All potential subdividers are encouraged under this article to present all information and data as described in § 235-301 for review and discussion with the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall provide general information to the subdivider relative to the requirements of this chapter as related to the specific plan as proposed, and shall indicate the general suitability of the proposed development into preliminary plans.
In assessing the suitability of the Plan, the Planning Commission shall consider the Township's plan of future land use, thoroughfare plan, community facilities plan or any plans of the Planning Commission, including, but not limited to, proposed roads recreation areas, drainage reservations, shopping centers and school sites.
Also to be considered is whether the land is subject to hazards of health, safety and welfare. Such land shall not be subdivided until such hazards are removed. These hazards shall be interpreted to mean land subject to flooding, slides due to excessive slope or excavation, excessive erosion, improperly drained, or land unsuited for on-site sewage disposal.
Submission of the following information at the preapplication conference is recommended:
General information. Describe generally existing covenants, land characteristics, community facilities and utilities, and information describing the proposed subdivision such as the possible number of residential lots, typical lot width and depth, business areas, playgrounds, park areas, other public areas, proposed protective covenants, proposed utilities and road improvements.
Topographic map. An existing USGS Quadrangle Sheet or other acceptable map showing topographic features.
Sketch plan. A simple sketch of the tract boundaries, proposed layout of roads, lots, and other features in relation to existing conditions.