[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Charleston 5-31-1966. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It is the intention and desire of the Supervisors of Charleston Township, County of Tioga, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to organize an Authority under the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945" designated as Act No. 164, approved May 2, 1945,[1] together with the supplements thereof and amendments thereto, for the purpose of exercising and enjoying all the powers of the Act, its supplements, or amendments.[2]
Editor's Note: The Municipality Authorities Act of 1945 (53 P.S. § 301 et seq.) was repealed by Act 22 of 2001 (6-19-2001, P.L. 287, No. 22). See now the Municipality Authorities Act, 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 131 extended the life of the Authority for an additional 50 years to November 6, 2052.
The name of the proposed Authority is Charleston Township Municipal Authority.
The proposed Articles of Incorporation of the Authority are as follows:
The name of the Authority is the Charleston Township Municipal Authority.
Said Authority is formed under the provisions of the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945," being an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended or supplemented.
No other Authority has been organized under the aforesaid "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945," or under the Act approved the 28th day of June, 1935 (Pamphlet Laws 463),[1] and no other Authority is in existence in or for the Township of Charleston, being the incorporated municipality herein.
Editor's Note: See 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq.
The name of the incorporation municipality is Township of Charleston, and the names and addresses of its Township Supervisors are:
Clayton Ives, Sr.
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
Ralph C. Austin
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
James J. Gilliland
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
The names and addresses of the first members of the Board of said Authority are as follows:
Mrs. Evva Root
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
Maynard Bliss
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
Leland Lewis
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
Martin Roby
Mansfield, Pa., R.D. No. 1
Mrs. Velma Peake
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
Said Authority is organized for all of the purposes set forth in the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945," as amended or supplemented, and shall have all of the powers granted by said Act.
The following persons respectively hereinafter designated as appointees of the Township of Charleston, County of Tioga, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are hereby appointed members of the Board of Authority with the following terms of office:
Term Expires
Mrs. Evva Root
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
May 1, 1967
Maynard Bliss
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
May 1, 1968
Leland Lewis
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
May 1, 1969
Martin Roby
Mansfield, Pa., R.D. No. 1
May 1, 1970
Mrs. Velma Peake
Wellsboro, Pa., R.D. No. 2
May 1, 1971
The Articles substantial form, as set forth in § 42-3, shall be executed on behalf of the Township of Charleston by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and attested by the Secretary of the Charleston Township Supervisors, and such officers are hereby authorized and empowered and directed to do all things necessary and corporate to establish said municipal authority in conformity with the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945 and supplements thereof.
The adoption of this chapter is deemed necessary for the benefit, best comfort and general welfare and prosperity of the people of Charleston Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania.