Residential service rate.
Designation: RS (Code 300).
Application: The following rate applies to any customer using electric service for residential purposes in individual, private dwellings and in individually metered apartments for electricity supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. The residential service rate is not applicable to resale, temporary, standby or supplemental service.
Monthly rate: The total monthly bill for RS customers shall be equal to the sum of: (i) the monthly customer charge; (ii) the applicable energy charge multiplied by the number of kilowatt hours used; and (iii) the recovery adjustment factor multiplied by the number of kilowatt hours used. The charges applicable to RS customers are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Type of service: The City will supply single-phase service (or three-phase service if available at the point of delivery) at sixty (60) cycles and at any standard voltages available from the City’s distribution system through one standard transformation. Where service of the type desired by the customer is not already available at the point of service, special contract arrangements between the City and the customer may be required prior to furnishing service.
Payment: Bills are due and payable and become past due if not paid within twenty (20) days after mailing. If payment has not been received by the Customer Service Department within twenty-four (24) days after mailing, a late payment penalty of five percent (5%) shall be due on the unpaid balance. Utility service may be discontinued to any customer having a past-due bill.
Recovery adjustment factor: Each electric customer utility billing shall contain a recovery adjustment factor, expressed as a charge per kwh, which will allow for the recovery of the electric system’s total revenue requirements not recovered by the customer charge and energy charge, while maintaining a competitive market position. The Managing Director of the Electric Department shall determine and approve a recovery adjustment factor each month.
Tax adjustment clause: Bills may be increased by the proportionate part of any new tax, or increased rate of tax, or governmental imposition or charge (except state, county, City and special district ad valorem taxes, payments in lieu of taxes, and any taxes on net income) levied or assessed against the municipal electric utility or upon its electric business as a result of any new or amended laws after October l, 1989.
General service-small.
Designation: GS-S (Code 310).
Application: The following rate is applicable to electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. At the City’s option, more than one meter may apply. The rate is not applicable to resale, temporary, standby or supplemental service, except in conjunction with an applicable rider.
Monthly rate: The total monthly bill for GS-S customers shall be equal to the sum of: (i) the monthly customer charge; (ii) the applicable energy charge multiplied by the number of kilowatt hours used; and (iii) the recovery adjustment factor multiplied by the number of kilowatt hours used. The charges applicable to GS-S customers are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Demand limitations: When the customer’s monthly usage exceeds seven thousand three hundred (7,300) kwh for two (2) consecutive months and if measured demand exceeds twenty (20) kw thereafter, the customer shall have the option to change to GS-l rate for a minimum of one year. When the customer’s monthly measured demand exceeds thirty (30) kw for two (2) consecutive months, the customer shall be transferred to the GS-L (Code 314) rate for a minimum of one year.
Type of service: Service shall be single- or three-phase at sixty (60) cycles and any standard voltages available from the distribution system and through one standard transformation. Where entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard-type meter, consumption on each meter will be billed separately. At the request of the customer, primary metering may be provided at customer’s expense.
Payments: Same as for rate RS.
Recovery adjustment factor: Same as for rate RS.
Tax adjustment clause: Same as for rate RS.
General service-large.
Designation: GS-L (Code 314).
Application: The following rate is applicable to any customer for all electric service and all customers with welding equipment supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. The rate is not applicable to resale, temporary, standby or supplemental service, except in conjunction with an applicable rider.
Monthly rate: Monthly rates are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Billing demand: The demand shall be the kw supplied during the fifteen-minute period of maximum use during the current month, as determined by utility’s demand meter, but not less than seventy percent (70%) of the maximum kw similarly determined during the previous billing months of May, June, July, August, September or October in the twelve (12) months ending with the current month, nor less than twenty (20) kw.
Type of service: Service shall be single- or three-phase service at sixty (60) cycles and any standard voltages available from the distribution system with one standard transformation. Where entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard-type meter, consumption on each meter will be billed separately. At the request of the customer, primary metering may be provided at customer’s expense.
Welding service: Where the City furnishes service hereunder for the operation of welders from its existing distribution facilities without additional investment and when the welding equipment is operated in a normal manner and does not cause disturbances in the distribution system, the City agrees to take fifty percent (50%) of the customer’s connected load in welders as a basis in determining the minimum charge as long as it is not less than the minimum charge as determined by this rate schedule.
Payments: Same as for rate RS.
Contract period: As provided for in the agreement for service.
Recovery adjustment factor: Same as for rate RS.
Tax adjustment clause: Same as for rate RS.
Pursuant to the City’s obligation to comply with ERCOT Protocol 3.15.2 (including any subsequent ERCOT power factor requirements), customers that have meters capable of interval demand readings shall comply with the requirements specified in this clause. Sufficient static reactive power capability shall be installed by the customer to maintain the required ERCOT lagging power factor for the maximum net active power measured for the customer’s facilities at the customer’s point of delivery. If the City is subject to regulatory fines or penalties as a result of customer’s failure to meet the requirements specified in this clause, the City will charge customer for such fine or penalty and customer shall be responsible for compensating the City for the amount of the fine or penalty. The City may make such changes to its system to mitigate the effects of customer’s non-compliance with requirements specified in this clause at the customer’s expense for the proportional cost of such changes. In addition, for customers that fail to meet the requirements specified in this clause, billed demand shall be adjusted by the following formula:
Adjusted billed demand
Metered demand for the month X ERCOT lagging power factor
Measured power factor for the month
Public institutional electric service rate.
Designation: PS-1 (Code 333).
Application: The following rate is applicable to all churches, public schools and public welfare nonprofit organizations that charge no dues or membership fees, for all lighting, heating and power used for nonprofit institutional service. The rates are not applicable to resale, temporary, standby or supplementary service.
Monthly rate: Monthly rates are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Type of service: The service shall be single- or three-phase at sixty (60) cycles and at any standard voltages available from the distribution system through one standard transformation. Where the entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard-type meter, consumption on each meter will be billed separately. At the request of the customer, primary metering may be provided at customer’s expense.
Payments: Same as for rate RS.
Recovery adjustment factor: Same as for rate RS.
Tax adjustment clause: Same as for rate RS.
Municipal water and sewerage pumping service rate.
Designation: MWS-1 (Code 340).
Application: The following rate is applicable to all governmental agencies for power used for the pumping of water and sewage. It is also applicable to lighting and heating incidental to water and sewage pumping facilities. It is not applicable to resale, temporary, standby or supplemental service.
Monthly rate: Monthly rates are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Billing demand: The average kw supplied during the fifteen-minute periods of maximum use during the current month, as determined by utility’s demand meter, but not less than twenty (20) kw.
Minimum bill: The minimum bill is designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Type of service: The service shall be single- or three-phase at sixty (60) cycles and at any standard voltage available from the distribution system through one standard transformation at each meter location. Where the entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard-type meter, consumption on each meter will be billed separately. At the request of the customer, primary metering may be provided at customer’s expense.
Payments: Same as for rate RS.
Recovery adjustment factor: Same as for rate RS.
Tax adjustment clause: Same as for rate RS.
Contract period: As provided for in the agreement for service.
Intracity service.
Designation: ICS (Code 345).
Application: The following rates are applicable to governmental agencies of the City, for power, other than the pumping of water and sewage.
Net monthly rate: Monthly rates are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Minimum bill: None.
Type of service: The service shall be single- or three-phase at sixty (60) cycles and at any standard voltage available from the distribution system through one standard transformation at each meter location. Where the entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard-type meter, consumption on each meter will be billed separately.
Recovery adjustment factor: Same as for rate RS.
Tax adjustment clause: Same as for rate RS.
Intracity water and sewer pumping service rate.
Designation: IMP.
Application: The following rate is applicable to governmental agencies and departments of the City, for power used for the pumping of water and sewage. It is also applicable to lighting and heating incidental to water and sewage pumping facilities.
Monthly rate: Monthly rates are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Billing demand: The average kw supplied during the fifteen-minute period of maximum use during the current month, as determined by the utility’s demand meter, but not less than ten (10) kw.
Type of service: The service shall be single- or three-phase at sixty (60) cycles and at any standard voltage available from the distribution system through one standard transformation at each meter location. Where the entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard-type meter, consumption on each meter will be billed separately.
Recovery adjustment factor: Same as for rate RS.
Tax adjustment clause: Same as for rate RS.
High-tension service (5,000 kw and above).
Designation: HTS (Code 350).
Application: The following rate applies to any customer that owns, operates and maintains all the facilities required for receiving service at the voltage of delivery. The rate is not applicable to resale, temporary, standby or supplementary service.
Monthly rate: Monthly rates are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Billing demand: The average kw supplied during the fifteen-minute periods of maximum use during the current month, as determined by the utility’s demand meter.
Minimum bill: The minimum bill is designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Type of service: Service shall be three-phase service at sixty (60) cycles and any standard voltage available from the transmission system sixty thousand (60,000) volts or higher.
Contract period: As provided for in the agreement for service.
Payments: Same as for rate RS.
Recovery adjustment factor: Same as for rate RS.
Tax adjustment clause: Same as for rate RS.
Pursuant to the City’s obligation to comply with ERCOT Protocol 3.15.2 (including any subsequent ERCOT power factor requirements), customers that have meters capable of interval demand readings shall comply with the requirements specified in this clause. Sufficient static reactive power capability shall be installed by the customer to maintain the required ERCOT lagging power factor for the maximum net active power measured for the customer’s facilities at the customer’s point of delivery. If the City is subject to regulatory fines or penalties as a result of customer’s failure to meet the requirements specified in this clause, the City will charge customer for such fine or penalty and customer shall be responsible for compensating the City for the amount of the fine or penalty. The City may make such changes to its system to mitigate the effects of customer’s non-compliance with requirements specified in this clause at the customer’s expense for the proportional cost of such changes. In addition, for customers that fail to meet the requirements specified in this clause, billed demand shall be adjusted by the following formula:
Adjusted billed demand
Metered demand for the month X ERCOT lagging power factor
Measured power factor for the month
Guard light service-residential.
Designation: GL(R).
Application: The following rate applies to any residential customer for unmetered lighting service supplied exclusively to one or more outdoor-type 7,000-lumen lamps operating automatically every night from dusk to dawn.
Monthly rate: Monthly rates are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Installation and maintenance of facilities: The City will own and maintain, at its own expense at each lamp location, one 7,000-lumen outdoor luminaire together with its associated mounting bracket, supporting pole and service conductor. The customer will pay the City, in advance, the estimated expense of all labor, equipment cost and cartage for installing the number of luminaires the customer desires.
Payments: Same as for rate RS.
Guard light service-commercial.
Designation: GL(C)
Application: The following rate applies to any nonresidential customer for unmetered lighting service supplied exclusively to one or more outdoor-type 25,000-lumen lamps operating automatically every night from dusk to dawn.
Monthly rate: Monthly rates are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Installation and maintenance of facilities: The City will own and maintain, at its own expense at each lamp location, one 25,000-lumen outdoor luminaire together with its associated mounting bracket, supporting pole and service conductor. The customer will pay the City, in advance, the estimated expense of all labor, equipment cost and cartage for installing the number of luminaires the customer desires.
Payments: Same as for rate RS.
Large load customer service.
Designation: LLC.
The following rate is available to distribution service customers whose monthly measured demand is at least 1,000 kW for at least two consecutive months of the previous twelve months. Customers that select this rate option are eligible for twelve or twenty-four month terms of service. Upon expiration of the applicable term of service, if the customer has not met the monthly measured demand requirement, then customer shall no longer be eligible for the Large Load Customer Service rate and shall be charged under an applicable service rate for the customer’s level of service. Customer shall regain eligibility for the rate upon satisfactorily meeting the required monthly measured demand.
Customers that are a party to an economic development incentive agreement with the City that provides an electric rate or method of electric rate calculation may be ineligible to participate in this rate.
Customers switching from LLC to GS-L shall be required to stay enrolled in GS-L for at least twelve months before moving back to LLC.
This rate is not applicable to resale, temporary, standby, or supplemental service, except in conjunction with an applicable rider.
Type of Service: Distribution Service - Service received by a customer at standard voltage from the City’s distribution system at less than sixty thousand (60,000) volts.
Standard Rates: The customer’s rate shall consist of the following components:
Energy rate.
Based on customer’s load profile and characteristics and term of service, grossed up for distribution system losses.
Transmission rate.
Based on GP&L’s net transmission system cost and postage stamp expense, grossed up for distribution system losses. The transmission rate shall be adjusted after PUCT approval of each annual total ERCOT postage stamp rate.
ERCOT administration rate.
Based on ERCOT’s administration charges and fees at the effective date of the term of service, grossed up for distribution system losses. The ERCOT administration rate shall be adjusted upon ERCOT’s implementation of new administration charges and fees.
Congestion rate.
Based on GP&L’s average congestion cost for the 12-month period preceding the effective date of the term of service, grossed up for distribution system losses.
Ancillary services rate.
Based on GP&L’s average ancillary services cost for the 12-month period preceding the effective date of the term of service, grossed up for distribution system losses.
Distribution service rate.
Rates are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
The foregoing rate components shall be grossed up by the percentage used by the City to determine its return on investment from GP&L into the City’s general fund.
Power Factor Adjustment: Pursuant to the City’s obligation to comply with ERCOT Protocol 3.15.2 (including any subsequent ERCOT power factor requirements), customers that have meters capable of interval demand readings shall comply with the requirements specified in this clause. Sufficient static reactive power capability shall be installed by the customer to maintain the required ERCOT lagging power factor for the maximum net active power measured for the customer’s facilities at the customer’s point of delivery. If the City is subject to regulatory fines or penalties as a result of customer’s failure to meet the requirements specified in this clause, the City will charge customer for such fine or penalty and customer shall be responsible for compensating the City for the amount of the fine or penalty. The City may make such changes to its system to mitigate the effects of customer’s non-compliance with requirements specified in this clause at the customer’s expense for the proportional cost of such changes. In addition, a power factor adjustment charge will be included if the customer does not meet the requirements specified in this power factor requirement, calculated as follows:
Power factor adjustment
ERCOT lagging power factor
Measured power factor for the month
For customers not meeting the power factor requirements, the distribution service rate shall be multiplied by the power factor adjustment.
Transmission voltage service.
Designation: TVS
The following rate is available to transmission service customers. Customers that select this rate option are eligible for twelve or twenty-four month service terms.
Customers that are a party to an economic development incentive agreement with the City that provides an electric rate or method of electric rate calculation may be ineligible to participate in this rate.
This rate is not applicable to resale, temporary, standby, or supplemental service, except in conjunction with an applicable rider.
Type of Service: Transmission Service - Service received by a customer at standard voltage available from the City’s transmission system at sixty thousand (60,000) volts or higher.
Standard Rates: The customer’s rate shall consist of the following components.
Energy rate.
Based on customer’s load profile and characteristics and term and type of contract.
Transmission rate.
Based on GP&L’s net transmission system cost and postage stamp expense. The transmission rate shall be adjusted after PUCT approval of each annual Total ERCOT Postage Stamp Rate.
ERCOT administration rate.
Based on ERCOT’s administration charges and fees at the effective date of the term of service. The ERCOT administration rate shall be adjusted upon ERCOT’s implementation of new administration charges and fees.
Congestion rate.
Based on GP&L’s average congestion cost for the 12-months preceding the effective date of the term of service.
Ancillary services rate.
Based on GP&L’s average ancillary services cost for the 12-months preceding the effective date of the term of service.
GP&L administration rate.
Rates are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
The foregoing rate components shall be grossed up by the percentage used by the City to determine its return on investment from GP&L into the City’s general fund.
Power Factor Adjustment: Pursuant to the City’s obligation to comply with ERCOT Protocol 3.15.2 (including any subsequent ERCOT power factor requirements), customers that have meters capable of interval demand readings shall comply with the requirements specified in this clause. Sufficient static reactive power capability shall be installed by the customer to maintain the required ERCOT lagging power factor for the maximum net active power measured for the customer’s facilities at the customer’s point of delivery. If the City is subject to regulatory fines or penalties as a result of customer’s failure to meet the requirements specified in this clause, the City will charge customer for such fine or penalty and customer shall be responsible for compensating the City for the amount of the fine or penalty. The City may make such changes to its system to mitigate the effects of customer’s non-compliance with requirements specified in this clause at the customer’s expense for the proportional cost of such changes.
In addition, the City shall charge customer for failure to meet the requirements specified in this power factor requirement a power factor adjustment calculated as follows:
Power factor adjustment
ERCOT lagging power factor
Measured power factor for the month
For customers not meeting the power factor requirements, the foregoing rate components shall be multiplied by the power factor adjustment.
Riders to rate schedule.
The following riders to the foregoing rate schedule are hereby established:
Industrial development rider.
Availability: This rider is available only with rate general service-large (GS-L).
Application: This rider is available to:
New customers building new electrical power consuming facilities resulting in a minimum of 500 kw demand for electrical service under rate GS-L; or
Existing GS-L customers with a minimum of 500 kw demand for electrical service that increase electrical demand and consumption by at least five percent (5%) and result in increased employment.
Method of charge: Rate shall be applied as set forth in the rate schedule GS-L except for the monthly billing demand which will be adjusted according to the following table:
Time period
Reduction to billing demand
Initial 12 months
30% of demand
Second 12 months
20% of demand
Third 12 months
10% of demand
Conditions of service: Reduction to billing demand shall apply as follows:
All demand of new customers qualifying for service under subsections (b)(i) and (ii) of this rider.
Demand in excess of the highest actual peak demand established during the current and the twenty-three previous billing periods of existing customers applying under subsection (b)(ii) of this industrial development rider.
Residential distributed generation rider.
Availability: This rider is available only to residential customers with solar or wind electric power producing facilities of 10 kilowatts (kw) or less that are located on a residential premises and serve that premises exclusively. This rider is available for use only with the residential service rate.
Application: This rider is available to customers with a solar or wind powered device that generates 10 kilowatts (kw) or less of electric power at a voltage of 600 volts or less from a residential electric customer’s premises in parallel with the City’s electric utility systems.
Method of charge: The customer shall be entitled to a produced energy credit based upon the energy produced and delivered by the power producing facility into the City’s electric utility system during a specific billing period. The customer shall be credited an amount equal to the recovery adjustment factor that the City has in place at the time of billing, times the energy delivered into the utility system.
Conditions of service: The customer must execute a distributed generation interconnection agreement for residential solar and wind electric power producing facilities.
Green rate rider.
Availability: This rider is available to all customer classes, except LLC and TVS.
Application: The following rider applies to any customer using electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. The rider is not applicable to resale, temporary, standby or supplemental service.
Requirement: Customers opting for the Green Rate Rider will be required to stay enrolled for a period of at least twelve months.
Method of charge: Designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Transmission voltage service rider.
Availability: This rider is available only with rate Transmission Voltage Service (TVS).
Application: This rider is available to customers whose monthly measured demand is at least 10 MW for at least two consecutive months of the previous twelve months. Customers that are a party to an economic development incentive agreement with the City that provides an electric rate or method of electric rate calculation may be ineligible to participate in this rate.
Method of Charge: Customers that select this option are eligible for twelve or twenty-four month terms of service. Customer’s rate and structure and terms and conditions shall be based on the customer’s load profile and characteristics, capability to implement service terms and conditions, and the term of service. Upon expiration of the service term, if customer has not met the monthly measured demand requirement, then customer shall not be eligible for this rate and shall be charged under the applicable service rate.
Any person who makes a deposit for utility services with the City, or who accepts or receives utility service from the City agrees thereby that, in the event of a default in payment for such utility services, venue for proceedings to collect payment shall lie in Dallas County, Texas. A deposit to ensure payment of utility charges shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule:
Residential customers.
Electric, water, and sewer service customers.
Upon application for electric, water and sewer services provided by the City to a residential account, a deposit shall be placed with the City by the applicant in the amount designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10. The deposit may be waived by the City if the customer provides:
A recent letter from another utility demonstrating a good payment history between the customer and the other utility for a period of at least twelve (12) months; or
An acceptable credit history report from a nationally or regionally recognized credit reporting agency.
If utility services are disconnected to any one customer for a second time within the most recent twelve (12) months, then the deposit amount may be increased to the amount of service charges for an estimated sixty (60) days’ usage for that customer, such amount to be determined by the Customer Service Department. Once an existing customer demonstrates an acceptable pay record, based on the last twelve (12) months’ payments, the deposit may be refunded.
If a customer requests termination of services and the deposit has not been refunded, any outstanding charges due the City after termination of services shall be withdrawn from the deposit and the balance thereafter remaining, if any, shall be returned to the customer.
Water and sewer service customers.
Upon application for water and sewer services provided by the City to residential property, a deposit shall be placed with the City by the applicant in the amount designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10. If the applicant provides a recent letter of credit acceptable to the City from another utility, the deposit may be waived. If water and sewer services are disconnected to any one customer for a second time within the most recent twelve (12) months, then the deposit amount may be increased to the amount of service charges for an estimated sixty (60) days’ usage for that customer, such amount to be determined by the Customer Service Department.
Once an existing customer demonstrates an acceptable pay record based on the last twelve (12) months’ payments, the deposit may be refunded.
If a customer requests termination of services and the deposit has not been refunded, the outstanding charges due the City after termination of such services will be withdrawn from the deposit and any balance shall be returned to the customer.
Commercial or industrial customers.
Commercial and industrial customers shall be required to make a deposit equivalent to service charges for an estimated sixty (60) days’ service. Deposits may be refunded upon acceptable pay history for one year. The deposit may be waived if the applicant has established acceptable credit.
Service charges and fees.
Reconnection service charge.
Reconnection service charges are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Account connection charge.
Account connection charges are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Returned check charge. Returned check charges are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Meter test fee. The meter test fee is designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Tampering with service fee.
This fee applies in any case of tampering with a customer’s meter installation or interference with the proper working thereof, or any other tampering with utility service by any person on the customer’s premises or evidence of any such tampering, interference, theft or service diversion, by whomsoever done, at the customer’s premises. The regular fee covers the costs associated with the detection and confirmation of service diversion, the disconnection and reconnection of service, and the estimation (but not usage) of the cost of power, energy, and water not recorded on the meter by reason of the tampering or service diversion:
Regular fee: The regular fee is designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Additional charges: In addition to the regular fee, the customer will be billed for expenses for damage to, replacement of, destruction of or misuse of the City’s equipment and for power, energy, water, and sewer services not recorded on the customer’s meter by reason of the tampering or service diversion at the appropriate rate (the amount of which may be estimated by the City from the best available data).
Meter upgrade fee.
A customer receiving electric service through a 75 KVA transformer or larger or having a measured demand of 50 KW or greater may obtain a meter upgrade from the City’s standard-issue mechanical analog meter to a solid-state multi-functional meter capable of digital data transmission upon payment of the applicable fee designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Utility lien filing administration fee.
In the event a utility lien is filed against a customer’s property the customer shall owe the applicable fee designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Electric meter seal cut charge.
In the event an electric meter seal is found to have been intentionally cut by customer or homeowner, the customer shall owe the applicable fee designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Other miscellaneous service fees.
The customer shall owe other applicable miscellaneous service fees, including but not limited to removal of meter(s) for unauthorized use, non-emergency service calls, and meter rechecks, as designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
(Ordinance 4109, sec. 1, adopted 7/21/87; Ordinance 4238, sec. 1, adopted 10/18/88; Ordinance 4271, secs. 1, 3, adopted 11/15/88; Ordinance 4321, secs. 1, 2, adopted 4/4/89; Ordinance 4365, sec. 1, adopted 9/5/89; Ordinance 4369, sec. 1, adopted 9/19/89; Ordinance 4441, sec. 1, adopted 8/21/90; Ordinance 4501, sec. 1, adopted 5/21/91; Ordinance 4528, sec. 1, adopted 10/1/91; Ordinance 4607, sec. 1, adopted 7/21/92; Ordinance 4619, sec. 16, adopted 8/25/92; Ordinance 4627, sec. 1, adopted 9/22/92; Ordinance 4685, sec. 1, adopted 6/15/93; Ordinance 4711, sec. 5, adopted 9/21/93; Ordinance 4747, sec. 1, adopted 2/15/94; Ordinance 4793, sec. 1, adopted 8/2/94; Ordinance 4799, sec. 1, adopted 9/6/94; Ordinance 4809, sec. 2, adopted 9/20/94; Ordinance 4835, secs. 1–5, adopted 1/10/95; Ordinance 5116, sec. 1, adopted 9/16/97; Ordinance 5146, sec. 1, adopted 1/6/98; Ordinance 5217, sec. 1, adopted 10/20/98; Ordinance 5403, sec. 5, adopted 9/20/99; Ordinance 5569, sec. 1, adopted 6/5/01; Ordinance 5617, sec. 2, adopted 12/18/01; Ordinance 5675, secs. 1–3, adopted 11/5/02; Ordinance 5847, sec. 10, adopted 9/7/04; Ordinance 5886, sec. 1, adopted 3/22/05; Ordinance 6054, sec. 3, adopted 9/19/06; Ordinance 6171, sec. 1, adopted 10/16/07; Ordinance 6260, secs. 18, 19, adopted 9/2/08; Ordinance 6285, secs. 1, 2, adopted 12/2/08; Ordinance 6432, sec. 3, adopted 10/19/10; Ordinance 6797, secs. 1–2, adopted 8/18/15; Ordinance 7024, secs. 1–8, adopted 10/1/18; Ordinance 7363 adopted 9/6/2022)
Wholesale transmission service may be provided to eligible transmission service customers under the terms and at the rates set forth in the most current tariff for electric service, wholesale transmission service approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas.
(Ordinance 5748, sec. 1, adopted 7/22/03; Ordinance 5929, sec. 1, adopted 9/6/05; Ordinance 6735, sec. 1, adopted 9/16/14)
The Electric Department of the City may furnish temporary electric service when and where the system has sufficient capacity in lines, transformers, and generating equipment available for such service. “Temporary service” is defined as short-term or recurring seasonal service supplied through utility and/or customer facilities that are wholly or substantially temporary.
The applicable temporary electric service fee shall be paid to the City in advance for labor and materials to furnish service. An account establishment fee, as required by section 50.30, shall also be required. Temporary electric service fees are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Expenses not covered by these standard conditions are charged on the basis of an engineering estimate for the work required to provide services. Monthly charges for energy will be in accordance with the applicable electric service rate. In lieu of monthly billing, the City may, at its option, elect to render a single bill for all energy consumed during the period a temporary service is connected.
Extension lines.
It shall be unlawful for any person to use an extension line from any temporary service facility when such extension line extends across any street, alley, or other public right-of-way. It shall be unlawful for any extension line from a temporary service facility to be used for the purpose of supplying energy to the installed electrical wiring system of any facility, building, or structure, subject to the provisions of the City Electrical Code.
Connection and disconnection.
It shall be unlawful for any person other than authorized employees of the City to connect temporary service facilities to the City’s electric utility lines or to disconnect such facilities from the City’s electric utility lines.
(Ordinance 6260, sec. 20, adopted 9/2/08; Ordinance 7363 adopted 9/6/2022)
Water service installation fees.
Water service installation fees shall be paid to the City to cover the cost of labor, materials, and equipment used in setting water metering equipment.
Sewer service installation fees.
Sewer service installation fees shall be paid to the City to cover the cost of labor, materials, and equipment to make the tap and extend the sewer lateral from the main to the nearest property or easement line. These charges are for new service installations where none existed and where new service installations are required by builder or owner because of size or location changes.
Estimated costs.
The estimated cost of the water and/or sewer service installation shall be furnished, upon request, on a case-by-case basis. This estimate must be paid by the person requesting the service at the time application is made for service installation. No work will commence prior to the fee being paid.
Private installation of water and sewer taps.
Installation of water and sewer taps by private contractors is allowed, providing contractor employs or is a master plumber, licensed by the state, and has obtained all necessary permits and bonding required by the City.
There will be no installation charges for replacements of existing sewer service connections.
Each dwelling unit shall have its own water and sewer service except when there are six (6) or more contiguous dwelling units in a single development under one ownership and/or management when the installation shall be considered as a commercial service.
(Ordinance 5932, sec. 3, adopted 9/6/05; Ordinance 6485, sec. 5, adopted 9/6/11)
Volume charges.
Each monthly billing for water service shall include a charge for the volume of water used, based upon the metered flow, and calculated as designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Base charges.
Residential accounts (single family, duplex, townhome, and similar one meter per household): Each monthly billing for residential accounts shall include a base charge as designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Multifamily accounts:
Each monthly billing for multifamily accounts shall include a base charge as designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Other meters associated with a multifamily use, such as laundry rooms, pools, and other amenities, will be charged a base rate at the commercial/industrial rates, dependent on meter size.
Commercial and industrial accounts: Each monthly billing for commercial and industrial accounts shall include a base charge, based on meter size, as designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Construction and irrigation rates.
When necessary to measure water usage with a high velocity water meter for construction purposes and at the customer’s request, the water rate for that service shall be the same as the applicable commercial/industrial rate, including the prevailing monthly base charge based on a 3-inch meter size, plus the commercial/industrial volume charge per 1,000 gallons of use. A deposit in the amount set forth in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule of Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances shall be collected when the water meter is issued, which deposit shall be refunded less the cost of damage, if any, to the meter when the meter is returned. A meter that serves only an irrigation system (without an associated wastewater account) will be billed a base charge based on the meter size for the account, and a volume charge based on the class of service for the account.
Rates outside city limits.
All rates for service outside the corporate limits of the City shall be at least one and one-half times the rate for that classification of service inside the City limits as provided in subsection (A) above, unless the customer has executed a contract that provides an alternate, specified rate.
City departments.
Water furnished through the City’s water system to the various departments of the City shall be paid for by such departments out of appropriations made by the City Council for those respective operations at the commercial/industrial rates provided in subsection (A), above.
Bills are due and payable and become past due if not paid within 20 days after the billing date. If payment is not received by the Customer Service Department within 24 days after the billing date, a late payment penalty of five percent shall be due on the unpaid balance. Utility service may be discontinued to any customer having a past due bill.
Adjustments due to changes in law.
Until amended by the City Council, the rates provided in this section will be increased as necessary by the proportionate part of any new, increased or newly applicable tax, charge or fee levied or assessed against the City’s municipal water utility or upon its operations.
Fund balance, review, and use of funds.
The rates established by this section are intended to provide for a 45-day fund balance and shall remain in effect during the applicable time period until increased, decreased or further amended by the City Council. The City Council shall review the rates established by this section semi-annually to determine whether an increase or decrease in the applicable rates is necessary or warranted. A balance in the water and wastewater fund(s) in excess of that necessary to maintain a 45-day fund balance may be used only for rate reduction, debt reduction, and capital improvements for the water and wastewater systems. No transfers shall be made from the excess fund balance of either the water or wastewater fund(s) for any purpose not related to the water and wastewater systems.
Emergency medical services fee.
A monthly fee, as designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10, is due with each bill for the costs of emergency medical services, including salary and overtime related to medical personnel.
The monthly fee established by this subsection is applicable to each and every customer served by a municipal water account and shall be due and collected in conjunction with the bill for water services for each meter serving the customer. If multiple dwelling units, business operations or lease spaces are served through one meter, every such dwelling unit, business operation or separate lease space served by the meter shall be considered a separate customer on that meter, and a separate fee shall be collected for each such customer.
(Ordinance 4238, sec. 1, adopted 9/20/88; Ordinance 4525, sec. 1, adopted 10/1/91; Ordinance 4619, sec. 17, adopted 8/25/92; Ordinance 5138, sec. 1, adopted 12/2/97; Ordinance 5666, sec. 7, adopted 9/17/02; Ordinance 5763, sec. 2, adopted 9/2/03; Ordinance 5847, sec. 11, adopted 9/7/04; Ordinance 5907, secs. 1, 2, adopted 6/21/05; Ordinance 6054, sec. 4, adopted 9/19/06; Ordinance 6260, secs. 21, 22 adopted 9/2/08; Ordinance 6318, sec. 1, adopted 6/2/09; Ordinance 6350, sec. 5, adopted 9/1/09; Ordinance 6423, sec. 1, adopted 9/7/10; Resolution 9959, secs. 1–2, adopted 9/21/10; Ordinance 6485, sec. 6, adopted 9/6/11; Ordinance 6568, sec. 1, adopted 9/4/12; Ordinance 6640, sec. 1, adopted 9/3/13; Ordinance 6730, sec. 1, adopted 9/2/14; Ordinance 6805, sec. 1, adopted 9/15/15; Ordinance 6857, sec. 4, adopted 9/6/16; Ordinance 6937, sec. 1, adopted 9/19/17; Ordinance 7017, secs. 10–11, adopted 9/18/18; Ordinance 7035, sec. 1, adopted 2/5/19; Ordinance 7086, sec. 1, adopted 9/3/19; Ordinance 7252 adopted 9/14/21; Ordinance 7363 adopted 9/6/2022; Ordinance 7395 adopted 1/17/2023)
Base and volume charges. Each monthly billing for sewer service shall include a base charge and a charge for the volume of wastewater discharged as designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
Residential accounts.
The base charge for residential accounts is the monthly charge for an account. The volume charge will be based on 98% of the metered water consumption for the account. The maximum charge will not exceed the base charge plus a volume charge for the lesser of 17,000 gallons per month or 98% of the average metered water volume billed to the account during the previous December–March period for that specific customer. For a new account, if at least three of the four months for the previous December–March period are not complete months for that specific customer, the customer’s individual ceiling is 9,000 gallons until a new average is established for the customer.
Duplex dwelling residential accounts.
The base charge for duplex dwelling residential accounts is the monthly charge for an account. The volume charge will be based on 98% of the metered water consumption for the account. The maximum charge will not exceed the base charge plus a volume charge for the lesser of 34,000 gallons per month or 98% of the average metered water volume billed to the account during the previous December–March period for that specific customer. For a new account, if at least three of the four months for the previous December–March period are not complete months for that specific customer, the customer’s individual ceiling is 18,000 gallons until a new average is established for the customer.
Multifamily accounts.
The base charge for multifamily accounts is the monthly charge for an account. The volume charge is unrestricted and will be based on 80% of metered water consumption.
General commercial/industrial accounts.
The base charge for general commercial/industrial accounts is the monthly charge for an account. The volume charge is unrestricted. The volume charge will be based on 80% of metered water consumption.
Major commercial/industrial users.
A separate subclass and rate may be established for major commercial and industrial users.
Bills are due and payable and become past due if not paid within 20 days after the date of billing. If payment is not received by the Customer Service Department within 24 days after the date of billing, a late payment penalty of five percent shall be due on the unpaid balance. Utility service may be discontinued to any customer having a past due bill.
Outside city limits. Charges for service outside the city limits shall be as established under the terms of the wastewater service contract.
Adjustments due to changes in law. Until amended by the City Council, the rates provided in this section will be increased as necessary by the proportionate part of any new, increased or newly applicable tax, charge or fee levied or assessed against the City’s municipal wastewater system or upon its operations.
Customer cities rates.
The wastewater treatment charges for customer cities are designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
The customer cities’ rates shall be applied to a volume (in thousand gallons) based on 80% of the water volume received by the customer unless the customer has installed a city-approved flow-measuring device, in which case the total measured flow will be used.
Noncompliant wastewater surcharge.
A surcharge will be applied to the rate provided in subsection (A) if the wastewater discharged into the City’s wastewater system by the customer exceeds the quality loading data (weighted average biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and weighted average total suspended solids (TSS)) used in the development of the specified rate by fifty percent or more. The surcharge will be computed using the following formula:
BOD and TSS Surcharge Calculation (mg/1)
S1 = V x (BOD - C) * A
S2 = V x (TSS - D) * B
S1 = BOD Surcharge S2 = TSS Surcharge
S2 = TSS Surcharge
V = Total water consumption in thousands of gallons during the billing period
A = Unit charge in dollars per liter for BOD
B = Unit charge in dollars per liter for TSS
C = Normal BOD strength allowance defined as 250 mg/1
D = Normal TSS strength allowance defined as 250 mg/1
BOD = Average 3-month biochemical oxygen demand concentration in mg/1
TSS = Average 3-month total suspended solids concentration in mg/1
If the affected customer installs and operates pretreatment facilities, improves its processes or otherwise improves the quality of the customer’s effluent, the customer may request a review of its rate, the discontinuation of the surcharge, or both. To obtain this review, the customer must:
Make a formal written request to the Director of Water for a rate review;
Provide formal assurance that a change in the effluent because of pretreatment, product manufacturing or process change, or other reason will remain in effect for at least 12 months or until the next scheduled rate review;
Agree that the cost of sampling by city staff (or an independent party at the city’s election) to determine the new loading factors, plus the cost of two more samples to be taken at the city’s own discretion, will be prepaid by the customer. In the event the city elects not to take additional samples or if the next samples are part of the regularly scheduled sampling plan, the cost of the prepaid samples will be refunded by the city to the customer. The cost of samplings is designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
The city shall have 45 days from the date the written request is received by the Director of Water to take action on the request for a rate or surcharge review. If the customer is determined by the city to be entitled to a rate reduction, the maximum amount of the reduction to be allowed is the variable costs associated with the new effluent loadings to be computed in the same manner as the surcharge as provided above. The Director may take any action the Director deems equitable with respect to the customer’s rate, but until such action is taken, the customer’s obligation to pay rates previously established shall not be relieved unless the customer’s rate as provided in this section is amended by formal Council action.
Prior to the implementation of the proposed rates for each budget year, each customer will have the right to an administrative review of the cost allocations that form the basis of the customer’s proposed rate. Computer calculations, work papers and sampling data shall be available for public review during normal business hours.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede or modify the industrial waste provisions contained in chapter 22 of this Code or any associated penalties.
(Ordinance 4141, sec. 1, adopted 10/20/87; Ordinance 4168, sec. 1, adopted 12/8/87; Ordinance 4463, sec. 1, adopted 10/16/90; Ordinance 4257, sec. 1, adopted 10/18/88; Ordinance 4373, sec. 1, adopted 10/17/89; Ordinance 4530, sec. 1, adopted 10/15/91; Ordinance 4631, sec. 1, adopted 10/20/92; Ordinance 4722, sec. 1, adopted 10/19/93; Ordinance 4727, sec. 1, adopted 11/16/93; Ordinance 4814, sec. 1, adopted 10/18/94; Ordinance 4830, sec. 1, adopted 12/20/94; Ordinance 4907, sec. 1, adopted 10/3/95; Ordinance 4961, sec. 1, adopted 4/2/96; Ordinance 5019, sec. 1, adopted 10/1/96; Ordinance 5057, sec. 1, adopted 3/18/97; Ordinance 5121, sec. 1, adopted 10/21/97; Ordinance 5139, sec. 1, adopted 12/2/97; Ordinance 5216, sec. 1, adopted 10/20/98; Ordinance 5413, sec. 1, adopted 10/19/99; Ordinance 5508, sec. 1, adopted 10/17/00; Ordinance 5595, sec. 4, adopted 9/4/01; Ordinance 5606, sec. 1, adopted 10/2/01; Ordinance 5666, sec. 8, adopted 9/17/02; Ordinance 5672, sec. 1, adopted 10/15/02; Ordinance 5763, sec. 3, adopted 9/2/03; Ordinance 5776, sec. 1, adopted 10/21/03; Ordinance 5847, secs. 12, 13, adopted 9/7/04; Ordinance 5855, sec. 1, adopted 10/19/04; Ordinance 5932, secs. 4, 5, adopted 9/6/05; Ordinance 5947, sec. 1, adopted 10/18/05; Ordinance 6054, secs. 5, 6, adopted 9/19/06; Ordinance 6061, sec. 1, adopted 10/3/06; Ordinance 6112, sec. 1, adopted 4/3/07; Ordinance 6149, sec. 1, adopted 8/21/07; Ordinance 6158, secs. 2, 3, adopted 9/4/07; Ordinance 6167, sec. 1, adopted 10/2/07; Ordinance 6260, secs. 23–25, adopted 9/2/08; Ordinance 6276, sec. 1, adopted 10/21/08; Ordinance 6350, secs. 6, 7, adopted 9/1/09; Ordinance 6363, sec. 1, adopted 10/20/09; Ordinance 6423, sec. 2, adopted 9/7/10; Ordinance 6485, sec. 7, adopted 9/6/11; Ordinance 6568, sec. 2, adopted 9/4/12; Ordinance 6640, sec. 2, adopted 9/3/13; Ordinance 6730, sec. 2, adopted 9/2/14; Ordinance 6805, sec. 2, adopted 9/15/15; Ordinance 6857, sec. 5, adopted 9/6/16; Ordinance 6937, sec. 2 adopted 9/19/17; Ordinance 7017, sec. 12, adopted 9/18/18; Ordinance 7035, sec. 2, adopted 2/5/19; Ordinance 7086, secs. 2–4, adopted 9/3/19; Ordinance 7252 adopted 9/14/21; Ordinance 7363 adopted 9/6/2022)
All bills for utility services rendered by the City shall normally be billed on a time interval of twenty-eight (28) days or more. The date of mailing of a bill shall be rebuttably presumed to constitute the date of receipt. Payment, delinquency, penalties and discontinuance of service for nonpayment regarding utility services, whether for water, sewer, electricity, or sanitation, or any combination of such services, shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter.
(Ordinance 4271, sec. 2, adopted 11/15/88; Ordinance 5855, sec. 2, adopted 10/19/04)
A lien securing payment of delinquent bills for utility service is hereby imposed upon and against the real property to which such utility service was delivered. The lien includes and secures the payment of the delinquent amount and all penalties, interest, and costs of collection. The lien is superior to all other liens, claims and titles except the lien for ad valorem taxes and any bona fide mortgage lien that has been recorded before the recording of the notice of lien as provided in subsection (B) of this section.
The lien may be perfected by recording a notice of the lien in the real property records of Dallas County, Texas. The notice of lien shall contain a legal description of the real property and the utility account number of the delinquent account.
The lien shall not apply to:
Homestead property as protected by the Texas Constitution; or
Utility bills for service connected in the name of a tenant after notice to the City by the property owner that the property is rental property.
(Ordinance 4365, sec. 2, adopted 9/5/89)
Backflow prevention assembly registration fees.
An annual nonrefundable registration fee as designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10, shall be charged for each nonresidential backflow prevention assembly device.
Licensed backflow prevention assembly tester registration fee.
The annual registration fee for approved testers shall be a nonrefundable fee as designated in the Master Fee and Rate Schedule, Article VII, Section 10.85, of Chapter 10.
(Ordinance 6423, sec. 3, adopted 9/7/10; Ordinance 6857, sec. 6, adopted 9/6/16; Ordinance 7363 adopted 9/6/2022)