Any person intending to operate a mobile home park shall furnish proof of the certificate of registration issued by the Department of Environmental Protection to said operator to the Township Secretary by February 1 of each year.
Thereupon, if the operator meets the requirements of this chapter, a license to operate a mobile home park in Charleston Township shall be issued to the operator by the Township Supervisors for a period extending to the end of the current calendar year.
Whenever the Department of Environmental Protection suspends or revokes the certificate of registration upon inspection of any mobile home park or it is determined that conditions or practices exist which are in violation of any provision of this chapter, or any regulations adopted pursuant thereto, the Township Secretary shall give notice in writing to the person, advising him that unless such conditions are corrected within a reasonable period of time specified in the notice, the license to operate in the Township shall be suspended. At the end of such period, the mobile home park shall be inspected, and if such conditions or practices are not corrected and the licensee has not requested a hearing, the Township Secretary shall suspend the license and give notice in writing of such suspension to the operator.
A representative of the Township may inspect a mobile home park to determine compliance with this chapter.
The inspector may, at his discretion, give notice for violations of this chapter and issue notice thereof, without express authority from the Township Supervisors in each instance.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
All mobile homes which are set up in the mobile home park shall display the insignia of certification as required and issued by the Department of Community and Economic Development under the Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Authorization Act, 35 P.S. § 1656.1 et seq., or as amended, and be free of any damage incurred by transporting the units from the manufacturer to the site. The Township Secretary shall notify the Department of Community and Economic Development of all violations of the Act.
All proposed mobile home parks shall follow the regular procedures and requirements of a normal subdivision as set forth in Article IV for preliminary plans and Article V for final plans.
A mobile home park shall have a gross area of at least five contiguous acres of land.
The location of all mobile home parks shall comply with the following minimum requirements:
Not subject to flooding or mudslide-prone areas.
Free from adverse influence by swamps, marshes, garbage or rubbish disposal areas.
Not subject to any hazard or nuisance, such as excessive noise, vibration, smoke, toxic matter, radiation, heat, odor or glare.
The grounds of the mobile home park shall be graded as per Article VIII, § 235-810.
All mobile home lots within the park shall have a minimum area of 5,000 square feet.
Mobile homes shall be located at least 35 feet from the right-of-way of all public roads and highways and at least 20 feet from other park boundaries.
Front yard setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet from the park road rights-of-way.
Side yard and rear yard setback shall be a minimum of 15 feet from the lot boundary.
The Board of Supervisors has the right to require screening material such as fences or natural growth along the park boundary adjacent to residential areas.
The park road system shall have road widths of a minimum of 20 feet with 50 feet rights-of-way.
All roads shall be of a paved surface in accordance with Township road standards, Article VIII, §§ 235-801, 235-802 and 235-803.
Grades of all park roads shall be a minimum of 1% to insure adequate surface drainage, but shall not exceed 10%.
All roads shall have intersections in accordance with Article VII, § 235-702.
Dead-end mobile home park roads shall be provided with culs-de-sac in accordance with Article VII, § 235-702.
All roads shall have intersections in accordance with Article VII, § 235-702.
Off-road parking for a minimum of two vehicles shall be provided at each mobile home lot. Parking spaces shall be a minimum of 20 feet by 10 feet and shall be provided with a dust-free surface.
An off-site water supply is the only acceptable source of water for a mobile home park. The off-site water supply can be from a municipal source or an approved private source. Any private water service shall meet all the standards of the Department of Environmental Protection and the Board of Supervisors.
The water distribution system to the individual lots shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors before installation.
All mobile home parks shall be serviced by off-site sanitary sewers as approved by the Department of Environmental Protection.
Installation of the sanitary sewers shall be in accordance with Article VIII, § 235-804A and C.
Installation of a sanitary sewage treatment plant and other appurtenances shall be subject to approval by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Board of Supervisors.
All storm drains and facilities shall be in accordance with Article VIII, § 235-806.