In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters of the 2017 Code have been included in the 2024 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not applicable; was reserved in prior publication.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
Chapter/Title From 2017 Code
Location in 2024 Code
Ch. 1, Town of Seymour Composition and Duties
Ch. 4
Ch. 2, Seymour Town Board and Other Meetings
Ch. 91
Ch. 3, Village Powers
See Ch. 91, § 91-2
Ch. 4, Alternate Claim Procedure for Refunds of Tax Payments in Excess of Tax Bill Amounts
Ch. 40, Art. I
Ch. 5, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation Distribution of Gaseous Fuel, Natural, Manufactured or Mixed
Ch. 6, Speed Zones
Ch. 222, Art. II
Ch. 7, Application for Mound System or Holding Tank(s)
Ch. 185, Art. I
Ch. 8, Stop Signs
Ch. 222, Art. III
Ch. 9, Driveway and Culvert Permits
Repealed by Ord. No. 08-11-22B; see Ch. 204, Art. III
Ch. 10, W. High Street - Installation and Maintenance of Storm Sewer
See Ch. 204, Art. IV
Ch. 11, Utility Excavations, Alterations or Obstructions in Town Right-of-Way
Ch. 204, Art. II
Ch. 12, Placement of Address Signs
Ch. 166, Art. I
Ch. 13, Creation of a Constable Position
REP; see Ch. 4, § 4-3
Ch. 14, Outagamie County Emergency Management Ordinance (reference statement only)
Ch. 33, Art. IV
Ch. 15
Ch. 16, Outagamie County Emergency Telephone Ordinance (reference statement only)
Ch. 33, Art. V
Ch. 17, Salem Evangelical Association Cemetery
Ch. 120
Ch. 18, Extraterritorial Zoning Ordinance
Ch. 240
Ch. 19, Town of Seymour Licenses, Permits and Fees
Ch. 135, Art. I
Ch. 20, Adult-Oriented Establishments
Ch. 105
Ch. 21, Town of Seymour Livestock Facilities Licensing Ordinance
Ch. 145
Ch. 22, Town of Seymour Public Nuisance Ordinance
Ch. 159
Ch. 23, Outdoor Furnaces
Ch. 171
Ch. 24, Town of Seymour Manufactured Home Requirements
Ch. 152
Ch. 25, Municipal Court
(1) Entry into a Joint Municipal Court (no text)
See Ch. 53
(2) Issuance of Citations (no text)
See Ch. 21
Ch. 26, Elections
(1) Allow 2 or More Shifts to Work (no text)
See Ch. 29, Art. I
Ch. 27, Alternative Energy
(1) Wind and Solar Energy (no text)
(2) Small Wind Energy System (no text)
See Ch. 190
Ch. 36, Outagamie County Motor Vehicles and Traffic Ordinance (reference statement only)
Ch. 222, Art. IV
(1) Class B Highway Limits (no text)
See Ch. 222, Art. I
(2) Damage to Town Roads or Ditches (no text)
See Ch. 204, Art. I
Ch. 38, Outagamie County Nonmetallic Mining Ordinance (reference statement only)
Ch. 156
Ch. 44, Outagamie County Shoreland-Wetland Zoning Ordinance (reference statement only)
Ch. 250
Ch. 46, Outagamie County Solid Waste Ordinance (reference statement only)
Ch. 196, Art. III
Ch. 47, Town of Seymour Disposition of Waste Material Ordinance
Ch. 196, Art. I
Ch. 48, Town of Seymour Landfill Ordinance
Ch. 196, Art. II
Ch. 50, Outagamie County Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Property Ordinance (reference statement only)
Ch. 204, Art. V
Ch. 52, Outagamie County Subdivision Ordinance (reference statement only)
Ch. 252
Ch. 54, Outagamie County Zoning Ordinance (reference statement only)
Ch. 254