Roads shall be graded to grades and cross sections as established on and presented with the preliminary and final plans and road profiles and as approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Roads shall be graded to the full width of the road right-of-way and slopes of a minimum of two feet to one foot shall be constructed commencing at the road right-of-way and extending on to the lots of properties adjoining the road right-of-way, this applies to both cut and fill sections.
Subgrade of road shall be brought to the proper grade and contour, and shall be rolled with a ten-ton roller, and all soft spots removed. These soft spots shall be recompacted with a suitable firm material approved by the Board of Supervisors before the placing of any base material.
In areas where springs, poor soil drainage conditions, wet weather springs or where conditions exist that underground drainage is necessary to property protect the proposed road pavement, there shall be constructed pipe underdrain, stone underdrain or subgrade drains according to current Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications, Form 408, as amended, subject to approval of drawings and design by the Board of Supervisors.
If, during construction, unknown poor drainage conditions are encountered by the owner, he shall notify the Township Engineer and correct such conditions encountered at the direction of the Board of Supervisors to its complete satisfaction.
The base course shall be constructed to the lines, grades and cross sections as approved with all materials used and all construction requirements performed in conformity with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Form 408 and be one of the following approved types of base course:
A crushed aggregate base course with a compacted thickness of not less than eight inches in depth, all in accordance with Section 310 of Form 408.
A bituminous concrete base course with a compacted thickness of not less than five inches in depth, all in accordance with Section 305 of Form 408.
A subbase shall be constructed when required by the Township where soil or traffic conditions warrant its use with construction as follows:
Subbase course with a compacted thickness of not less than three inches in depth, all in accordance with Section 350 of Form 408.
The pavement wearing course shall be constructed to the lines, grades and cross sections as approved with all materials used and all construction requirements performed in conformity with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Form 408 and be one of the following types:
A bituminous surface course (ID-2) with a compacted thickness of not less than 2 1/2 inches in depth, all in accordance with Section 420 of Form 408. The binder course shall be constructed on the crushed aggregate base course and shall be 1 1/2 inches in depth and the wearing course shall be one inch in depth.
A bituminous wearing course (ID-2) with a compacted thickness of not less than one inch in depth, all in accordance with Section 420 of Form 408, shall be constructed on the bituminous concrete base course.
Installation of sanitary sewers including house lines, laterals, trunk lines, manholes, and other appurtenances shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Board of Supervisors and the appropriate sewer authority, and subject to inspection by the same.
In areas where a municipal sewer is not available (over 1,500 feet from the nearest point of the subdivision), is not planned, is not topographically feasible, or where an easement cannot be obtained through adjoining property, individual septic tanks or project sewage systems may be permitted, subject to approval of drawings and design by the Board of Supervisors and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
In areas where a municipal sewer is available, all properties within the subdivision shall be connected thereto.
Installation of sanitary sewage treatment plants and other appurtenances shall be subject to approval by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Board of Supervisors.
Storm sewers shall be located in the right-of-way or in a drainage easement.
In the design of storm drain installations, special consideration shall be given to avoidance of problems which may arise from concentration of stormwater runoff over adjacent properties.
Bridges and culverts shall be designed to support the expected loads, to carry expected flows, and be constructed the full width of the right-of-way, where deemed necessary by the Board of Supervisors.
If public water supply is available or definitely planned for the area, then provisions shall be made for its immediate and eventual use.
Community wells or project wells for water supply shall be approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Board of Supervisors.
Fire hydrants shall be installed as per the Township specifications for locations.
Monuments shall be placed at all block corners. Same shall be of such size, length and material as approved by the Board of Supervisors.
In wooded areas or where other natural conditions exist, in such a manner that their presence adds to the desirability of a subdivision, the Board of Supervisors shall require that the subdivider preserve as much of the original trees and natural conditions as is economically feasible and require that a minimum of grading be done other than the grading and excavating which is required in the construction of the improvements in accordance with the improvement standards included herein and approved by the Board of Supervisors. In addition, the subdivider shall adhere to the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Chapter 102, Erosion Control.[1]
Editor's Note: See 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102.
All development and earthmoving activities required by applicable law under Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Chapter 102, Erosion Control Rules and Regulations shall be complied with.
The Township shall notify the Department of Environmental Protection immediately upon receipt of an application for a building permit involving an earthmoving activity which affects five or more acres of land.
The Township will not issue a building permit to those developments where it has been determined that the earthmoving activities require a permit (or verification that no permit is required) from the Department of Environmental Protection, pursuant to Section 102.41 and 102.42, relating to permit requirements, of Chapter 102, Erosion Control Rules and Regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: See 25 Pa. Code §§ 102.41 and 102.42.