.
Abutting Interstate 20 or an arterial - 20 feet plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet.
Abutting all other streets - 15 feet plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet.
In no case shall more than a 50 foot side setback be required.
Minimum depth of rear setback -
Abutting non-residentially zoned property - 15 feet plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet.
Abutting residentially zoned property - 30 feet plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet.
In no case shall more than a 50 foot rear setback be required.
Minimum distance between detached buildings on the same lot or parcel of land -
Without fire retardant wall - 15 feet plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet.
With fire retardant wall - 0 feet plus 1/2 the building height over 36 feet.
In no case shall more than a 50 foot distance between buildings be required.
Minimum requirement for construction materials -
Structures - All structural materials shall consist of 100% noncombustible materials.
Exterior walls - Each exterior wall shall consist of 90% masonry materials as defined herein excluding overhead metal doors on walls not having street frontage.
Maximum building coverage as a percentage of lot area - 60%
Maximum amount of impervious coverage as a percentage of lot area - 95%
Minimum amount of landscape areas - all development shall comply with the City’s Landscaping Regulations as currently adopted or as hereafter amended.
Maximum floor area ratio - 2:1
Maximum height of structures - 120 feet. Any structure exceeding 60 feet in height shall require a conditional use permit.
Minimum number off-street parking spaces required - See Off-street Parking Article V.
Maximum number of entrances and/or exits -
Arterial streets - 1 per each 200 feet of street frontage per site, or as approved by the City Council.
Collector streets - 1 per each 100 feet of street frontage per site, or as approved by the City Council.
Local streets - 1 per each 50 feet of street frontage per site, or as approved by the City Council.
Lots with nonresidential uses that have a side or rear contiguous to or separated only by an alley, easement or street, from any residential district must be separated from such district by a buffer as defined, or as approved by the City Council.
The building code may impose more restrictive area requirements, depending on the size, use and construction of the structures. See Article VIII for further clarification, exceptions and modifications.
(Ordinance adopted 6/23/03)
In certain instances the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance may be achieved by the development of planned units which do not conform in all respects with the land use pattern designated on the zoning map or the district regulations prescribed by this ordinance or the Subdivision Ordinance. A planned development (PD) is generally on tracts of land of 5 acres or more and may include a combination of different dwelling types and/or a variety of land uses which creatively complement each other and harmonize with existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity. The purpose of the district is to encourage creative development of the land, provide locations for well planned comprehensive developments, and provide for variety and flexibility in the development patterns of the City which conform with the purposes of the general plan. The City Council is empowered to grant permits for planned developments under the procedure established herein.
Permitted Uses:
The following uses are permitted as part of an approved Planned Development:
All uses permitted in previous districts including but not limited to:
Cluster, zero lot line, or townhouses
High rise apartments
Mobile homes and modular homes (and recreational vehicles) when authorized by the specific planned development and under the following minimum conditions:
The dwelling complies with all applicable City requirements and all applicable state standards for such dwellings.
The dwelling conforms to all planned development and other zoning regulations.
Shopping centers
Office parks
Industrial parks
Civic Centers or Community Centers
Medical Centers or hospitals
Private clubs as an accessory to general restaurant
Any combination of uses that are compatible with one another
Other such uses that lend themselves to planning concepts that may not be allowed in other zoning districts.
For purposes of this ordinance, land use designations in a Planned Development will reflect a specific zone classification in determining allowed uses. Other uses may be considered by the City Council at the time the ordinance is approved if the additional uses are shown to be compatible to other uses in the development and the surrounding land uses.
Prohibited Uses:
Any building erected or land used for other than the use shown on the planned development plan, as approved by the City Council, and as recorded with the Building Official.
Any use of property that does not meet the required minimum lot size; front, side and rear yard dimension; and/or lot width, or exceeds the maximum height, building coverage or density per gross acreage as shown in the development’s recorded development plan, as approved by the City Council.
Any use deemed by the City Council as being detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of the citizens of Saint Jo.
Area Requirements:
Area requirements for each use shall meet or exceed the maximum and minimum standards applicable to such uses as if those uses were situated in the least restrictive district in which such uses are permitted or as listed in this Section, or demonstrate that the intent of the standards has been met in accordance with good planning practices.
Modification of the area requirements contained in this ordinance may be allowed by the City Council when all of the following circumstances are met:
The proposed modifications substantially meet the intent of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan.
The proposed modification provides for better project design.
The combination of different dwelling types and/or the variety of land uses in the development will complement each other and will harmonize with existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity.
The development will not generate more traffic than the streets in the vicinity can carry without congestion and the development will not overload utilities as determined by the City Engineer/Planner.
Financial reasons shall not be the sole reason for modification of standards.
In approving the Planned Development Ordinance and Preliminary and/or Development Plan, the City Council shall, after recommendations by the City Council, specify such land uses, maximum height, floor area ratios, density, minimum off-street parking and loading standards, setbacks, site coverage, building spacing, access, screening walls or landscaping, building area, open space, pedestrian ways, public or private streets, alleys, and other development and protective requirements considered necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare, and to create a reasonable transition to and protection from property adjacent to a Planned Development District. Such standards shall be specified in the ordinance establishing the district, and in the Preliminary and the Development Plan.
Townhouse Area Requirements:
Minimum lot area - 3,500 square feet
Maximum number of single-family dwelling units per lot - 1
Minimum square footage per dwelling unit - 1,000 square feet
Minimum lot frontage on a public street - 35 feet
Minimum lot depth - 100 feet
Minimum depth of front setback -
Front Entry Garage - 20 feet
Rear or Side Entry Garage - 15 feet plus 1 foot for each foot in height over 25 feet
Minimum depth of rear setback - 7-1/2 feet
Minimum width of side setback -
Abutting Structures separated by fire retardant walls - 0 feet
Abutting street - 15 feet
Abutting an arterial - 20 feet
Minimum separation between attached buildings - every 140 feet there shall be a minimum of 20 feet between buildings.
Minimum distance between buildings on the same lot or parcel of land - 10 feet
Minimum length of driveway pavement from the public right-of-way on side or rear yard - 20 feet
Maximum building coverage as a percentage of lot area - 60%
Minimum amount of permanent, landscaped open space - 10% of lot with 50% of the requirement in front or alongside the building along street frontages
Maximum number of attached units - 4 units up to a maximum of 140 feet
Maximum density - 8 units per gross acre
Maximum height of structures - 30 feet
Minimum number of off-street parking spaces required - 2 off-street spaces plus a one-car garage
Application Process:
An application for a Planned Development District shall be made to the City Council in the same manner that an application for a zone change is made. An application shall include and be accompanied by a Preliminary Plan as required by this Section, which shall become a part of the Amending Ordinance. A complete Development Plan as set out in subsection 2e [2f] of this Section, may be substituted for a preliminary plan, and will constitute both the preliminary and the development plan. In addition to the requirements outlined in paragraphs 1 b and 2e [2f] of this Section, the City Council may require additional information or special plans related to specific elements of the Planned Development. Upon receipt of the application and Preliminary Plan, the Zoning Administrator or his designated representative shall follow notification requirements for a public hearing as specified in Article XI, Section 11.1.
Preliminary Plan
An applicant may submit a Preliminary Plan with the application for a Planned Development District if the applicant is not ready to begin development of part or all of the site. The Preliminary Plan shall contain all information that may be necessary to insure that the development complies with all applicable regulations and requirements.
The Preliminary Plan shall be prepared on a topography base map at a scale of 1" = 100', or at a scale to be specified by the City Staff, along with an 8-1/2" x 11" reduction, with no less than 5' contour intervals and shall include:
A metes and bounds description of the entire Planned Development tract.
A drawing locating floodplain areas, water bodies, creeks, drainage areas, and significant natural features such as major tree groupings and important view corridors.
Sufficient evidence to establish that the applicants are in fact all the owners or have control of all outstanding interest of the land and structures thereon.
A drawing locating all land use areas, showing proposed gross acreage of each use, maximum lot coverages, maximum height, minimum setbacks, residential densities, approximate gross floor area and floor area ratio for all commercial, industrial and office uses.
Location of all major access points, thoroughfares, and collectors within the development.
Identification of all major land use classifications and the approximate acreage within the development as related to current zoning district designations or the specific purpose. The designated usage will not be assumed to establish area requirements as established within the zoning district, but these requirements shall be used as guidelines in the final determination of area requirements.
Indication of each phase of development if the proposed Planned Development is to be in separate phases.
Indication by acreage or percentage of total development all major areas planned for public and private open space.
Land area included with the site and the land area of all abutting sites with the zoning classifications thereon, and dimensions and locations of all public and private rights-of-way and easements bounding and intersecting the site.
Estimates of traffic volumes and turning movements may be required.
The preliminary plan shall be signed by the applicant’s engineer and planner. A location map shall accompany the preliminary plan, showing the relationship of the planned development to adjacent properties and the land uses and thoroughfares shown on the comprehensive plan and intended for the area.
The application by the owner or owners to City Council for approval of the Preliminary Plan shall be handled in the same manner as any zoning change under the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant shall submit copies of the Preliminary Plan to the Zoning Administrator or his designated representative. After receiving his recommendation, the City Council shall make a recommendation to either approve or deny the rezoning to Planned Development, and to either approve, modify, or deny the Preliminary Plan and conditions. Upon appeal and hearing before the City Council, the City Council may approve or deny the rezoning request and may approve, deny or modify the preliminary plan as submitted to the City Council.
Development Plan
An applicant must submit a final development plan which shall be recorded and kept on file by the City. The development plan must conform to the approved Preliminary Plan, either for the total Planned Development District, or for each phase. Consideration of a development plan which does not deviate from the approved Preliminary Plan will not require additional public hearings.
The development plan shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator in such a manner as prescribed by the officially adopted policies of the City Council and shall include a checklist of items to be included on the Development Plan as submitted to the City Council.
Major changes in the development plan shall be considered the same as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Preliminary Plan approval and shall be processed as required. The following changes are not considered major changes:
Changes that do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property.
Changes that retain the character of the development.
Changes that do not significantly alter the uses permitted, or increase the density, setbacks, height, or coverage of the site.
Changes that do not increase the problems of traffic, circulation, safety, or utility requirements.
Changes that meet these criteria may be approved by the City Council without public hearing.
If the development plan deviates from the approved preliminary plan and ordinance, the City Council shall reject and disapprove such a plan and conditions and require a new application, filing fee, and advertised public hearing.
The development plan, in addition to those items included in the preliminary plan, shall include or show:
The development plan of the entire planned development of the proposed phase at a scale of 1" = 100', or as specified by City Staff and 8-1/2" x 11" reduction showing the proposed finished grade of the area at 2 foot intervals.
In addition to data and drawings prescribed, the application shall be accompanied by a tabulation of the area proposed to be devoted to each land use and a tabulation of the average population density per net acre and per gross acre in the area or areas proposed to be devoted to residential use.
A description of the proposed lot or lots and the boundaries thereof, and proposed setbacks on the lots.
With the exception of single-family dwellings, the location of each existing and each proposed structure in the development, the use or uses to be contained therein, the number of stories, the gross floor area, and the location of entrances and loading points thereof. If a particular type structure is to be built a number of times, a typical lot layout may be substituted.
All public rights-of-way, curb cuts, driving lanes, parking areas, loading areas, public transportation areas, and illumination facilities for the same, including existing facilities to be relocated. Design criteria for illumination facilities may be required.
All pedestrian walks, malls, and open areas for use by tenants or visitors.
All reservations for public uses, including parks, playgrounds, schools and other open spaces.
The location and height of each wall, fence and screen planting used as a buffer between uses and from adjacent property owners.
All landscaped areas, including any reserved open space to be retained. Detailed landscaping plans may be required when necessary.
The location, size, height, and orientation of each sign, except signs that are flat on building facades and that do not directly face property in a residential district, or directional signs.
Facilities for waste disposal on other than single-family uses.
Proposed street names for all public and private roads.
Elevations and/or perspective drawings may be required in order that the relationship of the buildings to adjacent property, open spaces and to other features of the development plan may be determined. This subsection does not apply to single-family, duplex and townhouse lots.
Any or all of the required features may be incorporated on a single drawing if such drawing is clear and suitable for evaluation by the City Staff and City officials.
A legal instrument establishing a plan for permanent care and maintenance of any common areas or communally owned facility must be submitted before the development plan will be approved. All such instruments shall be approved by the City attorney as to legal form, and by the City Council as to suitability for the proposed use of the common area.
The title page of each application and set of plans shall be signed by the applicant’s architect, planner, landscape architect, engineer and/or land surveyor if these services are required. In addition to an engineer and a planner, the applicant’s submittal may be required to contain the professional services of at least two of the remaining three professionals involved in the design and construction of the environment.
Phase developments: The preliminary plan shall be divided into Sections of proposed development so that in any Section of an approved final development plan, there will be definitely established lines showing the resulting boundaries of the reduced PD District:
Should the unused portion of the site area be rezoned to its previous classification, and
A minimum of damage to the unused portion of the site from the standpoint of its usability for use following rezoning.
Effects of Recording: All final development plans approved hereunder shall be binding upon the applicant, their successors and assignees, shall limit and control the issuance and validity of all permits, and shall restrict and limit the construction, locations, use and operation of all land and structures included within such plans to all conditions and limitations set forth in such plans.
Issuance of Permit
Upon, but not before, the approval, of the development plan as herein set forth, and completion of platting requirements as set forth in the subdivision ordinance of the City of Saint Jo, the applicant(s) for said plan shall be entitled to apply for such permits and certificates as are necessary to proceed with the accomplishment of such plan.
Upon the approval of the Preliminary Plan and rezoning of a land parcel to PD, Planned Development District, and upon the approval of the development plan, the applicant shall proceed with the accomplishment of said development plan in accordance with all other ordinances of the City of Saint Jo.
Compliance with Development Plan
The Zoning Administrator shall ensure compliance with this Ordinance, the Preliminary Plan and the Development Plan. He shall:
Make inspections to determine compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance and the Concept Plan and Development Plan, and initiate appropriate action if necessary.
Investigate thoroughly any complaints of noncompliance concerning the Development Plan and keep a record of all complaints, indicating any action taken.
Upon determination of noncompliance with the Development Plan, the Zoning Administrator shall take action as follows:
Give written notice to the property owner of the nature of the violation, the necessary action to remedy the violation, and the time period, not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days after the date of notification, within which to comply.
Notify the City Council of the noncompliance if the violations have not been corrected within the prescribed time period.
Effect of Development Plan Approval
If development of a lot or tract with an approved development plan has not been completed within 3 years of its final approval the development plan shall be deemed to have expired, and a new review and approval of a development plan for development of the property shall be undertaken by the City Council upon application by the owner, and such new approval shall be required before a building permit may be issued for development. Said review and approval shall be evaluated according to the standards of this ordinance, taking into account all changes to the ordinance which have occurred subsequent to the prior development plan approval.
If the development plan is submitted in conjunction with an approved phasing plan for development of the lot or tract, the development plan shall be deemed to have expired if any phase is not completed within the time period approved for such phase. No development plan phase may be planned to exceed three years unless specifically authorized by the City Council when demonstrated that due to the size or complexity of the development the three-year time period would create a hardship. If any phase is not completed within the time period approved the entire remaining uncompleted development plan shall be deemed to have expired and the provisions of Section A.1.[k)(1)] above shall be followed.
Extension of an approved development plan may be granted by the City Council upon submission of a request for such extension by the property owner at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the plan. The City Council shall take into consideration any changes that have occurred in this ordinance subsequent to original approval of the plan and the property owner may be required to bring such plan into compliance with the current requirements. The period of time approved for any such extension shall be indicated in any approval but in no case shall the period for extension exceed 3 years.
All development plans submitted and approved prior to adoption of this ordinance shall be deemed to have expired if development has not been completed within 3 years of the final approval of this ordinance.
Coordination with Subdivision Ordinance:
It is the intent of this ordinance that subdivision review under the subdivision regulations be carried out simultaneously with the review of a planned development under this Section of the Zoning Ordinance.
The final development plans required under this Section of this ordinance may be submitted in a form which will satisfy the requirements of the subdivision ordinance for the preliminary plats required under those regulations.
(Ordinance adopted 6/23/03)
The City Council of Saint Jo, Texas hereby declares that as a matter of public policy the Protection, enhancement and perpetuation of districts and landmarks of historical and cultural importance and significance is necessary to promote the economic, cultural, educational and general welfare of the public. It is recognized that within the City of Saint Jo numerous areas, sites and structures represent the unique confluence of time and place that shaped the identity of generations of citizens, collectively and individually, and produced significant historic, architectural and cultural resources that constitute their heritage, and therefore this act is intended to:
Protect and enhance the district and landmarks which represent distinctive elements of Saint Jo’s historic, architectural and cultural heritage;
Foster civic pride in the accomplishments of the past;
Protect and enhance Saint Jo’s attractiveness to visitors and the support and stimulus to the economy thereby provided;
Insure the harmonious, orderly and efficient growth and development of the City;
Promote economic prosperity and welfare of the community by encouraging the most appropriate use of such property within the City; and,
Stabilize and improve values of such properties.
There is hereby created a Historic Preservation Advisory Board which shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council. Such Board shall consist of five (5) members to be appointed by the City Council from a slate of citizens provided by the Saint Jo Historical Preservation Society.
The City Council with the Board’s advice may appoint a qualified city official, staff person, or appropriate resident of the Saint Jo area, a circle approximately 18 miles in diameter with Saint Jo as the center, to serve as historic preservation officer. This officer shall administer this ordinance and advise the board on submitted matters.
Term of Office; Qualifications:
The members shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years with staggered terms and shall be removable by the City Council. Their terms of office shall expire on the last day of July or when their successor has been appointed. In the event that a vacancy occurs prior to the expiration of a full term the City Council shall appoint a new member to complete the unexpired term from a slate of citizens provided by the Saint Jo Historical Preservation Society. Any member may be reappointed by the City Council upon completion of a term to which he has been appointed.
All Board members, regardless of background, shall have a known and demonstrated interest in historic preservation within the city. All members must live or own property within the historic Saint Jo area, a circle approximately 18 miles in diameter with Saint Jo as the center.
The duties of the Board are as follows:
Provide professional recommendations to the City Council as required, regarding site plans, building alternatives, and building plans proposed within the City (HD) Historic Overlay District. The Board shall review site plans and building elevations placed before them within the thirty (30) day time frame allowed for processing applications prior to submission to the City Council. The Board shall prepare a written assessment of the proposed project regarding compliance with approved guidelines for development within the District, and its applicability in preserving and enhancing the history and culture of the District.
Research, document and maintain in the official files of the City detailed information regarding the original construction and architecture of the District.
Develop and maintain guidelines regarding development and redevelopment within the District including architectural design, materials selections, building styles and other pertinent design considerations. The proposed guidelines shall be submitted to the City Council for approval.
Adopt Roberts’s rules of order for the orderly conduct of Board meetings.
Recommend the boundaries of historic districts.
Increase public awareness of the value of historic, cultural, and architectural preservation by encouraging and participating in public education programs developed by the Historic Preservation Advisory Board.
Make recommendations for employment of staff and professional consultants as necessary to carry out the duties of the Board.
Create committees from among its membership, the memberships of local historical organizations and local interested and qualified citizens and delegate to these committees’ responsibilities to carry out the purposes of this ordinance.
Maintain written minutes which record all actions taken by the Commission and reasons for taking such actions.
The Board shall elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman at the first meeting in August or at the first meeting thereafter for a term of one (1) year.
Each member in attendance shall have a vote on plans submitted to the Board with that vote reported to the Council. Any member professionally or financially involved in matters pending before the Board shall abstain from any discussion, consideration or vote on that item and shall leave the room during such discussion and consideration. Meetings of the Board shall be called as needed by the Board Chairman or Officer.
The Commission shall meet at least monthly, if business is at hand. Special Meetings may be called at any time by the Chairman (or mayor) or on the written request of any two Commission members. All meetings shall be held in conformance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Civil Statutes and Article 6252-17.
A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of not less than a majority of the full authorized membership.
The City Council may designate by zoning ordinance certain areas as historic districts. Such districts shall bear the word “historic” in their zoning designation[.]
The Board may recommend to the Council a historic district. Property owners within a proposed district shall be notified prior to the Board’s hearing on the designation. At the Board’s public hearing, Board members, owners, and interested parties may present testimony or documentary evidence which shall become part of a record regarding the historic, architectural, or cultural importance of the proposed historic district. The record also may contain staff reports, public comments, or other evidence offered outside of the hearing.
Upon recommendation of the Board, the proposed historic district shall be submitted to the City Council for its review and recommendation. The City Council shall give notice, conduct its public hearing, in the same manner and according to the same procedures as specifically provided in the general zoning ordinance of the City of Saint Jo. The City shall give notice, follow the publication procedure, hold public hearings, and make its determination in the same manner as provided in the general zoning ordinance of the city.
The Board shall make its recommendation, to be forwarded to the City Council, within thirty (30) days from the date of submittal of designation request. The City Council shall schedule a public hearing on the Board’s recommendation to be held within forty-five (45) days of receipt of such recommendation.
Upon designation of an area as a historic district, the designation should be recorded in the tax records of the City of Saint Jo, and the City official zoning maps. All zoning maps should indicate the designated districts by an appropriate mark.
A Historic district may be designated if it:
Possesses significance in history, architecture, archeology, and/or culture.
Is associated with events that made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of local, regional, state, and/or national history.
Is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past.
Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, and/or method of construction.
Represents the work of a master designer, builder, and/or craftsman.
Represents an established and familiar visual feature of the City.
The Board may recommend a district to the Council to be designated if it:
Contains properties which meet one or more of the criteria for designation of a landmark.
Constitutes a distinct Section of the City.
The boundaries of each historic [district] designated henceforth shall be specified in detail and shall be filed, in writing, in the City Secretary’s office for public inspection.
Any person carrying out any work which requires a building permit for exterior alteration, restoration, reconstruction, new construction, moving or demolition of a property within a historic district visible must first obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness from the City Council.
The Board may recommend guidelines to enable the City Council to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for exterior restorations and renovations requiring a building permit as well as additional signage, street amenities and lighting.
Any addition or deletion of landscape materials or landscape design elements need not receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Council. It is recommended, however, that all proposed landscaping used in the District be extracted from the “Recommended Plant List” as provided in the Landscape Ordinance of the City of Saint Jo. City staff shall maintain a list of plant material that is appropriate for all designated historic areas.
Any person willing to paint a structure within a historic district will also need a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Council. City staff and/or the Board shall review and comment as requested by the property owner with regards to color selection and design.
In considering an application for a certificate of appropriateness, the Board shall be guided by “The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for rehabilitation of Historic Buildings.” These guidelines (Department of Interior regulations, 36 CFR 67) shall be made available to the property owners of historic landmarks or within historic districts.
A property shall be used for its historic purpose or be placed in a new use that requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its site and environment.
The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided.
Each property shall be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or architectural elements from other buildings, shall not be undertaken.
Most properties change over time; those changes that have acquired historic significance in their own right shall be retained and preserved.
Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved.
Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, of [or] pictorial evidence.
Chemical or physical treatments, such as sandblasting, that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of structures, if appropriate, shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible.
Significant archeological resources affected by a project shall be protected and preserved. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures shall be undertaken.
New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment.
New Additions and adjacent of [or] related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired.
Prior to the commencement of any work requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness the owner shall file an application for such a certificate with the Historic Preservation Officer. The application shall contain:
Name, address and telephone number of applicant as well as a detailed description of proposed work.
Location and photographs of the property and adjacent properties. (Historical photographs also may be helpful.)
Elevation drawings of the proposed changes, if available, preferably in color.
Samples of materials to be used, if requested by the Board.
If the proposal includes signs or lettering, a scale drawing showing the type of lettering to be used, all dimensions and colors, a description of materials to be used, method of illumination (if any), and a plan showing the sign’s location on the property.
Site plan in accordance with the General Zoning Ordinance, if applicable.
Any other information which the Board may deem necessary in order to visualize the proposed work.
No building permit shall be issued for such proposed work until a certification of appropriateness has first been issued by the Council. The certification of appropriateness required by this act shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any building permit that may be required by another ordinance of the City of Saint Jo.
The Board shall make its recommendations to the City Council, deny or approve with modifications within 30 days from receipt of the completed application. The Board may hold a public hearing on the application at which an opportunity will be provided for proponents and opponents of the application to present their views. Should the Board not take action within the thirty day period, the Certificate of Appropriateness shall be automatically approved.
All decisions of the Board shall be in writing. A certificate shall be sent to the applicant and a copy filed with the City Secretary’s office for public inspection. The Board’s decision shall state the reasons for denying or modifying any application.
An applicant for a certificate of appropriateness dissatisfied with the action of the Commission relating to the issuance of denial of a certificate of appropriateness shall have the right to appeal to the City Council within thirty (30) days after receipt of notification of such action. The City Council shall give notice, follow publication procedure, hold hearings, and make its decision in the same manner as provided in the general zoning ordinance of the city.
A permit for the demolition of a property within a historic district, including secondary buildings, shall not be granted by the Chief Building Official without the review of a completed application by the Board and issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness for Demolition by the City Council.
An applicant for a proposed demolition may apply for a certificate of appropriateness on the grounds of hardship. In order to prove the existence of hardship, the applicant shall establish to the satisfaction of the City Council that:
The property is incapable of earning a reasonable return, regardless of whether that return represents the most profitable return possible;
The property cannot be adapted for any other use, whether by the current owner or by a purchaser, which would result in a reasonable return; and
Efforts to find a purchaser interested in acquiring the property and preserving it have failed; and/or
The structure or property is in such condition as to be irreparably damaged and as such poses a nuisance to the surrounding area and is a “threat” to the health, safety and general welfare of the community.
All work performed pursuant to a Certificate of Appropriateness issued under this ordinance shall conform to any requirements included therein. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspection Department to inspect periodically any such work to assure compliance. In the event work is found that is not being performed in accordance with the Certificate of Appropriateness, the Building Inspection Department shall issue a stop work order and all work shall immediately cease. No further work shall be undertaken on the project as long as a stop work order is in effect. A Certificate of Appropriateness may be reinstated, however, upon assurance that compliance will henceforth exist.
Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any exterior architectural feature of a landmark or property within a historic district which does not involve a change in design or material. In-kind replacement or repair is included in this definition of ordinary maintenance.
No owner or person with an interest in real property designated as a landmark or included within a historic district shall permit the property to fall into a serious state of disrepair so as to result in the deterioration of any exterior architectural feature which would, in judgment of the Commission, produce a detrimental effect upon the character of the historic district as a whole or the life and character of the property itself
Examples of such deterioration include:
Deterioration of exterior walls or other vertical supports.
Deterioration of roof or other horizontal members.
Deterioration or crumbling of exterior chimneys.
Deterioration or crumbling of exterior stucco or mortar.
Ineffective waterproofing of exterior walls, roof, or foundations, including broken windows or doors.
Deterioration of any feature so as to create a hazardous condition which could lead to the claim that demolition is necessary for the public safety.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a penalty of fine not to exceed the sum of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2000.00) for each offense and each and every day such offense shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense.
That no developer or property owner shall acquire any vested interest in this ordinance or specific regulations contained herein. The Ordinance and regulations may be amended or repealed by the City Council of the City of Saint Jo, Texas in the manner provided by law.
(Ordinance adopted 6/23/03)
The general public and the City Council are directed to take note that nonconformities in the use and development of land and buildings are to be avoided, or eliminated where now existing, wherever and whenever possible, EXCEPT:
When necessary to preserve property rights established prior to the date these regulations become effective as to the property in question, and
When necessary to promote the general welfare and to protect the character of the surrounding property.
Except as hereinafter specified, any use, building, or structure lawfully existing at the time of the enactment of this ordinance or at the time of annexation into the City may be continued, even though such use, building or structure may not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance for the district in which it is located.
Nonconforming Uses Continued or Changed: The right to continue such nonconforming uses shall be subject to regulations prohibiting the creation of a nuisance and regulations reasonably protecting adjacent property.
Conditional Uses: Any use existing on the effective date of this Ordinance which is listed as a conditional use in the district where it is located shall be and shall remain a nonconforming use until Conditional Use Permit is obtained as provided in this Ordinance. If such use is discontinued or abandoned for more than one hundred eighty (180) days during any three-year period, the use shall meet the requirements of this Ordinance and shall obtain a use permit before it is continued.
Alteration of Nonconforming Uses:
No existing building or premises devoted to a use that is not permitted by this Ordinance in the district in which such building or premises is located shall be enlarged or altered in a way which increases its nonconformity, except when required to do so by law or order, unless the use thereof is changed to a use that is permitted in the district in which such building or premises is located, and except as follows:
If no structural alterations are made, a nonconforming use of a building may be changed to another nonconforming use of a more restrictive classification when authorized by the Board of Adjustment in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII, or to a conforming use.
Whenever a nonconforming use has been changed to a conforming use, such use shall not thereafter be changed to a nonconforming use.
When authorized by the Board of Adjustments in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII, enlargement of [or] completion of a building devoted to a nonconforming use may be made upon the lot occupied by such building, where such extension is necessary and incidental to the existing use of such building and does not exceed 25% of its area of nonconformity.
When authorized by the Board of Adjustments in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII, a nonconforming use may be extended throughout those parts of a building which were manifestly designed or arranged for such use prior to the date on which such use of said building become nonconforming, if no structural alterations except those required by law, are made therein.
The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to prevent the extension of any building existing in any district at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance, to the height to which the walls, foundation and frame work of such existing building originally were intended, designed and constructed to carry; provided, however, that the actual construction of the extensions in height permitted by this paragraph shall have been duly commenced within two (2) years from the date of the adoption of this Ordinance.
[1]Cessation of Use of Building or Land: For the purposes of the succeeding subsections, a use shall be deemed to have ceased when it has been discontinued for six (6) months during any three (3) year period whether with the intent to abandon said use or not.
No building which was originally designed for or used as a nonconforming use shall again be put to a nonconforming use, where such use has ceased for six (6) months or more during any three (3) year period.
The use of land, structures, and/or buildings involving individual structures with a replacement cost of $1,000 or less, which does not conform to the provisions of this Ordinance shall be discontinued within six (6) months from the enactment of this Ordinance. The nonconforming use of land and/or buildings involving individual structures with a replacement cost of $1,000 or less, which becomes nonconforming by reason of subsequent amendments to this Ordinance shall be discontinued within six (6) months from the date of such amendment.
All lots used for storage that do not require a building and the use of such lot is made nonconforming by this Ordinance or amendments thereto shall cease to be used for such storage within six (6) months of the date of adoption of this Ordinance or amendments.
Construction Approved Prior to Ordinance: Nothing herein shall be construed to require any change in the overall plans, construction, or designated use of any development, structure, or part thereof, where official approval and the required building permits were granted before the enactment of this Ordinance, or any amendment thereto where construction thereof, conforming with such plans, shall have been started prior to the effective date of this Ordinance or such amendment, and where such construction shall have been completed in a normal manner within the subsequent twelve (12) month period, with no interruption, except for reasons beyond the builder’s control.
Unsafe Buildings, Repair of: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to prohibit the strengthening or repair of any part of any building or structure declared safe by proper authority, unless such repairs exceed fifty percent (50%) of the replacement cost of the building.
Damage or Destruction: Any nonconforming structure which is damaged more than 75 percent of its then appraised tax value above the foundation, by fire, flood, explosion, wind, earthquake, war, riot or other calamity or act of God, shall not be restored or reconstructed and used as it was before such happening. If such structure is damaged less than 75 percent of its then appraised tax value above the foundation, it may be restored, reconstructed, or used as before, provided that such restoration or reconstruction is completed within twelve (12) months of the damaging event, the twelve (12) month period not including any necessary litigation.
Repairs and Maintenance:
On any nonconforming structure or portion of a structure containing a nonconforming use, no work may be done in any period of twelve (12) consecutive months on ordinary repairs, or on repair or replacement of non-load bearing walls, fixture, wiring, or plumbing to an extent exceeding ten percent (10%) of the current replacement cost of the nonconforming structure or nonconforming portion of the structure as the case may be.
If fifty percent (50%) or more of a nonconforming structure containing a nonconforming use becomes physically unsafe or unlawful due to lack of repairs or maintenance, and is declared by a duly authorized official to be unsafe or unlawful by reason of physical condition, it shall not thereafter be restored, repaired, or rebuilt, except in conformity with the regulations of the district in which it is located.
Moving of Nonconforming Structure or Building: No nonconforming building or structure shall be moved in whole or in part to any other location on the lot, or on any other lot, unless every portion of such building or structure is made to conform to all the regulations of the district.
Nonconforming Lot Sizes: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to prohibit the use of a lot that does not meet the minimum lot area of the district it is located in, provided that the lot was previously zoned for similar type uses, that the lot was a lot of record prior to the adoption of this Ordinance, and that the lot has not been rezoned to a different use since the adoption of this Ordinance.
Original has this as Subsection C.
(Ordinance adopted 6/23/03)