Certain terms and words used in this article are defined as follows:
Inspector or inspecting authority.
The building inspector; fire marshal and/or fire chief; an authorized representative of the railroad commission of the state.
Liquefied petroleum gas.
Any material which is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons, or mixture of them: propylene; butane (normal butane or isobutane and butylenes).
Liquefied petroleum gas docket no. 1.
The rules and regulations issued by the railroad commission of the state.
Any natural person or association of natural persons, trustees, receiver or receivers, partnership, corporation, or the manager, agent, servant or employee of any of them.
The grounds, as well as all buildings and appurtenances pertaining thereto, and any adjacent premises, if directly or indirectly under the control of the same person.
Railroad commission.
The state railroad commission or any regularly authorized deputy or agent thereof.
Automobiles, trucks, trailers and all appurtenances pertaining thereto.
(Ordinance 630 adopted 3/20/61)
Compliance required.
No person shall keep, store, retain, handle, haul, transport, dispense, distribute, use or consume within the corporate limits of the city any liquefied petroleum gas except upon compliance with the requirements of this article and with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the state.
Installation permit required.
No person shall install any tank, container or equipment for the storing and/or consumption of liquefied petroleum gas, or install any piping for the distribution or use of liquefied gas on any premises within the city, until such person shall have secured a permit from the building inspector and shall be regularly licensed by the railroad commission in accordance with the provisions of article 6053, R.C.S. of Texas, 1925, as amended. No permit under this article for the installation of liquefied petroleum gas equipment shall be granted until same shall be authorized by resolution of the city council, and no installation for the handling, storage, hauling, transportation, distribution or use of liquefied petroleum gas shall be permitted within the corporate limits for heating purposes, and no installations shall be permitted in any zone within the city limits save territory or property zoned as an industrial area. No permit shall ever be granted by the city council for the installation of any tank, container or equipment designed or intended for the wholesale distribution of liquefied petroleum gas.
Plans and specifications.
Piping, pipe fittings, appliances and other equipment designed or intended for the distribution and utilization of liquefied petroleum gas shall not be installed, repaired, extended or altered until a detailed set of plans and specifications for such use and equipment has been filed with the building inspector and approved, granted and permits obtained, and all tanks and containers shall not be placed in service or filled upon the premises until the installation has been inspected and approved by the inspecting authorities; all piping, pipe fittings and appliances and other equipment for the distribution and utilization of liquefied petroleum gas shall be tested and inspected by the inspecting authorities before same shall be placed in service, and must be approved by the inspecting authority prior to use of any such equipment.
Inspection fees.
A minimum inspection charge as established by the city council from time to time and on file in the office of the city secretary shall be made for any installation hereunder.
(Ordinance 630 adopted 3/20/61)
All tanks, containers, and appurtenant equipment installed for the storage and dispensing of liquefied petroleum gas within the corporate limits of the city shall be designed, constructed, equipped and installed in a manner as required by the laws of the state as defined in the liquefied petroleum gas docket no. 1, and all special regulations of the railroad commission of the state as now or hereafter promulgated in conformity with the laws of the state. Copies of these regulations are on file with the city secretary and in the office of the building inspector, and shall be available for inspection and examination by the public.
Size of containers.
Containers larger than five thousand (5,000) water gallons’ capacity shall not be erected, installed or used.
Location of storage containers; minimum distances to property lines and/or adjoining buildings.
Storage containers shall be located with respect to property line of adjoining property and/or buildings in accordance with the following table:
Container Capacity
(Water Gallons)
0 to 500 gallons
10 feet
10 feet
501 to 2,000 gallons
15 feet
12 feet
2,001 to 4,000 gallons
25 feet
20 feet
4,001 to 6,500 gallons
50 feet
35 feet
No storage container or combination of containers shall exceed 6,500 standard U.S. gallons’ water capacity.
Installation prohibited within fire limits.
Regardless of any other wording of this article, no liquefied petroleum gas installation shall be permitted within the fire limits of the city.
(Ordinance 630 adopted 3/20/61)
It shall be unlawful for a person to store any tank trucks or truck trailers used for the transportation of liquefied petroleum gases within the fire limits of the city.
(Ordinance 630 adopted 3/20/61)
Whenever liquefied petroleum gas equipment is found to be defective or improperly installed, or is being handled or operated in such a manner as to become a menace to the public safety or welfare, same may be declared a nuisance by the building inspector or fire marshal and/or fire chief by serving written notice upon the owner thereof, or upon the person having control thereof on the premises, whereupon the matters covered in said notice shall be immediately remedied or abated.
(Ordinance 630 adopted 3/20/61)
Any person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provision set forth in section 1.01.009 of this code, and each day that any of the provisions of this article shall be violated shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 630 adopted 3/20/61)