[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Charleston 5-21-2003 by Ord. No. 136. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The owners of all buildings or structure/property within the Township to which street numbers have been assigned shall have the street number prominently displayed at all times in accordance with the following standards. For purposes of this chapter a "street number" is an address number, established in accordance with the county-wide 911 public safety system with reference to the adjacent road or street, assigned and given to a particular building or structure/property by Tioga County 911 and the United States Postal Service. For specific sections of roadways with an existing addressing system that is approved by Tioga County 911, the "street number" is the retained street number in the existing addressing system that is established in conjunction with the county addressing project.
Each building to which a street number has been assigned shall have a street number displayed upon the building except for buildings which are located a distance greater than 200 feet from the nearest edge of the cartway of the public roadway or upon which signage cannot be attached which would be readable from the nearest public roadway by reason of natural or man-made obstructions, the owner of said structure/property shall be required to provide posted street number signage at least 20 feet and not more than 30 feet from the nearest edge of the cartway of the public or private roadway, which post shall have affixed thereon the street number which has been assigned to the building.
The assigned street numbers shall be either affixed directly to the building or post or displayed on a sign affixed to the building or post. The street number shall be displayed in such a manner that the numbers will contrast in color with the background and will be observed and readable from the nearest public or private roadway. All numbers shall be in standard Arabic numerals, not less than four inches in height and not less than 1/2 inch in width. It is recommended that the numbers be reflective for greater nighttime visibility.
If for any reason the street number of a particular building is not readily identifiable by posted signage along the roadway whether due to the proximity of multiple buildings with different street numbers or some other reason, the street number should be affixed to the building as well as posted by the road. Similarly, if a single building has multiple street numbers or apartment numbers, such as professional buildings or apartments, a building directory should be posted at the main entrance of the building.
The owner of all private drives, roadways or easements used for vehicle access to multiple properties where the drives and roadways are not recognized as Township roads and which is referenced in the address of structure/property owner whose residence or business abuts said private drive or roadways shall, in addition to the other requirements set forth in this chapter, install a sign, if not installed by the Township, which identifies the private road or private drive name as adopted by the Township, with said signage to be placed at the entrance where the private road or private drive intersects with the public roadway, but not creating an obstruction to visibility of motorists. The road sign shall meet PA Department of Transportation regulations for size and placement, and shall be brown with white reflective letters.
It shall be unlawful to cover, conceal, obstruct, destroy, remove, deface or vandalize any street number or road/street name sign or placard, installed or displayed pursuant to and in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
Once determined that a building or structure/property owner has not complied with the street numbering or road name signage regulations of this chapter, the Township supervisors or their designated representative, with the supervisors consent, may pursue any of the following enforcement remedies:
The supervisors may provide written notice to the owners, occupants, and other persons in possession of building or structure/property which has not been numbered in accordance with this chapter, of the violation and the need to comply.
In the event that persons persist in refusing to comply with this chapter despite notices to do so, the supervisors may issue a written order directing the owners, occupants or others in possession of the building or structure/property in violation of this chapter to comply with the applicable requirements of this chapter. Any person who is aggrieved by any order issued pursuant to this chapter may appeal to the Township Supervisors by filing a written notice of appeal to the office of the Township secretary within 10 days of the date of the subject order or notice.
In the event the structure/property owners or occupants or possessors fail or refuse to take action in accordance with the notices and an order issued pursuant to this chapter, the Township Supervisors may provide the signage, as necessary, in order to bring the structure/property owner into compliance with the standards promulgated in this chapter. The Township may recover the cost of materials and labor for the purchase and installation of signage from the structure/property owners, occupants or possessors, reasonable administrative fees, interest or other charges allowed by law. In the event the owners, occupants or possessors of the subject structure/property fail to pay the loss of such installation as determined and approved, then the Township may institute proceedings at law to collect the full cost together with all penalties, interest, fees, and other charges against the premises and the owners thereof and collect same as a municipal lien or may take other action to collect these sums as may be permitted by law.
Any person who shall be found to have engaged in the prohibited unlawful conduct as set forth in § 89-3 or who shall willfully fail to comply with any order to comply with the street numbering regulations shall be guilty of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of no less than $100 and no more than $300, together with court costs, and upon default in payment of the fine, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 90 days.
The proper officers of the Township are hereby authorized to take necessary and proper action to establish, implement and enforce the standardized system of structure/property address numbering and street/road name sign placement as provided for in the chapter and to comply with the requirements of the automatic location information needs of the Tioga County public safety system.