[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Elsinboro as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 7-2-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-04]
This article may be referred to as the "Small Wind Energy System Ordinance."
This article is adopted pursuant to Township of Elsinboro authority.
The purpose of this article is to:
Facilitate the permitting of small wind energy systems.
Preserve and protect public health and safety without significantly increasing the cost or decreasing the efficiency of a small wind energy system.
In this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:[1]
A structure designed to support the gathering of wind energy resource data, and includes the tower, base plate, anchors, guy cables and hardware, anemometers (wind speed indicators), wind direction vanes, booms to hold equipment anemometers and vanes, data logger, instrument wiring, and any telemetry devices that are used to monitor or transmit wind speed and wind flow characteristics over a period of time for either instantaneous wind information or to characterize the wind resource at a given location.
The individual or entity that intends to own and operate the small wind energy system in accordance with this article.
The cross-sectional dimension of the circle swept by the rotating blades of a wind-powered energy generator.
A wind energy system, as defined in this section, that:
Is used to generate electricity;
Has a nameplate capacity of 100 kilowatts or less; and
Is as high as necessary to capture the wind energy resource at a maximum of 50 feet.
In relation to a wind energy system, the vertical distance from the ground to the tip of a wind generator blade when the tip is at its highest point.
A monopole, freestanding, or guyed structure that supports a wind generator.
A wind generator and all associated equipment, including any base, blade, foundation, nacelle, rotor, tower, transformer, vane, wire, inverter, batteries or other component necessary to fully utilize the wind generator.
Equipment that converts energy from the wind into electricity. This term includes the rotor, blades and associated mechanical and electrical conversion components necessary to generate, store and/or transfer energy.
Editor's Note: The original definitions of "administrator" and "board," which immediately followed, were repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
A small wind energy system shall be a permitted use in all zones subject to the following requirements:
Setbacks. A wind tower for a small wind energy system shall be set back a distance equal to 110% of maximum height of the tower to the top of the blades. No portion of the wind generator shall extend beyond the setback line, nor into the following:
Any public road right-of-way, unless written permission is granted by the government entity with jurisdiction over the road right-of-way.
Any overhead utility lines, unless written permission is granted by the utility that owns and/or controls the lines.
All ground-mounted electrical and control equipment shall be labeled and secured to prevent unauthorized access.
The tower shall be designed and installed so as not to provide step bolts, a ladder, or other publicly accessible means of climbing the tower, for a minimum height of eight feet above the ground.
Lighting. A small wind energy system shall not be artificially lighted unless such lighting is required by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Appearance, color, and finish. The wind generator and the tower shall remain painted or finished in the color or finish that was originally applied by the manufacturer, unless a different color of finish is approved in the zoning approval.
Signs. There shall be no signs that are visible from any public road posted on a small wind energy system or any associated building, except for the manufacturer's or installer's identification, appropriate warning signs, or owner identification.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Utility notification and interconnection. Small wind energy systems that connect to the electric utility shall comply with N.J.A.C. 14:8-4, Net Metering for Class I Renewable Energy Systems.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Met towers. A met tower shall be permitted under the same standards, permit requirements, restoration requirements and permit procedures as a small wind energy system.
Permit. A zoning permit shall be required for the installation of a small wind energy system.
Documents. The zoning permit application shall be accompanied by a plot plan which includes the following:
Property lines and physical dimensions of the property.
Location, dimensions, and types of existing major structures on the property.
Location of the proposed small wind energy system tower.
The right-of-way of any public road that is contiguous with the property.
Any overhead utility lines.
Small wind energy system specifications, including manufacturer and model, rotor diameter, tower height, and tower type (freestanding or guyed).
Fees. The application for a zoning permit for a small wind energy system must be accompanied by the fee required.
Expiration. A permit issued pursuant to this article shall expire if:
The small wind energy system is not installed and functioning within 24 months of the date the permit is issued; or
The small wind energy system is out of service or otherwise unused for a continuous twelve-month period.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
A small wind energy system that is out of service for a continuous twelve-month period will be deemed to have been abandoned.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Zoning Officer may issue a notice of abandonment to the owner of a small wind energy system that is deemed to have been abandoned. The notice shall be sent return receipt requested.
The owner shall have the right to respond to the notice of abandonment within 30 days of notice receipt date.
If the owner provides information that demonstrates the small wind energy system has not been abandoned, the Zoning Officer shall withdraw the notice of abandonment and notify the owner that the notice has been withdrawn.
If the Zoning Officer determines that the small wind energy system has been abandoned, the owner of the small wind energy system shall remove the wind generator from the tower at the owner's sole expense within three months after the owner receives the notice of abandonment.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
If the owner fails to remove the wind generator from the tower in the time allowed under Subsection E above, the Zoning Officer may pursue legal action to have the wind generator removed at the owner's expense.
An owner shall submit an application to the Zoning Officer for a zoning permit for a small wind energy system.
The Zoning Officer shall issue a permit or deny the application within 10 days, as consistent with Municipal Land Use Law, of the date on which the application is received.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
If the application is approved, the Zoning Officer will return one signed copy of the application with the zoning permit and retain the other copy with the application.
If the application is rejected, the Zoning Officer will notify the applicant, in writing, and provide a written statement of the reason why the application was rejected. The applicant may appeal the Zoning Officer's decision pursuant to the appropriate appeals authority. The applicant may reapply if the deficiencies specified by the Zoning Officer are resolved.
It is unlawful for any person to construct, install, or operate a small wind energy system that is not in compliance with this article.
Small wind energy systems installed prior to the adoption of this article are exempt from the requirements of this article, except for the provisions at § 260-7 regarding abandonment.
This article shall be administered by the Zoning Officer, as designated.
The Zoning Officer may enter any property for which a permit has been issued under this article to conduct an inspection to determine whether the conditions stated in the permit have been met.
The Zoning Officer may issue orders to abate any violation of this article.
The Zoning Officer may issue a citation for any violation of this article.
The Zoning Officer may refer any violation of this article to legal counsel for enforcement.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any person who fails to comply with any provision of this article shall be subject to enforcement and penalties as stipulated in Chapter 115, Land Development, Part 3, Zoning, § 115-65, Violations and penalties.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Township of Elsinboro Planning Board from using any other lawful means to enforce this article.
The provisions of this article are severable, and the invalidity of any section, subdivision, paragraph, or other part of this article shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remainder of this article.