[Adopted 10-10-2013 by Ord. No. 10-10-13]
Vehicles and/or farm machinery entering or exiting a Town road constructed and maintained by the Town of Seymour must do so by means of another public roadway or by a properly constructed private or public driveway.
Access to private or public property shall not be allowed to be accomplished by driving through a road ditch.
Vehicular or farm equipment traffic through a road ditch can cause damage to the ditch or Town road, requiring Town expenditures for maintenance and repair of the ditch and/or road.
Persons violating this article shall be subject to a civil penalty in the amount of moneys necessarily incurred by the Town to repair the Town ditch and/or road plus a fine not to exceed $1,000 for each offense.
This article shall not apply to parties who have obtained a utility permit to perform work within the Town road right-of-way.